
15.A few changes about how a teacher runs a classroom can make a huge effect on how concentrated students will be in that classroom.It's an issue every teacher has to face.(36)C Here are just a few of my strategies.
•Rearrange (重新安排) Seats.
I did the seat rearrangement because class conversation had become dull,and students just seemed to be there but not actually there.(37)E I had all of my students pick new seats at the tables.The rules were simple.They could not sit with more than one other person they'd already sat with,and it had to be at a different table.
•Take over A Lesson.
Once in a while,it can be fun to let the students take over a lesson in a unit.Let them become the teachers,and the teacher becomes the student You can provide the topic they need to cover.(38)D
•Have Open Projects.
Open projects have been very successful in my class.(39)G I used to dictate every part of my project assignments.Students would ask to do things a little differently.And I'd give in,surprised that their ideas were better than mine.
Sometimes teachers forget to bring the fun to the classroom.We try so hard to cover the courses for our students until they break down.Sometimes it's good to just set things aside for a day or two and have some fun.

A.Have fun.
B.Listen carefully.
C.But it can be solved in some very simple ways.
D.Let the students choose the topic and teach whatever they want.
E.It's one of the simplest ways to rearrange a class and get things going again.
F.They get to deal with the material in a way that is refreshing and new to them.
G.I've found that the more choices I gave my students,the better the projects have been.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了如何管理课堂的一些变化会对学生在课堂上的集中表现产生巨大的影响,

解答 36.C.推理判断题.根据前文A few changes about how a teacher runs a classroom can make a huge effect on how concentrated students will be in that classroom.It's an issue every teacher has to face可知它可以用一些非常简单的方法来解决;故选C.
37.E.推理判断题.根据前文I did the seat rearrangement because class conversation had become dull,and students just seemed to be there but not actually there可知最简单的方式是重新安排一次座位,然后再上一节课;故选E.
38.D.推理判断题.根据前文Let them become the teachers,and the teacher becomes the student You can provide the topic they need to cover可知要让学生选择话题,教他们想要的东西;故选D.
39.G.推理判断题.根据后文 I used to dictate every part of my project assignments.Students would ask to do things a little differently可知我发现我给孩子们更多选择,他们做的就越好;故选G
40.A.推理判断题.根据后文Sometimes teachers forget to bring the fun to the classroom.We try so hard to cover the courses for our students until they break down可知要玩得开心;故选A.

点评 七选五阅读是完成性阅读,和完形填空很类似,不同的是一个选词,一个选句子.解题时,要注意上下文语境,充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近的词),选出最符合语境的句子.

5.Trapped under ruins after the Iran earthquake,Dan Woolley believed he was going to die.But rather than giving up,the film-maker managed to look up ways to treat his injuries on his iPhone beneath the earth.He also wrote a moving diary for his family,allowing them to read his last messages of love and comforting them after his death.Instead,he was pulled from the ruins after a week---and would soon meet his family.
Mr.Woolley,from Colorado Springs,America,had raveled to Iran with his colleague David Hames.Both had been working for Charity Compassion International.He was in the hotel when the earthquake struck.Buried under tons of ruins,the film-maker downloaded a first aid application to his iPhone.He used the instructions from the app to treat the serious bleeding.He used his shirt to tie off the injury on his leg and a sock to bandage the back of his head.The app advised him not to go to sleep if he felt sleepy.Mr.Woolley set his phone alarm to go off every 20 minutes to keep him awake.
Mr Woolley used a small black notebook to write messages to his family,including his son and wife.He had thought his relatives would read them after he was dead.
"I was in a big accident.Don't be upset at God,"he wrote."I'm still praying that God will get me out,but he may not.But he will always take care of you."
Mr Woolley was eventually rescued by a French rescue team.After being flown to Miami for surgery,he said,"I cried.At that time I wanted to use that time to do everything I could for my family.I always wanted to survive,but I knew that was something that I couldn't control."
New technology really played a huge part in our life.

24.In the diary,Mr Woolly noted thatD.
A.he was looking for ways to survive
B.his iPhone was very useful
C.he wanted to do something for his family
D.this might be his last message
25.Which of the following shows the right order of the events?A
a.He was trapped under the ruins.
b.He downloaded a first aid application.
c.He treated the injuries properly.
d.He followed instructions to treat the bleeding.
A.abdc            B.bacd           C.acbd            D.bdac
26.Which of the following statements is TRUE?D
A.Woolley was confident that he would survive.
B.Woolley was making a film when the earthquake broke out.
C.Woolley is now recovering in an Iran hospital.
D.Woolley tried to stay conscious under the ruins.
27.What's the best title for the text?C
A.A large Earthquake Hit Iran
B.Determined Will Saved Woolley
C.A Man Used an iPhone to Survive
D.Nothing More Important Than Family.
5.Being a fit and healthy person is very important for lots of people today.In fact,some people like running and exercising so much that they become obsessed with keeping track of it.
Thanks to fitness apps,people can measure every step they take,what they eat and every calorie they burn.They might wear a special watch on their wrist,shoes on their feet or use different apps on their phone to measure their movements.Importantly,once they have done that they post it on social media.All of their friends can see where they've run,what workout they've done or what they had for lunch.Sounds familiar?
Doctor Daniel Kraft from the United States makes gadgets(小器具) for people like this.He told the Digital Health Summit that these people,known as"trackaholics",would become normal in the future.
And I think he's right.I can see the world of health and fitness changing around me every day.
One of my friends,named Anna Palmer,is always using the latest fitness gadgets.Her favorite is an app called Argus.She uses it on her phone to measure her steps,heart rate and amount of calories she has burnt.She always posts these things,and pictures of herself exercising,on social media."It's nice to know exactly how much exercise you have done,rather than guess,"she said."That way I can keep pushing myself to improve."
Also,my friends in China use WeChat to compare how many steps they've taken each day.They are very competitive about this!

28.The underlined phrase"obsessed with"in the first paragraph means"C".
A.busy with    
B.angry with    
C.crazy about      
D.surprised at
29.What does the second paragraph talk about?B
A.How fitness apps work in a proper way.
B.What people can do with fitness apps.
C.What advantages fitness apps have.
D.How fitness apps affect social media.
30.According to Doctor Daniel Kraft,more people willC.
A.run to keep fit   
B.make fitness gadgets
C.choose fitness gadgets
D.improve their fitness
31.What's the writer's attitude towards fitness gadgets?D

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