
15.To learn English we'll is important for a student.
It is important for a studentto learn English well.

分析 对于学生来说学号英语很重要.

解答 It is; to learn.考查代词.本句是代词it做形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to learn English well.

点评 这种题型主要考查学生对重点短语、基本句型的掌握情况和应变能力,它可以起到练习学生发散思维的作用.解题时学生要对句子结构的构成及其变化等方面的知识要掌握好.

3.English may not be a world language foreverWhile 375 million people around the globe use English as their mother tongue,the number of people using it as a second language has already been well over that figure.
It is said that by the end of 2000,one billion people could use English to communicate with others,including both native speakers and non-native speakers.
"The rise and fall of a language is closely connected with that country's economic strength and development potential ( 潜力),"Rhodri Jones,the English 2000 manager of the ELT group of the British Council said.
An expert who has given many lectures on the future of English said the economic boost (快速发展) in Asia would raise the positions of the Chinese and Hindi languages.Therefore,the English language is facing a serious problem.Where will English turn in the next 50 years or the century?
The recently introduced book from Britain"Future of English"might give people concerned with their question some enlightenments (启发).The book helps English teachers,planners,managers and decision makers with a professional interest in the development of English worldwide.
With the book written in English translated into Chinese and to be published soon,the book might be brought to a wider sphere of people.
"From the book,we learn many facts about the English language,and we may be able to predict (预测) its future after reading it,"said Dorothy Humphery,who used to be a senior English teacher for the British Council.

24.The reason why some language rises in the world depends onD.
A.the population of the country
B.the country's economy strength in the world
C.the number of the population who use it
D.the country's economy strength and development potential
25.The book"Future of English"helps toD
A.improve the standard of people's learning English
B.adds to people's interest toward English
C.emphasize (强调) the importance of English in the world
D.make people interested in the development of English worldwide
26.After reading"Future of English"we knowD
A.English is the language that the people who speak it is the most in the world
B.English may disappear sooner or later
C.the world is keeping changing from time to time
D.what the future of the English language is
27.The main idea of the passage isD.
A why English has been popular in the world
B.how to improve people's ability of learning English
C.English has a bright future
D.the usage of English may become less in the world one day.
五一劳动节 May Day; 打包旅行 package tour;  美丽西藏行 A eautiful travel to Tibet;
美心旅行社 Pleasant Travel Agency; 投诉.抱怨 complain (about)…
Dear Manager,
My name is Li Hua.I am a passenger of your travel agency.
I'm writing to complain about the package tour--A beautiful travel to Tibet to Yunnan organized by your travel agency-Pleasant Travel Agency on May Day.(高分句型一)
Firstly,the food on the trip was terrible and we even couldn't have enough to eat.Secondly,I think that the guide from your agency was unfriendly and impolite to us.Besides,o our disappointment,we were arranged to stay in a poorly equipped hotel with no hot water supply.Lastly,we were forced to stay in so many shops for so long to buy unnecessary goods.(高分句型二)We were really tired of it.
I will appreciate it if you can take our complaints seriously and make every effort to improve your service in the future.(高分句型三)
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua.
参考词汇:石林Stone Forest虎跳峡Tiger Leaping Gorge物种species
热带雨林rainforest少数民族ethnic minority.
Located in the most southwest of China,Yunnan province enjoys a popular name,beautiful clouds in the south.Covering an area of 394,000 square kilometers,it's the most diverse region of China with 25 ethnic minorities.(高分句型一)
Yunnan has its unique geographical features,which includes everything from mountains and lakes to rainforests.Because of this special geographical environment,Yunnan is also home to half of the world's plant species and rare animals,such as golden monkeys and Asian elephants and so on.(高分句型二)Therefore,Yunnan is well-known as"world garden"and"kingdom of animals".As a land of natural beauty and mystery,Yunnan is also well-known for its breath-taking natural wonders,such as Stone Forest,Tiger Leaping Gorge,which attract numerous tourists every year.(高分句型三)
Yunnan is open to the world now.It warmly welcomes all friends to visit it..

The word "OK" is the most frequently spoken all-purpose expression on the planet — and it's turning 176 years old on March 23, 2015. The term was born during a 19th-century abbreviation(缩写) craze and went on to international fame with its own hand gesture.

Last year, Henry Nass, a 64-year-old retired English teacher, a New Yorker, had spent the last few weeks handing out cards championing "Global OK Day" in advance of the coming anniversary.

"No matter where people are from they use the word 'OK,' but they don't know where it comes from," says Nass. "The problem is because it's just, you know, OK."

The word is OK, perhaps, but its history is definitely better than average. Late etymologist Allen Walker Read traced the two-letter word to 1839, when editors at the Boston Morning Post signed off on articles as “all correct” with a simple word “OK”.

The word made it into print on March 23 of that year, in an article against a rival editor in Providence who had stated wrongly that a band of Bostonians heading to New York would pass through the Rhode Island capital (Providence).

"We said not a word about our team passing 'through the city' of Providence," the Morning Post reported. "O.K. — all correct."

The humor of the Providence-Boston joke has been lost to history — but the word OK took off from there, soon connoting(隐含) agreement, acceptance, averageness, quality or likability.

By 1840, it served as a slogan for President Martin Van Buren's unsuccessful reelection campaign. “Old Kinderhook is OK,” posters stated, a reference to the eighth president's birthplace and his supporters' belief in his satisfactory performance.

1.Why did Henry Nass hand out cards?

A. To let people understand the history of the word “OK”.

B. To call on people to use the word “OK” properly.

C. To appeal to people to celebrate OK Day.

D. To attract people’s attention.

2.What does the author want to convey in Paragraph 4?

A. The history of the word “OK” is known to average people.

B. The history of the word “OK” is unfamiliar to people.

C. People frequently use the word “OK” in history.

D. People are fond of the word “OK” in history.

3.What does the underlined phrase “took off” in Paragraph 7 probably mean?

A. Got off B. Set up

C. Moved off D. Became popular

4.We can learn from the text that Kinderhook is of the eighth American president.

A. the name B. the birthplace

C. the policy D. the belief

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