
H.完形填空[2015 .江西六校高三3月联考〗

Three months before graduating from university, my son started to hunt for a job.     9     the financial crisis, few com?panies would like to  10  new staff. My son targeted a company that was  11   to hire only one person 12  there were more than twenty people sending their resumes (简


After the interview, there would only be three who could enter the final round, which would later 13 one person to be employed. Everything seemed to go quite 14 and my son passed the first round and entered the final round in a week.

 On the day of the final interview, my son and the other two 15 arrived at the interview place on time, 16 the test. Unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably 17 . The interviewer only said to them,"All of you are very super. Please go home and wait for our 18 We will tell you the 19 in three days. Good luck to all of you!" On the morn?ing of the third day, my son received a text from the company shortly after breakfast that he was not employed. We all felt very 20

At nightfall that day, my son suddenly told me 21 on the phone, "Dad, I have been employed!" Greatly sur?prised, I could not wait to ask him, " What's the whole

22 ?"My son told me that he received another text saying that he was employed. Actually the first text sent to my son was also  23 of the test in the interview. Three men re?ceived the same text this morning and only my son's  24  was "Thank you.” while the others said "Goodbye."

Only then did I know that my son's "hope" 25 in that way. That is,when you feel disappointed, do not 26  to say "thank you" to the one who disappoints you. Saying "thank you" shows respect for others' work and shows your grand   27  .  Therefore, while under the same condition, you will get the upper hand in terms of 28 compared with others!

9.A. Owing to                                       B.  As to

C.  Instead of                                D. Contrary to

10. A. promote                                        B. train

C.  discover                                   D. employ

11.A. encouraged                                 B. allowed
C.intended                               D. supposed

12.A.since                                   B. while

C.as                                     D. if

13.A.meet                              B. attract
C.  represent                               D. decid

14.A. smoothly                               B. slowly
C.  secretly                                D. silently

15.A.members                             B. staff
C.  candidates                            D. friends

16.A. watching over                        B.  waiting for
C.  thinking about                     D.  looking into

17.A.simple                              B. formal
C.  funny                               D. strange

18.A. notice                           B. information
C. order                             D. return

19.A.mark                               B. choice

C.result                               D. idea

20.A. annoyed                         B. puzzled
C.  disappointed                           D. shocked

21.  A. excitedly                       B. doubtfully
C.  calmly                           D. worriedly

22.A.cause                          B. matter
C.  conclusion                    D. interview

23.A.middle                            B. ending
C.part                           D. course

24.A.way                             B. reply

C.  problem                         D. question

25.A.changed                          B. grew
C.  developed                            D. came

26.A.expect                                B. forget
C.  dislike                               D. regret

27.A. generosity                          B. curiosity
C.  dignity                             D. personality

28. A. abilities                                B. strengths

C.  challenges                           D. opportunities



9. A根据后文可知,由于经济危机,很少有公司会招募新员工。owing to由于,Bias to关于;instead of代替,而不是;contrary to与……相反。

10.D解析见上题。promote促销,提拔;train训练;discover发现; employ招募,雇佣。

11.C根据句意可知,儿子看中的公司只打算招聘一名新员工。be intended to do sth打算做某事。encourage鼓励;allow允许;in?tend 目的是,意图;suppose应当,假设。

12. B前半句说公司只打算招聘一名新员工,后半句说却有二十多人应聘,这里是转折关系。since自从,因为;while然而,当…… 时候;as随着,由于;if如果。

13.D根据句意可知,最后一轮将决定谁会被录用。meet见面;at-tract吸弓I ; represent代表;decide决定。

14.A根据句意可知,一切似乎都很顺利,作者的儿子在一星期内通过了初试并进入了最终的面试。smoothly平滑地,顺利地; slowly慢慢地;secretly秘密地;silently无声地。

15. C根据句意可知,作者的儿子和另外两个候选者准时到达了最终面试地点。member成员;staff员工,职工;candidate候选人, 继承人;friend朋友。

16. B根据句意可知,这里是说大家都在那里等待最终的面试。watch over监视,注视,看护;wait for等待;think about思考; look into调查。

17.A根据后文可知,面试官直接叫候选者们回家等结果,并没有进行任何考核,因此最终面试是很简单的。simple简单的;for?mal 正 式的; funny有趣的;strange奇怪的,陌生的。

18.A 根一据句意可知,面试官叫大家直接回家等结果。notice通知,提示;information信息!order订单,命令;return返回。

19. C根据句意可知,面试官说他们会在三天之内告知录用结果。mark记号;choice选择;result结果;idea主意。

20. C根据上一句可知,儿子收到来自公司的消息说他没有被录用,所以"我们"都感到很失望。annoyed生气的,恼怒的;puzzled 迷惑的;disappointed失望的;shocked震惊的。

21.A根据句意可知,儿子被录取了,应该是很兴奋地和爸爸分享这个消息。excitedly兴奋地;doubtfully怀疑地;calmly冷静地, 镇静地;worriedly担心地,焦虑地。

22. B根据句意可知,作者十分惊讶,所以想知道整件事到底是怎样的。cause原因imatter事件;conclusion结论;interview面试。

23. C根据句意可知,第一次发来的消息是考核的一部分。middle 中间,中等;ending结束,结尾;part部分;course课程,路线。

24. B根据句意可知,那天早上三个人都收到了公司的消息说他们没有被录用,可是只有作者儿子的回复是"谢谢",其他两个的回复都是"再见"。way方式;reply回复;problem问题;question 疑问。

25. D根据句意可知,直到这时作者才知道儿子的"希望"是那样来的。change改变;grow成长,变得;develop发展;come来,来到。


27.A根据句意可知,说"谢谢"显示了你对别人工作成果的尊敬, 显示了你的慷慨大度。generosity慷慨;curiosity好奇心;dignity 尊严;personality人格。



B  [2015 •安徽合肥高三二检]

Personal money management website Mint, com suggests recently that responsible parents should give their kids credit cards―possibly starting as young as middle school. The web?site says a credit card will help children master responsible spending habits and give parents the chance to teach them some valuable lessons.

It's absolutely true that kids should learn about how a credit card works and how to use it responsibly. But the idea that they need a card of their own to practise this is questiona?ble.

Yes, credit cards are a teaching tool, but it's the time you spend educating them about money management that does the teaching, not the piece of plastic. Sit down with your children—here we are referring to teenagers and walk them through your credit card statements. Point out important things like the due date, late fee warning, and APR(贷款年利率).

If you have good credit, adding a child as an authorized user onto one of your credit cards also provides teachable mo?ments. Allow kids to use the card to make specific purchases and require their participation in payment.

Since the card is still in your name, you can take them off it at any point and cut off their access if they're not able to handle the responsibility.

Another option is to set a child up with an account at a local bank that offers free use of a debit card(借记卡).Unlike the credit card, the debit card has no overdraft (透支) function.

Children can only use the card to pay for things and the money is taken directly from their bank accounts. If the ac?count is empty, the worst that will happen is the card being declined at a cash register.

5. Why does Mint, com advise parents to give middle school kids credit cards?


A.     To leave their kids financially independent.

B.     To help their kids form good spending habits.

C.     To teach their kids how to save pocket money.

D.     To strengthen the relationship with their kids.

6.The author considers a credit card as a teaching tool be?cause .


A.     it motivates teenagers to ask their parents for less fi?nancial support

B.     it helps teenagers to know some basic knowledge of credit cards

C.     it contains detailed financial information on the card surface

D.     it offers parents the chance to teach kids to manage money

7.What is the purpose of adding kids as credit card author?ized users?


A.     To avoid extremely high overdraft fees.

B.     To encourage them to share household expenses.

C.     To teach them to be responsible credit card users.

D.     To help them pay close attention to their bank accounts.

8.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?


A.     Further information about debit cards.

B.     The overdraft function of a debit card.

C.     More disadvantages of credit cards.

D.     The kids' attitudes towards a credit card.

0.完形填空[2015 *江西九江二模]

One day I was walking to the mailbox with my dad,when I saw something drop from a tree. I couldn't 8 what it was, so I kept my eyes on the spot as we came near. It was a baby bird, which had fallen from its nest. It had long, awk?ward wings and feet, and 9 that fought to stay open. It was 10 , so I sat next to it watching while my dad got the mail. I 11 its nest and mother, 12 what happened to it.

My dad said we had to 13 it; there was nothing we could do. He said if the mother bird smelled any traces(踪迹) of    14    , she wouldn't go near the  15  again.

As we began to walk away, a woman 16 "Did it fall out of a nest?" she asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

  "It 17 a lot. Not much we can do," she said. "Try not to think about it when you go to sleep tonight."

I walked 18 the mailbox the next day. The baby bird lay    19     in the grass. 

I realize that "Try not to think about it" is the 20 of many people towards things which 21 to provide them with perfect excuses 22 not bothering. The woman wasn't being 23 ; she was actually quite nice. But when everyone says "there's 24 I can do―just try not to think about it", where will we finally 25 ? When billions of people  26  try not to think about it when they go to bed at

night, there might be millions of fallen birds lying dead and 27  in the grass the next morning.

8. A. say                                 B. talk
C.  speak                                 D. tell

9. A. eyes                                 B. arms
C.  feathers                             D. claws

 10. A.  bored                              B. stupid

C.  lovely                              D. clever

11. A.  turned back                     B. stared at
C.  pointed to                        D. looked for

12. A.  suggesting                        B. deciding
C.  wondering                       D. finding

13. A.  help                                 B. leave
C.  catch                                D. kill

14. A.  children                           B. humans
C.  animals                            D. insects

15. A.   tree                                B. grass

C.  baby                                D. person

16. A.  returned                           B. interrupted
C.  approached                       D. left

  17.A.  happens                           B. cries

C.  suffers                            D. changes

18. A.  from                                B. beyond
C.  past                                 D. into

19. A.  asleep                              B. dead
C.  still                                  D. alive

20. A.  attitude                            B. feeling

C.  consideration                   D. understanding

21. A.  fails                                 B. proves
C.  refuses                             D. seems

22.  A. from                                   B. of
C.  about                               D. for

23. A.  cruel                                B. kind

C.  silly                                 D. friendly

24. A.  something                        B. nothing
C.  everything                        D. anything

25. A.  start out                           B. come from
C.  settle down                       D. end up

26. A.  possibly                          B. simply
C.  particularly                       D. luckily

27. A. forgotten                             B. buried

C.  eaten                               D. remembered


A [2015 .四川新津中学高三一诊] Moral science is taught as a subject in most schools but with little effect. Perhaps part of the problem lies in the fact that morality is not a science, strictly speaking. It is too much of a social phenomenon, and also has too much of the personal and subjective things mixed within. Besides, morali?ty itself changes with generations. So it is impossible to be defined in a textbook.

I remember sitting through forty minutes of moral les?sons, which told stories about little children who never told lies and were rewarded for their goodness. It had little effect and left no impression on me, though.

If moral science has to be taught as a subject in schools, it needs a participatory(参与其中的)approach. When you tell a child about morals, you also have to deal with social norms(规范)and cultural differences. You have to explain that morality can be subjective, and be able to coexist in soci?ety. You will probably have to refer to the morals of the pres?ent time.

The best way to tell a child how to live is to show him or her what is valued. If a child likes his or her friends, you have to make the child think about why. Once the child no?tices and recognizes goodness in others, he or she is likely to develop it as well.

In fact, children learn most of their morals by watching people around them. They absorb behaviour patterns from teachers and older students. They watch to see what is re?warded and who is punished. They learn on the sports field and through social work. Moral science lessons should simply consist of letting them live and interact, and watch you sup?port correct values and reward good behaviour.

1.     Which is NOT the reason why moral science is taught in schools but with little effect?


A.     Morality doesn't strictly belong to a science.

B.     Morality is more like a social phenomenon.

C.     Morality can't be written down in textbooks.

D.     Different generations have different moral ideas.

2.     The author describes his own experience of having moral lessons in order to •


A.     explain that telling lies is not moral for little children

B.     advise that people should be rewarded for their good?ness

C.     show that he has no opinions about moral science

D.     prove that moral lessons in schools have little effect


3.     When   you   tell   a   child   about   morals ,   you should

A.     teach him or her to share personal moral ideas with others

B.      tell him or her about social norms and cultural differ?ences

C.      explain that nobody can influence his or her moral ide?as

D.     say that the present morals are likely to be changed

4.     What is the last paragraph mainly about?


A.     The influence of people's behaviour on morals.

B.     The value of teachers' setting a good example.

C.     The best way of teaching children about morals.

D.     The importance of rewarding good behaviour.

I.阅读理解[2015 •哈尔滨六中二模』

The new world of today introduced new threats that were not known in the previous generations: Internet preda?tors (掠夺 者). Often we do a lot of researching, shopping, talking―just about everything online nowadays. New ad?vancements in revolution comes along with the unwanted at?tackers. There are people out there who gain pleasure from interrupting and taking from our peaceful lives wh< . :, not rightfully theirs. But there are indeed counteractive measures that can be set in place to fend off these predators from such damage. I'd like to introduce Guardian Eye.

Within this program is a complex program which has several functions to create a safe atmosphere for whoever uses the computer. It has the ability to track and log every key?stroke, every website that has ever been accessed, take screenshots of web pages, block web pages according to con?tent and even send you messages via e-mail once conspicuous (可疑的)activities have been reported and logged. Just think, you or your children could be browsing and searching through the Internet and inappropriate content pops up with several different windows. You try to click out of the win?dows but you accidentally click one which releases spy soft?ware, infecting your computer. Guardian Eye blocks unwant?ed content from popping up or appearing to the users, which I thought was extremely convenient. In this way there is not e-ven the slightest temptation.

This product helps prevent damage from being done to your computer and worse, your identity. It's quite the prod?uct and it offers a small version so you may try it out first. If you'd like the full package, it's a one-time fee of $ 39. 99 and can be installed on unlimited computers for your convenience. It's a nice deal and I'm considering getting it again considering I do a lot of writing on various websites myself.

1.In what way is Guardian Eye most useful to kids?


A.     It stops them from opening too many windows.

B.     It makes them aware of conspicuous activities.

C.     It keeps them from seeing unwanted content.

D.     It stops spy software from entering the computer.

2. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

 A.You have to pay for Guardian Eye every year.

B.The author has never used Guardian Eye.

C.You can use Guardian Eye for free.

D.Guardian Eye is economical to use. 

3.For what purpose does the author writer the passage?

A.     To recommend a piece of software to us.

B.     To describe how to use a piece of software.

C.     To ask us to pay attention to online safety.

D.     To tell us how to fend off online predators.

Ⅱ.阅读七选五[2015 •辽宁重点中学协作体高考模拟]


Smart phone stress: Are you a victim of "always on" cul?ture?

You're on holiday but secretly check your work e-mails the moment you wake up. You get anxious if there's no Wi-Fi in the hotel or mobile phone signal up the mountain. 5 And you secretly worry things will go wrong at work if you're not there. These are the typical signs of "always on" stress caused by smartphone addiction.

Work-life balance

Pittsburgh-based developer Kevin Holesh developed an app named Moment to monitor his usage of his phone. The app enables users to see how much time they're spending on the device and set up warnings if self-controlled usage limits are offended. 6 "Some time on your phone, some time off it, enjoying your loving family and friends around you."

"Always stressed"

7 You're not giving your body time to recover, so you're always stressed. And the more tired and stressed we get, the more mistakes we make. 8 The fact that we can stay connected to the workplace wherever we are in the world is feeding deep-rooted insecurities.

Slowdown in decision

We now consume media for more hours than we sleep. 9  It actually makes it more difficult to make decisions and many are becoming less productive because they're flooded by it all and feel they can never escape the office.

A.Moment's goal is to promote balance in your life.

B.You get excited if you receive a text message or an e-mail

from a friend.

C.This is leading to a sort of slowdown in decision and it is creating more stress in the workplace.

D.The negative impact of "always on" culture is that your mind is never resting.

E.Physical and mental health therefore can suffer.

F. Mobile phone companies argue that mobile connectivity is beneficial.

G. You are nervous if your phone is getting low on power.

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