
Earlier this year,my oldest daughter got braces (牙箍) on her teeth,and let's just say she did not go quietly into that dentist's chair. Fear and hate pretty much describe the days leading up to her first appointment.

So when she finally walked out with shiny teeth,a sore mouth and a broken spirit, I told her I was proud of her and took her to Ben & Jerry's for an ice cream reward. Two weeks later, we returned to the scene of the crime.The dentist spent about 45 seconds checking her teeth before sending her on her merry way. Before I could start the car, she was placing her ice cream order. She was shocked when I told her that she wasn't going to get a reward every time we got her teeth checked.

Apparently,she's not alone. According to some parenting experts, kids are easily addicted(上瘾的)to a benefit?producing system of parental rewards and bribes(贿赂)—not all ice creams, candies and cool toys.Some parents are offering their children novel prizes just to let them sit down and behave in a restaurant—or sleep in their own beds—or score a goal in the next soccer game.

While the experts agree that occasional awards are okay,the danger lies in the system's overuse.Kids quickly gain a sense of entitlement(应得权益),where they come to expect a big reward for every good thing that they do, no matter how small.To keep things in check,experts say parents should reduce the number of rewards they offer, make sure rewards match the behavior and explain the real benefits of behaving.

1.The intended readers of the passage are________.

A.children B.parents

C.doctors D.teachers

2.Misguided by the parental reward system,children easily believe________.

A.they should benefit from their every desired behavior

B.they can be successful as long as they work hard

C.their parents will give them more presents in the future

D.their parents will feel happy when they behave well

3.In the experts' opinion,parents________.

A.should provide their children with many luxurious things

B.shouldn't give their children too many rewards

C.should give their children more spiritual rewards

D.should tell their children the benefits of rewards

4.What would be the BEST title for the passage?

A.Do Parents Know How to Help Their Children Behave?

B.Is Your Child Afraid to Visit A Dentist?

C.Are Parents Rewarding Their Children Too Much?

D.Does Your Child Show Interest in Rewards?












At seventeen, Shaun should be enjoying the time of his life. Instead, he’s using time he has left to a message. “Live life to the because you never know what’s going to ,” Shaun says in a video he sent online.

Born with a disease Shaun spent his childhood in and out of . He’s had almost 1000 operations in total, and his first heart transplant just eight-year-old.

He had another transplant at thirteen, but his body didn’t it. “It could be six months, could be twelve months—don’t know. It’s for me as a father that Shaun will close his eyes and not up again. One day that will be it,” his dad Cameron said.

“I have the heart rejection where the arteries became narrow, and it’s difficult for the blood to ,” Shaun explained. So why did he make the video which has so many? “I made it to let my Face Book friends know what was going on,” Shaun said. “It was hard to make the video, but it’s harder to watch the video. It that you have heart rejection and you will die soon.”

Shaun’s You Tube video has gone , with more than 50000 hits already. People who were inspired by his message, called into offering . His airfares to Disneyland were for by a kind person. Another offered to buy his Disneyland tickets.

“There’ll be a lot more to come,” said Cameron, who is looking for a to turn his son’s story into a book. Life may be but Shaun will live it to the fullest, each day as a gift.

1.A. pay B. spend C. share D. gain

2.A. fullest B. worst C. hardest D. longest

3.A. happen B. end C. fail D. serve

4.A. lung B. heart C. head D. stomach

5.A. factory B. hotel C. restaurant D. hospital

6.A. in B. at C. over D. with

7.A. question B. operation C. relation D. education

8.A. need B. believe C. accept D. refuse

9.A. quick B. slow C. hard D. good

10.A. wake B. cut C. call D. break

11.A. turn out B. get through C. block out D. dress up

12.A. frightened B. confused C. satisfied D. touched

13.A. persuades B. reminds C. warns D. asks

14.A. rare B. good C. sad D. popular

15.A. books B. gifts C. thanks D. prizes

16.A. cared B. paid C. used D. devoted

17.A. comfort B. explanation C. support D. rescue

18.A. worker B. writer C. doctor D. cleaner

19.A. curing B. fading C. expanding D. remaining

20.A. teaching B. killing C. helping D. enjoying


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