
Not until the man was out of work again going to attend a training class.

A. he considered B. did he consider

C. does he consider D. considers




试题分析:考查倒装句。Not until位于句子开头用部分到装,根据句意是一般过去时态,故选B




Do you enjoy reading? Do you read newspapers or magazines? Chances are, if you do any of these activities, your pre?school child is on his way to becoming a reader.

The process of learning to read is complex, and one of the most important things to know is that parents can help their children learn to read.As children have conversations with adults, they hear both new and familiar words and their vocabulary grows.

There are many opportunities for adults and children to talk together, such as when riding in the car or in a bus, doing housework like fixing dinner,or bathing and getting ready for bed. A major part of conversation is listening. When children talk, adults listen and respond.Then children listen and respond,and so the flow of conversation happens.

Have you watched your pre?school child pretend to read to his younger sisters or brothers? Have you read his favorite story over and over?These experiences tell children that reading is fun.And when things are fun and they are repeated, your child will see letters. He begins to connect them to familiar words, especially the letters that make up his name.A natural next step for him to take is to write the letters.

When children see parents make a grocery list,they want to use a pencil and paper to make their own list. To encourage these beginning writing activities, have pencils, markers, crayons and scrap paper within your children's reach.

The more children get connected with talking,listening, reading and writing, the easier it is for them to become active readers. While you as a parent have a big influence on these early behaviors, it is important to remember that opportunities for literacy experiences happen when you and your child share in the basic routines(日常生活) of everyday life.

1.The third paragraph tell us that parents can talk with their children________.

A.during daily routines

B.only in quiet places

C.in their spare time

D.when they are eager to talk

2.During the process of learning to read,children may ________.

A.copy the action of the adults

B.prefer to talk with those of their own age

C.show no interest in reading at all

D.waste a lot of paper and other materials

3.When do children want to learn to write?

A.When their parents ask them to do so.

B.When they believe they can write well.

C.When they know what they want to know.

D.When they can connect letters with familiar words.

4.The passage is written to________.

A.talk about parents' influence on their children's behavior

B.encourage parents to set a good example to their children

C.advise parents to make reading a part of their children's daily life

D.make parents believe in the importance of early reading


Earlier this year,my oldest daughter got braces (牙箍) on her teeth,and let's just say she did not go quietly into that dentist's chair. Fear and hate pretty much describe the days leading up to her first appointment.

So when she finally walked out with shiny teeth,a sore mouth and a broken spirit, I told her I was proud of her and took her to Ben & Jerry's for an ice cream reward. Two weeks later, we returned to the scene of the crime.The dentist spent about 45 seconds checking her teeth before sending her on her merry way. Before I could start the car, she was placing her ice cream order. She was shocked when I told her that she wasn't going to get a reward every time we got her teeth checked.

Apparently,she's not alone. According to some parenting experts, kids are easily addicted(上瘾的)to a benefit?producing system of parental rewards and bribes(贿赂)—not all ice creams, candies and cool toys.Some parents are offering their children novel prizes just to let them sit down and behave in a restaurant—or sleep in their own beds—or score a goal in the next soccer game.

While the experts agree that occasional awards are okay,the danger lies in the system's overuse.Kids quickly gain a sense of entitlement(应得权益),where they come to expect a big reward for every good thing that they do, no matter how small.To keep things in check,experts say parents should reduce the number of rewards they offer, make sure rewards match the behavior and explain the real benefits of behaving.

1.The intended readers of the passage are________.

A.children B.parents

C.doctors D.teachers

2.Misguided by the parental reward system,children easily believe________.

A.they should benefit from their every desired behavior

B.they can be successful as long as they work hard

C.their parents will give them more presents in the future

D.their parents will feel happy when they behave well

3.In the experts' opinion,parents________.

A.should provide their children with many luxurious things

B.shouldn't give their children too many rewards

C.should give their children more spiritual rewards

D.should tell their children the benefits of rewards

4.What would be the BEST title for the passage?

A.Do Parents Know How to Help Their Children Behave?

B.Is Your Child Afraid to Visit A Dentist?

C.Are Parents Rewarding Their Children Too Much?

D.Does Your Child Show Interest in Rewards?


“Wow, you got an A without even studying.”

“Your drawing is wonderful –you’re my little Picasso.”

If you’re like most parents, you offer praise to your children, believing it is the key to their success. (No. 1) But according to a new study, praise may do more harm than good.

For the study, after a simple IQ test, one group was told it did really well and must be very smart. The other group was told it did really well and must have worked hard. One group was praised for intelligence and the other was praised _______________.

Asked if they wanted to take a slightly harder test, the kids praised for their intelligence were unwillingly. Of those praised for their effort, however, 90 percent were eager for a more challenging task. And on a final test the effort group performed significantly better than the group praised for its intelligence.

Many of the kids who had been labeled “smart” performed worst of all. The “hard workers” got the message that they could improve their scores by trying harder, but the “smart” kids believed they should do well without any effort.(No.2) Thus, kids who get too much praise are less likely to take risks, are highly sensitive to failure and are more likely to give up when faced with a challenge.

Tips for Parents:

Avoid labels. (No.3) Praising for effort sends the message that your child has the power to improve and change. Be mindful of labeling yourself and others.

Teach kids from an early age that the brain is a muscle that can be strengthened with practice. This sends the message that kids can directly affect their intelligence.

Parents often praise their kids to make themselves feel good, or to protect their kids from failure. But it’s very important for parents to help their kids to learn to deal with setbacks (挫折) and to help them focus on ways to improve.

1.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (within 4 words)

One group was praised for intelligence and the other was praised __________________________________.

2.Which sentence (No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3) in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

As a result of much praise, kids will lack enough courage to risk and face failure and a challenge.


3. How many pieces of advice does the writer give to parents?

_______________________ (within one word)

4.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.




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