
 I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. The time was 5:15 in the afternoon and I was driving along the road to 1my daughter from school. Our plan was to go 2 together. I had finished work at about 4 o'clock and then 3 to the post office, then get off at a shop in order to buy some  fruit. We like to have some fruit to eat after our swim.

  I was driving along a high road on my way to the school. Over my road was another way for cars coming the 5 way. I was hungry so I put the bag of apples in the seat 6me and started to eat one.

  Suddenly I saw the cars 7 me start to move from side to side. I slowed down. Then 8 started to shake. I didn't know what was happening. 9 something had gone wrong with my car. I drove even slower. I stopped the car and at the same moment the 10 fell on?to the cars in front of me.

  I found myself in the dark. I couldn't move. The bottom parts of both my legs and my feet were 11 badly and I couldn't move them. All around me was 12 . But below me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I 13 what had happened. I had been in an earth?quake.

  For about two hours nobody came. Luckily I could reach the bag of apples,so 14I had plenty to eat. Then I 15 people climbing towards me. A team of people had come to see if anyone was under the 16 road. I called out "I'm here!" I heard a shout. Soon 17 climbed to the side of the bridge near my car, "How are you doing?" he asked.
  "Not too bad," I said, "but my feet and legs 18 as if they're broken.”
  "We'll have you out of there just as 19 as we can," he said. They didn't get me out until the next morning. I had been in the 20 for 14 hours.
(   ) 1. A. take    B. see      C. get    D. bring

(   ) 2. A. skating    B. climbing C. shopping    D. swimming

(   ) 3. A. arrived    B. got     C. rushed    D. ran

(   ) 4. A. ripe    B. expensive    C. fresh    D. cheap

(   ) 5. A. other    B. same      C. high    D. express

(   ) 6. A. before    B. beside     C. below    D. behind

(   ) 7. A. at the back of    B. in front of

      C. on the left of    D. over the head of 

(   ) 8. A. my feet    B. my hands   C. my car    D. my body

(   ) 9. A. Surely    B. Suddenly    C. Perhaps    D. Quickly

(   ) 10. A. building    B. sky      C. road    D. stones

(   ) 11. A. shaking    B. moving    C. itching    D. hurting

(   ) 12. A. quiet    B. cold      C. noisy    D. still

(   ) 13. A. heard    B. guessed     C. realized    D. discovered

(   ) 14. A. at least    B. at most     C. at last    D. at first

(   ) 15. A. saw    B. heard          C. recognized    D. caught

(   ) 16. A. broken    B. sunken       C. shaken    D. risen

(   ) 17. A. a driver    B. my daughter   C. a friend    D. a stranger

(   ) 18. A. appear    B. seem       C. feel    D. look

(   ) 19. A. fast    B. safely      C. soon    D. much

(   ) 20. A. car    B. ground        C. city    D. dark

1 - 5 CDCCA      6-10 BBCCC 8

11 -15 DACAB      16 -20 ADCCA


1. C get sb.在此意为"接某人"。

2. D从下文的"We like to have some fruit to eat after our swim."可以得知"我"是和女儿一起去"游泳"。

3. C因为还要去接女儿游泳,所以,作者在接到女儿之前的一系列动作肯定是匆匆忙忙的。"rush to the post office"意思是"匆忙赶到邮局"。

4. C去买些"新鲜的"水果。其他几项在文中没有依据。

5. A如果是从同一方向来的车就没必要修天桥了。所以,天桥应是给从另外一个方向来的车用的。

6. B若一边开车一边吃水果,将水果放在"身边的"座位上是最方便的。

7. B从下文"I slowed down"的描述来看,在路上左右两边晃的车只能是在作者的"前面"。词组in front of意为"在……前方"。

8. C根据上下文,此处应是感觉到"车"有异常。

9. C根据"I didn't know what was happening."的上文可知,作者在当时未意识到地震已发生的情况下,应是在"猜测"他的车是否出了毛病。

10. C从16空后面的"road"可知是前面车上方的天桥垮了。

11. D从"I couldn't move them"的描述可以想象,作者的腿和脚一定是被卡住了,所以应为"疼"得厉害。

12. A根据下文but分句的含义可以推断出,当时"我"的四周是一片"寂静"的。

13. C根据上下文,刚才"我"以为车出了毛病,现在才"意识到"刚才遇到的是地震。

14. A词组at least表"至少……"之意。

15. B根据上文得知,当时四周一片漆黑,所以不可能"看见"或"认出";而catch则表示"发现(某人做坏事)"。因此,只能是"听到"有人爬过来。

16. A从前文第二段"Over my road was anoth?er way for cars coming the other way."得知, "我"是被埋在"震坏的"路下面。

17. D根据当时的情况,应是"陌生人"来救援。

18. C "我"凭"感觉"判断腿断了。

19. C as soon as是指时间上尽快,使时间尽可能短,而as fast as是指在速度上快。

20. A作者从地震发生时起到被救出来一直待在"车"里。


 It was a cold winter's night when I stopped for gas on my way home from work. I was tired and had a slight 1

  I worked in a 2 doctor's office and this was one of those days when the unexpected happened, making the schedule run 3 than usual. It seemed I was going to be late 4 home and my husband, being a 5 person, would be ready to pronounce me late once again. Maybe if I hurried, I could still it home.

  I was heading inside to 7 for my gas when I noticed an older couple at the counter. I heard them asking for 8 to the local hospital. It was the same hospital that I had just 9 a few minutes ago.

  The young man at the counter was trying to be 10 in explaining how to get there,with two other people making 11 One of them was 12 trying to give them a whole different route back. It was then that I walked over to the couple and said, "Would you like to follow me to the 13 ?"

   A look of 14 crossed the woman's face.

  "I'm going right by there," I said,which wasn't a 15since I had just made up my mind to do 16 that.

  I got into my car and began the journey back. I was trying to watch to be sure they were right 17 me. It took only fifteen minutes to get there as rush hour traffic was beginning to 18   . I felt better than I had all day and my headache was nearly gone.

  Later, as I arrived home,my husband 19 me, "So you aren't ever late any more."

  I said, "Sometimes it's 20 to be late.”
(  )l.vA. break    B. cold       C. fever    D. headache

(   ) 2. A. foreign  B. common     C. noisy    D. busy

(   ) 3. A. later    B. earlier   C. easier    D. simpler

(   ) 4. A. getting  B. cooking      C. calling    D. working

(   ) 5. A. tough    B. generous    C. punctual    D. rough

(   ) 6. A. get    B. take       C. arrive    D. make

(   ) 7. A. pay    B. charge       C. wait    D. search

(   ) 8. A. opinions    B. guides    C. directions    D. instructions

(   ) 9. A. reached    B. visited    C. called    D. left

(   ) 10. A. skilled    B. helpful    C. experienced    D. active

(   ) 11. A. comments    B. promises   C. jokes    D. offers

(   ) 12. A. only      B. still      C. even    D. ever

(   ) 13. A. station    B. office     C. hospital    D. hotel

(   ) 14. A. happiness    B. relief     C. sadness    D. peace

(   ) 15. A. lie          B. fact     C. reason    D. duty

(   ) 16. A. partly    B. voluntarily   C. exactly    D. perfectly

(   ) 17. A. across    B. before      C. beside    D. behind

(   ) 18. A. go up    B. die down     C. take up    D. get through

(   ) 19. A. teased    B. yelled     C. joked    D. laughed

(   ) 20. A. possible    B. special     C. good    D. safe

 Working Women Over 70 Caught in the Retirement Trap At 74 ,Marie Maes is scrambling to find a work.

Even though she spent four 1 working in Colorado hospitals and Seattle nursing homes,the retired licensed practical 2 lives just above the poverty line on little more than $12 a day after she pays her rent.

  She is among a near-record and 3 number of women working well into their 70s, thanks to smaller Social Security checks,4careers,smaller pensions,longer life spans than men and bad 5 planning.

"Of course I 6to get back to work," said Maes,a direct and optimistic woman. Asked whether she considers herself poor,she replied, " I never gave it a thought,but I guess I

  Over the past 14 years,the number of women 8 in the United States between the ages of 70 and 74 nearly 9 from 324,000 to 618,000,according to the Labor Department.

  More elderly people are looking for work these days,10 city job fairs not necessarily because they want to, 11 because they need the money.

  Single older women like Maes are particularly weak. Nearly one in five of them lives in 12 ,more than three times the rate of the 13people of the same age. And many carry fewer resources into their 70s than men.

The gap suggests the nation's retirement system is 14 Maes and plenty of other women. Instead of 15 the New Mexico native for decades of hard work,it left her an empty bank account, $824 a month from Social Security and 16 to get back to work.

  Maes' 17 is not uncommon. She started work later in life, 18 less money and relied on her husband to prepare for their retirement.

  Marge Hampton, 70 ,chairwoman of a community group for older 19   ,once said,

  "We looked to the man to take care of us... Then one day we 20   and said, ' Oh my God, what is here?'"

(   ) 1. A. years    B. months     C. weeks    D. decades

(   ) 2. A. nurse    B. doctor    C. teacher    D. professor

(   ) 3. A. decreasing   B. extending  C. spreading    D. growing

(   ) 4. A. longer    B. better     C. earlier    D. shorter

(   ) 5. A. working    B. family    C. financial    D. studying

(   ) 6. A. need    B. ought      C. used    D. plan

(   ) 7. A. do        B. have       C. am    D. will

(   ) 8. A. living    B. playing    C. working    D. staying

(   ) 9. A. doubled    B. rose       C. appeared    D. grew

(   ) 10. A. taking    B. leaving     C. packing    D. visiting

(   ) 11. A. but        B. and        C. instead    D. then

(   ) 12. A. richness    B. poverty   C. danger    D. trouble

(   ) 13. A. single    B. married      C. rich    D. poor

(   ) 14. A. preventing    B. discouraging   C. failing    D. stopping

(   ) 15. A. saving    B. paying      C. prizing    D. rewarding

(   ) 16. A. pressure    B. worry      C. power    D. pleasure

(   ) 17. A. example    B. situation     C. suffering    D. optimism

(   ) 18. A. took    B. wasted        C. made    D. spent

(   ) 19. A. women    B. men           C. workers    D. nurses

(   ) 20. A. cheered up    B. picked up     C. stood up    D. woke up

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