
14.Further research is being done to find out what happens physically when people          smoking.(  )

分析 一项研究正在进行以弄清楚当人们戒烟的时候,身体上会发生什么事情.

解答 答案:A考查动词词词义辨析.quit停止;spill使溢出;consume消费;appoint任命;委派.根据句意,A项正确.

点评 考查动词词义辨析.弄清楚各个动词的词义,准确地翻译句子及备选答案,然后选择最符合题意的选项.

5.If your child constantly moves when he's doing math homework or insists on listening to music while studying,take heart.Although it may seem like he's trying to drive you crazy,he's probably just using the strategies that help him learn.
"I like to study at a desk in silence,and my daughter can't think that way.She likes to bounce around on a ball with music in the background,"says author Maureen McKay,whose website,Optimistic Outcomes,provides tips based on a child's learning style for parents."Sometimes kids are just doing what works for them."
Three basic learning styles are auditory,kinesthetic(肌肉运动知觉的),and visual ones.Auditory learners prefer listening to explanations to reading them and may like to study by reciting information aloud.This type of learner may want to have background music while studying,or they may be distracted by noises and need a quiet environment to study.Kinesthetic learners learn by doing and touching something.They may have trouble sitting still while studying,and they are better able to understand information by writing it down or doing hands-on activities.Visual learners process new information by reading,looking at graphics,or watching a demonstration.Children with this learning style can grasp information presented in a chart or graph,but they may grow impatient listening to an explanation.
Most people use a combination of styles but have a clear preference for one.Understanding your child's learning style can reduce homework frustrations and make it easier for families to communicate,says McKay.She observed different learning styles while working as a teacher's assistant,and she started researching strategies for working in different learning styles when her daughter began having trouble in elementary school.
Because her daughter had difficulty listening in class,McKay looked for exercises to strengthen listening skills.Her daughter is now doing well in middle school,and she owes her success to the fact that her teachers and parents came to understand her unique style of learning.

29.What does the underlined part"take heart"in Paragraph 1 mean?C
A.Take care.B.Work hard.C.Don't worry.D.Don't mention it.
30.It's implied in the passage that McKay's daughter studies inA.
A.both auditory and kinesthetic styles
B.a kinesthetic style
C.both visual and auditor's styles
D.a visual style
31.According to the passage,McKay would agree thatA.
A.parents should explore their children's learning styles.
B.teachers should reduce their students'homework
C.students always enjoy trying different learning styles
D.schools are giving up their traditional teaching methods
32.In the case of her daughter,McKayD.
A.helps a lot with her homework
B.teaches her in person at school
C.lets her read many books
D.values her personal learning style.
2.Officials say the islands of Tokelau in the South Pacific Ocean have become the world′s first territory totally powered by the sun.The move is expected to save money and ease the environmental burden of depending on imported fossil fuels.
New Zealand′s foreign affairs minister released a statement about the Tokelau Renewable Energy Project.Murray McCully said Tokelau′s three main islands now have enough solar capacity to meet all of their electricity needs.
The three islands of Tokelau are Atafu,Nukunonu and Fakaofo.The group of islands is about halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii and is administered by New Zealand.Together they have about 1500citizens.
Each island received its own solar power transmission network.New Zealand officials estimated the cost of the project to build the three solar transmission networks at around seven million dollars.The last of them was completed earlier this month.
It is estimated that oil imports make up to thirty percent of national income in some parts of the Pacific.The move to solar power could save Tokelau about one million dollars a year.One project director said Tokelau would now be able to spend more on social programs to help its citizens.
Other South Pacific islands are attempting similar projects.The island nations of Samoa and Tuvalu are aiming to get all of their electricity from renewable sources by 2020.The Cook Islands plans to start moving to solar panels and wind turbines(涡轮).And most houses in the South Pacific groups of islands will begin to use solar water heaters.
East Timor′s government has promised that no households in the capital,Dili,would be using firewood for cooking by 2015.It also says fifty percent of the country′s electricity will come from renewable sources by the end of the decade.
New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully said the country would hold a Pacific energy summit in March next year.He said the meeting would build on the success of clean and affordable energy solutions for Tokelau,Tonga,and the Cook Islands.

64.From the passage we can know thatC.
A.the three islands lie close to New Zealand
B.each island has a population of about 1,500 people
C.solar power transmission networks on the three islands are separated
D.each island has spent around seven million dollars
65.Who will benefit most from the Renewable Energy Project?D
A.New Zealand officials.
B.New Zealand government.
C.The project directors.
D.Tokelau′s people.
66.What′s the main idea of Paragraph 6?A
A.Some other South Pacific islands are trying to use green energy.
B.The island nation of Samoa is trying to develop green energy.
C.The Cook Islands start moving to solar panels and wind turbines.
D.Most houses in the South Pacific groups of islands will use solar water heaters.
67.What′s the main aim of the Pacific energy summit?D
A.To prevent sea pollution.
B.To reduce the cost of building solar power network.
C.To improve the islanders′income.
D.To find ways of using new and clean energy.
19.A.When something comes from within you,you always try your best to analyze it in a scientific way.
B.Psychologists call this private speech----language that is spoken loud but directed at yourself
C.So words to the self,spoken silently or loud,are so much more than just chatter
D.We keep the private speech we use as children inside------but we never truly put away the out=loud version.
E.According to he well-known saying,talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.
F.Self-talk is efficient because when we are vocal about our thoughts,it makes a larger impact on our brain.

Self-talk helps us allTalking to yourself may seem a little shameful.If you've ever been overheard criticizing yourself for a foolish mistake or practicing a speech,you'll know the social problems it can cause.(67)E
But there's no need for embarrassment.Talking to ourselves,whether out loud or silently in our heads,is valuable.Far from being a sign of insanity,self-talk allows us to plan what we are going to do,manage our activities and control our emotions.
For example,take a trip to any preschool and watch a small girl playing with her toys.You are very likely to hear her talking to herself:offering herself directions and talking about her problems.(68)BWe do a lot of it when we are young.
As children,according to the Russian Psychologist Lev Vygotsky,we use private speech to control our actions in the same way that we use public speech to control the behavior of others.As we grow older,we keep this system inside.
Psychological experiments have shown that this so-called inner speech can improve our performance in tasks like telling what other people are thinking.Our words give us an interesting view of our actions.One recent study suggested that self-talk is most effective when we talk to ourselves in the second person:as"you"rather than"I"(69)DIf you want proof,turn to a sports channel.You're sure to see an athlete shouting at himself or herself.
Talking to ourselves seems to be a very good way of solving problems and working through ideas.Hearing different points of view means our thoughts can end up in different place,just like a regular dialogue,and might turn out to be one of the keys to human creativity.
Both kinds of self-talk-----silent and out loud----seem to bring many different benefits to our thinking.(70)C-
4.Many of you should not own dogs.It's that simple.The reason is that,if you own a dog,you must train a dog,and many dog owners out there,it is safe to say,have little or no control over their dogs,because they do not train them.
Strong words?Maybe.But they are simple,honest words,as untrained dogs living in residential neighborhoods bark at will,run loose,and visit and damage neighboring properties with their owners'blessings as they deliberately (故意) let them run.
Take note of the fact that you,the dog owner,cannot control your dog,causing a continual nuisance (麻烦事) that damages the quality of life in your neighborhood.There's nothing more annoying to most people than a dog that barks and nothing more confusing than trying to understand the deficient (有缺陷的) mentality of the dog owner who allows his dog to do so.After all,the irresponsible dog owner hears the barking too,and so those who must put up with it are continually left wondering-what are they thinking,are they deaf?
Many dog owners believe it is not possible for their dog to be trained,an indication that the owners themselves lack self-discipline,and most likely have never really tried to apply discipline to other issues in their lives,not with consistency,or that they are simply lazy and inattentive to their own adult responsibilities at the expense of others.
Irresponsible dog owners,though,do train their dogs.A dog is a reflection of its owner.Whatever a dog does (run loose,hark at will,jump on guests entering the front door,soil neighboring lawns) is a result of the decisions of the owner.The choice not to do something is indeed a choice.
The good news is that with mere consistency,a dog can be trained rather quickly,in a couple of weeks if the owner takes his responsibility seriously.Again,that process will be a reflection of the owner's behavior,and the primary ingredient (要素) in that behavior is not allowing the dog,not even once,to repeat the bad behavior without consequences when told and directed not to.You can stop your dog from barking with simple firm voice commands,direct eye contact,and force of will in a relatively short time,provided you arc consistent and a reasonably mature person.
Dogs,what's more,love this training because pleasing you,their owner,is what they are all about.The upshot (结果,要点) will be that you have a more connected relationship with your dog,a better dog that is suited to its environment.

56.Which is NOT the reason for dog owners to have little or no control over their dogs?B
A.They are lazy and unwilling to train their dogs.
B.They think their dogs can act well without training.
C.They lack self-control over many issues in daily life.
D.They don't give enough attention to their responsibilities.
57.What's the author's attitude towards owners of untrained dogs?D
58.This article is mainly written toA.
A.call on dog owners to train their dogs
B.instruct dog owners how to train dogs
C.sing high praise for responsible dog owners
D.analyze the relationship between dog owners and their dogs
59.It can be concluded from the passage thatC.
A.responsible dog owners can put up with dogs'barking
B.irresponsible dog owners deliberately train their dogs to do something wrong
C.wither a dog can be trained properly may depend on the dog owner's behavior
D.we should not own dogs because they can damage the quality of our daily life.

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