
Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailing… but we seem ______ the art of communicating face to face.

A. losing B. to be losing

C. to be lost D. having lost



试题分析:考查非谓语动词。句意:今天我们有聊天室,发短信,发电子邮件---,但是我们似乎正在失去面对面的交流艺术。Seem to do 似乎做某事了;seem to be doing似乎正在做某事,强调动作的进行,所以选B。


考点分析: 考点1:动词/动词短语 就是表示动作和状态的词。根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词。 动词分类及用法 一、实义动词         实义动词又叫行为动词,分成及物动词和不及物动词 。 1、及物动词是必须带宾语的动词,可分为如下两类。 1) 及物动词+宾语例:I love my home. 我爱我家。 He bought an English dictionary.  他买了一本英语词典。 2) 及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语例:She taught us maths. 她教我们数学。 My mother gave me a new pen.  母亲给了我一支新钢笔。提示:常用的能接双宾语的及物动词有:give, teach, buy, lend, find, hand, leave, sell, show, read, pay, make, offer, build, pass, bring, cook等。 2、 不及物动词不及物动词不需要跟宾语,本身意义完整。例:She came last week. 她上周来的。 It is raining hard.  正下着大雨。 Class began at half past seven.  7点半开始上课。 What happened yesterday? 昨天发生了什么事? 3、同一动词有时可用作及物动词,有时可用作不及物动词。例如:She can dance and sing.   她能唱歌又能跳舞。(sing在此用作不及物动词。)   She can sing many English songs.   她能唱好多首英文歌曲。(sing用作及物动词。) 二、系动词         系动词不能单独作谓语,后面必须跟表语构成合成式谓语。表语通常由名词、形容词,或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语等充当,说明主语是什么或怎么样。连系动词有 be, seem, look, become, get, grow, feel, appear, remain, turn。         例如:   The story sounds true.   Those oranges taste good. 三、助动词         协助主要动词构成谓语动词词组的词叫助动词。 助动词自身没有词义,不可单独使用,只能在实义动词和系动词前构成谓语的时态、语态以及否定式和疑问式。它没有对应的汉译,例如: He doesn't like English. 他不喜欢英语。 (doesn't是助动词,无词义;like是主要动词,有词义) He is singing. 他在唱歌。(is是助动词,无词义,构成现在进行时) 四、情态动词         情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可能、应该或必要等,不能单独作谓语,情态动词后面加动词原形。情态动词无人称和数的变化, 情态动词后面跟的动词需用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 "not"。常用的情态动词有 : Can(could) (能,会) 如:I can swim. 我会游泳。    May(might) (可以) 如: You may go now. 你现在可以走了。   Must (必须) 如:You must do your homework. 你必须写作业。    Need (需要) 如:He needs our help. 他需要我们的帮助。 注意:1、情态动词表推测在肯定句中一般用must (一定),can, could(可能),might /may(也许,或许)。否定句中用can’t / couldn’t(不可能)。例如: It can’t be the headmaster. He has gone to America.  这不可能是校长,他去美国了。 2、can和could表示允许的用法:表示现在的允许时,若是请求别人允许自己做某事,两者均可用,但用could 语气更委婉;若是自己允许别人做某事,一般只用 can,而不用 could。如:   Can [Could] I come in? 我可以进来吗? 3、must和have to的用法   表示必须、必要。(must表示主观多一些而have to则表示客观多一些)如:   You must come in time.   你必须及时过来。    回答must引出的问句时,如果是否定的回答,不能用mustn't,而要用needn't或don't have to。   — Must we hand in our exercise books today?   — Yes, you must. (No, you don’t have to.)   —我们今天必须交上练习册吗?   —是的。(不,不必。) 4、need表示“需要”或“必须”,作情态动词时,仅用于否定句或疑问句中,后跟动词原形。Need还常用作实义动词,有时态、人称和数的变化,后面通常接名词、代词和带to的不定式, Do you need a dictionary?   你需要词典吗? You  needn't give it back before Friday. 你不必在星期五前还我。 试题属性
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Children start out as natural scientists, eager to look into the world around them. Helping them enjoy science can be easy; there’s no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment. You only have to share your children’s curiosity(好奇).

Firstly, listen to their questions. I once visited a classroom of seven-year-olds to talk about science as a job. The children asked me “textbook questions” about teaching, salary(薪水) and whether I liked my job. When I finished answering, we sat facing one another in silence. Finally I said, “Now that we’re finished with your lists, do you have questions of your own about science?” After a long pause, a boy raised his hand, “Have you ever seen a grasshopper(蚱蜢) eat? When I try eating leaves like that, I get a stomachache. Why?” This began a set of questions that lasted nearly two hours.

Secondly, give them time to think. Studies over the past 30 years have shown that, after asking a question, adults often wait only one second or less for an answer, no time for a child to think. When adults increase their “wait time” to three seconds or more, children give more logical(符合逻辑的), complete and creative answers.

Thirdly, watch your language. Once you have a child involved in a science discussion, don’t jump in with “That’s right” or “Very good”. These words work well when you encourage their good behavior(行为). But in talking about science, quick praise can mean that discussion is over. Instead, keep things going by saying “That’s interesting” or “I’d never thought of it that way before”, or coming up with more questions or ideas.

Lastly, show and don’t tell. Real-life impressions of nature are far more impressive than any lesson children can learn from a book or a television program. Let children look at their fingertips through a magnifying glass(放大镜), and they’ll understand why you want them to wash before dinner. Rather than saying that water evaporates(蒸发), set a pot of water to boil and let them watch the water level drop.

1.According to the passage, children are natural scientists, and to raise their interest, the most important thing for adults to do is _______.

A. to let them see the world around

B. to share the children’s curiosity

C. to explain difficult phrases about science

D. to supply the children with lab equipment

2.In the second paragraph, “your lists” could best be replaced by ______.

A. any questions

B. any problems

C. questions from textbooks

D. any number of questions

3. According to the passage, children can answer questions in a more logical, complete and creative way if adults ________.

A. ask them to answer quickly

B. wait for one or two seconds after a question

C. tell them to answer the next day

D. wait at least for three seconds after a question

4.In which paragraph does the author tell us what to say to encourage children in a science discussion?

A. The second B. The third

C. The fourth D. The fifth

5.The author mentions all of the following techniques(技巧) for adults to share with their children’s curiosity except that adults should ________.

A. tell their children stories instead of reciting (背诵) facts

B. offer their children chances to see things for themselves

C. be patient enough when their children answer questions

D. encourage their children to ask questions of their own

Most people know that awkward feeling when you step into an elevator with other people and try not to make eye contact.

But new research suggests it may be down to a subconscious(潜意识的)power struggle being played out as you make your way up or down.

A study found that people decide where they stand based on a micro social grading, established within seconds of entering the lift.

Rebekah Rousi, a Ph.D. student in cognitive science, conducted an study of elevator behaviour in two of the tallest office buildings in Adelaide, Australia.

As part of her research, she took a total of 30 lift rides in the two buildings, and discovered there was an established order to where people tended stand.

In a blog, she writes that more senior men seemed to direct themselves towards the back of the elevator cabins.

She said: 'In front of them were younger men, and in front of them were women of all ages.'

She also noticed there was a difference in where people directed their stare half way through the ride.

Men watched the monitors(监控器), looked in the side mirrors (in one building) to see themselves, and in the door mirrors (of the other building) to also watch others.

'Women would watch the monitors and avoid eye contact with other users (unless in conversation) and the mirrors,' she writes.

The student concluded it could be that people who are shyer stand toward the front, where they can't see other passengers, whereas brave people stand in the back, where they have a view of everyone else.

1.According to Rebekah Rousi, senior men intend to stand ______ of the elevator cabins.

A. in the front B. in the middle

C. near the side mirrors D. at the back

2. The underlined word “ them ” in paragraph 7 refers to ______.

A. senior men B. younger women

C. younger men D. Women

3.Why do women choose to stand in the front?

A. Because they are too shy to make eye contact with others.

B. Because they can have a view of everyone else.

C. Because they want to show their power.

D. Because they want to watch the monitors.

Last Christmas while staying with my parents, I across some old love letters that my parents wrote to each other. These letters were all pilled up in a basket, dirty and With dust. to read and sort them, I asked them if I could take the letters back to my Illinois home. They agreed.

As I carefully opened each letter, all of them delicate with age, I discovered a new page unknown to me in this private chapter of my parents’ lives.

My father used to in the army. So his letters were full of frontline of the things about the war. Each of my mother’s letters was marked her 1944 dark red lipstick kiss. I was to these letters like a magnet (磁铁).

Just six weeks after our Christmas visit, Daddy became very . and was hospitalized. This time, he was fighting a kind of war. As I sat by his bedside, we discussed the . He told me how much receiving those lipstick-kissed letters had to him when he had been so far from home.

It so happened that the next day would he February 14. From the letters I chose the card my father had sent Mother in 1944 and brought it to my father’s bedside.

At his bedside, I joked with him, saying , “Today is Valentine’s Day, don’t you want to send Mother a present?” He became more when I handed him the old . He carefully opened it and took out the card, and when he it, his eyes were filled with tears.

My father, in a voice tight with read the loving he’d sent to my mother fifty-six years earlier. And this time, he could read it to her .

1.A. came B. hit C. drew D. fell

2.A. hidden B. covered C. buried D.filled

3.A. Pretending B. Suggesting C. Preferring D.Deciding

4.A. recently B. occasionally C. previously D. usually

5.A. work B. study C. serve D. report

6.A. accounts B. documents C. introductions D. occupations

7.A. with B. for C. of D. as

8.A. devoted B. abandoned C. thrown D. drawn

9.A. depressed B. dead C. dangerous D. ill

10.A. typical B. traditional C. different D. familiar

11.A. wars B. illnesses C. letters D. prescriptions

12.A. meant B. intended C. planned D. said

13.A. divided B. sorted C. separated D. updated

14.A. sadly B. angrily C. softly D. loudly

15.A. curious B. enthusiastic C. fantastic D. positive

16.A. Christmas card B. envelope C. basket D. lipstick

17.A. found B. wrote C. recognized D. missed

18.A. astonishment B. sorrow C. sickness D. emotion

19.A. story B. message C. speech D. motto

20.A. in brief B. in private C. in danger D. in person

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