
2.The newspaper must provide for the reader the facts,pure,unprejudiced,objectively selected facts.But in these days of complex news it must provide more; it must supply interpretation,the meaning of the facts.This is the most important assignment facing American journalists-to make clear to the reader the problems of the day,to make international news understandable as community news,to recognize that there is no longer any such thing as"local"news,because any event in the international area has a local reaction in the financial market,political circles,in terms,indeed,of our very way of life.
There is in journalism a widespread view that when you start an interpretation,you are entering dangerous waters,the rushing tides of opinion.This is nonsense.
The opponents of interpretation insist that the writer and the editor shall limit himself to the"facts".This insistence raises two questions.What are the facts?And:Are the bare facts enough?
As for the first question,consider how a so called"factual"story comes about.The reporter collects,say,fifty facts; out of these fifty,his space being necessarily restricted,he selects the ten which he considers most important.This is Judgment Number One.Then he or his editor decides which of these ten facts shall hold the lead of the piece.This is Judgment Number Two.Then the night editor determines whether the article shall be presented on page one,where it has a large influence,or on page twentyfour,where it has little.Judgment Number Three.
Thus in the presentation of a socalled"factual"or"objective"story,at least three judgments are involved.And they are judgments not at all unlike those involved in interpretation,in which reporter and editor,calling upon their research resources,their general background,and their"news neutralism(中立)",arrive at a conclusion as to the significance of the news.
The two areas of judgment,presentation of the news and its interpretation,are both objective rather than subjective processes-as objective,that is,as any human being can be.If an editor is determined to give a prejudiced view of the news,he can do it in other ways and more effectively than by interpretation.He can do it by the selection of those facts that support his particular viewpoint.Or he can do it by the place he gives a story-promoting it to page one or dragging it to page thirty.
61.According to Paragraphs 12,which of the following statements is true?D
A.The most important task of reporters is to provide facts for the readers.
B.If a reporter makes clear the facts he writes,he will get into trouble.
C.In order to make current events clear to the readers,reporters and editors must select facts objectively.
D.For reporters,interpretation of facts is no less important than presentation of the facts.
62.Which of the following can best express the author's attitude toward objectiveness?A
A.He does not think there exists any objectiveness in news writing or reporting.
B.To make clear the news is a way to be objective for the readers.
C.Objectiveness is controlled by editors rather than writers.
D.Properly choosing facts prepares a solid ground for objectiveness.
63.Where a story is presented in a newspaper showsD.
A.the story's factual matter  
B.the editor's prejudice
C.the reporter's background  
D.the story's impact on the readers
64.The purpose of the last paragraph is toC.
A.show us the author's judgment  
B.show us where to place a story
C.show us the author's viewpoint on objectiveness  
D.show us how to be neutral.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了报纸必须向读者提供事实,并且向我们说明了新闻界的普遍观点,在新闻报道中我们要遵循客观事实,不要加入自己的主观判断.

解答 61.D  推理判断题,根据第二段There is in journalism a widespread view that when you start an interpretation,you are entering dangerous waters,the rushing tides of opinion.This is nonsense.可以推断出对于记者来说,对事实的解释是没有比陈述事实更重要,故选D.
62.A  细节理解题,根据最后一段The two areas of judgment,presentation of the news and its interpretation,are both objective rather than subjective processes-as objective,that is,as any human being can be.If an editor is determined to give a prejudiced view of the news,he can do it in other ways and more effectively than by interpretation.可知作者认为不存在任何客观的关于新闻或报道的事例,故选A.
63.D  细节理解题,根据倒数第二段Thus in the presentation of a socalled"factual"or"objective"story,at least three judgments are involved.可知报纸上的一个故事说明了这个故事对读者的影响,故选D.
64.C  推理判断题,根据最后一段The two areas of judgment,presentation of the news and its interpretation,are both objective rather than subjective processes-as objective,that is,as any human being can be.可知作者在本段中表明了他的客观观点,故选C.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

17.5 Secrets of Web Travel Sites
Booking a trip on an online travel site is convenient,but comes with its own set of problems.
1.They who's on a Mac and who's on a PC and who's going to spend more.
Last year,US travel research company Orbitz tracked people's online activities to test out whether Mac users spend more on travel than PC users.On average,Mac users lay out US$20-30 more per night on hotels and go for more stars.according to the Wall Street Journal.As a result,online•travel sites show these users more expensive travel options first.To avoid inadvertently paying more,sort results by price.
2.Their software doesn't always hook up to the hotel's system.
A guaranteed reservation is almost impossible to come by anywhere-but the risk of your flight or hotel being overbooked increases with third-party providers.The middle-man's software isn't immune to system errors,so always call the hotel or airline to make sure your booking was processed.
3.Don't be fooled by packages:Often,they're low-end items grouped together.
Ever notice how travel sites recommend a hotel,a rental car,and tour package all in one click?These deals usually feature travel that no one wants,like flights with multiple layovers.
Check the fine print.
4.You could miss out on loyalty points.
Third-party providers can get between you and frequent flyer miles or points.Many hotel loyalty programmes don't recognise external sites,others award only minimum points and exclude special offers,like double points on hotel stays.
5.Once your trip is purchased,you're on your own.
An online travel agency can't provide assistance the same way an agent can if a flight is cancelled or a room is substandard.Basically,when you arrive at the airport or hotel,you're just another client who booked at the lowest rate.
56.Which ofthe following is TRUE?B
A.Third-party providers can ensure your reservation.
B.Mac users are likely to spend more money than PC users.
C.An online travel agency functions the same as an agent.
D.Packages usually provide travelers with satisfactory programmes.
57.What's the purpose of the passage?D
A.To encourage readers to book a trip on an online travel  site.
B.To make an advertisement about several travel sites online.
C.To convince readers not to book a trip on an online travel site.
D.To warn  readers of some problems with booking  trips online.
1.I am a vegetarian(素食主义者).Many people are quick to think of vegetarianism as strange behavior.I treasure our Earth,and since we only have one,we should protect it and the wildlife that lives on it.But that's only one of the reasons to be a vegetarian.
Vegetarians may live longer,healthier lives.There is a connection between red meat consumption and various diseases.From an economic standpoint,it requires less land,money and energy to produce foods for a vegetarian diet.While there are many benefits to being a vegetarian,only a handful of those who attempt to adopt this lifestyle succeed.
The most important quality required to be a vegetarian is firmness since surrounded by the temptation of meat,we tend to give up vegetarianism easily.Creativity is almost as important as commitment.It's easy to tire of eating nothing but salad.But with a little creativity and some soy products,almost any meal can become vegetarian-friendly.
Not everyone wants to be vegetarian.Accepting this is part of being a vegetarian with style.Forcing your beliefs on others is disrespectful.Stylish vegetarians should also be able to turn down a meaty dish politely without annoying their hosts.
Being a successful vegetarian has been easy for me,but it may not be so for others.A common mistake is quitting before your body has adjusted to the change.It can be difficult to keep the lifestyle in the beginning because of temptation.However,it fades over time.Another common mistake is quitting because you've been misinformed about the nutritional wisdom of being a vegetarian.That's why it is vital to be educated.Countless people will tell you that it's impossible to obtain the nutrients and protein(蛋白质)your body requires without meat,but they are incorrect.People actually need only 44-55grams of protein a day,and that is easily found in a vegetarian diet.Many meat eaters are consuming three times that amount,which is not beneficial.It leads to diseases.Vegetables can also supply all the vitamins,minerals and nutrients your body needs.However,if you're still not convinced,you can take a multi-vitamin.

41.According to the passage,being a vegetarian helpsA.
A.protect the wildlife
B.free people from diseases
C.rid people from strange behaviors
D.develop a better economy
42.What's the underlined word temptation in Paragraph 3closest in meaning to?B
A.Unpleasant taste
B.Extreme attraction
C.Great consumption
D.Significant importance
43.Stylish vegetarians do notA.
A.force others to be vegetarians
B.respect other people's beliefs
C.turn down hosts gracefully
D.refuse an offer of meat
44.Which of the following is NOT true?D
A.Many people give up before their bodies can adjust to the transition.
B.Many people quit because they're poorly educated about nutrition.
C.Consuming 150grams protein a day can be harmful.
D.Vegetarians need multi-vitamins to keep healthy.
45.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?C
A.Reasons why the author became a vegetarian.
B.Important qualities required to be a vegetarian.
C.Advantages and disadvantages of being a vegetarian.
D.Common mistakes on the way to being a vegetarian.
2.The World Health Organization reports a number of people have died of the Ebola virus in central Africa during the last few months.Ebola,also known as Ebola hemorrhagic (出血) fever or Ebola viral disease.is a rare and deadly illness with high death rates in humans and primates.The natural source of Ebola virus remains unknown,although bats seem to be the most likely source.
The Ebola virus began spreading after victims were discovered in northeastern Cabon.So far,it is the third time Ebola has spread through Cabon since 1994.Health officials believe people moving across the border spread the disease from Cabon co Congo Ebola is highly infectious and kills up to 80% of its victims.Researchers do not know the method with which the virus first appears in humans,but they believe it is through infected animals.The disease then spreads from person to person through blood and other body liquids.
Ebola victims treated early have the base chance of survival.Signs of Ebola include a high temperature,diarrhea,muscle pains and bleeding inside the body.in severe cases,victims experience chest pains and death.There is no known cure for the disease and no way yet to prevent it.
Scientists at the American National institutes of Health are working to develop a vaccine(疫苗) to prevent Ebola.Doctor Cary Nobel is leading the research effort at N-l-H testing center in the eastern state of Maryland.He says that during the past two years,the vaccine has been tested on small animals and monkey a for safety and effectiveness.
In the most recent study,four monkeys who had been given the vaccine were completely protected from a deadly injection of the Ebola virus.the study was described in November in Nature magazine.Doctor Nobel says the tests appear to have moved scientists one step closer to a vaccine for humans.
28.Where does the Ebola virus come fromD?
A.Bats.B.Monkeys.C.Infected humans.D.Something unknown.
29.When infected with Ebola virus,people may experience the following exceptA.
A.heart attack B.a rise in temperature
C.chest pains D bleeding inside the body
30.What can we learn from the passageB?
A.Once infected with the Ebola virus.people can never survive.
B.Half of the Ebola victims will lose their lives.
C.No cure has been found for the disease.
D.Scientists have succeeded in preventing Ebola.
31.What is Doctor Nobel's attitude towards the testsB?
A.Discouraged.B.Positive.C.Doubtful.D.Not mentioned.

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