
6.The new buyer identified a dozen new sources for the material,________ proved to be reliable.(  )
A.most of themB.most of whichC.most of whomD.most of those

分析 新的买方为材料确定了十几个新的来源,大部分被证明是可靠的.

解答 答案:B
解析:分析句子结构及句意可知,后面的分句为定语从句.定语从句的先行词是指物的物the material,故应该用which做介词宾语,引导非限制性定语从句;X选项whom代人,A选项them无法用来引导定语从句,D选项those也无法引导定语从句.综上,本题答案为B选项.

点评 本题考查非限制性定语从句,做此类题目时一定要清楚各个选项的含义及用法,再分析句子结构并结合句意确定最终的答案.

16.Captain Goodfellow
       Do your children enjoy interesting stories,funny games,and exciting dances?Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00,free.
Walking Tour of the Town
       Forget your worries on Saturday morning.Take a beautiful walk and learn about its history.Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30.Wear comfortable shoes!
Films at the Museum
       Two European films will be shown Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre.See Broken Window at 1:30.The workers will be at 3:45.For further information,call 4987898.
International Picnic
       Are you tired of eating the same food every day?Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world.Delicious and not expensive.Noon to 5:00 pm.
Do You Want to Hear"The Zoo"
"The Zoo",a popular rock group from Australia,will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00 at Rose Hall,City College.
21.You can see movies atB.
A.the City College                         
B.the Museum Theatre  
C.the City Theatre
D.the Central Park
22."The Zoo"isC.
A.a park with lots of animals there        
B.a US concert
C.a music group                            
D.an interesting event
23.The best title of this passage isA.
A.Special Events This Weekend              
B.Have Fun With Us
C.Come And Play With Us                    
D.How To Arrange Your Holidays.
17.Jung-Ping Lin China
For me,the most impressive commercial I ever saw was a diamond commercial.Early in the morning,a couple of lovers were standing on a deck(甲板),facing a beautiful lake.The man began the conversation in a serious tone and said,"We have been together for a long time,and I don't think we should let our relationship keep going like this."
Hearing that,the girl turned toward the man,an expression of surprise and sadness appeared on her face.She clearly thought he wanted to leave her,but then the man presented her a ring which he had been holding behind his back.
When the girl saw the ring,she smiled like a flower.She realized that he was proposing to her.Then the film showed their wedding in a church.Both of them were smiling sweetly.I loved that commercial because the view was so beautiful.In fact,this was a very popular commercial among young single adults in my country.

Christine Leprince from France
The commercial,I recall,took place on a bus,A girl was going to enjoy a chocolate bar.Everything around her was quiet.When she was starting to bite into her bar,there was a terrible shaking.The girl was surprised,but instead of stopping,she went on and crunched (咬碎)into it another time.That time,it was like an earthquake around her.The girl was so greedy that she didn't care about what was happening around her.
In my opinion,that TV commercial was very effective.Humor and surprise were combined to create a funny ad.It seemed that chocolate bar was so delicious that you could forget the world around you.I believe that many people,especially children,must have liked this commercial and been influenced to buy that chocolate bar.

64.Why did the girl feel surprised and sad?C
A.Because the man wanted to leave her.
B.Because the man didn't show her the ring
C.Because she misunderstood the man's meaning.
D.Because the man spoke in a serious tone
65.What happened when the girl was about to eat the chocolate bar?B
A.Everybody became quiet.
B.the bus shook violently.
C.An earthquake happened.
D.The bus came to a stop.
66.Why did Christine Leprince like the ad?D
A.Because it was about chocolate.
B.Because one could forget the world around.
C.Because the chocolate was delicious.
D.Because it combined humor and surprise.
67.What are these two people talking about?A
A.Their most impressive commercials.
B.Their most liked products.
C.Different kinds of commercials.
D.The making of commercials.
1.Soaping up your hands may do more than just get rid of germs,It may wash away the inner confusion  you feel right after being forced to make a choice between two appealing choices,according to a new study.The study builds on past research into a phenomenon known as"the Macbeth  effect".
    It turns out  that Shakespeare was really onto something when he imagined Lady Macbeth trying to clean her conscience(良心)by rubbing invisible bloodstains  from  her hands.A few years ago,scientists asked people to describe a past  wrong act.If  people  were then given a chance to clean their hands,they later expressed less guilt than people who hadnt't  cleaned.
    This finding fascinated  W.S.Lee,a researcher."Anything from the past,any kind of negative  emotional  experiences,might be washed away,"says Lee.
    He decided to  test  hand  washing's  effect  on one  kind of bad feeling:the tension we feel  after being  forced to choose between two attractive choices,because picking one choice  makes us feel that we've lose the other.People usually try to calm this inner conflict  by later  exaggerating (夸大)the  positive aspects of their choice.
    He had  students  rank 10 different music CDs.Then  he offered  students one CD as a gift.Some  students  then use liquid soap.Others  only looked at  the soap or sniffed(嗅)it."Actually,you do not need water and soap,"says Lee.
    Later,the students again had to rank all the music.People who didn't wash their hands had the normal response--they scored their take-home CD higher,suggesting  that they  now saw it as even more attractive than before.But this wasn't true for the hand washers.They ranked the  music about the same."They feel no need at all to justify the choice."says Lee.
    But the implication  of it just aren't clear.Schwarz  says it's  too soon to know whether  people  should   head  for a sink after  making a tough choice.He says washing may help decision-makers  by cleaning  away mental disorder,but perhaps if they don't go  throught  the usual post-decision  process of justifying their choice,they might feel more sorrow in the long  run.

46.The  Macbeth effect refers to the fact thatA.
A.people feel less ashamed after washing their hands
B.soaping  up one's  hand may help wash away the inner confusion and make a decision
C.people feel less guilty  by getting rid of invisible germs from their hands 
D.Shakespeare did scientific research before writing Macbeth
47.According to Lee,after people make the  choiceA.
A.they will overstate the goodness of their chosen choice
B.they will feel  regretful  for not choosing another
C.they will feel free due to the feeling of losing the other choice
D.they will think nothing of their chosen  choice any more to calm their inner conflict
48.According to Lee,the hand washers consider the judgment of choiceB.
A.more scientificB.unnecessary
C.a little convincingD.absolutely useless
49.What does  Schwarz need to research more?C
A.Whether people need to justify their choice.
B.Whether people feel more sorrow after washing hands.
C.Whether washing hands help over a  long period of time.
D.Whether washing hands is helpful to make a choice.
50.What  might  be the most suitable title for  the passage?D
A.Is Washing Hands Necessary to  Defeat Tension?
B.Washing Hands Washes Our Mind
C.Washing Hands Helps Make a Better Choice
D.Washing Hands Reduces the Stress of Decision.
2.You probably remember me from the other day.I was the one who reacted very slowly to the green traffic light.When you honked your horn(鸣笛),I realized I was holding up traffic,so please accept my apology.However,I do want you to know why I seemed in a confused state.You see,I was just at the doctor's office getting the results of the examination I had two weeks ago,and I was wondering how I would tell my husband and children that I had cancer.There were still tears in my eyes,so,quite simply I didn't even see the lights change.Perhaps I should not have been driving,but I didn't want to miss my appointment.
I was in the express lane(快速通道)at the supermarket without thinking and moving.Please accept my apology.My mind was on my youngest daughter who ran away from home,and she?'just sixteen.I was so worried then.You see,she somehow got in with the wrong crowd and started using drugs and drinking.I was remembering what a pretty little girl she had been most of her life.I know you were unhappy along with others in line.Please,accept my apology.
I remember you from the store last week.I was so mean to you,when you were doing your job to the best of your ability.I acted so childishly.Please accept my apology.You see,I arrived home from work just yesterday and discovered that my wife had left me,but I should never have taken it out on you.Please,accept my apology.
The above are imagined incidents,and yet they expressed a very real truth.The old saying about judging others before you"have walked a mile in their shoes"is a much needed reminder.Perhaps we all could try to learn the fact that there are problems and situation in the lives of others which we are totally unaware of.So,maybe before we get angry in similar situations,we should think a moment and understand that things may be going on in other's lives which have caused them to be slower,absent-minded or angry.Patience,as they say,is a virtue.
64.The woman was holding up traffic becauseC.
A.she had just left the doctor's office B.she didn't know how to drive
C.she had cancer and was absent in mind D.she had tears in her eyes
65.What was not the reason that worried the person according to paragraph two?D
A.Her youngest daughter ran away from home.
B.Her youngest daughter started using drugs and drinking.
C.Her youngest daughter somehow got in with the wrong crowd.
D.Her youngest daughter had lived a very happy life.
66.The whole passage is developedB
A.by space B.by examples C.by time   D.by comparison
67.What does the author mainly want to express?B
A.Learn to accept others?apology.
B.We need more patience and understanding.
C.Be patient when you are in line.
D.The patient should not drive to the office.
7.Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways.The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society.There are more ideas,more disagreements in interest,and more groups and organizations with different beliefs.In addition,there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies.All these factors (因素)tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision.In a society where people are similar in many ways,there are fewer situations for people to see the need or the chance for change because everything seems to be the same.And although conditions may not be satisfactory,they are at least customary and clear.
Within a society,social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material aspects,for example,in technology rather than in values; in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early; in the simple elements(要素)rather than in the complex ones; and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange ones.
Besides,social change is easier if it is gradual.For example,it comes more readily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with a sharp division.This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to other American minorities,because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white fellows.

24.The underlined part"greater tolerance"in Paragraph 1probably refers to"C".
A.quicker adaptation to changing conditions
B.greater willingness to accept social change
C.more respect for different beliefs and behavior
D.greater readiness to agree to different conditions
25.Why is social change less likely to occur in a society where people are similar in many ways?C
A.They are so conservative that they tend to slow down social change.
B.They can easily get what they want in the material aspect of society.
C.They are so used to their conditions that they seldom want to change.
D.They have similar needs that can be satisfied without much difficulty.
26.Which of the following factors probably tends to promote social change fast?A
A.Different points of view.
B.Traditional values.
C.Sharp divisions in relations.
D.Similar appearances.
27.What is this passage mainly discussing?D
A.Two different kinds of society.
B.Consequences of social change.
C.The importance of social change.
D.Certain factors affecting social change.

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