
Some students get so nervous before a test, they do poorly even if they know the material. Sian Beilock has studied these highly anxious test-takers.
Sian Beilock: “They start worrying about the consequences. They might even start worrying about whether this exam is going to prevent them from getting into the college they want. And when we worry, it actually uses up attention and memory resources.I talk about it as your cognitive horsepower that you could otherwise be using to focus on the exam.”
Professor Beilock and another researcher, Gerardo Ramirez, have developed a possible solution. Just before an exam, highly anxious test-takers spend ten minutes writing about their worries about the test.
Sian Beilock: “what we think happens is when students put it down on paper , they think about the worst that could happen and they reappraise the situation. They might realize it’s not as had as they might think it was before and, in essence(本质上), it prevents these thoughts from popping up when they’re actually taking a test.”
The researchers tested the idea on a group of twenty anxious college students. They gave them two short math tests. After the first one, they asked the students to either sit quietly or write about their feelings about the upcoming second test.
The researchers added to the pressure. They told the students that those who did well on the second test would get money. They also told them that their performance would affect other students as part of a team effort.
Professor Beilock says those who sat quietly scored an average of twelve percent worse on the second test. But the students who had written about their fears improved their performance by an average of five percent.
Next, the researchers used younger students in a biology class. They told them before final exams either to write about their feelings or to think about things unrelated to the test.
Prefessor Beilock says highly anxious students who did the writing got an average grade of B+, compared to a B- for those who did not.
Sian Beilock: “What we showed is that for students who are highly test-anxious, who’d done our writing intervention, all of a sudden there was no relationship between test anxiety and performance. Those students most likely to worry were performing just as well as their classmates who don’t normally get nervous in these testing situations.”
But what if students do not have a chance to write about their fears immediately before an exam or presentation? Professor Beilock says students can try it themselves at home or in the library and still improve their performance. 
小题1:What may happen if students have the problem of test anxiety?
A.Test anxiety can improve students’ performance to some degree.
B.Students’ attention and memory resources run out when worried.
C.Students may not be admitted into their favorite college if worried
D.Test anxiety is sure to cause students to fail the test.
小题2:Which of the following if TRUE?
A.In the first math test, students who sat quietly performed better.
B.In the second math test, students who wrote about their feelings did worse.
C.Some college students are highly anxious test-takers while others are not in the tests.
D.The result in the math test agrees with that in the biology test.
小题3:What does the underlined phrase “popping up” mean?
A.Giving outB.Fading awayC.Becoming clearly D.Appearing suddenly
小题4:what is most probably Sian Beilock?
A.A psychology professor.B.A philosophy researcher.
C.A politics professor D.A tutor
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.It is a common practice for students being worried before a test.
B.Being worried before tests does harm to students’ performance.
C.Anxious students overcome test anxiety by writing down fears.
D.It is important for students to overcome test anxiety.


小题1:细节题。由when we worry, it actually uses up attention and memory resources.当我们担心时,事实上,它会消耗尽我们的注意力和精力,因此,可知,答案为B
小题2:判断题。第一场考试中,文章并没有进行比较,A答案偷换概念。由Professor Beilock says those who sat quietly scored an average of twelve percent worse on the second test. But the students who had written about their fears improved their performance by an average of five percent.可知,第二场考试中,写了感受的学生表现的更好。故A,B错误。
由Prefessor Beilock says highly anxious students who did the writing got an average grade of B+, compared to a B- for those who did not. Prefessor Beilock说高度焦虑的学生考试前写下了他们的担忧,拿到了B+,而没有写的只拿到了B-,因此,考试前写下担忧的学生结果要好一些,与数学测试的结果是一致的,故本题答案为D
小题3:推断题。由what we think happens is when students put it down on paper , they think about the worst that could happen and they reappraise the situation. They might realize it’s not as had as they might think it was before and, in essence(本质上), it prevents these thoughts from popping up when they’re actually taking a test。当学生把他们的担忧写在纸上的时候,他们会考虑最坏的结果,并且重新评估这种情况,他们可能认识到情况并没有像他们之前想的那样,本质上,当他们考试时,这样会阻止这些坏的想法出现。故选D。B.推色,衰退
小题4:推断题。从全文看,Sian Beilock对学生进行了考试焦虑症的测试并进行了分析总结,可知他很可能是心理学家。故选A
All over the world people enjoy sports.Sports help to keep people healthy,happy and help them to live longer.
Sports change with the season. People play different games in winter and summer.
Games and sports often grow out of people’s work and everyday activities.The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their everyday life;they use them in their sports,too.
Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them.Football,for example,has spread around the world.Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.
Some sports or games go back to thousands of years,like running or jumping.Chinese boxing,for example,has a very long history.But basketball and volleyball are rather new.Neither one is a hundred years old yet.People are inventing new sports or games all the time.
People from different countries may not be able to understand each other but after a game they often become good friends.Sports help to train a person's character(性格).One learns to fight hard but fight fair,to win without pride and to lose with grace(体面)
小题1:The writer didn't tell us in this passage that________.
A.basketball was invented in America
B.sports change with the season
C.games and sports often grow out of people’s work and everyday activities
D.football is played all over the world
小题2:People all over the world enjoy sports because_______.
A.sports are interesting
B.sports help to keep people healthy,happy and to live longer
C.sports help to train one’s character
D.all of the above
小题3:From this passage we can see that _____.
A.sports and games are unimportant things that people do
B.sports and games should be treated(对待)only as amusement(娱乐活动)
C.sports and games are only useful to the old
D.none of the above is true
It is your skin that keeps your insides from falling out. It helps you warm up when you are cold, and it can cool you off when you are hot. It lets you feel things by touch.
Like the heart, stomach and brain, your skin is an organ. In fact, it is the largest organ in your body. But it is still easy to take skin for granted.  1  But skin has an important job to do.
Your skin is constantly protecting you.   2  When you take care of your skin, you are helping your skin do its job. And taking care of your skin today will help prevent future problems, like wrinkles(皱纹) and even skin cancer.
3   Keeping your hands clean all the time is especially important because they can spread germs(细菌) to the skin on other parts of your body.
4   Cold or hot water may hurt your skin. Wet your hands, then lather up with a mild  soap (香皂). You should rub everywhere, including the palms, the wrists and the nails. Wash them well, dry thoroughly with a clean towel and you’re done.
You'll also want to use warm water when you take a bath. Use soap to clean your body. Don't forget under your arms and behind your ears! Your face needs attention, especially as you enter puberty(青春期) and the skin on your face gets more oily.  5 
A.One simple way to take care of your skin is to keep it clean.
B.It is a good habit to wash your hands before and after meals.
C.When washing your hands, use water that’s comfortably warm.
D.It keeps infections out of your body and keeps you from getting sick.
E.     Unless there’s a problem, your may not think about your skin very much.
F.     Your skin plays a more important role in keeping you healthy during your puberty.
G.    It’s a good idea to wash your face once or twice daily with warm water and a mild soap.
根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
You may know the benefits of laughter on the mind and spirit. _1___ Norman Cousins used to say that laughter has such a good effect on your body that it is like “inner jogging”.
Mayo Clinic Health Letter reports that laughter aids breathing by incresing your breathing rate.. It can even help clear mucus(黏液) from your lungs.
__2__ It increases circulation(循环) and improves the flow of oxgen and nutrition to tissues(血管) throught your body..It can help protect you against a heart attack.
__3___ It helps fight off colds, flu,etc. by increasing the concentration of immunolobulin (免疫球蛋白A) in your saliva(唾液) .And it may help control pain by raising the levels of certain brain chemicals.
In addition, it is a natural stress reliever(缓解).Have you ever laughed so hard that you bent over, fell off your chair, or spit out your food? __4___
I read that a child laughs 400 times a day on average, while an adult laughs only 15 times each day. The good news is that you are allowed more than 15 laughs a day! Go ahead and double it and make it 30 times today. You may begin to notice immediate improvement in your relationships! Then double it again! __5___ People will enjoy being around you as well.
Laughter: it’s the best medicine!
A. Laughter is also good for your heart.
B. Laughter can bring some relief from mental stress.
C. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension(紧张) and stress.
D. However, it is confusing why laughter makes people feel so good.
E. A good laugh helps build up your body to protect against diseases
F. You are likely to feel even better and deal with problems more effectively.
G.  However, are you aware of how much a good laugh can help you physically?
When we think about happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, a pinnacle (顶点) of sheer (纯粹的) delight. And those pinnacles seem to get rarer the older we get.
 1   I remember playing police and robbers in the woods, getting a speaking part in the school play. Of course, kids also experience lows, but their delight at such peaks of pleasure as winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved.
For teenagers, or people under 20 the concept of happiness changes.   2   I can still feel the pain of not being invited to a party that almost everyone else was going to. I also remember the great happiness of being invited at another event to dance with a very handsome young man.
In adulthood the things that bring great joy—birth, love, marriage—also bring responsibility and the risk of loss.   3   For adults, happiness is complex.
 4   But I think a better definition of happiness is “ the ability to enjoy something”. The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are. It's easy to overlook the pleasure we get from loving and being loved, the company of friends, the freedom to live where we please, even good health.
While happiness may be more complex for us, the solution is the same as ever. Happiness isn't about what happens to us; it’s the ability to find a positive for every negative, and view a difficulty as a challenge.   5  
A.Love may not last; loved ones die.
B.For a child, happiness has a magic quality.
C.Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life.
D.Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect.
E. The dictionary defines “happy” as “lucky” or “ fortunate”.
F. It's not wishing for what we don't have, but enjoying what we do possess.
G. Suddenly it’s conditional on such things as excitement, love, and popularity.
We all know that everyone becomes a little more forgetful as they get older, but men’s minds decline more than women’s, according to the results of a worldwide survey.
General differences seem to be natural in male and female brains: Men are better at maintaining and dealing with mental images (useful in mathematical reasoning and spatial skills), while women tend to excel be good at recalling information from their brain’s files. Many studies have looked for a connection between sex and the amount of mental decline people experience as they age, but the results have been mixed.
Some studies found more age-related decline in men than in women, while others saw the opposite or even no relationship at all between sex and mental decline.
Those results could be improper because the studies involved older people, and women live longer than men: The men tested are the survivors, “so they’re the ones that may not have shown such cognitive(认知的) decline,” said study team leader Elizabeth of the University of Warwick in England.
Scientists surveyed completed four tasks that tested sex-related cognitive skills: matching an object to its rotated form, matching lines shown from the same angle, typing as many words in a particular category as possible in the given time, e.g. “object usually colored gray”, and recalling the location of objects in a line drawing. The first two were tasks at which men are usually good; the latter are typically dominated by women. Within each age group studied, men and women performed better in their separate categories on average. And though performance declined with age for both genders, women showed obviously less decline than men overall.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following can NOT be typed into the same category?
小题2:Which of the following statements is true according the article? _______
A.Men do better than women when it comes to learning English.
B.Women stand out at remembering people’s names.
C.Women do well in dealing mathematic problems.
D.Men excel at typing as many words as possible in the given time.
小题3:One important factor that affects the correctness of the results is that ________.
A.women live longer than men
B.people surveyed are all old
C.the old men tested may not have shown such cognitive decline
D.people taking part in this test came from all over the world
小题4:The author aims to tell us that _________.
A.women’s minds perform better than men’s
B.men’s minds decline more with age
C.everyone becomes a little more forgetful as they get older
D.a survey on human’s mind decline was done recently
A little stress is good, since it helps you keep motivated to meet your goals. However, too much stress is bad for your health. Stress needs to be managed in order to prevent anxiety (焦虑). Here are some tips on how to manage stress.
Write it out
Write down everything that seems stressful, and ways to deal with each problem. You’ll find a things-to-do list much easier to manage than having all messed up in your head. Write down the tasks along with the specific times when you can do them.
One task at a time
Give each task all your attention while you’re doing it, and forget the rest. This will keep you from feeling anxious about things you have left to do. Thinking about other tasks only adds unnecessary stress, and can even stop you from doing the task you’re busy with at present. You don’t need to do everything all at once, or on your own. The feeling of being pressed to finish something on time will somehow disappear if someone is there to help you.
Give yourself a reward
Rewarding yourself for what you’ve already done, no matter how small, is a great way to motivate yourself to keep going. It will reduce stress, and make you happier to go on with the next task.
Give yourself a break
Breaks of ten to fifteen minutes are important. Visit a cafe or take a quick walk —anything to take your mind off the work for a while. If you need to stay at work, sit with your eyes closed and imagine a peaceful place or some other relaxing scenes. This will remove the stress from your muscles and mind.
小题1:The best title for the passage would probably be _____.
A.Stress Is Good or Not
B.How to Form Good Working Habits
C.Tips on How to Manage Stress
D.Ways to Keep Healthy
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.It’s better to plan a specific time to do the task.
B.It helps you stay motivated to think about the undone tasks.
C.It’s unnecessary for you to do all the tasks by yourself.
D.It helps if you put your attention to one task at a time.
小题3:Which of the following would the author agree?
A.The more stress you have, the more motivated you will be.
B.Writing down everything seems impossible.
C.Only reward yourself for your biggest achievements in your work.
D.It is necessary to have a break during your work.
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Stress is always bad for people.
B.Imagining a relaxing scene may help.
C.The best way to relax is by rewarding yourself.
D.Finishing tasks on time reduces stress.

Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to diseases such as rickets (佝偻病), mainly found in children. The thinning of bone is a common problem as people, especially women, get older.
But more and more research is suggesting that vitamin D might also help prevent many diseases. The easiest way to get vitamin D is from sunlight. The sun’s ultraviolet (紫外线的) rays react with skin cells to produce vitamin D. But many people worry about getting skin cancer and skin damage from the sun. As a result they stay out of the sun. Also, darker-skinned people produce less vitamin D than lighter-skinned people. The amount also decreases in older people and those living in northern areas that get less sunlight.
Not many foods naturally contain vitamin D. Foods high in this vitamin include oily fish and fish liveroils (鱼肝油). Farmed fish have only about one-fourth as much vitamin D as wild fish. Small amounts of vitamin D are found in beef liver, cheese and egg yolks. But most of the vitamin D in the American diet comes from foods such as milk.
Research in the last several years has shown that low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of heart attacks in men and deaths from some cancers. More doctors are now having their patients tested for their vitamin D levels. But as research continues, some experts worry that if people take too much vitamin D, it might act as a poison. Also, skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure because of the risk of skin cancer.
小题1:The first paragraph is mainly about     .
A.the muscle diseasesB.the sources of vitamins
C.the importance of healthD.the functions of vitamin D
小题2:Which of the following people produce the least amount of vitamin D?______
A.Elderly darker-skinned people.B.Young lighter-skinned people.
C.Elderly lighter-skinned people.D.Young darker-skinned people.
小题3: People can get the most vitamin D from     .
A.beef liverB.cheeseC.wild fishD.farmed fish
小题4:What can we infer from the text?_________
A. Being exposed to sunlight is the safest way to get vitamin D.
B. Lack of vitamin D can make people age quickly.
C. Proper vitamin D levels people need are still not determined now.
D. The vitamin D level is higher in men than in women.
Children of America are getting fatter every time. 13% of the children at the age of 6 to 11 are overweight(too fat).
When we look at children's lives today in the USA, we can see the root(origin)of the problem--sports and foods. Young children like sports but they don't have enough around the start of high school. That's especially true for girls. Meanwhile, to make matters worse, schools are becoming much more interested in sports teams. So children are not able to get enough exercise just when they need it the most. There is also the food problem. Children get most of their calories(热量) at restaurants or parties or somewhere else away from home. They often drink too many Cokes. Parents have a lot of fears about telling a child he needs to lose weight-- they are afraid it will push a child into an eating disorder. Some parents fear that pushing children to lose weight means their children will think they're not good enough, or not loved because of their weight. Parents need to come to terms with the fact that the family is very important to the children. The most useful program for children is called "family weight control". This is good news. Mom and Dad, even if they don't have weight problems, have to go through the same program as their children and learn how to get some exercise and how to eat healthily.                                                                      
小题1:Why are American children getting fatter? The writer thinks_______.
A.parents also have weight problem as their children
B.children drink too many Cokes
C.schools are more interested in sports teams
D.children have less exercise and eat unhealthily
小题2:The writer wants to tell parents that_______.
A.overweight children are not loved by people
B.children are afraid to lose weight when they have to
C.family members can help overweight children a lot
D.girls don't like to exercise
小题3:Which of the following is NOT the root of overweight problem? _______.
A.Higher-calorie.B.Less sports.
C.Family weight control.D.higher-fat foods.
小题4:The writer thinks if mother or father is on the same program as their children, _______.
A."family weight control" will be successful
B.it will make the children eat much more
C.their children will not eat better
D.parents will feel sorry about themselves

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