





My summer travel started terribly. I was at the Shanghai Railway Station buy a ticket to Hang Zhou. I was going to visit a friend here and after that I would go to Xiamen for long holiday. I bought my ticket but turned around to pick up my bag from the floor and then I realized that someone has stolen it. Unluckily, I had all my money in my pocket, but the only clothes I had was those I had on. It was very strange to travel without any luggages. When I finally arrived at my friend, he lent me lots of clothes. I felt very happy about that I could change my clothes at last.


¡¾1¡¿buy ¡úbuying

¡¾2¡¿here ¡úthere

¡¾3¡¿long historyÇ°¼Óa

¡¾4¡¿but ¡úand

¡¾5¡¿has ¡úhad

¡¾6¡¿Unluckily ¡úLuckily

¡¾7¡¿was ¡úwere

¡¾8¡¿luggages ¡úluggage

¡¾9¡¿friend ¡úfriend¡¯s




¡¾1¡¿buy ¡úbuying.¿¼²é¶¯´Ê¡£±¾¾äÖ¸µÄ¶¯´ÊbuyÓëÖ÷ÓïI¹¹³ÉÖ÷¶¯¹Øϵ£¬buyÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷×´Óï¡£¹Êbuy ¡úbuying

¡¾2¡¿here ¡úthere.¿¼²é¸±´Ê¡£ÕâÀïµÄthereÖ¸ÉϾäÌá¼°µÄHangzhou£¬È¥¿´ÍûÄÇÀïµÄÅóÓÑ¡£¹Êhere ¡úthere.

¡¾3¡¿long historyÇ°¼Óa.¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê¡£±¾¾äÖеÄÃû´ÊholidayÊÇÒ»¸ö¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬Ö¸ºÜ³¤Ê±¼äµÄÒ»¸ö¼ÙÆÚ¡£long historyÇ°¼Óa.

¡¾4¡¿but ¡úand.¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê¡£ÉÏÏÂÎÄÖ®¼äÊDz¢ÁйØϵ£¬ÎÒÂòÁËƱȻºóתÉíÄðü¡£²»´æÔÚתÕ۵ĹØϵ¡£¹Êbut ¡úand.

¡¾5¡¿has ¡úhad.¿¼²éʱ̬¡£´Ë´¦Ö¸ÔÚÎÒÒâʶµ½Ö®Ç°ÎҵİüÒѾ­±»Íµ£¬¶¯×÷·¢ÉúÓÐÏȺ󣬸ù¾ÝÒѸø¶¯´Êrealized¿ÉÖª±ÈËü·¢ÉúµÄ¸üÔçµÄ¶¯×÷ÓùýÈ¥Íê³Éʱ£¬¹Êhas ¡úhad.

¡¾6¡¿Unluckily ¡úLuckily.¿¼²é¾äÒâ¡£Îҵİü±»Íµ£¬ÎÒµÄËùÓÐÇ®¶¼ÔÚ¶µÀï¡£Á¬½ÓÁ½¾äÓ¦¸ÃÊÇ¡°ÐÒÔ˵ÄÊÇ¡±£¬¹ÊUnluckily ¡úLuckily.

¡¾7¡¿was ¡úwere.¿¼²éÖ÷νһÖ¡£ ±¾¾äµÄÖ÷ÓïÊÇthe only clothes£¬¸Ã½á¹¹×öÖ÷Óïʱ£¬Î½Óﶯ´ÊÓø´ÊýÐÎʽ¡£¹Êwas ¡úwere.

¡¾8¡¿luggages ¡úluggage.¿¼²éÃû´Ê¡£luggageÊÇÒ»¸ö²»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬Ã»Óи´ÊýÐÎʽ¡£¹Êluggages ¡úluggage.

¡¾9¡¿friend ¡úfriend¡¯s.¿¼²éÃû´ÊËùÓиñ¡£at my friend¡¯sÊÇÃû´ÊËùÓиñÖ¸¡°ÔÚÅóÓѼÒÀ£¬¹Êfriend ¡úfriend¡¯s.

¡¾10¡¿È¥µôabout. ¿¼²éÔ­Òò×´Óï´Ó¾ä¡£²¿·ÖÐÎÈÝ´Ê(Èçsorry, gladµÈ)ÓÐʱ¿É½ÓÒ»¸öthatÒýµ¼µÄ´Ó¾ä±íʾԭÒò,×÷×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬¾äÒ⣺ÒòΪÎÒÖÕÓÚÄÜ»»Ò·þÁËÎҺܸßÐË¡£aboutÊǶàÓàµÄ£¬¹ÊÈ¥µôabout..



When your pet is sick, you know it needs medication. But pets, like babies, don't know the pill you want them to take will help them. ¡¾1¡¿ Here are some tips to help get your pet to take liquid medicine.

¡¾2¡¿ If the answer is yes, then your easiest path is to mix it with canned food. First give your hungry pet a small amount of canned food without the medication. It's important that the pet nibbles (Ò»µãÒ»µãµØ³Ô) at the food and sees that there's nothing wrong.

Next, while the pet is still hungry, mix the medication in a small amount of food and present it. Repeat as necessary to get the entire dose (¼ÁÁ¿)down. ¡¾3¡¿ If the pet decides not to finish the meal, the dose will be wasted.

If the chemist says the medication cannot be taken with food, you need a syringe (×¢ÉäÆ÷) or a dropper (µÎ¹Ü) to get the liquid down your pet's throat.

¡¾4¡¿ Keep a cheerful tone in your voice so the pet doesn't sense your stress or hesitation. Position your pet where it cannot run away, perhaps having a dog sit with his back against a wall or chair ---- or a cat on your lap.

¡¾5¡¿ Use your other hand to insert the syringe or dropper between the cheek and back teeth. Slowly squeeze the medication so the pet won't choke. Try to keep your pet's mouth closed for about 30 seconds until you see it has swallowed. If your pet is being obstinate (¾óÇ¿µÄ) , span>stroke (¸§Ãþ) its throat gently or blow on the face.

Be sure you end the process with praise and perhaps a treat so your pet will not associate medication with a bad experience.

A. Before you call your pet in, be sure to have the medication and any other materials you¡¯ll need ready.

B. Once the pet is in position, use one hand to gently open the pet's mouth from above, tilting(Çãб) back the head slightly.

C. Ask the vet(ÊÞÒ½) if the liquid medication can be given with food.

D. You should know the reason why the pet refuses to take medicine.

E. Never mix the medication with the full meal.

F. They just know it smells funny and they don't want it.

G. Don¡¯t force your pet to swallow all the medicine


Conquering Procrastination (ÍÏÑÓÖ¢)

Procrastination, the habit of putting tasks off to the last possible minute, can be a major problem in both your career and your personal life. ¡¾1¡¿ . Therefore, it takes deliberate strategies to avoid becoming our own worst enemy by procrastinating on our intended actions.

Don¡¯t give in to feeling good. ¡¾2¡¿ . For example, a task at hand makes us feel anxious or overwhelmed, so we give in to feeling good, seeking immediate emotional relief, and we walk away, leaving the task for tomorrow. To cope with this, stay for a minute ¡ª don¡¯t walk away. Acknowledge the negative emotions, but get started anyway. Progress on a goal provides the motivation for another step forward.

¡¾3¡¿ . We¡¯re most likely to procrastinate on tasks that lack structure. This means that in addition to making your task specific, it¡¯s important to reduce the uncertainty about how to continue ¡ª and, when it¡¯s time to act, to reduce available distractions (·ÖÐĵÄÊÂÎï) as well. Shut off your e-mail, separate yourself from others as much as you can, and make sure the environment around you is working to strengthen your willpower and focus, not to weaken your efforts.

Make the most of the willpower muscle. A great deal of recent research clearly indicates that willpower is like a muscle. You can exhaust it more quickly than you might imagine and, when you do, you lose your ability to self-regulate your behavior. One immediate method to strengthen your resolve in order to kee you on task is to remind yourself of your values. ¡¾4¡¿ .

Beating procrastination isn¡¯t rocket science, but it is psychology. Procrastinators can change their behavior ¡ª but doing so consumes a lot of mental energy. ¡¾5¡¿ . It can be done with highly organized cognitive (ÈÏÖªµÄ) behavior treatment.

A. Its side effects include losing opportunities, rushed work, stress, anger, and guilt.

B. Do not perform several tasks at a time.

C. This process of self-recognition strengthens our weakening willpower.

D. When self-regulation fails, it¡¯s often because short-term emotional repair comes before our long-term goals.

E. And it doesn¡¯t necessarily mean one feels transformed internally.

F. It means doing more enjoyable things in place of less enjoyable ones.

G. Reduce uncertainty and distractions.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿A recent survey in the United States showed that the average family spent more money on its pets than on its children. Although rather shocking, it should not surprise anyone who has seen the doggy parlors(¿ÍÌü) where loved pets rest. Are Americans unique in treating their little friends in this way? No, the English, too, pay more attention to their pets.

This can clearly be seen when we look at pet foods, which often contain more vitamins than human food. They certainly cost much. Last year the British public spent two hundred million pounds on pet food alone, to say nothing of veterinary bills or animal furniture. It is difficult not to feel angry about this when considering what the same amount could do for victims of starvation and poverty, so it is not unusual for me to get hot under collar when I read an old man left all his money to his dog instead of his children.

There are a variety of reasons why I find pets-raising alarming. They cause physical problems. An example of this is New York where they have great difficulty getting rid of the mess that dogs leave on the streets. Many people find this funny, but in a number of large cities it is a major problem. Animals can cause disease, too. It is the threat of rabies ¡ª a disease with no known cure.

Another problem is the carelessness of pet owners. Most little children want a dog or a cat, and they continually push their mothers and fathers until they get one. It is only when the "sweet little thing" has been brought home that the parents realize how much time and money must be spent on "Rover" or "Bonzo". Then they just abandon it. As a result, they are allowed to run free. English farmers lose hundreds of sheep a year, killed by someone's pet and you must have read of children being hurt by some pets of their own.

Lastly, I would only suggest that we have got our priorities wrong and that something should be done about it. In my view, it's time we stopped being sentimental about pets. I can see no reason why we should get upset when animals are cut up for medical experiments. This will lead us to discovering cures for serious human diseases, then I say, ¡°keep cutting!¡±

¡¾1¡¿The doggy parlors are mentioned in the 1st paragraph to show ________.

A. where Americans keep their pets

B. what costly lives the pets are living

C. why children love their pets so much

D. how much pets depend on their masters

¡¾2¡¿In the second paragraph "to get hot under the collar" probably means ________.

A. getting quite hot B. feeling overwhelmingly angry

C. becoming excited D. receiving a fashionable shirt

¡¾3¡¿According to the author, in which field can animals be most useful?

A. Pet. B. Food. C. Medicine. D. Sports.

¡¾4¡¿What is author¡¯s attitude towards pets-raising?

A. Pitiful. B. Neutral. C. Opposed. D. Supportive.


How to Be Confident

We are all human and have weaknesses. Even if your physical appearance or social skills aren¡¯t what you wish they were, that doesn¡¯t have to stop you from being confident. ¡¾1¡¿_____

*Make a list of special talents you have, or things you do that are good¡ªmorally£¨µÀµÂÉÏ£© or otherwise. It doesn¡¯t have to be a specific skill£»it can be an approach or an attitude that you hold through life. ¡¾2¡¿____ Are you very patient with people? Do you always see the humorous side of things? Are you always there for your friends?

*¡¾3¡¿_____ When you feel strongly about something, speak loudly and clearly and make eye contact with people. People will judge you all the time, and usually they¡¯ll misjudge you anyway, so why bother trying to live up to their opinions at all?

*Take care of yourself. Eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise. Don¡¯t abuse your body, don¡¯t overload it, and don¡¯t deny it any of the things it needs. At the same time, don¡¯t obsess(³ÁÃÔ). ¡¾4¡¿____ Those things are only band-aids(ȨÒËÖ®¼Æ£© and make-up. Confidence comes from within. In order to be confident, you must value yourself and understand that your well-being is important.

*Improve your posture. ¡¾5¡¿_____ Don¡¯t drop your shoulders. Make sure that your back is straight, your shoulders are square, and your chest sticks out slightly (but stay loose, otherwise you¡¯ll appear stubborn £¨¹ÌÖ´µÄ£©and nervous). Good posture also helps with deep breathing, which helps with feeling calm and relaxed.

A. Here¡¯s how to believe in yourself.

B. But smiling at yourself in the mirror helps you to love yourself, thus making you a bit more confident.

C. Buying all the moisturizers (Èó·ô˪) and creams will not bring you closer to who you want to be.

D. It is surprising how powerful the simple step of taking action can be.

E. Do you always stay calm, cool and collected, even in hurried situations?

F. Having good posture can actually make you feel more confident.

G. Know that you have important things to say and do.

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Mark Twain was a great writer. He was from the USA. He was born in 1835. He was also a famous speaker. He was famous for his sense of humour. Many people liked to listen to him talk because he liked to tell some interesting stories to make people laugh all the time.

One day Mark Twain was going to a small town because of his writing. Before he was going to leave, one of his friends said to him that there were always a lot of mosquitoes in the town and told him that he¡¯d better not go there. Mark Twain waved his hand and said, ¡°It doesn¡¯t matter. The mosquitoes are no relatives of mine. I don¡¯t think they will come to visit me.¡±

After he arrived at the town, Mark Twain stayed in a small hotel near the station. He went into his room, but when he was just about to have a rest, quite a few mosquitoes flew about him. The waiters felt very sorry about that. ¡°I¡¯m very sorry, Mr. Mark Twain. There are too many mosquitoes in our town.¡± One of them said to him.

Mark Twain, however, made a joke, saying to the waiter, ¡°The mosquitoes are very clever. They know my room number. They didn¡¯t come into the wrong room.¡± What he said made all the people present laugh heartily.

But that night Mark Twain slept well. Do you know why? That was because all the waiters in the hotel were driving the mosquitoes away for him during the whole night.

¡¾1¡¿Why did Mark Twain go to the town?

A. To make a speech.

B. To see one of his friends.

C. To see one of his relatives.

D. To do something for his writing.

¡¾2¡¿Why did the waiters feel sorry?

A. Their hotel was too small.

B. The room was not very clean.

C. They did something wrong to Mark Twain.

D. There were quite a few mosquitoes in the room.

¡¾3¡¿All the people present laughed heartily because _____.

A. Mark Twain made a joke

B. Mark Twain gave the waiters some nice presents

C. the mosquitoes didn¡¯t come into the wrong room

D. the mosquitoes knew Mark Twain¡¯s room number

¡¾4¡¿Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. Mark Twain didn¡¯t have a good rest that night.

B. No mosquitoes troubled Mark Twain in the night.

C. There were not mosquitoes in the hotel any longer.

D. The owner of the hotel looked after Mark Twain well at night.

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