
6.The Chinese people have thetradition(传统) of respecting the old.

分析 中华民族有尊敬老人的传统.

解答 答案是tradition.本题考查语境中选用恰当的词或短语;tradition n.传统;题干中特指"尊敬老人"这一传统,故the后面需要的是单数名词,答案是tradition.

点评 翻译填空要在理解句子的结构和含义的基础上根据汉语意思选择恰当的词、短语或句型;同时注意所选词的形式变化.

16.Watson entered Mr.Smith's office.The boss was a hard man.He fired people who didn't do well without giving them a second chance.
"Watson,"said Mr.Smith,"this past year your department hasn't earned money.We're going to drop that department.It's finished.I'm sorry,-but you'll have to go.""But,sir-if I just had a little more time.For the moment I need the job to keep my son at Riverside School."
"What's that!"said the boss."Riverside!I didn't know you had a boy there.That's an expensive school for a man with your salary."
"I know,sir.But he likes it there so much!He's a star athlete and the best boxer in the school.The boys call him Champ (冠军) there."
The boss sat perfectly still for a long time-a faraway (恍惚的) look in his eyes.Then,suddenly,he said,"We've got to close your department,Watson.But you'll take over a new job in another department.It means longer hours-maybe more pay.Now get out.You're here for life."
Watson got out,with surprise on his face.Then the boss took a letter from the top drawer of his desk.It was Herbie's last letter from Riverside School-written a few days before he died.He had read it over and over again with sick pain.The letter read:
I can't say the boys here are any nicer to me than the others were.I guess it's the same everywhere when you're a cripple (跛脚的人).
But don't worry about me,Dad.They've got a good chemistry department here.And there's one boy here who is really great.He's a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry.The boys call him Champ.He made them stop throwing my books around.And he knocked a boy down who hit me.He is the best friend I ever had.Dad,when I grow up,I want to do something for Champ.Something big-that he won't even know about.
Your son
24.Why did Mr.Smith want to fire Watson?D
A.Because Watson would take over a new job in another department.
B.Because Watson had his son study in Riverside School.
C.Because Watson's son knocked a boy down who hit Herbie.
D.Because Watson's department didn't earn money that year.
25.What can we learn from the text?A
A.Mr.Smith didn't know that Champ was Watson's son at first.
B.Mr.Smith was told not to fire Watson by Herbie.
C.Mr.Smith decided to give Watson another chance in no time.
D.Mr.Smith wanted to realize Champ's dream.
26.According to the text,which words can best describe Mr.Smith?A
A.Sympathetic and grateful.
B.Selfish and greedy.
C.Hardworking and strict.
D.Easy-going and optimistic.
27.The author wrote the text in order toB.
A.make our children enjoy life
B.share a moving story with us
C.provide us with tips on work
D.help us to deal with our boss.
18.If you have a cat,you already know that a cat isn't a dog that doesn't have to be walked If you,re about to bring a cat into your family,you need to understand that basic fact.The common wisdom is that dogs are friendlier than cats.
In recent years,scientists who have done DNA studies have offered a better way to understand cats.Unlike other animals that people feed,cats domesticated themselves,and,in a way,trained humans.Cats decided to live close to humans because doing so benefited the cats themselves.
Studies show that cats have lived with humans for about 12,000 years,since people first settled down and started farming.When people started storing grain,mice arrived and started eating the grain.Clever cats figured out that the mice settlements where people stored grain were easy for hunting,so they started hanging around.Cats did what they needed to do to get the people to let them stay,but they kept up their independence.Over time,cats allowed humans to get a bit closer to them.Later,the farmers did befriend the cats.Certainly,it didn't do them any harm because they could see that the cats were really helping them out by eating mice.
Today,about a third of American families have cats.In most of those homes,the cat still more interested in pleasing themselves than in pleasing their human families.A dog may do anything it can to make you happy,but kitty will teach you to make kitty happy.

38.Compared with dogs,cats areA.
C.more warm-hearted
D.more frightening
39According to the text,why do cats decide to stay close to humans?D
A.To keep up their independence.
B.To protect grain from mice.
C.To rely on humans for food.
D.To be useful to themselves.
40.What may be the best title for the text?D
A.A common point between dogs and cats
B.he reasons why people like dogs
C.A disadvantage of raising cats
D.he basic fact about cats.
15.A few changes about how a teacher runs a classroom can make a huge effect on how concentrated students will be in that classroom.It's an issue every teacher has to face.(36)C Here are just a few of my strategies.
•Rearrange (重新安排) Seats.
I did the seat rearrangement because class conversation had become dull,and students just seemed to be there but not actually there.(37)E I had all of my students pick new seats at the tables.The rules were simple.They could not sit with more than one other person they'd already sat with,and it had to be at a different table.
•Take over A Lesson.
Once in a while,it can be fun to let the students take over a lesson in a unit.Let them become the teachers,and the teacher becomes the student You can provide the topic they need to cover.(38)D
•Have Open Projects.
Open projects have been very successful in my class.(39)G I used to dictate every part of my project assignments.Students would ask to do things a little differently.And I'd give in,surprised that their ideas were better than mine.
Sometimes teachers forget to bring the fun to the classroom.We try so hard to cover the courses for our students until they break down.Sometimes it's good to just set things aside for a day or two and have some fun.

A.Have fun.
B.Listen carefully.
C.But it can be solved in some very simple ways.
D.Let the students choose the topic and teach whatever they want.
E.It's one of the simplest ways to rearrange a class and get things going again.
F.They get to deal with the material in a way that is refreshing and new to them.
G.I've found that the more choices I gave my students,the better the projects have been.
16.Microphones are high-end electronic devices(装置)of great help at the time of a voice chat,video chat and recording.(36)DSome of the common microphone problems along with their solutions are listed below.
If the device does not work.
There is a common problem you might have faced at some point of time.(37)GSome of the computers have panels (控制板)on the front which contain microphone plugs.In some computers,these devices need to be plugged directly into your sound card.If you are unable to find it,go through the manual and you'll find the solution.
Poor microphone connection.
This is another common problem you might encounter.If the microphone connection is poor,there must be some problems with the sound card.You can use a sound recorder to check out the whether the connection is working properly or not.(38)AYou will see a green line moving back and forth as you speak.If that happens,your sound card is in the right condition.
(39)BMost of the problems appear when the device is incorporated (使并入)in headphones that are commonly linked with a USB cable.If you face the similar situation,you need to make sure that the USB port connected is operational.Moreover,if the operating system setting are not adjusted to the functioning of the microphone,the device might stop functioning properly.
These are some of the common problems you might come across*Therefore,always use the device wisely to make the most out of it.(40)FOnline electronic stores provide customers with a majority of choices.Kliff says the best microphone available at Top End Electronics will help you meet all your requirements.You can also buy new digital cameras from the store.

A.Record your voice.
B.Additional problems.
C.Speak to your friends on the phone.
D.There are several problems that you might face,
E.You can ask your fellows about how to operate the device.
F.To buy the best microphones,you can go through the Internet.
G.If your device does not start,you must check whether the connections are in the place or not.

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