
2.You probably remember me from the other day.I was the one who reacted very slowly to the green traffic light.When you honked your horn(鸣笛),I realized I was holding up traffic,so please accept my apology.However,I do want you to know why I seemed in a confused state.You see,I was just at the doctor's office getting the results of the examination I had two weeks ago,and I was wondering how I would tell my husband and children that I had cancer.There were still tears in my eyes,so,quite simply I didn't even see the lights change.Perhaps I should not have been driving,but I didn't want to miss my appointment.
I was in the express lane(快速通道)at the supermarket without thinking and moving.Please accept my apology.My mind was on my youngest daughter who ran away from home,and she?'just sixteen.I was so worried then.You see,she somehow got in with the wrong crowd and started using drugs and drinking.I was remembering what a pretty little girl she had been most of her life.I know you were unhappy along with others in line.Please,accept my apology.
I remember you from the store last week.I was so mean to you,when you were doing your job to the best of your ability.I acted so childishly.Please accept my apology.You see,I arrived home from work just yesterday and discovered that my wife had left me,but I should never have taken it out on you.Please,accept my apology.
The above are imagined incidents,and yet they expressed a very real truth.The old saying about judging others before you"have walked a mile in their shoes"is a much needed reminder.Perhaps we all could try to learn the fact that there are problems and situation in the lives of others which we are totally unaware of.So,maybe before we get angry in similar situations,we should think a moment and understand that things may be going on in other's lives which have caused them to be slower,absent-minded or angry.Patience,as they say,is a virtue.
64.The woman was holding up traffic becauseC.
A.she had just left the doctor's office B.she didn't know how to drive
C.she had cancer and was absent in mind D.she had tears in her eyes
65.What was not the reason that worried the person according to paragraph two?D
A.Her youngest daughter ran away from home.
B.Her youngest daughter started using drugs and drinking.
C.Her youngest daughter somehow got in with the wrong crowd.
D.Her youngest daughter had lived a very happy life.
66.The whole passage is developedB
A.by space B.by examples C.by time   D.by comparison
67.What does the author mainly want to express?B
A.Learn to accept others?apology.
B.We need more patience and understanding.
C.Be patient when you are in line.
D.The patient should not drive to the office.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了她在知道自己得了癌症之后的所思所想.

解答 64.C  细节理解题,根据第一段You see,I was just at the doctor's office getting the results of the examination I had two weeks ago,and I was wondering how I would tell my husband and children that I had cancer.可知作者堵塞了交通是因为她得了癌症,心不在焉,故选C.
65.D  细节理解题,根据第二段My mind was on my youngest daughter who ran away from home,and she?'just sixteen.I was so worried then.You see,she somehow got in with the wrong crowd and started using drugs and drinking.可知她十六岁的小女儿离家出走了,而且她不知道她过的怎么样,很担心她,故选D、
66.B  细节理解题,通读全文可知作者在本文中是通过举例子来叙述的,故选B.
67.B  主旨大意题,根据最后一段So,maybe before we get angry in similar situations,we should think a moment and understand that things may be going on in other's lives which have caused them to be slower,absent-minded or angry.Patience,as they say,is a virtue.可知作者通过这篇文章主要告诉我们要有耐心,能够理解别人,故选B.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

1.We offer five kinds of courses.Each course has been designed to help students according to their needs.
Course 1:General English
General English is designed to develop students'basic communication skills in speaking and pronunciation,reading,listening,writing,grammar and vocabulary.Tuesday to Friday:9:00 am to 11:00 am,﹩288 per week.
Course 2:Academic English
Academic English is for students who want to take the IELTS exam or for those who need to use English in a professional area.Monday to Friday:4:00 pm to 5:00 pm,﹩320 per week.
Course 3:High School ESL
Why not make the most of your time studying in Australia with the help from TIES?We have High School ESL classes each week specifically designed for international students.Tuesday to Friday:8:00 am to 11:00 am,﹩25 per hour.
Course 4:Night Classes
Do you want to improve your English and get the best possible results in your GRE test?We have two night classes each week designed to meet your needs.Tuesday and Thursday evenings:8:30 pm to 10:30 pm,﹩60 per day.
Course 5:One on One
If you are interested in some One on One lessons with TIES teachers,we can design a course to meet your needs.One on One lessons can improve your English language skills more quickly and help students who want to take TOEFL.Tuesday to Friday:2:00 pm to 5:00 pm,﹩80 per hour.

28.If you are an English beginner,you'd better chooseA.
A.General English            B.High School ESL
C.Night Classes              D.Academic English
29.Which course would be helpful for students who want to take the IELTS exam?B
A.Course 1.  B.Course 2.
C.Course 3.  D.Course 4.
30.How much will you pay if you spend two weeks taking the High School ESL course?D
A.﹩200.  B.﹩300.
C.﹩500.  D.﹩600.
31.What can we learn from One on One according to the passage?C
A.Its lessons are given in the morning.
B.It's especially designed for English beginners.
C.It's more expensive than the other courses.
D.Its lessons are designed to only improve writing skills.
2.We could all say that we have bad days as we go through life,but what does it take to have a really good day?
I remember a day recently when I had to go to the (36)Afor special tests because I wasn't feeling well and my doctor sent me to a specialist to try and find the cause of my illness.As I(37)D to the hospital,I was feeling sad and certainly wasn't on top of my game.As I approached the hospital,I began my (38)A  for a parking spot.I finally found one not too far from the entrance to the hospital.
As I got out and brought my change out of my pocket,I noticed a man looking a little(39)Bstanding in front of a parking meter(停车记时收费表 ) two cars away.He seems to be searching his pockets for what I supposed were (40)C for the meter.
Although I (41)Adidn't feel that great,I thought that I should at least go over to him and find out if I could (42)A him.As I approached him,he turned to me looking worried.I asked him if he had a problem I could help with.He said that he had no coins at all  (43)D he was only thinking about visiting his sick wife when he left his house.
I reached into my pocket and (44)Cout two dollars and gave it to him without saying a word.And,without waiting for a(45)D,I turned on my heel and said to him as I was walking away:"Have a good day."
The funny thing was that I felt a lot (46)C,a small smile came to my face,and second to walk just a little quicker.I was walking away when he called out:"Thank you so much."You know,I didn't even(47)B him to say anything.He didn't have to say a word to me.It was simply enough to  (48)Dthat I had helped someone else who needed a little (49)C.That's all it took to bring a smile to my face as I went on toward completing my own business.
You know,it doesn't (50)Bmuch to help someone else.
[1]There are times in everyone's life when they fail.Even the most successful people in the world have troubled times.Anyone can turn a failed situation into a winning one,if they know how.Failure is not the end of the line for anyone.Use these three tips to use failure as a catalyst (催化剂) for success.
[2]When you turn failure into motivation to do better,you will find it easy to better your situation.If you need to do better in school,make a study schedule to follow.No matter what the failed task consisted of,you can use it to motivate yourself to get more done.
[3]When something does not work out as planned or even when you fail in something,it could be because you need to redirect your life.Use failure as an opportunity to evaluate your life and decide what you need to do to get back on track.The new track may be a more successful one.
[4]When you have failed and feel like you have hit rock bottom,you can always                  as motivation to climb back up.Tell yourself that it does not get much worse than the point of failure and let yourself know that the only way to go is up from there.When you do this,you will see that instead of running from failure you can face it bravely and overcome it.
[5]Use these three tips to help you face failure and turn it into success.Once you learn how to do this,you will never be afraid to fail again!
76.What is the best title for the passage?(no more than 10 words.)How to Take Failure and Turn it into Success/How to Use Failure as a Catalyst for Success
77.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases.(no more than 5 words.)use the failure/take the failure
78.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
Whoever knows what to do can turn failure into success.Anyone can turn a failed situation into a winning one,if they know how
79.Which of the suggestions do you think is the best for you when you fail in life?Why?(no more than 30 words.)开放性答案
80.Translate the underlined sentences in the last paragraph into Chinese.运用这三条建议来帮助你对付失败、转败为成.一旦你学会这点,你就永远不会再惧怕失败了..
11.Microwaves may be great at warming up food,but what about warming people?
Using microwaves to directly heat owners of a room would save much of the energy wasted by heating walls and furniture.And despite popular ideas about microwaves,this technique would be safe,according to Charles R.Burlier of the Microwave Research Center in Marlborough,New Hampshire.Low-power microwaves only penetrate (贯穿) the skin (low-power microwave penetration in a ham is about 0.2inches,for example) and with no negative effects.
To test this idea,Buffler subjected himself to microwaves in a special room using a standard 500-watt,2459MHz magnetron (磁控管).He found that a person will start to feel warmth at about 20kilowatts per square centimeter (mw./sq.cm.); a satisfactory feeling of warmth occurs between 35and 50mw./sq.cm.By comparison,a person standing in noonday summer sun feels the amount of 85mw./sq.cm.And a frozen meat pie in your microwave oven receives about 1000mw./sq.cm.
In houses of the future,each room could be provided with its own magnetron,says Buffler.When you stepped into the living room,for example,a motion detector (运动感应器)would turn on the magnetron,filling the room with low-power microwaves.In the same way that a microwave oven heats up a hamburger,but not the plate it's on,you would feel warmth from the microwaves without changing the temperature of your coffee table.(You could,however,make your favorite easy chair even more comfortable by treating it with a radiation-absorbing chemical.)
While it might be some time before homeowners are comfortable enough with the idea to set up whole-body microwave heaters in houses,Buffler says microwaves may attract livestock(家畜) farmers.Lambs that are born outdoors in winter,for example,are frequently lost to cold.Microwaves could warm the lambs safely and quickly.

26.Which of the following can tell the main idea of the passage?A
A.A new heating system.
B.A new microwave oven.
C.A popular technique.
D.The magnetron.
27.According to Paragraph 2,which of the following does not describe the characteristics of a microwave heater?B
A.It directly heats people in a room.
B.It heats walls and furniture in a room.
C.It is safe.
D.It saves energy.
28.The test conducted by Buffler shows that when a person feels comfortable warmth,he receives aboutB.
A.20mw./sq.cm.   B.40mw./sq.cm.
C.60mw./sq.cm.   D.85mw./sq.cm.
29.According to Paragraph 4,which of the following fills the room with low-power microwaves?A
A.The magnetron.
B.The motion detector.
C.The microwave oven.
D.The radiation-absorbing chemical.
30.Which of the following statements about microwave heaters would Buffler most probably agree with?C
A.Microwave heaters will soon be widely used by homeowners.
B.Microwave heaters sometimes make people feel uncomfortable.
C.Perhaps microwave heaters will be first used by livestock farmers,who wish to protect their lambs in winter.
D.Microwave heaters cannot be accepted by the public because they are somewhat unsafe.
12.There was a gardener who looked after his garden with great care.To water his flowers,he used two buckets(水桶).One was a shiny and new bucket.The other was a very old and dilapidated one,which had seen many years of service,but was now past its best.
Every morning,the gardener would fill up the two buckets.Then he would carry them along the path,one on each side,to the flowerbeds.The new bucket was very proud of itself.It could carry a full bucket of water without a single drop spilled (溢出).The old bucket felt very ashamed because of its holes:before it reached the flowerbeds,much water had leaked (漏出) along the path.
Sometimes the new bucket would say,"See how capable I am!How good it is that the gardener has me to water the flowers every day!I don't know why he still bothers with you.What a waste of space you are!"
And all that the old bucket could say was."I know I am not very useful,but I can only do my best.I am happy that the gardener still finds a little bit of use in me,at least."
One day,the gardener heard that kind of conversation.After watering the flowers as usual,he said,"You both have done your work very well.Now I am going to carry you back.I want you to look carefully along the path."
Then the two buckets did so.All along the path,they noticed,on the side where the new bucket was carried,there was just bare(光秃秃的)earth; on the other side where the old bucket was carried,there was a joyous row of wild flowers,leading all the way to the garden.

32.What was the old bucket ashamed of?D
A.His past.    B.His aging.
C.His manner.  D.His leaking.
33.What does the underlined word"dilapidated"probably mean?C
A.dirty              B.dark
C.worn-out           D.ordinary-looking.
34.The new bucket made conversations with the old one mainly toB.
A.take pity on the old one
B.laugh at the old one
C.show off its beautiful looks
D.praise the gardener's kindness
35.Why was the old bucket still kept by the gardener?C
A.Because it was used to keep a balance
B.Because it stayed in its best condition
C.Because it had its own function
D.Because it was taken as a treasure.

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