

A [2015 .四川新津中学高三一诊] Moral science is taught as a subject in most schools but with little effect. Perhaps part of the problem lies in the fact that morality is not a science, strictly speaking. It is too much of a social phenomenon, and also has too much of the personal and subjective things mixed within. Besides, morali?ty itself changes with generations. So it is impossible to be defined in a textbook.

I remember sitting through forty minutes of moral les?sons, which told stories about little children who never told lies and were rewarded for their goodness. It had little effect and left no impression on me, though.

If moral science has to be taught as a subject in schools, it needs a participatory(参与其中的)approach. When you tell a child about morals, you also have to deal with social norms(规范)and cultural differences. You have to explain that morality can be subjective, and be able to coexist in soci?ety. You will probably have to refer to the morals of the pres?ent time.

The best way to tell a child how to live is to show him or her what is valued. If a child likes his or her friends, you have to make the child think about why. Once the child no?tices and recognizes goodness in others, he or she is likely to develop it as well.

In fact, children learn most of their morals by watching people around them. They absorb behaviour patterns from teachers and older students. They watch to see what is re?warded and who is punished. They learn on the sports field and through social work. Moral science lessons should simply consist of letting them live and interact, and watch you sup?port correct values and reward good behaviour.

1.     Which is NOT the reason why moral science is taught in schools but with little effect?


A.     Morality doesn't strictly belong to a science.

B.     Morality is more like a social phenomenon.

C.     Morality can't be written down in textbooks.

D.     Different generations have different moral ideas.

2.     The author describes his own experience of having moral lessons in order to •


A.     explain that telling lies is not moral for little children

B.     advise that people should be rewarded for their good?ness

C.     show that he has no opinions about moral science

D.     prove that moral lessons in schools have little effect


3.     When   you   tell   a   child   about   morals ,   you should

A.     teach him or her to share personal moral ideas with others

B.      tell him or her about social norms and cultural differ?ences

C.      explain that nobody can influence his or her moral ide?as

D.     say that the present morals are likely to be changed

4.     What is the last paragraph mainly about?


A.     The influence of people's behaviour on morals.

B.     The value of teachers' setting a good example.

C.     The best way of teaching children about morals.

D.     The importance of rewarding good behaviour.

I. 阅读理解

A [文章大意]本文是一篇说明文,介绍了德育在学校的教育效果不明显的原因以及德育最好的教授方式是什么。

1.C 细节理解题。根据第一段的"Perhaps part of the problem lies in the fact that morality is not a science, strictly speaking. It is too much of a social phenomenon, and also has too much of the personal and subjective things mixed within. Besides, morality it?self changes with generations.,,可知选C项。

2.D 细节理解题。根据第二段的"It had little effect and left no impression on me, though."可知,作者提到自己上德育课的经历是为了证明德育课没有多大作用而且也没有给自己留下什么印象。故选D项。

3.B 细节理解题。根据第三段的"When you tell a child about morals, you also have to deal with social norms(规范)and cultur-al differences."可知,给孩子们讲道德时,要告诉他们一些社会规范和文化差异。故选B项。

4. C推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,孩子们主要是从父母、老师和大一点的同学那里学习道德,据此推断应选C项。


I.阅读理解[2015 .郑州高三一模]

   We use robots for tasks like building cars and sorting mail, but can we use them as stand-ups(单口相声演员)in the future? One robot called RoboThespian has been trying out some jokes.

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London or?ganized RoboThespian's performances to test whether it could be as funny as a human.

The electronic comedian went on stage for a show with British comedians Andrew O'Neill and Tiernan Douieb, per?forming the same jokes as Douieb but with a few changes―it is a robot after all. The robot has some advantages over hu?man comedians? too.

"We used computer vision and audio software to notice the response of each audience member, something a human comedian cannot do," said Kleomenis Katevas, the robot's programmer. " The machine used this information to decide whom to look at and which gestures to use."

  The robot also has other advantages over human comedi?ans. Impressions of other people and sounds are very popular ways for performers to get laughs, and according to New Sci?entist reporter Celeste Biever, the robot can perform a recor?ded sound by simply playing it back. It can also act out pro?grammed pieces from Shakespeare or just anything else.

  "Another of the robot's advantages is more surprising. Because I feel less empathy(同感)for RoboThespian than for the human comedians, I feel more relaxed during its perform?ances ,"Biever added. And of course, RoboThespian is un?likely to feel as nervous as other comedians, or be affected too badly by an audience member shouting at it.

  The Queen Mary researchers say they're most interested in how the audience can be part of live performances. So in the future, we may be watching robots performing exactly the show we want to see. Do you think it's time for the robot to write some more jokes?

1.Why was RoboThespian originally developed?


A.To help human comedians perform better on stage.

B. To find out if robots could understand human jokes.

C.To see if robots could perform like human comedians.

D.To assist human comedians to make up some better jokes.

2.When RoboThespian gave performances on stage, it


A.imitated the audience's voices to make them laugh

B.was affected easily by an audience member shouting at it

 C.performed completely different jokes from human co?medians

D.recorded each audience member's reaction and acted accordingly


3. What does Celeste Biever think of robot comedians?


A.     He believes the future of comedy lies in them.

B.      He considers their jokes as rather poor and boring.

C.      He thinks they aren't suitable for live performances.

D.     He feels more comfortable watching their perform?ances.

4.What is the article mainly talking about?


A.     The robot comedian RoboThespian and its advanta?ges.

B.     Robot technology used to help us with our daily tasks.

C.     Predictions of the comedy of the future and concern about it.

D.     A comparison between human comedians and robot comedians.

H.完形填空[2015 .江西六校高三3月联考〗

Three months before graduating from university, my son started to hunt for a job.     9     the financial crisis, few com?panies would like to  10  new staff. My son targeted a company that was  11   to hire only one person 12  there were more than twenty people sending their resumes (简


After the interview, there would only be three who could enter the final round, which would later 13 one person to be employed. Everything seemed to go quite 14 and my son passed the first round and entered the final round in a week.

 On the day of the final interview, my son and the other two 15 arrived at the interview place on time, 16 the test. Unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably 17 . The interviewer only said to them,"All of you are very super. Please go home and wait for our 18 We will tell you the 19 in three days. Good luck to all of you!" On the morn?ing of the third day, my son received a text from the company shortly after breakfast that he was not employed. We all felt very 20

At nightfall that day, my son suddenly told me 21 on the phone, "Dad, I have been employed!" Greatly sur?prised, I could not wait to ask him, " What's the whole

22 ?"My son told me that he received another text saying that he was employed. Actually the first text sent to my son was also  23 of the test in the interview. Three men re?ceived the same text this morning and only my son's  24  was "Thank you.” while the others said "Goodbye."

Only then did I know that my son's "hope" 25 in that way. That is,when you feel disappointed, do not 26  to say "thank you" to the one who disappoints you. Saying "thank you" shows respect for others' work and shows your grand   27  .  Therefore, while under the same condition, you will get the upper hand in terms of 28 compared with others!

9.A. Owing to                                       B.  As to

C.  Instead of                                D. Contrary to

10. A. promote                                        B. train

C.  discover                                   D. employ

11.A. encouraged                                 B. allowed
C.intended                               D. supposed

12.A.since                                   B. while

C.as                                     D. if

13.A.meet                              B. attract
C.  represent                               D. decid

14.A. smoothly                               B. slowly
C.  secretly                                D. silently

15.A.members                             B. staff
C.  candidates                            D. friends

16.A. watching over                        B.  waiting for
C.  thinking about                     D.  looking into

17.A.simple                              B. formal
C.  funny                               D. strange

18.A. notice                           B. information
C. order                             D. return

19.A.mark                               B. choice

C.result                               D. idea

20.A. annoyed                         B. puzzled
C.  disappointed                           D. shocked

21.  A. excitedly                       B. doubtfully
C.  calmly                           D. worriedly

22.A.cause                          B. matter
C.  conclusion                    D. interview

23.A.middle                            B. ending
C.part                           D. course

24.A.way                             B. reply

C.  problem                         D. question

25.A.changed                          B. grew
C.  developed                            D. came

26.A.expect                                B. forget
C.  dislike                               D. regret

27.A. generosity                          B. curiosity
C.  dignity                             D. personality

28. A. abilities                                B. strengths

C.  challenges                           D. opportunities


A [2015 ■盐城时杨中学三调] When I was a child, I had an old neighbour named Doc?tor Gibbs. He didn't look like any doctor I'd ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard, but was always very kind.

When Doctor Gibbs didn't save lives, he planted trees. He had some interesting theories about planting trees. He believed in the principle: "No pain, no gain."He hardly wa?tered his new trees, an attitude which flew in the face of con?ventional wisdom.

Once I asked why and he told me that watering plants spoiled them because it made them grow weaker. He said you had to make things tough for the trees so that only the stron?gest could survive. He talked about how watering trees made them develop shallow roots and how, if they were not wa?tered, trees would grow deep roots in search of water.

So, instead of watering his trees every morning, he'd beat them with a rolled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the trees' attention.

Doctor Gibbs died a couple of years after I left home. Ev?ery now and then, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I'd watched him plant some 25 years ago. They were tall and strong.

I planted a couple of trees myself a few years ago. Two years of tending these trees meant they grew up weak. When?ever a cold wind blew, their branches trembled. Adversity seemed to benefit Doctor Gibbs' trees while comfort and ease never could.

Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. I often pray that their lives will be easy. But lately I've been thinking that it's time to change my prayer. I know my chil?dren are going to encounter hardship. There's always a cold wind blowing somewhere. What we need to do is pray for deep roots, so when the rain falls and the wind blows* we won't be torn apart.

1.With those trees planted, Doctor Gibbs often .

 A.     kept watering them every morning

B.     talked to them to get their attention

C.     paid little attention to them

D.     beat them to make them grow deep roots

2.What does the underlined word "Adversity" mean in the sixth paragraph?


A.     Difficult living conditions.

B.     Lack of moisture.

C.     Enough care or attention.

D.     Bad weather.

3.  Which prayer does the author wish for his sons?

A.     Have an easy life, without too much to worry about.

B.      Be able to stand the rain and wind in their lives.

C.      Have good luck, encountering less hardship in their lives.

D.     Meet people like Doctor Gibbs in the future.

I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight (货运)yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can slightly 5the brightness of sunshine and what colour red is. It would be wonderful to see again, but 6 can do strange things to people.

It 7to me the other day that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn't been 8 . I believe in life now. I am not so sure that I would have believed in it so 9,otherwise. I don't mean that I would pre?fer to go without my 10 . I simply mean that the loss of them made me  11 more what I had.

Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of12 to reality. The more readily a person is able to make these adjustments, the more    13  his own private world becomes. The adjustment is never easy. The hardest 14         I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was 15       . If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have 16        and become a chair rocker on the front porch (门廊)for the rest of my life.

It took me years to discover and    17    this belief. It had to start with the most elementary things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball.   I thought he was 18    at me and I was hurt. "I can't use this," I said. " 19  it with you,,, he urged me, "and roll it around. ,, The words stuck in my head.   " Roll it around!" By rolling the ball I could hear   20 it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought   21  ; playing baseball.  At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a successful variation of    22   . We called it ground ball.

All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my 23 It was no good to try for something I knew at the start that was wildly out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of24 . I would fail sometimes anyway but on average I made progress.

 5.A. forget                B. see

C. ignore               D. remember

6.   A. happiness            B. fortune
C. misfortune           D. wealth

7.   A. occurred             B. happened
C. agreed               D. applied

8.   A. clever               B. blind
C. foolish              D. lucky

9.   A. hardly               B. quickly
C. roughly              D. deeply

  10.   A. hands               B. arms

C. eyes                D. legs

11.   A. appreciate          B. arrive

C. believe             D. accept

12.   A. employments         B. investments
C. settlements         D. adjustments

13.   A. meaningful          B. painful
C. fearful             D. careful

14.    A. pleasure            B. lesson
C.  enjoyment           D. trouble

15.    A. unnecessary         B. horrible
C.  unpractical         D. essential

16.    A. broken out          B.  broken through
C.  broken down         D.  broken off

17.    A. strengthen          B. weaken
C.  shorten             D. darken

18.    A. smiling             B. laughing
C.  wondering           D. glaring

19.    A. Bring               B. Borrow
C.  Take                D. Lend

20.    A. where               B. when
C.  why                 D. how


21.    A. possible            B. potential
C.  probable            D. impossible

22.    A. basketball          B. baseball
C.  football            D. volleyballl

23.    A. conversations       B. limitations
C.  congratulations     D. educations

24.    A, achievement         B. process
C.  success             D. failure

Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day.“I was a clothes addict.” he jokes.“I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled.” Today David wears casual clothes—khaki pants and a sports shirt—to the office.He hardly ever wears a necktie.“I am working harder than ever.” David says, “and I need to feel comfortable.”

More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work.In the United States, the change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual.In the early 1990s, many companies allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday(but only on Friday).This became known as “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”.“What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for employees has really become an everyday thing.” said business consultant Maisly Jones.

Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes? One reason is that it’s easier for a company to attract new employees if it has a casual dress code.” “A lot of young people don’t want to dress up for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so it’s hard to hire people if you have a conservative(保守的)dress code.” Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes.In a study conducted by Levi Strauss and Company, 85 percent of employers said that they believe that casual dress improves employee morale(心境,士气).Only 4 percent of employers said that casual dress has a negative influence on productivity.Supporters of casual office wear also argue that a casual dress code helps them save money.“Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,” one person said.“For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”

1.David Smith refers to himself as having been “a clothes addict,” because ________.

A.he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt

B.he couldn’t stand a clean appearance

C.he wanted his clothes to look neat all the time

D.he didn’t want to spend much money on clothes

2.David Smith wears casual clothes now, because__________.

A.they make him feel at ease when working

B.he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes

C.he looks handsome in casual clothes

D.he no longer works for any company

3.In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT __________.

A.saving employees’ money

B.making employees more attractive

C.improving employees’ motivation

D.making employees happier

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