
14.人们对待机遇有不同的态度,请以"Opportunities favour the prepared mind"为题,按要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章,要点如下:
Opportunities favour the prepared mind
There are two kinds of people taking completely different attitudes to building a bright future.One is dreaming of opportunities for a promising future,but without any action,while the other devotes himself earnestly to his work to get fully prepared.
The message conveyed above is crystal clear:Opportunities favour the prepared mind.The difference between the two lies only in the way each treats opportunities.Successful people always make adequate preparations to seize opportunities.Unsuccessful people,on the other hand,work little and just wait,seeing them pass by.
To further highlight the importance of our attitude towards opportunities,let's take the Chinese diver Wu Minxia for example.In order to win the gold medal in the Olympics,she trained hard day after day and eventually made it.Therefore,we should make efforts to make our dreams come true.It's universally acknowledged that we would accomplish nothing without actions and efforts.(152).

分析 写好这类作文要注意几个步骤:1. 认真审题,找准提示语中的关键词或句,确定中心思想.2. 依据关键句,草拟提纲,梳理文章的脉络3. 准确定位人称、时态.注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.4.最后还要认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等
One is dreaming of opportunities for a promising future,but without any action,while the other devotes himself earnestly to his work to get fully prepared
To further highlight the importance of our attitude towards opportunities,let's take the Chinese diver Wu Minxia for example.

解答 One possible version:
Opportunities favour the prepared mind
There are two kinds of people taking completely different attitudes to building a bright future.One is dreaming of opportunities for a promising future,but without any action,while the other devotes himself earnestly to his work to get fully prepared(高分句型一).
The message conveyed above is crystal clear:Opportunities favour the prepared mind.The difference between the two lies only in the way each treats opportunities.Successful people always make adequate preparations to seize opportunities.Unsuccessful people,on the other hand,work little and just wait,seeing them pass by.
To further highlight the importance of our attitude towards opportunities,let's take the Chinese diver Wu Minxia for example(高分句型二).In order to win the gold medal in the Olympics,she trained hard day after day and eventually made it.Therefore,we should make efforts to make our dreams come true.It's universally acknowledged that we would accomplish nothing without actions and efforts.(152)

点评 开放性作文给出一定的写作主题,并此为基础进行思维和联想,自由发挥.不仅考查学生在内容、结构安排、语言运用和组织方面的能力,而且对学生的想像力、发散思维、归纳判断能力也有很高的要求.

3.Most people say that they do not usually feel confident.But exciting things can happen when we actually believe in ourselves.Here is a man who believed in his own ability even as a boy,and that confidence helped shape his adult life.
At the turn of the last century,a young boy quit school to help with the family expenses.When he was fifteen,he became interested in automobiles(汽车) and worked in a garage.He subscribed to a correspondence course on automobiles and,after a long day in the garage,studied at the kitchen table in the lamplight.
When he felt ready,he walked into the Frayer-Miller Automobile Company of Columbus,Ohio.When Mr.Frayer noticed him,he asked,"Well,what do you want?"
"I just thought I'd tell you I'm coming to work here tomorrow morning,"the boy replied.
"Oh!Who hired you?"
"Nobody yet,but I'll be on the job in the morning.If I'm not worth aything,you can fire me."
Early the next morning the boy returned to the plant.Noticing the floor was thick with metal shavings and accumulated dirt,the boy got a broom and set out o clean the place.
Because of his self-confidence and work ethic,the boy's future was predictable.He went on to stand out in many fields,including automobile racing,piloting World War I planes and founding one of America's largest airline companies----Eastern Airlines.
People who become more confident habitually encourage themselves.Without confidence,we are not likely to move far in the direction of our dreams.It is important that we always believe in ourselves.In order to reach victory,we must believe in ourselves even when we make mistakes

25.How did the boy learn knowledge concerning automobiles?B
A.He attended school in the daytime.
B.He studied hard at home.
C.He read books in the garage where he worked.
D.He turned to some instructors for help.
26.We can learn from the boy's words thatD.
A.he wanted to show off his competence
B.he looked down upon others
C.he was very generous
D.he believed in himself
27.Due to his efforts and confidence,the boyD.
A.made World War I planes
B.learned much knowledge in a garage
C.achieved everything in his life
D.set up Eastern Airlines
28.What is the purpose of the passage?A
A.To inspire us with self-confidence.
B.To tell us an interesting story.
C.To inspire us to work hard.
D.To stress the importance of realizing our dreams.

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