
At seventeen, Shaun should be enjoying the time of his life. Instead, he’s using time he has left to a message. “Live life to the because you never know what’s going to ,” Shaun says in a video he sent online.

Born with a disease Shaun spent his childhood in and out of . He’s had almost 1000 operations in total, and his first heart transplant just eight-year-old.

He had another transplant at thirteen, but his body didn’t it. “It could be six months, could be twelve months—don’t know. It’s for me as a father that Shaun will close his eyes and not up again. One day that will be it,” his dad Cameron said.

“I have the heart rejection where the arteries became narrow, and it’s difficult for the blood to ,” Shaun explained. So why did he make the video which has so many? “I made it to let my Face Book friends know what was going on,” Shaun said. “It was hard to make the video, but it’s harder to watch the video. It that you have heart rejection and you will die soon.”

Shaun’s You Tube video has gone , with more than 50000 hits already. People who were inspired by his message, called into offering . His airfares to Disneyland were for by a kind person. Another offered to buy his Disneyland tickets.

“There’ll be a lot more to come,” said Cameron, who is looking for a to turn his son’s story into a book. Life may be but Shaun will live it to the fullest, each day as a gift.

1.A. pay B. spend C. share D. gain

2.A. fullest B. worst C. hardest D. longest

3.A. happen B. end C. fail D. serve

4.A. lung B. heart C. head D. stomach

5.A. factory B. hotel C. restaurant D. hospital

6.A. in B. at C. over D. with

7.A. question B. operation C. relation D. education

8.A. need B. believe C. accept D. refuse

9.A. quick B. slow C. hard D. good

10.A. wake B. cut C. call D. break

11.A. turn out B. get through C. block out D. dress up

12.A. frightened B. confused C. satisfied D. touched

13.A. persuades B. reminds C. warns D. asks

14.A. rare B. good C. sad D. popular

15.A. books B. gifts C. thanks D. prizes

16.A. cared B. paid C. used D. devoted

17.A. comfort B. explanation C. support D. rescue

18.A. worker B. writer C. doctor D. cleaner

19.A. curing B. fading C. expanding D. remaining

20.A. teaching B. killing C. helping D. enjoying
























1.动词辨析。A. pay付;B. spend花费;C. share分享;D. gain获得;句意:他利用他所剩的时间来分享一条信息。根据Shaun says in a video he sent online.可知选C项。

2.短语固定搭配。本题考查短语固定搭配:to the fullest最充分地。句意:最充分的生活,因为你永远不会知道将发生什么。选A项。

3.动词辨析。A. happen 发生;B. end结束;C. fail失败;D. serve服务;句意:最充分的生活,因为你永远不会知道将发生什么。故选A项。

4.上下文连串。根据后句He’s had almost 1000 operations in total, and his first heart transplant just eight-year-old.可知他患有心脏病,故选B项。

5.名词辨析。A. factory工厂;B. hotel旅馆;C. restaurant饭店;D. hospital医院;句意:他在出入医院中度过了他的童年,故选D项。


7.上下文连串。根据上文中He’s had almost 1000 operations in total, and his first heart transplant just eight-year-old.的提示可知选B项。

8.动词辨析。A. need需要;B. believe相信;C. accept接受;D. refuse拒绝;根据句意:但是他身体不接受它(即排斥反应)。可知选C项。

9.形容词辨析。A. quick快的;B. slow慢的;C. hard艰难的;D. good好的;句意:作为父亲,Shaun闭上眼睛,将不再醒来,对我来说是很艰难的。故选C项。

10.短语固定搭配。本题考查短语:wake up醒来;句意:Shaun闭上眼睛,将不再醒来。故选A项。

11.短语辨析。A. turn out证明是;B. get through完成;C. block out遮住;D. dress up盛装;句意:血液很难通过。

12.】考查动词辨析。根据下文中People who were inspired by his message可知那就是为什么他制作的视频感动了那么多的人。选D项。

13.A. persuades劝服;B. reminds提醒;C. warns警告;D. asks问;句意:它提醒道,你有心脏排斥,很快会死去。故选B项。

14.根据后句的with more than 50000 hits already.可知这个视频很受欢迎。句意:这个视频很受欢迎,已经超过5万人点击。

15.名词辨析。根据后句及文章最后已经but Shaun will live it to the fullest, each day as a gift.的提示可知。故选B 项。

16.动词辨析。A. cared关心;B. paid 付;C. used使用;D. devoted致力于;句意:他到迪斯尼的飞机票是一位好心人付的。

17.名词辨析。A. comfort安慰;B. explanation解释;C. support支持;D. rescue拯救;句意:将有更多的支持要来临。

18.名词辨析。根据后句who is looking for a to turn his son’s story into a book.可知是writer作家。句意:寻找一位作家来将他儿子的故事写成一本书。

19.动词辨析。A. curing治愈; B. fading 消逝;C. expanding膨胀;D. remaining保持。生命也许会逝去。故选B项。

20.A. teaching教;B. killing消磨;C. helping帮助;D. enjoying享受;句意:作为礼物享受着每一天。故选D项。



Earlier this year,my oldest daughter got braces (牙箍) on her teeth,and let's just say she did not go quietly into that dentist's chair. Fear and hate pretty much describe the days leading up to her first appointment.

So when she finally walked out with shiny teeth,a sore mouth and a broken spirit, I told her I was proud of her and took her to Ben & Jerry's for an ice cream reward. Two weeks later, we returned to the scene of the crime.The dentist spent about 45 seconds checking her teeth before sending her on her merry way. Before I could start the car, she was placing her ice cream order. She was shocked when I told her that she wasn't going to get a reward every time we got her teeth checked.

Apparently,she's not alone. According to some parenting experts, kids are easily addicted(上瘾的)to a benefit?producing system of parental rewards and bribes(贿赂)—not all ice creams, candies and cool toys.Some parents are offering their children novel prizes just to let them sit down and behave in a restaurant—or sleep in their own beds—or score a goal in the next soccer game.

While the experts agree that occasional awards are okay,the danger lies in the system's overuse.Kids quickly gain a sense of entitlement(应得权益),where they come to expect a big reward for every good thing that they do, no matter how small.To keep things in check,experts say parents should reduce the number of rewards they offer, make sure rewards match the behavior and explain the real benefits of behaving.

1.The intended readers of the passage are________.

A.children B.parents

C.doctors D.teachers

2.Misguided by the parental reward system,children easily believe________.

A.they should benefit from their every desired behavior

B.they can be successful as long as they work hard

C.their parents will give them more presents in the future

D.their parents will feel happy when they behave well

3.In the experts' opinion,parents________.

A.should provide their children with many luxurious things

B.shouldn't give their children too many rewards

C.should give their children more spiritual rewards

D.should tell their children the benefits of rewards

4.What would be the BEST title for the passage?

A.Do Parents Know How to Help Their Children Behave?

B.Is Your Child Afraid to Visit A Dentist?

C.Are Parents Rewarding Their Children Too Much?

D.Does Your Child Show Interest in Rewards?


“Wow, you got an A without even studying.”

“Your drawing is wonderful –you’re my little Picasso.”

If you’re like most parents, you offer praise to your children, believing it is the key to their success. (No. 1) But according to a new study, praise may do more harm than good.

For the study, after a simple IQ test, one group was told it did really well and must be very smart. The other group was told it did really well and must have worked hard. One group was praised for intelligence and the other was praised _______________.

Asked if they wanted to take a slightly harder test, the kids praised for their intelligence were unwillingly. Of those praised for their effort, however, 90 percent were eager for a more challenging task. And on a final test the effort group performed significantly better than the group praised for its intelligence.

Many of the kids who had been labeled “smart” performed worst of all. The “hard workers” got the message that they could improve their scores by trying harder, but the “smart” kids believed they should do well without any effort.(No.2) Thus, kids who get too much praise are less likely to take risks, are highly sensitive to failure and are more likely to give up when faced with a challenge.

Tips for Parents:

Avoid labels. (No.3) Praising for effort sends the message that your child has the power to improve and change. Be mindful of labeling yourself and others.

Teach kids from an early age that the brain is a muscle that can be strengthened with practice. This sends the message that kids can directly affect their intelligence.

Parents often praise their kids to make themselves feel good, or to protect their kids from failure. But it’s very important for parents to help their kids to learn to deal with setbacks (挫折) and to help them focus on ways to improve.

1.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (within 4 words)

One group was praised for intelligence and the other was praised __________________________________.

2.Which sentence (No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3) in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

As a result of much praise, kids will lack enough courage to risk and face failure and a challenge.


3. How many pieces of advice does the writer give to parents?

_______________________ (within one word)

4.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.




In 1978, I was 18 and was working as a nurse in a small town about 270 km away from Sydney, Australia. I was looking forward to having five days off from duty. Unfortunately, the only one train a day back to my home in Sydney had already left. So I thought I’d hitch a ride (搭便车).

I waited by the side of the highway for three hours but no one stopped for me. Finally, a man walked over and introduced himself as Gordon. He said that although he couldn’t give me a lift, I should come back to his house for lunch. He noticed me standing for hours in the November heat and thought I must be hungry. I was doubtful as a young girl but he assured (使…放心)me I was safe, and he also offered to help me find a lift home afterwards. When we arrived at his house, he made us sandwiches. After lunch, he helped me find a lift home.

Twenty-five years later, in 2003, while I was driving to a nearby town one day, I saw an elderly man standing in the glaring heat, trying to hitch a ride. I thought it was another chance to repay someone for the favour I’d been given decades earlier. I pulled over and picked him up. I made him comfortable on the back seat and offered him some water.

After a few moments of small talk, the man said to me, “You haven’t changed a bit, even your red hair is still the same.”

I couldn’t remember where I’d met him. He then told me he was the man who had given me lunch and helped me find a lift all those years ago. It was Gordon.

1.The author had to hitch a ride one day in 1978 because .

A. her work delayed her trip to Sydney

B. she was going home for her holidays

C. the town was far away from Sydney

D. she missed the only train back home

2.Which of the following did Gordon do according to Paragraph 2?

A. He helped the girl find a ride.

B. He gave the girl a ride back home.

C. He bought sandwiches for the girl.

D. He watched the girl for three hours.

3.The reason why the author offered a lift to the elderly man was that .

A. she realized he was Gordon

B. she had known him for decades

C. she was going to the nearby town

D. she wanted to repay the favour she once got

4.What does the author want to tell the readers through the story?

A. Giving sometimes produces nice results.

B. Those who give rides will be rapid.

C. Good manners bring about happiness.

D. People should offer free rides to others.


Robert Kohout, 39, was working outside his home last October when he heard a frightening noise. He turned round and saw Walter Graham’s car sinking into 8 feet of water of the inground swimming pool a little distance away from his yard. Kohout immediately called to Graham’s wife, Evelyn, to phone 911. Then he ran back to his house to get Terence Reif and Glenn Fajardo to help, who were at work inside the house. “There was no time for second thoughts,” said Reif, a farmer’s son. “The only thing to do is to get in the pool.”

The car doors were locked. Graham, 73, was unconscious, and his mercury was rapidly filling with water. Reif struggled to break the driver’s side window with a hammer but had trouble getting it done underwater.

Finally, some four minutes after the car had fallen into the pool, the glass was broken. By then, Graham was floating at the top of the flooded passenger compartment.

The three men pulled Graham out through the broken glass. He wasn’t breathing and his heart stopped beating, so they performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The rescue team arrived in no time. Doctors supplied him with advanced life support on the way to the hospital.

“These people were getting to Graham through the glass,” said Dr. Jeff. “All three acted without regard for their own safety.” Added Evelyn Graham, “they were truly angels, watching over us”.

1.Who may Terence Reif and Glenn Fajardo most probably be?

A. Walter’s wife and son.

B. Policemen.

C. Workmen.

D. Robert’s wife and son.

2.In the second paragraph, the underlined word “mercury” refers to ______.

A. another workman B. the old man’s car

C. the swimming pool D. a kind of machine

3.What does the underlined word “resuscitation” refer to in the story?

A. A way of helping people who need water.

B. A way of helping people who have heart trouble.

C. A way of saving people who have got drunk.

D. A way of saving people who have stopped breathing.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Angels around Us B. The underwater Car

C. Rescue Team in Time D. Safety First


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