
参考词汇:石林Stone Forest虎跳峡Tiger Leaping Gorge物种species
热带雨林rainforest少数民族ethnic minority.
Located in the most southwest of China,Yunnan province enjoys a popular name,beautiful clouds in the south.Covering an area of 394,000 square kilometers,it's the most diverse region of China with 25 ethnic minorities.(高分句型一)
Yunnan has its unique geographical features,which includes everything from mountains and lakes to rainforests.Because of this special geographical environment,Yunnan is also home to half of the world's plant species and rare animals,such as golden monkeys and Asian elephants and so on.(高分句型二)Therefore,Yunnan is well-known as"world garden"and"kingdom of animals".As a land of natural beauty and mystery,Yunnan is also well-known for its breath-taking natural wonders,such as Stone Forest,Tiger Leaping Gorge,which attract numerous tourists every year.(高分句型三)
Yunnan is open to the world now.It warmly welcomes all friends to visit it..

分析 本篇书面表达属于图表类作文,根据提示信息我校校报Superview需要一些介绍中国著名省市的稿件.请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇介绍云南省的短文,写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,要点包括:地名,位置,面积,民族,地理特征,稀有动物和自然奇观,2、图表是文章的总体框架,要在图表的范围内进行分析、构思和想象.要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写.本文写作时可以按照要点所给的顺序写.3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态.4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点.
【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种表达:Located in位于;Because of 由于;Therefore因此;be well-known for 因为…而出名;be open to对…开放;
Covering an area of 394,000 square kilometers,it's the most diverse region of China with 25 ethnic minorities.(高分句型一)
Because of this special geographical environment,Yunnan is also home to half of the world's plant species and rare animals,such as golden monkeys and Asian elephants and so on.(高分句型二)
As a land of natural beauty and mystery,Yunnan is also well-known for its breath-taking natural wonders,such as Stone Forest,Tiger Leaping Gorge,which attract numerous tourists every year.(高分句型三)

解答 Located in the most southwest of China,Yunnan province enjoys a popular name,beautiful clouds in the south.Covering an area of 394,000 square kilometers,it's the most diverse region of China with 25 ethnic minorities.(高分句型一)
      Yunnan has its unique geographical features,which includes everything from mountains and lakes to rainforests.Because of this special geographical environment,Yunnan is also home to half of the world's plant species and rare animals,such as golden monkeys and Asian elephants and so on.(高分句型二)Therefore,Yunnan is well-known as"world garden"and"kingdom of animals".As a land of natural beauty and mystery,Yunnan is also well-known for its breath-taking natural wonders,such as Stone Forest,Tiger Leaping Gorge,which attract numerous tourists every year.(高分句型三)
      Yunnan is open to the world now.It warmly welcomes all friends to visit it.

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

12.Bring CPR training to schoolsKing county in Washington state has the highest survival rates in the world for cardiac arrest(心率骤停)62percent.One of their secrets to success is the Student CPR Training Program,which  provides mandatory(强制的)CPR training for all students grades 6-12.(36)E,so the more trained bystanders an area has,the higher the chances of survival for the victims.Here are some easy ways to bring CPR training to your students.
1.Excite students'passion.
(37)G,but when students are passionate about a cause,they can easily find support and backing through social media.To inspire your students to become heroes,read"My Teammates Saved My Life",a story about a 13-year-old who was kept alive by a teammate who performed CPR during softball practice.
2.Get yourself trained.
(38)F,and round up all of the teachers and coaches you know to join in.
If getting trained to be an instructor isn't something you have the time for,have the students reach out to see if they can get volunteers to come in and train them.
4、Show students just how easy it is.
(40)Deven if full training isn't in the immediate future for you or your students.Every minute that goes by without CPR,a person's chances of survival drop by 10percent,so every little bit of action helps.

A.Bring in the experts.
B.Train as many students as possible
C.Bystanders are given some simple suggestions.
D.You can still take a moment to show them the basics.
E.When it comes to cardiac arrest,every minute counts.
F.If you're not already certified,see if there's a class offered locally.
G.Time and money play a big part in the hesitation of schools in offering training.
19.Barbara was driving her six-year-old son,Benjamin,to his piano lesson.
They were late.Barbara had to drive much faster.Barbara,a night-duty nurse at the local hospital,had recently worked extra shifts.She was tired.
"Mom!"Ben cried."Look!"Just ahead,a car had lost control on a patch of ice.Barbara pulled over,and threw open her door.Thank goodness she was a nurse-she might be able to help these unfortunate passengers.
Then she paused.What about Ben?She couldn't take him with her.Little boys shouldn't see scenes like the one she anticipated(预料).But was it safe to leave him alone?What if their car were hit from behind?
For a moment Barbara considered going on her way.Someone else was sure to come along.
No!"Ben,honey,promise me you'll stay in the car!"
"I will,Mommy,"he said as she ran.It was worse than she'd feared.Two girls of high school age are in the car.One was dead.The driver,however was still breathing.Barbara quickly applied pressure to the wound in the teenager's head.If help came soon,the girl would live.
Barbara called for help on her cell phone and soon she heard the ambulance sirens(报警器).
"Good job,"one said as he examined the driver's wounds."You probably saved her life,madam."Slowly Barbara opened her car door.What should she tell Benjamin?He was staring at the crash site,his blue eyes huge."Mom,"he whispered,"did you see it?"
"See what,Honey?"she asked.
"The angel,Mom!She came down from the sky while you were running to the car.And she opened the door,and she saved her life."
Barbara's eyes filled with tears.

25.From the text we can infer thatB.
A.Barbara always drove fast on her way to the hospital
B.Benjamin began to learn piano lessons at an early age
C.Barbara was tired because she had to drive her son to piano lesson
D.Benjamin was too tired to see the car accident
26.The car accident happened becauseC.
A.Barbara's car was out of control
B.there were so many cars on the road
C.there was ice on the road
D.Barbara was too tired to control her car
27.Why did Barbara consider going on her way instead of helping the passengers?A
A.Because she worried about her son.
B.Because she didn't know first aid.
C.Because she was late for work.
D.Because someone else would help them.
28.What did Barbara do to save the driver?D
A.She ran to the hospital for help.
B.She drove the ambulance to the crash site.
C.She made the driver breathe at first.
D.She pressed the wound in the driver's head.
16.Have you ever wondered what pets do when their owners leave for work or school every day?Some pets,especially dogs,may leave clues about what they've been up to.But what about the rest?That's the question The Secret Life of Pets tries to answer.The animated movie follows the entertaining lives of pets after their owners leave the house for the day.
The movie opens with a birds-eye-view over New York City as Taylor Swift's"Welcome to New York"plays in the background.Max,a sweet and loyal dog,lives inside one of the Manhattan apartments.Things are going well until his loving owner,Katie,decides to bring home Duke,a sloppy(邋遢的),energetic dog from the dog pound.
Actress Ellie Kemper plays the role of Katie."Katie decides to bring home a new dog because he needs a home but she's worried about what Max's reaction(反应) will be,"Kemper told TFK."She's sensitive to that."
Instead of welcoming each other with open paws(爪),the dogs form an instant rivalry(对抗).When the"brothers"find themselves on the main streets of New York City,they have to team up and work together against a cute but criminal(罪恶的) rabbit named Snowball.Snowball and his army of Ex-Pets,who call themselves"the Flushed(激进的) Pets,"want to take revenge(报复) on all happy-owned pets and their owners.

33.What is the movie The Secret Life of Pets about?D
A.What secrets pets want to tell.
B.How pets get along with others.
C.Why pets always make the house messy.
D.What pets do when their owners are out.
34.Why does Katie bring Duke home?C
A.Because she's crazy about dogs. 
B.Because she thinks Max needs company.
C.Because she is kind enough to do it.
D.Because she wants to keeps him away from snowball.
35.Snowball wants to take revenge probably becauseC
A.he is looked down upon by other pets.
B.he is too dirty to be a cute pet.
C.he hates his owner giving him up.
D.his owner was once attacked by pets.
13.Now it is job hunting season again.The job fairs flood with hundreds and thousands of 2011graduate students.Owing to the global financial crests,most of the graduate students admit that job hunting is not that easy and longer.
It is always a painful process for college students to find jobs.(66)D However,job positions are quite limited.In order to get a job,the candidates should be more competitive than ever before.
A Chinese expert predicted that the job hunting pressure in China,with a rocketing increase in the active labor force,would reach its climax in 2006,Yet,this situation continues in 2010.In order to transfer the human resources that are more than needed or wanted to the less developed areas in China,the government has tried to Launch a series of policies to help release the pressure. (67)E.
(68)F A higher education may be more helpful to find a good job in the future,while the temptation of an exciting job and the strong will of being a"real"adult urge the youth to step into socially early.For example,when an undergraduate mechanical science and technology major at a famous university is preparing for his postgraduate exam,he receives an offer from a  big foreign company one day (69)A Anyway,it is really tough to prepare for the postgraduate examination.
(70)C This is a tough time and everyone should have some shining points to win the employers'favor.As products of universities,college students are expected to be first-rate talents and should step into the excellent group in the society. However,these students may achieve unexpected success in the fields where their professional knowledge functions to its maximization.

A.Most probably,he is so excited that he decides to quit the exam next year.
B.Almost everyone worries about the result of the postgraduate examination.
C."Survival of the fittest."Darwin's evolution theory appears in the personnel market.
D.With many colleges enlarged in recent years,large numbers of graduates need to hunt jobs.
E.What's more,financial support is provided to encourage the graduates to start their own career.
F.To go on with further education or to find a job is one of the hardest decisions for the graduate students to make now.
G.Competition for a job would be fierce as graduates this year will have to join the job hunting group from previous years.

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