
Royal Nectar is the amazing skincare product that has taken the world by storm.It uses Bee Veno (毒液) to stimulate natural collagen (胶原蛋白) production in your skin.
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Nectar Ease uses Manuka Honey and Bee Venom to create a food rich in added benefits.Also known as the‘Aches and Pains Honey',it is ideal for people with joint problems.
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You probably already knew that we produce some of the purest Manuka Honey in the world,but did you know our other varieties may offer added benefits too?
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NELSON HONEY & MARKETINGFor over 100 years the Cropp family have worked with nature,extracting the honey delicately,to bring you the finest quality New Zealand Honey.In 1973 third generation beekeeper Philip Cropp set up Nelson Honey & Marketing.His passion for bees,the many wonderful products they produce,have seen Nelson Honey grow from humble beginnings to a hugely successful company with a growing range of honey products sought after worldwide.
Philip's"Honey will fix it"approach is legendary among friends,neighbors and customers and has been the driver behind some of the revolutionary products he developed over the years like Nectar Ease and Royal Nectar.
Nutrition is all about our honeys.Manuka Honey,sourced from the Marlborough Sounds,Kahurangi National Park and throughout the top of New Zealand's South Island; West Coast Honey,a delicious multi-floral honey also described as the fruit bowl of honeys comes from the pristine (原始状态的) West Coast of the South Island; and finally Honeydew Honey which comes from the Beech forests of the Nelson Lakes areas.All our honeys are great as a food and may offer added benefits.
Health covers a range of different products,aimed at helping you feel great and stay healthy.Nectar Ease is our sought after Manuka Honey with added Bee Venom range.In this range you'll also find Propolis,Pollen,Manuka Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar with added Manuka Honey.
Finally our Skincare range is where you will find a range of Manuka Honey soaps as well as our world-famous Royal Nectar products; anything from the Original Face Mask to the new gift packs.
To read more about how it all started,check out the About Us section,or go straight to Products to order your own goodies.

56.Which of the following comes from the Nelson Lakes areas?C
A.Manuka Honey.B.West Coast Honey.C.Honeydew Honey.D.Apple Cider Vinegar.
57.What is the main purpose of this article?D
A.To introduce Nelson Honey & Marketing.
B.To analyze the benefits of honey products.
C.To attract readers to visit cities in New Zealand.
D.To promote products from Nelson Honey & Marketing.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了他们的优质蜂蜜,旨在推广尼尔森蜂蜜产品及市场售卖

解答 56.C.细节理解题.根据文章and finally Honeydew Honey which comes from the Beech forests of the Nelson Lakes areas可知Honeydew Honey来自纳尔逊湖区;故选C.
57.D.推理判断题.根据文章WELCOME TO  NELSON HONEY & MARKETING可知文章的主要目的是推广尼尔森蜂蜜产品及市场售卖;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

7.The African elephant,which is the largest land animal remaining on earth,is of great importance to African ecosystem.Unlike other animals,the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment.As a big plant-eater,it largely shapes the-forest-and-savanna (大草原) surroundings in which it lives,therefore setting the terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat.
It is the elephant's great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat.In its continuous search for the 300pounds of plants it must have every day,it kills small trees and under-bushes,and pulls branches off big trees.This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas.In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant-eaters.
Take the rain forests for example.In their natural state,the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor.By pulling down trees and eating plants,elephants make open spaces,allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor.In such situations,the forests become suitable for large hoofed plant-eaters to move around and for small plant-eaters to get their food as well.
What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has become an endangered species.If the elephant disappears,scientists say,many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna,greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem.

8.What is the passage mainly about?B
A.Disappearance of African elephants.
B.The effect of African elephants'search for food.
C.Forests and savannas as habitats for African elephants.
D.The eating habit of African elephants.
9.What does the underlined phrase"setting the terms"most probably mean?B
A.Fixing the time.B.Deciding the conditions.
C.Improving the quality.D.Worsening the state.
10.What do we know about the open spaces in the passage?C
A.They result from the destruction of rain forests.
B.They provide food mainly for African elephants.
C.They are attractive to plant-eating animals of different kinds.
D.They are home to many endangered animals.
11.The passage is developed mainly byD
A.giving examples
B.pointing out similarities and differences
C.describing the changes in space order
D.showing the effect and then explaining the causes.
5.随着经济的发展,环境污染日益严重,洪水、干旱(drought)等自然灾害接连不断地发生,雾霾(smog)、沙尘暴等天气频繁出现,这一切严重威胁着我们的生活.怎样减少污染呢?请你根据下列提示以How to Protect the Environment为题为你校校报写一篇文章.
How to Protect the EnvironmentAs we all know,with the development of economy,our environment is being polluted more and more seriously.As a result,natural disasters such as floods and droughts continuously happen and extreme weather including smogs as well as sandstorms appear now and then,threatening human to a great extent.(高分句型一)In order to make the earth a better place for us to live on,in my opinion,we should do something as follows:
First of all,the government should pass new laws to prevent industrial pollution.What's more,the public are required to raise the awareness of protecting the environment and change their life style.In their life not only should they save electricity and water but also they are supposed to have waste materials recycled.(高分句型二)
As students,we should take action in our daily life to protect the environment around us.For example,when doing shopping,we will try to use environment-friendly shopping bags instead of plastic ones to reduce"white pollution"; when going out,it is a good idea to take buses rather than take private cars to reduce waste gas in the air.
All in all,only when everyone does what he/she can to protect the environment can we have a more beautiful earth.(高分句型三).
12.Fantasies for young readers really began with the fairy tales of writers such as the Brothers Grimm.Of course,all the children who grow up reading these books and tales never,at heart,really grow up at all,for such wonderful stories are forever carved in their minds.And fairy tales are as much fun to read when we are fifty,only for memorable reasons,as they are when we are children.
But it's obvious these days that fantasies aren't only for the little ones.In 1977,23years after The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien was published,Terry Brooks published his first novel,The Sword of Shannara.It became the first work of fiction ever to appear on the New York Times Trade Paperback Bestseller List,where it remained for over five months.Following the release of Tolkien's work,earlier works of fantasy,like T.H.White's Once and Future King and Eric Eddison's The Mezentian Gate (in 1958)came out before The Sword of Shannara,but neither had an influence quite like The Sword of Shannara.Fantasies were truly reborn.
As the popularity of fantasies began to grow quickly,the film and television industry climbed aboard the bandwagon.During the eighties,the fantasy/adventure movie was born.Conan is a classic to the eighties.The lack of really good fantasy movies in the recent past can be blamed on substandard special effects.However,now,in an age of post-modern computer technology,the impossible is no longer a concern.Since the release and popularity of The Lord of the Rings,cinema screen production rights have been bought for scores of fantasy novels,from Terry Brooks to Robert Jordan.
The future of fantasies has never looked so assured.Even children's cinema has had its own successes through the big screen release of the Harry Potter series and the classic Peter Pan.While there remains a choice to go beyond the reality we know,there will always be fantasies.

65.What can we learn from the first paragraph?B
A.Children reading fairy tales never grow up.
B.Fantasies are attractive to persons of all ages.
C.Fantasies appear earlier than fairy tales.
D.The Brothers Grimm is famous for The Sword of Shannara.
66.Why were earlier fantasy movies less attractive to people?A
A.The special effects in the movies are not good enough.
B.They are not good stories.
C.The actors in the movies are poorly-skilled.
D.There are not big theaters for them.
67.What does the passage mainly talk about?C
A.Types of fantasies.
B.Famous fantasy works.
C.The development of fantasies.
D.The popularity of fantasies.
2.In Chinese we say,"Your handwriting says a lot about you."But in the eyes of South African photographer John Thackwray,someone's bedroom can do just the same thing.
Thackwray,30,first had the idea of taking pictures of people's bedrooms six years ago,because he was curious how young people born in the 1980s and 1990s lived their lives.And he started with his friends'in Paris.
Soon he decided to take this project a little further.Over the past six years,Thackwray has traveled to 55countries and taken pictures of 1,200 bedrooms-from New York,one of the world's busiest and most developed cities,to Russia,Thailand,Iran and the poor neighborhoods in Nairobi,and cast African countries.
From the layout of the rooms and the little items in them,you can not only see how different people's lifestyles and personalities are,but also get an insight into how unequal the world is and how traditions are replaced by new technology.
Now Thackwray has put all his photos into a book named My Room Project.Each photo in the book comes with the name,age and job of its owner,and they are arranged in the order of his travels.But Thackwray got a lot more from the project than the chance to publish a book.He also saw a lot of things,met a lot of people and had many great experiences.
"I was impressed by the spirituality in India,the friendliness of the Russian people and the craziness of the Japanese lifestyle,"Thackwray told The Huffington Post.

28.What does the underlined part in the first paragraph mean?C
A.one's bedroom says much about his handwriting.
B.one's bedroom and handwriting are the same thing.
C.one's bedroom says much about his personality.
D.people do the same the thing in their bedrooms.
29.Which of the following information about John Thackwray is true?B
A.The pictures Thackwray has taken are more from developed countries than developing countries.
B.The idea of taking bedroom pictures occurred to Thackwray when he was 24.
C.Thackwray began the project with taking the pictures of his own bedroom.
D.The photos in the book My Room Project are put in the order of time.
30.What does the word"insight"in the fourth paragraph mean?B
A.achievement    B.understanding    C.chance      D.curiosity
31.Which of the followings will be the suitable title for the text?D
A.Photos in bedrooms 
B.Handwriting and photos
C.Impressive six years
D.Photos telling stories.
6.There are two factors which determine an individual's intelligence.The first is the sort of brain he is born with.Human brains differ considerably,some being more capable than others.But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with,an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn.So the second factor is what happens to the individual-the sort of environment in which he is reared.If an individual is handicapped envionmentally,it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.
The importance of environment in determining an individual's intellingence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins,Peter and Mark.Being identical,the twins had identical brains at birth,and their growth processes were the same.When the twins were three months old,their parents died,and they were placed in separate foster homes.Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities.Mark was reared in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college.He was read to as a child,sent to good schools,and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually.This enviromental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens,when they were given tesets to measure their intelligence.Mark's I.Q.was 125,twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his identical brother.Given equal opportunities,the twins,having identical brains,would have tested at roughly the same level.

32.This selection can best be titledB.
A.Measuring Your Intelligence
B.Intelligence and Environment
C.The Case of Peter and Mark
D.How the brain Influences Intelligence
33.According to the passage,the average I.Q.isB.
A.85         B.100           C.110       D.125
34.The case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion thatC.
A.individual with identical brains seldom test at same level
B.an individual's intelligence is determined only by his enviroment
C.lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligence
D.changes of enviroment produce changes in the structure of the brain
35.This passage suggests that an individual's I.Q.C.
A.can be predicted at birth
B.stays the same throuthout his life
C.can be increased by education
D.is determined by his childhood.

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