
9.Fifteen years ago,I took a summer vacation in Lecce in southern Italy.After climbing up a hill for a panoramic(全景的) view of the blue sea,white buildings and green olive trees,I paused to catch my breath and then positioned myself to take the best photo of this panorama.
Unfortunately,just as I took out my camera,a woman approached from behind,and planted herself right in front of my view.Like me,this woman was here to stop,sigh and appreciate the view.
Patient as I was,after about 15 minutes,my camera scanning the sun and reviewing the shot I would eventually take,I grew frustrated.Was it too much to ask her to move so I could take just one picture of the landscape?Sure,I could have asked her,but something prevented me from doing so.She seemed so content in her observation.I didn't want to mess with that.
Another 15 minutes passed and I grew bored.The woman was still there.I decided to take the photo anyway.And now when I look at it,I think her presence in the photo is what makes the image interesting.The landscape,beautiful on its own,somehow comes to life and breathes because this woman is engaging with it.
This photo,with the unique beauty that unfolded before me and that woman who"ruined"it,now hangs on a wall in my bedroom.What would she think if she knew that her figure is captured(捕捉) and frozen on some stranger's bedroom wall?A bedroom,after all,is a very private space,in which some woman I don't even know has been immortalized(使…永存).In some ways,she lives in my house.
Perhaps we all live in each others'spaces.Perhaps this is what photos are for:to remind us that we all appreciate beauty,that we all share a common desire for pleasure,for connection,for something that is greater than us.
That photo is a reminder,a captured moment,an unspoken conversation between two women,separated only by a thin square of glass.

41.What happened when the author was about to take a photo?B
A.Her camera stopped working.
B.A woman blocked her view.
C.Someone asked her to leave.
D.A friend approached from behind.
42.According to the author,the woman was probablyA.
A.enjoying herself
B.losing her patience
C.waiting for the sunset
D.thinking about her past
43.In the author's opinion,what makes the photo so alive?C
A.The rich color of the landscape.
B.The perfect positioning of the camera.
C.The woman's existence in the photo.
D.The soft sunlight that summer day.
44.The photo on the bedroom wall enables the author to better understandD.
A.the need to be close to nature
B.the importance of private space
C.the joy of the vacation in Italy
D.the shared passion for beauty
45.The passage can be seen as the author's reflections uponA.
A.a particular life experience
B.the pleasure of traveling
C.the art of photography
D.a lost friendship.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了作者无奈拍摄的一张被女人干扰的照片却显得尤为生动,他也明白了共享的美丽.

解答 41.B.细节理解题.根据第二段just as I took out my camera,a woman approached from behind,and planted herself right in front of my view.Like me,this woman was here to stop,sigh and appreciate the view可知当作者要拍照时一个女人挡住了她的视线;故选B.
42.A.推理判断题.根据第二段Like me,this woman was here to stop,sigh and appreciate the view可知这个女人可能是在欣赏风景,放松自己;故选A.
43.C.推理判断题.根据第四段And now when I look at it,I think her presence in the photo is what makes the image interesting可知作者认为,是照片中的女人的存在使照片如此生动;故选C.
44.D.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段Perhaps this is what photos are for:to remind us that we all appreciate beauty,that we all share a common desire for pleasure,for connection,for something that is greater than us可知卧室墙上的照片使作者能够更好地理解分享的美丽;故选D.
45.A.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段Perhaps this is what photos are for:to remind us that we all appreciate beauty,that we all share a common desire for pleasure,for connection,for something that is greater than us可知这段文字可以看作是作者一个特别的生活经验;故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

20.Robot Surgeon(外科医生) Succeeds without Help from Human Doctors
Humans make mistakes.Even surgeons with years of experience are not infallible.But what if these doctors could pool their knowledge and experience together and create a surgical standard of care,to be carried out by machines?
That's the idea behind surgical robots,which may soon perform most surgeries,from sewing up tiny wounds to performing heart procedures.Many of these operations are,in fact,already completed with the assistance of robots.But a recent test suggests that robots in the operating room may soon go a step further,performing on soft tissue completely on their own,from start to finish.
The Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot(STAR),successfully completed surgeries on pigs."We're the first group to develop autonomous robotic surgery with soft-tissue surgery,and when compared to standard operation,it's better,"says Peter Kim,professor of surgery."The idea is not to replace surgeons; it will make the surgeons better and make the procedures safer."
A recent Mayo Clinic study found that major surgical errors-including operating on the wrong site or side of the body,or even leaving tools or objects inside the patient-occur every one out of 22,000procedures.That's rare,but robots like STAR would aim to lower the number even further.
In the da Vinci surgical system,surgeons place their arms inside instruments and use their hands to control the movement of robotic tools on the operating table from afar.The robot's every major move is controlled by surgeons,and thus its results may vary based on the surgeon's training or experience.
STAR,on the other hand,is entirely autonomous.It's not only able to work on its own and perform surgeries with a more flexible"hand",but it's able to react to the unexpected incidents.Cutting into hard tissue like bones is one thing,but operating on moving soft tissue is far more complex.STAR reacts to a changing environment,similar to how self-driving cars are programmed to not only drive on the highway,but also react to another driver making a mistake and getting in your way.

63.The underlined word"infallible"in Paragraph 1probably meansA.
A.always right
B.really creative
C.rather responsible
D.quite smart
64.We can learn from the passage that STARB.
A.has been widely used in the operating room
B.can perform the operation on its own
C.can make surgeries much faster
D.will take the place of surgeons
65.In the da Vinci surgical system,B.
A.robots are trained from afar
B.surgery results depend on surgeons
C.robots always make mistakes
D.surgeons have trouble controlling robots
66.In the last paragraph,the author mentions self-driving cars in order to showC.
A.how bad getting in another driver's way might be
B.how difficult self-driving on the highway is
C.how smart an autonomous robot can be
D.how dangerous operating on people is.
1.A new commodity brings about a highly profitable,fast-growing industry,urging antitrust(反垄断)regulators to step in to check those who control its flow.A century ago,the resource in question was oil.Now similar concerns are being raised by the giants(巨头)that deal in data,the oil of the digital age.The most valuable firms are Googole,Amazon,Facebook and Microsoft.All look unstoppable.
      Such situations have led to calls for the tech giants to be broken up.But size alone is not a crime,The giants'success has benefited consumers.Few want to live without search engines or a quick delivery,Far from charging consumers high prices,many of these services are free (users pay,in effect,by handing over yet more data).And the appearance of new-born giants suggests that newcomers can make waves,too.
      But there is cause for concern.The internet has made data abundant,all-present and far more valuable,changing the nature of data and competition.Google initially used the data collected from users to target advertising better.But recently it has discovered that data can be turned into new services:translation and visual recognition,to be sold to other companies.Internet companies'control of data gives them enormous power.So they have a"God's eye view"of activities in their own markets and beyond.
      This nature of data makes the antitrust measures of the past less useful.Breaking up firms like Google into five small ones would not stop remaking themselves:in time,one of them would become great again.A rethink is required-and as a new approach starts to become apparent,two ideas stand out.
      The first is that antitrust authorities need to move form the industrial age into the 21st century.When considering a merger(兼并),for example,they have traditionally used size to determine when to step in.They now need to take into account the extent of firms'data assets(资产) when assessing the impact of deals.The purchase price could also be a signal that an established company is buying a new-borm threat.When this takes place,especially when a new-born company has no revenue to speak of,the regulators should raise red flags.
      The second principle is to loosen the control that providers of on-line services have over data and give more to those who supply them.Companies could be forced to consumers what information they hold and how much money they make from it.Governments could order the sharing of certain kinds of data,with users'consent.
      Restarting antitrust for the information age will not be easy.But if governments don't wants a data oconomy by a few giants,they must act soon.

61.Why is there a call to break up giants?A
A.They have controlled the data market.
B.They collect enormous private data.
C.They no longer provide free services.
D.They dismissed some new-born giants.
62.What does the technological innovation in Paragraph 3 indicate?C
A.Data giants'technology is very expensive.
B.Google's idea is popular among data firms.
C.Data can strengthen giants'controlling position.
D.Data can be turned into new services or products.
63.By paying attention to firms'data assets,antitrust regulators couldB.
A.kill a new threat
B.avoid the size trap
C.favour bigger firms
D.charge higher prices
64.What is the purpose of loosening the giants'control of data?D
A.Big companies could relieve data security pressure.
B.Governments could relieve their financial pressure.
C.Consumers could better protect their privacy.
D.Small companies could get more opportunities.
18.Minutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theater,employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups.It was a scene that had been repeated many times in the theater's 75-year history.This time,however,the cleanup was a little different.As one group of workers carried out the rubbish,another group began removing seats and other theater equipment in preparation for the building's end.
       The film classic The Last Picture Show was the last movie shown in the old theater.Though the movie is 30 years old,most of the 250 seats were filled with teary-eyed audience wanting to say good-bye to the old building.Theater owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate.The movie is set in a small town where the only movie theater is preparing to close down.
   Bradford said that large modern theaters in the city made it impossible for the Plaza to compete.He added that the theater's location(位置) was also a reason."This used to be the center of town,"he said."Now the area is mostly office buildings and warehouses."
    Last week some city officials suggested the city might be interested in turning the old theater into a museum and public meeting place.However,these plans were abandoned because of financial problems.Bradford sold the building and land to a local development firm,which plans to build a shopping complex on the land where the theater is located.
    The theater audience said good-bye as Bradford locked the doors for the last time.After 75 years the Plaza Theater has shown its last movie.The theater will be missed.
24.In what way was yesterday's cleanup at the Plaza special?B
   A.It made room for new equipment.
   B.It signaled the closedown of the theater.
   C.It was done with the help of the audience.
   D.It marked the 75th anniversary of the theater.
25.Why was The Last Picture Show put on?D
   A.It was an all-time classic.B.It was about the history of the town.
   C.The audience requested it.D.The theater owner found it suitable.
26.What will probably happen to the building?C
   A.It will be repaired.          B.It will be turned into a museum.
   C.It will be knocked down. D.It will be sold to the city government.
27.What can we infer about the audience?B
A.They are disappointed with Bradford.
B.They are sad to part with the old theater.
C.They are supportive of the city officials.
D.They are eager to have a shopping center.

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