
【题目】 Take time off school, because your body will fight off the cold virus better if it is well rested. However, if you have to go, avoid close contact with your classmates.1 Meanwhile, wash your hands as frequently as possible. Nomsedating(非镇静的)allergy medicine, which you can buy from a chemist, can ease the problems of a runny nose and watery eyes.

As soon as you feel a cold coming on, drink plenty of liquid. Water or juice is ideal but hot herbal teas with lemon will help thin sticky substance and remove it from the body. A warm gargle with salt water will make your throat more comfortable by reducing the swelling. 2

3 Breathing in steam over a bowl of hot water helps a lot, too. For a violent cough, the latest research suggests that honey, either straight from a jar or mixed with a hot drink, works as well if not better than costly sprays.

A good diet is also essential for a quick recovery, so start the day with a healthy breakfast including vitamin C in the form of fresh fruit. 4 For dinner, easily digested solid food is recommended, such as rice porridge made with vegetables or eggs.

5 It not only makes you physically stronger, but enhances your emotional well-being. Just remember not to attempt anything that requires a lot of effort or strength. Finally, to recharge your body and regain your strength, you need a full eight hours' sleep.

A.Besides, a little light exercise is beneficial as well.

B.As we know, the virus can be spread easily from one person to another.

C.The name “cold" came into use in the 16th century due to cold weather.

D.The warm air generated by a hot shower or bath will help clear blocked noses.

E.Signs and symptoms may appear less than two days after exposure to the virus.

F.For lunch, chicken noodle soup is good since it helps block cells that cause coughing.

G.It also washes out bacteria and viruses so it can be used as a preventive measure as well.










根据上文提示“但是,如果必须去,避免与你的同学亲密接触。”,承接上文,BAs we know, the virus can be spread easily from one person to another.(如我们所知,病毒很容易从一个人传播到另一个人。)切题,故选B项。


根据上文提示“用盐水温热漱口可以减轻肿胀,使你的喉咙更舒服。”,承接上文,G项“它还可以清除细菌和病毒,因此也可以用作预防措施。”切题,该选项中的it指代上文中的A warm gargle with salt water,故选G项。




根据下文提示“晚餐建议吃易消化的固体食物,如蔬菜或鸡蛋配米粥。”,承接下文,F项“午餐喝鸡肉面汤是很好的,因为它有助于阻止咳嗽。”切题,该选项中的For lunch与下文中的For dinner相呼应,故选F项。


根据下文提示“它不仅能让身体更强壮,还能使情绪健康。”,承接下文,A项“此外,少量的运动也是有益的。”切题,下文中的it指代的是该选项中的a little light exercise。故选A项。


【题目】Receptionist / Clerical(文职人员的) Assistant / Part Time


Covenant Care was founded in 1994 by healthcare industry professionals who wanted to create a company that would exceed customer expectations through quality care. Through modest and focused growth, our“Family" has grown to include over 8,000 healthcare professionals in over 55 healthcare and rehabilitation centers. We care for over 4,000 residents and patients in our facilities.

Key Job Function

●Provide timely, friendly, accurate and helpful telephone support.

●Provide information and accurately answer resident and patient, family, employee and visitor inquiries.

●Handle volume of calls and visitors, and distribute messages accordingly.

●Timely and accurately maintain all assigned data bases and list, including residents, emergency telephone numbers, clergy, on call personnel, etc.

Minimum Requirements

●Must possess at a minimum a High School diploma or equivalent.

●Must have at least 2 years’ experience in a clerical position or successfully completed a secretarial science program from an accredited school / college.

●Must meet the general health requirements set forth by the policies of the facility or department which may include a medical and physical examination.

To learn more about Covenant Care and our recent successes, please click on the following link to view our Quality Report.

1What do a Clerical Assistant’s duties include?

A.Visiting every resident.B.Caring for patients.

C.Dealing with telephone calls.D.Asking visitors questions.

2Which of the following applicants is likely to be employed?

A.A person suffering poor health.B.A person with no work experience.

C.A person who just graduated from high school.D.A person who received training in secretarial work.

3Where is this passage most likely from?

A.A web page.B.A magazine.

C.A guidebook.D.A textbook.


Many parents are alert to their kids use of electronic devices and set strict limits for them. They want to protect their children from the potentially 1 (harm) effects of too much screen time. But there’s another device-related danger that parents may be overlooking-and 2 might hurt their kids just as much as traditional screen time.

It's been dubbed “secondhand screen time”. With secondhand screen time, kids are3 (direct) exposed to screens being used by someone else close to them. “Generally, we are talking about children who 4 (care) for by adults spending excessive time on devices and the negative consequences that can occur 5 they experience screens being such a dominant part of the adult’s life,” says Nicole Beurkens, PhD, the brand ambassador to Oustodio, a parental control app designed 6 (manage) kids online activity.

Secondhand screen time can also lead 7behavior related problems. Research shows that children have a 8 (tend) to exhibit more acting out behaviors when parents spend excessive time on their devices. Often, this is the only way kids can get a parent's attention, even though it typically ends up 9 (be) negative attention. Excessive device use in the presence of children also 10. (send) the message that the device and activities on it are more important than the children. This can induce a breakdown in the parent-child relationship as well as other emotional issues for children.

【题目】 Even if you don't know much about Russian author Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), you may be familiar with his famous poem The Song of the Stormy Petrel since its ending note “Let it break in all its fury!" has been encouraging generations of people for years now.

Gorky was a highly influential author. More than any other writer, he laid the foundations for the famous literary style known as socialist realism. In this kind of writing, the author uses literary techniques to create the impression of reality in his or her writings.

March 16 this year marked the 152th anniversary of Gorky's birth.

He was born into an ordinary life but soon became an orphan, before being raised by his grandmother in poverty. As he grew older, he would take a job and then quickly move on to another. He tried many jobs, but the one that he seemed to love the most was being a journalist.

It was in this job that he gained a particular impression of the world — that it was horribly inequitable in its treatment of the poor. It was a world, therefore, that had to go. Gorky was naturally attracted to the political movement of Marxian social democracy.He knew many revolutionaries including the most important one of all, Vladimir Lenin(1870-1924). The two became friends in 1903 and The Song of the Stormy Petrel was one of Lenin's favorite works by Gorky.

Asa writer, Gorky naturally valued literature. But lie also valued life experience, of which he had plenty. The key to being a modem person, he thought, was to acquire a critical attitude: “Keep reading books, but remember that a book's only a book, and you should learn to think for yourself,” he once said.

1What can we learn about Gorky's childhood?

A.He lived an extraordinary life.B.He tried few jobs.

C.He led a hard life.D.He grew up by himself

2What docs the underlined word "inequitable" in paragraph 5 refer to?



3Which of the following is TRUE about Gorky?

A.He valued critical thinking.B.He was of little influence.

C.He was easy to bow before difficulties.D.He discounted life experience.

4What is the text mainly about?

A.Gorky and his family.B.The hardship Gorky experienced.

C.Gorky's famous works.D.Gorky's influence in literature and his life.

【题目】Western New Bridge Library Announcement

Shortened Library Hours for Spring Break

Library Hours have been shortened to 7 hours a day (9:00 a.m. -- 4:00 p. m. ) for Spring Break from March 24 to March 30.

Coming Events

● On Monday, March 24, at 10:30 a. m., Scott Sutton, a children's writer, will tell stories to kids over seven. Sutton's attractive style will surely inspire everyone present!

● At 1:00 p.m. on March 26, the Georgetown Musicians will present an Irish Folk Concert, which will be entertaining for the entire family. Come for the music and stay to check out some relevant books for the rest of the week!

● On Thursday, March 27, at 2:00 p. m. , the annual Children's Gathering will take place in Room 201, the second-floor. Pick up an invitation in the Children's Room and return your RSVP (回复) to reserve your seat at the table by 3.00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25. Only children are allowed in the Gathering.

● At 10:30 a. m. on Friday, March 28, Enzo Monfre of the hit kids' science show,

ENZOology, will bring Fossils Live! Surely Enzo will take the audience back in time, deep beneath the surface of the earth, to uncover the mysteries of killer dinosaurs, and more. Enzo recently appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show -- come and see him at the library!

Please note: In case of emergency, please call the Help Desk at 926-3736 and follow the procedures outlined on the voice message. The call-down service is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergencies. The Help Desk supplies service to you all the year round! For questions about all these, please contact hld @ wnbl, org.

Stay for the great Fun ; Stay for the relevant Books !

1According to the passage, Enzo Monfre will .

A.show the children around a zooB.tell stories to children over seven

C.be present at the science show in personD.lead the children to the Ellen DeGeneres Show

2The Help Desk in this library supplies service .

A.only during the daytimeB.in case of emergency

C.till the end of the Spring BreakD.after 22:00 p. m. every day

3We can learn from the passage that children can .

A.attend all the activities with their parents

B.borrow some relevant books for the activities

C.participate in the activities from 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p.m.

D.choose only one of the activities according to their interest

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