
17.Bobby White works as a police officer in Gainesville,Florida.One day,he was told to investigate a noise complaint.A group of boys were playing basketball in the street.Instead of blaming the boys or sending them home,White joined them.
White started shooting baskets with the kids.And a few minutes later,some more boys came and played the game.The camera on White's police car recorded the event.The police department posted the video online.It was seen over 15million times.
Before he left the boys,White said he would come back again with"backup".That is what police officers say when they are appealing for help from other officers.
As the video spread,a basketball star became interested in what happened in Gainesville.That player was Shaquille O'Neal.He was a member of the Los Angeles Lakers when they won the National Basketball Association championship.He also played for the Orlando Magic,a team not far from Gainesville.
The other day,O'Neal visited the Gainesville police and spoke with White.And then they went out to"the scene".That is what police officers call the area where a crime happened.But of course,there was no crime.
This time,White told the boys,"I told you I was going to bring some backup.Right?You guys ready?"And O'Neal turned up from a nearby car.The kids got really excited.O'Neal played basketball with the boys and other officers as a crowd gathered.O'Neal eventually gathered the boys together and gave some wise words,"Be a leader,not a follower","Respect your peers(同龄人) and your elders",and"You can be whatever you want to be".

21.Why didn't White send the kids home?C
A.He was also a basketball fan.
B.The kids didn't play in the street.
C.He didn't think it was a problem.
D.The kids promised not to make a noise.
22.What did the police department officials probably think of White's deed?C
A.It was illegal.
B.It was useless.
C.It deserved praise.
D.Explanation should be offered.
23.Who did the backup turn out to be?D
A.The boys'peers.
B.Bobby White himself.
C.Some other police officers.
D.A well-known basketball player.
24.What was O'Neal's main purpose in arriving at"the scene"?B
A.To teach the kids a lesson.
B.To encourage and help the kids.
C.To teach the kids to play basketball.
D.To help the police look into the crime.

分析 本文主要讲述了一场孩子和警察之间的篮球赛引起了篮球明星的参与,并以此机会激励、鼓励孩子的故事.

解答 21.C细节题.根据文章内容,he was told to investigate a noise complaint.A group of boys were playing basketball in the street.Instead of blaming the boys or sending them home,White joined them.由此可知,Bobby White 被派出调节一场噪音纠纷.结果发现是一群孩子在打篮球,他没有送他们回家,反而加入其中.由此推断,他觉得没有必要阻止孩子们的运动,应该鼓励.结合选项了,故选C
22.C 细节题.根据文章内容,The camera on White's police car recorded the event.The police department posted the video online.It was seen over 15million times.以及Before he left the boys,White said he would come back again with"backup".That is what police officers say when they are appealing for help from other officers.由此可知,Boby White 和孩子们打篮球的事被记录下来放上网,获得了很高的点击率.而他离开孩子们的时候说会带上篮球后援团,而警局也是由此向其他同事寻求帮助,前去PK篮球.由此推断,警局认为他的行为是值得肯定的.结合选项,故选C
23.D 细节题.根据文章内容,a basketball star became interested in what happened in Gainesville.That player was Shaquille O'Neal.He was a member of the Los Angeles Lakers when they won the National Basketball Association championship.He also played for the Orlando Magic,a team not far from Gainesville…O'Neal visited the Gainesville police and spoke with White.And then they went out to"the scene".篮球明星 O'Neal对网上的打篮球事件很感兴趣,于是找打了Bobby White,并参与到后援团里,结合选项,故选D
24.B 细节题.根据文章内容,"Be a leader,not a follower","Respect your peers(同龄人) and your elders",and"You can be whatever you want to be".根据O'Neal对孩子们说的话:要成为一个领导者而不是随从,尊重你的同龄人和老人,你就能成为你想成为的任何人,这是在鼓励、激励孩子们,结合选项,故选B

点评 本文是一个人物故事类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

7.Nowadays,most employees of local high-tech industries are below the age of 35,and for newly rising industries such as computer software and the Internet,the figure is below 30.People in this age bracket(阶层)are known as Generation-X,which is made up of those born between 1963and 1981(i.e. those aged between 17and 35).Compared with those born from 1946t0 1960,Generation-X are typically independent,they also have their shortcomings. Employers often complain that Generation-X are a group hard to manage. Although willingness and enthusiasm are highly valued by Generation-X,they will not accept orders blindly. In short,Generation-X will not accept authoritarian(权力主义) leadership. They expect their leaders to have a detailed understanding of the job,and most importantly,to treat them as an important member of them as partners.
As a result,managing Generation-X employees is not only a science but also an art. There are basic guidelines to follow in managing them and helping them perform at their best.
1. Support them in their quest(追求)for knowledge skills;
2. Room for creativity and failure.
3. Provide frequent and timely feedback(反馈)
4. Provide communication channels.
If managers follow these basic guidelines,they may find that the employees they once considered as young,selfish and uncontrollable turn out to be responsible and energetic team players.

21. Generation-X in this article refers to the group of people who areA
A. educated employees below the age of 35.
B. young hard-working workers in factories.
C. often praised by the mangers
D. born after the year of 1963
22. From the article we know that the writerC
A. thinks highly of Generation-X
B. feels disappointed with Generation-X
C. has a better understanding of Generation-X
D. suggests that the managers be strict with Generation-X
23. If you were a manager working with Generation-X,you shouldA.
A. treat them as equals and encourage them to try new ideas.
B. Give them orders frequently and make them work hard.
C. Let them know they are selfish and uncontrollable.
D. Warn them that they may lose jobs at any time.
8.There once was a little boy who wanted to meet the king.He set off,walking towards the king's castle.After many years of walking,the king's castle came into his view.However,as the boy drew closer to the outside of the castle,the guards noticed him."Get out of here!"ordered the guards.Well,the little boy didn't have to be told twice.He turned…and ran.All he wanted to do was tell the king wonderful things,and see all the beautiful things in the king's house.But he couldn't even get near the castle!The boy finally stopped running,sat down and cried.
A young man happened to be coming down the path at the very moment.He saw the little boy and stopped."What's wrong,young man?"he asked."Sir,I walked and walked just to see the king.But these guards made me scared.I wanted to tell the king how lovely everything is and just tell the king that I just wanted to see him!"
The man looked at the little boy thoughtfully."Look,why don't you try again.I'll come with you this time."
The little boy got up and took the man's hand.The king's guards spotted them.Look,mister,we don't have to do this…I don't want you to get hurt.We can just turn around now."
The man held the little boy's hand and went on.The boy really thought the man might be crazy until he looked back up at the guards.They were all smiling now.The little boy was amazed."Who are you?"asked the little boy in astonishment."Why,I'm the king's son.You can enter the castle and be with the king."said the man.
The little boy broke into a huge smile.

59.Why did the boy want to see the king?B
A.To get some help from the king.
B.To share wonderful things with the king.
C.To invite the king to visit his beautiful village.
D.To ask the king to play with him.
60.What does the underlined sentence in the paragraph mean?A
A.The little boy understood the guards'words immediately.
B.The guards repeated the words to the boy.
C.The little boy had been to the castle twice.
D.The little boy didn't understand the guards'words at first.
61.Which of the following best suits the story's lesson for us?C
A.Never judge a book by its cover.
B.Life can sometimes be unfair.
C.Anything is possible if one tries hard enough.
D.Make new friends and keep the old.
6.When someone reads the right book at the right time in his life,it can have a profound effect.Such is the case for the people on this list,who come from all walks of life.These people have singled out a book that they read which had a life-changing effect on them.They,in turn,affected the worlds of science,technology and politics.

1.That Printer Of Udell's-Ronald Reagan
One book that had a big effect on former President Ronald Reagan as a child was the Christian-book That Printer of Udell's,by Harold Bell Wright.The main character of the book,Dick Falkner,was born into a broken home with an alcoholic father.After losing both of his parents,Falkner moves to a bigger city,called Boyd City to make a living.However,everyone turns Dick down for a job,except for a printer.Al the end of the hook,Dick heads to Washington,D.C,to become a politician.It's said that the book showed him that good could defeat evil and that the good guys followed a code of morality,which can be seen as a driving factor in his presidency.
2.A Treatise Of Human Nature-Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was one of the greatest minds of all time.His name is synonymous with brilliance.So,what book had the biggest effect on such an important mind?It was A Treatise of Human Nature,by David Hume,which was published in 1738.Hume was a Scottish philosopher known for his contributions to philosophical skepticism(怀疑论).Einstein mentioned a few times that A Treatise of Human Nature had a large influence on him.He read the book just before coming up with his famous special relativity theory.In a letter,Einstein said that Treatise helped him formulate the ideas.It was like he already had the ideas in his brain,and Hume helped him to express them clearly.
3.The Aeneid-Mark Zuckerberg
When Mark Zuckerberg first added his likes to his Facebook profile,he put the book Ender's Game,by Orson Scott Card,as a favorite book.Later,in an interview with The New Yorker,Zuckerberg clarified that the sci-fi classic was one he enjoyed,but it wasn't his favorite.He said that his favorite book is The Aeneid,by Virgil,a Latin epic poem that was written somewhere between 29-19 BC about a group of Trojan survivors.Zuckerberg said he first read the book when he was in high school while he was studying Latin and that one thing that stuck with him was Aeneas's drive to follow his fate to build a city that"knows no boundaries in time and greatness"

21.How did the book That Printer of Udell's influence Ronald Reagan?A
A.He believed in goodness and morality.
B.He found a role model in the hero of the book.
C.Ronald Reagan had similar experience with Dick Falkner.
D.Reagan was also a politician.
22.Why is the book A Treatise of Human Nature so important to Einstein?D
A.Because it was written by a great philosopher David Hume.
B.Because it was a great philosophy book.
C.Because it helped Einstein form the ideas of special relativity theory.
D.Because it helped Einstein express his ideas of special relativity clearly.
23.What is Zuckerberg's favourite book?C
A.Ender's Came.B.The New Yorker.
C.The Aeneid.D.A Latin epic poem.
24.What can we infer about the books mentioned above?C
A.They all affected different arras of the world.
B.They all have a profound effect on all people.
C.They are all the right books for their readers.
D.They are all written in English.
7.Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there…to 
serve some sort of purpose,teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to 
     You never know who these people may be but,when you lock eyes with them,you know that every 
moment they will affect your life in some profound (意义深远的)way.
     And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible,painful and unfair but,upon
 reflection,you realize that without overcoming those obstacles (障碍)you would have never realized 
your potential,strength,willpower or heart.
     Everything happens for a reason.Nothing happens by means of good luck.Illness,injury,love,
lost moments of true greatness and absolute stupidity all occur to test the limits of you soul.
     Without these small tests,life would be like a smoothly paved (铺就的),straight,flat road to 
nowhere.Safe and comfortable but dull and completely pointless.The people you meet affect your life.
The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are,and the bad experiences can be
 learned from.In fact,they are probably the most important ones.
     If someone hurts you,betrays (背叛) you or breaks your heart,forgive them because they have 
helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart to.If
 someone loves you,love them back,unconditionally,not only because they love you,but because
 they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things.
     Make every day count.Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can,
for you may never be able to experience it again.Talk to people you have never talked to before,and 
actually listen.Let yourself fall in love,break free and set your sights high.
     Hold your head up because you have every right to.Tell yourself you are a great individual and 
believe in yourself,for if you don't believe in yourself,no one else will believe in you.

51.The first paragraph tells us thatB.
A.you will never know who will come into your life
B.your life is sometimes influenced deeply by someone
C.you need help to judge who you are in life
D.you know someone the moment you meet him
52.It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph thatC.
A.everything is a test for you
B.there is no good luck in life
C.nothing happens by chance
D.there is a limit to your love
53.The underlined word"ones"refers toA.
A.the people
B.the small tests
C.the successes
D.the bad experiences
54.According to the passage,you are advised toC.
A.set a higher life goal
B.open your heart to others
C.count everything you learn at every moment
D.treat yourself as a great person
55.The writer develops the passage byB.
A.analyzing data
C.giving examples
D.telling a story.

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