
6.There are two factors which determine an individual's intelligence.The first is the sort of brain he is born with.Human brains differ considerably,some being more capable than others.But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with,an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn.So the second factor is what happens to the individual-the sort of environment in which he is reared.If an individual is handicapped envionmentally,it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.
The importance of environment in determining an individual's intellingence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins,Peter and Mark.Being identical,the twins had identical brains at birth,and their growth processes were the same.When the twins were three months old,their parents died,and they were placed in separate foster homes.Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities.Mark was reared in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college.He was read to as a child,sent to good schools,and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually.This enviromental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens,when they were given tesets to measure their intelligence.Mark's I.Q.was 125,twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother.Given equal opportunities,the twins,having identical brains,would have tested at roughly the same level.

32.This selection can best be titledB.
A.Measuring Your Intelligence
B.Intelligence and Environment
C.The Case of Peter and Mark
D.How the brain Influences Intelligence
33.According to the passage,the average I.Q.isB.
A.85         B.100           C.110       D.125
34.The case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion thatC.
A.individual with identical brains seldom test at same level
B.an individual's intelligence is determined only by his enviroment
C.lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligence
D.changes of enviroment produce changes in the structure of the brain
35.This passage suggests that an individual's I.Q.C.
A.can be predicted at birth
B.stays the same throuthout his life
C.can be increased by education
D.is determined by his childhood.

分析 文章主要讲述了影响智力的因素有哪些.

解答 32.B 标题概括题.文章主要讲述了影响智力的因素有哪些,通过举例子说明环境主要影响人的智力.故选B.
33.B 细节题.根据文章内容"Mark's I.Q.was 125,twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother."可知.人的平均I.Q为100.故选B.
34.C 细节题.根据文章内容"Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities.Mark was reared in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college.He was read to as a child,sent to good schools,and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually.This enviromental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens,when they were given tesets to measure their intelligence."彼得被父母养育在一个缺少教育机会的封闭社区.马克是生长在富裕的上过大学的父母家里.他读到作为一个孩子,送到好学校,并给予每一个机会刺激智力.这环境差异一直持续到他们十几岁,当他们接受测试是发现马克的智力比彼得高.故选C.
35.C 细节题.通过文章对彼得和马克的一个测试说明人的智力可以通过教育来提高.故选C.

点评 题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

16.Jobs quickly became bored with college.He liked being at Reed,just not taking the required classes.In fact he was surprised when he found out that,for all of its hippie aura,there were strict course requirements.When Wozniak came to visit,Jobs waved his schedule at him and complained,"They are making me take all these courses."Woz replied,"Yes,that's what they do in college."Jobs refused to go to the classes he was assigned and instead went to the ones he wanted,such as a dance class where he could enjoy both the creativity and the chance to meet girls."I would never have refused to take the courses you were supposed to,that's a difference in our personality,"Wozniak marveled.
Jobs also began to feel guilty,he later said,about spending so much of his parents'money on an education that did not seem worthwhile."All of my workingclass parents'savings were being spent on my college tuition,"he recounted in a famous commencement address at Stanford."I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out.And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life.So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out okay."
He didn't actually want to leave Reed; he just wanted to quit paying tuition and taking classes that didn't interest him.Remarkably,Reed tolerated that."He had a very inquiring mind that was enormously attractive,"said the dean of students,Jack Dudman."He refused to accept automatically received truths,and he wanted to examine everything himself."Dudman allowed Jobs to audit classes and stay with friends in the dorms even after he stopped paying tuition.
"The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me,and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting,"he said.Among them was a calligraphy class that appealed to him after he saw posters on campus that were beautifully drawn."I learned about serif and sans serif typefaces,about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations,about what makes great typography great.It was beautiful,historical,artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture,and I found it fascinating."
It was yet another example of Jobs consciously positioning himself at the intersection of the arts and technology.In all of his products,technology would be married to great design,elegance,human touches,and even romance.He would be in the fore of pushing friendly graphical user interfaces.The calligraphy course would become iconic in that regard."If I had never dropped in on that single course in college,the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts.And since Windows just copied the Mac,it's likely that no personal computer would have them."
In the meantime Jobs decked out a bohemian existence on the fringes of Reed.He went barefoot most of the time,wearing sandals when it snowed.Elizabeth Holmes made meals for him,trying to keep up with his obsessive diets.He returned soda bottles for spare change,continued his treks to the free Sunday dinners at the Hare Krishna temple,and wore a down jacket in the heatless garage apartment he rented for $20 a month.When he needed money,he found work at the psychology department lab maintaining the electronic equipment that was used for animal behaviour experiments.Occasionally Chrisann Brennan would come to visit.Their relationship sputtered along erratically.But mostly he tended to the stirrings of his own soul and personal quest for enlightenment.
"I came of age at a magical time,"he reflected later."Our consciousness was raised by Zen,and also by LSD."Even later in life he would credit psychedelic drugs for making him more enlightened."Taking LSD was a profound experience,one of the most important things in my life.LSD shows you that there's another side to the coin,and you can't remember it when it wears off,but you know it.It reinforced my sense of what was important-creating great things instead of making money,putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could."

65.Jobs and Wozniak differed inB.
A.approach to freedom                 B.attitude to requirements
C.appetite for knowledge               D.affection for college life
66.One factor in Job's decision to leave college is thatD.
A.his family was in absolute poverty
B.he wanted to be independent of his parents
C.the college couldn't prepare him for his set goal
D.he wouldn't have his parents'money wasted
67.From Jack Dudman's statement,we can see that Jobs wasB.
A.rather difficult to get along with         B.very serious about existing beliefs
C.quite good at solving problems          D.too stubborn to change his mind
68.The underlined word"audit"in paragraph 3 means"C".
A.give successfully
B.miss occasionally
C.attend informally
D.conduct irregularly
69.Jobs worked on typefaces while suffering from a hard lifeA.
A.to bring something great into existence
B.to prove his value to the whole wo rld
C.to make himself wealthy for a better life
D.to show college was unimportant to him
70.Which of the following can be the proper title for the passage?D
A.Stay Out          B.Work Out         C.Hold Out          D.Drop Out.
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Nutrition is all about our honeys.Manuka Honey,sourced from the Marlborough Sounds,Kahurangi National Park and throughout the top of New Zealand's South Island; West Coast Honey,a delicious multi-floral honey also described as the fruit bowl of honeys comes from the pristine (原始状态的) West Coast of the South Island; and finally Honeydew Honey which comes from the Beech forests of the Nelson Lakes areas.All our honeys are great as a food and may offer added benefits.
Health covers a range of different products,aimed at helping you feel great and stay healthy.Nectar Ease is our sought after Manuka Honey with added Bee Venom range.In this range you'll also find Propolis,Pollen,Manuka Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar with added Manuka Honey.
Finally our Skincare range is where you will find a range of Manuka Honey soaps as well as our world-famous Royal Nectar products; anything from the Original Face Mask to the new gift packs.
To read more about how it all started,check out the About Us section,or go straight to Products to order your own goodies.

56.Which of the following comes from the Nelson Lakes areas?C
A.Manuka Honey.B.West Coast Honey.C.Honeydew Honey.D.Apple Cider Vinegar.
57.What is the main purpose of this article?D
A.To introduce Nelson Honey & Marketing.
B.To analyze the benefits of honey products.
C.To attract readers to visit cities in New Zealand.
D.To promote products from Nelson Honey & Marketing.
1.Your best friends may just be your worst enemies,especially when it comes to young women checking out images of their friends on social media sites.
This is according to a recent study carried out by researchers at the Center for Emotional Health at Macquarie University,Australia.The study found that young women are much more likely to be affected by images of their friends on social media than those of celebrities(名人)in traditional media.
A hundred and fifty female undergraduate students were questioned in five daily surveys over a five-day period.The students were asked questions such as whether they had compared their appearance with someone were asked questions such as whether they had compared their appearance with someone else's,and whether they made that comparison after looking at social media,traditional media or in person.
Results showed that young women are more likely to compare their appearance with that of their peers'(同龄人的)images on social media than those of models'or movie stars'in traditional media.Most students thought others looked better than them on social media.This led some to diet and exercise,although the majority of those who did were not overweight and didn't need to do so.
The negative effect images of skinny models in mass media has on young women is a well-known source of concern throughout the world,but social media appear t make things worse.
Jasmine Fardouly,lead researcher in the study,explained why social media might be more damaging than traditional media.
"Celebrities may seem more distant and their appearance may have less influence than people you work with or see regularly,"she told The Guardian.
In Fardouly's opinion,people could unfollow or avoid those who post highly improved images of themselves.This may reduce how often people think others look more attractive than them on social media.
But more critical (批判的)thinking may also do the trick."When surfing social media,it may be helpful for people to stop and think about the motivation behind each post and question how realistic each image is,"Fardouly wrote on news site The Conversation.

59."Your best friends may just be your worst enemies",becauseC.
A.your friends might hurt you badly when you become their enemy
B.you feel unhappy because your friends look more attractive than you in person
C.your friends beat you in appearance when you compare their images on social media
D.you disappoint your friends because you don't look better on social media than on traditional media
60.The reasons why more young women are dieting or exercising are as follows EXCEPT thatB
A the skinny models on TV have some influence on them
B.celebrities in traditional media have a far greater influence on them
C.they concern more about their images online with the widespread use of social media
D.they tend to compare and compete after they see their friends'images on social media
61.The underlined phrase"do the trick"in the last paragraph probably meansA
A.meet the desired result
B.make people feel worse
C.remind people of something
D.develop people's interest.
Do your children enjoy interesting stories,funny games,and exciting dances?Captain Good Fellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00.Free.
Walking Tour of the Town
Forget your worries on Saturday morning.Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history.Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30.Wear comfortable shoes!
Films at the Museum
Two European films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre.See Broken Window at 1:30.The workers will be at 3:45.For further information,call 4987898.
International Picnic
Are you tired of eating the same food every day?Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world.Delicious and not expensive.Noon to 5:00pm.
Take Me out to the Ballgame
It's October,and tonight is your last chance to see the Redbirds this year.Get your tickets at the gate.It might be cold; don't forget sweaters and jackets.
Do You Want to Hear"The Zoo"
"The Zoo",a popular rock group from Australia,will give their first US concert tomorrow night at 8:00at Rose Hall,City College.

21.If you are going on the Walking Tour,don't forgetA.
A.your comfortable shoes
B.your beautiful walk
C.your learning about local history
D.your worries
22.You can probably eat Chinese,Italian,and Arab foodB.
A.at the front entrance of City Hall
B.at Central Park on Saturday
C.at 5:00pm
D.at the Ballgame
23.The Redbirds ballgameC.
A.is in the afternoon      B.is at the gate   C.is outside     D.might be cold
24."The Zoo"isC.
A.a park with lots of animals
B.US concert
C.a music group
D.going to give the concert at 8:00am.
18.Thank You Notes:The Essential Life Lessons
There is no greater gift for any of us to give our friends and family than the gift of gratitude.(36)CTake a quiet moment to think about the blessings of the season and write a thank you note to everyone who made it special for you.There are some life lessons from thank you notes.
(37)AEven a child can make some lines on paper,help pick out a pretty stamp,and lick the envelope.This helps create a sense of ownership,confidence,and contribution.
Thank you notes strengthen communication skills.Wherever you are,no skill matters more than the ability to communicate clearly and sincerely.It conveys reliability,confidence and thoughtfulness.(38)G
Thank you notes remind you about what matters.(39)B But when we write a thank you note we have to locate within ourselves some way to be grateful and find some way to express it.We do not find happiness in what we get.We find happiness in being grateful for what we have.
(40)D Not,"Thank you for the sweater.It is cool,"but"Thanks for the sweater!Not,"Thanks for the game,"but"We had a blast playing that game.
I think you will soon discover that the more thank you notes you send,the more you become aware of how much there is to be grateful for,and how good it feels to let people know you appreciate them.

A.Everyone can write a thank you note.
B.Maybe the gift was thoughtless.
C.And that can begin with thank you notes.
D.Thank you notes must have specific details.
E.There is no other way to convey this message.
F.You can even write to people you do not know.
G.Those are the qualities that inspire people to trust and respect you.
16.I believe in the ingredients of love and their combined power.
We (36)BLuke four years ago.The people from the orphanage dropped him off at our hotel room without even saying(37)A.He was nearly six years old,only 28pounds and his face was lined with scars.(38)D,he was terrified."What are his favorite things?"I yelled."Noodles,"they replied as the elevator door shut.
Luke kicked and screamed.His cries were painful,animal-like.He had (39)Aseen a mirror and tried to escape by running (40)Cone.I wound my arms around him so he could not hit or kick.After an hour and a half he (41)Bfell asleep,exhausted.I called room service.They delivered every (42)Ddish on the menu.Luke woke up,looked at me and started (43)C.I handed him chopsticks,and pointed at the food.He stopped crying and started to eat.He ate until I was sure he would be (44)A.
That night we went for a walk.Delighted at the moon,he gestured,"What is it?"I said,"The moon,it's the moon."He reached up and tried to(45)Ait.He cried again when I tried to give him a (46)Duntil I started to play with the water.By the end of his bath the room was soaked and he was laughing.We read the book One Yellow Lion.He (47)Clooking at the colorful pictures and turning the (48)A.By the end of the night he was saying,"one yellow lion."
The next day we met orphanage officials to do paperwork.Luke was on my lap as they filed into the room.He looked at them and(49)Cmy arms tightly around his waist.
He was a sad,shy boy for a long time(50)Dthose first days.He cried easily.He hid food in his pillowcase and searched in garbage cans.I wondered then if he would ever(51)A the wounds of neglect that the orphanage had beaten into him.
It has been four years.Luke is a smart,funny,happy fourth-grader.He is (52)D with charm and is a natural athlete.His teachers say he is well behaved and works very hard.Our neighbor says she has never seen a (53)Bkid.
When I think back,I am amazed at what(54)Athis abused,terrified little creature.It was not therapy,counselors or medicine.It was love:just simple,plain,easy to give.It is made up of compassion,care,(55)C,and a leap of faith.I believe in the power of love to transform.
44 A.fullB.sickC.hungryD.healthy
51.A.get overB.get rid ofC.get acrossD.get in
17.For professionals who were previously unable to stop working to study for their postgraduate degree,there is still an opportunity to upskill-online learning.
In the online classroom,students (61)are connected (connect) with other classmates as well as with the teachers when they engage in their courses,(62)which feature online discussions,videos and reading materials.Students follow a structured framework with specific deadlines that help keep them (63)motivated(motivate) throughout the programme.
Generally,online learning appeals to working professionals who seek to(64)sharpen (sharp) their leadership and management skills,(65)allowing(allow) them to progress through the ranks of their current business or to change industries completely.One of the many benefits of the online classroom for students is (66)thatthey have the opportunity to interact (互动) on a regular(67)basis (base) with like-minded professionals from other countries and learn international business practices.As a result,the global online classroom allows students (68)to apply (apply) what they learn to their workplace and share findings with their classmates to (69)further(far) explore theories and define best practices.In the long run,the advantages of online education extend beyond the students and their employers to the effect(70)onthe economy.

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