
—What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the basketball game。

— __________.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.

A. All right. B. It just depends.

C. It’s up to you D. Glad to hear that



试题分析:考查交际用语。A. All right.好的B It just depends.视情况而定 C It’s up to you这取决于你 D.Glad tohear that 很高兴听你这么说。句意:——你接下来想要做什么?直到篮球赛结束还有半小时。这取决于你。对我来说做什么都行。根据句意,故选C.


考点分析: 考点1:交际用语 试题属性
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I told my friend Graham, "I often walk two miles from my house to the town centre. Unfortunately, there is a big hill on the way." He replied, "You should say 'fortunately’." He explained that I should be glad for the extra exercise that the hill gave.

I thought he was right. My attitude to the hill has now changed. As I approach the foot of the hill and prepare to climb, I tell myself that this hill will help me lose weight and get fit. This hill is my friend. I have a smile of satisfaction as I reach the top of the hill.

Problems are to be faced. We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller once wrote that "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened ..."

Our attitude towards difficulties is of importance in life. From time to time, we all face problems, accidents and difficulties. We cannot choose the situation but we can choose our attitude toward the situation.

How can you change your attitude towards difficulties? Try these steps:1. Face the problem. Do not avoid it. 2. Take a positive attitude. 3. Imagine how you will feel when you solve the problem. 4. Develop an action plan for how to deal with it. 5. Smile.

Many great people like Helen Keller, took these steps to deal with their problems. They chose their attitude. They chose to be positive. They accepted the challenge. They won.

1.We can infer from the passage that_____.

A. the author’s favorite sport is climbing hills

B. the author has to climb a hill to go to work

C. Graham helped change the author’s attitude

D. Graham often climbs hills to exercise

2. The underlined word "approach" in Paragraph 2 means "_______".

A. come near B. look at

C. look for D. come across

3. The author used Helen Keller’s words to_____.

A. tell us to learn from successful people

B. tell us to do more exercise to keep fit

C. prove that we should choose a hard life

D. prove that difficulties make a man great

4. The author tries to prove his idea by____.

A. giving numbers B. giving examples

C. comparing facts D. using old sayings

Do American children still learn handwriting in school? In the age of the keyboard, some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out. 90% of teachers say they are required to teach handwriting. But studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it. One study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting. Some teachers are teaching handwriting by providing instruction for 10 to 15 minutes a day, and then other teachers who basically teach it for 60 to 70 minutes a day — which really for handwriting is pretty much.

Many adults remember learning that way — by copying letters over and over again. Today’ s thinking is that short periods of practice are better. Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught by itself. Instead, they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas. After all, that is why we write.

Handwriting involves two skills. One is legibility, which means forming the letters so they can be read. The other is fluency — writing without having to think about it. Fluency continues to develop up until high school.

But not everyone masters these skills. Teachers commonly report that about one fourth of their kids have poor handwriting. Some people might think handwriting is not important any more because of computers and voice recognition programs.

But Steve Graham at Vanderbilt says word processing is rarely done in elementary school, especially in the early years. American children traditionally first learn to print, and then to write in cursive, which connects the letters. But guess what we learned from a spokeswoman for the College Board, which administers the SAT college admission test. More than 75 percent of students choose to print their essay on the test rather than write in cursive.

1.From Paragraph 1 we can learn ________.

A. teaching handwriting is a basic requirement in teaching job

B. most teachers prefer to teach handwriting

C. teachers spend little time in teaching handwriting

D. a keyboard has taken the place of the handwriting entirely

2.The underlined word “legibility” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A. being easy to read B. being complex

C. being unexpected D. being unreadable

3.The best title for the passage is ________.

A. How to improve handwriting in school

B. Right or wrong: the death of handwriting

C. Handwriting involves two skills

D. Handwriting lessons are on the way out

4. The author’ s attitude towards whether still to learn handwriting in school is________.

A. negative B. objective

C. critical D. optimistic

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