
【题目】—I just can’t believe that Ella the cat has left me forever.

— ______ and cry. Don’t hold it in.

A. Don’t worry B. Go ahead

C. Forget it D. Help yourself



试题分析:考查祈使句和语境理解。A. Don’t worry 别担心; B. Go ahead鼓励某人做某事; C. Forget it忘记它吧; D. Help yourself你自便。 Don’t hold it in不要抑制;go ahead这里指鼓励某人去哭。句意:—我不敢相信猫咪艾拉已经永远离开我了。—哭吧。不要抑制。故选B。


【题目】In the near future, daily newspapers and monthly magazines will probably disappear. Electronic media can provide the same information faster and cheaper. The Internet, together with laptops and cellphones, makes it possible that almost everyone can at any time and in almost any place get some news for free or for few fees.

You’ll browse the computer newspapers or magazines just like switching on TV. An electronic voice will tell you stories about the latest events. You’ll even get to choose the kind of voice you want to hear. Want more information on the brief story? A simple touch makes the entire text appear.

There are the predictions from the experts working on the newspapers of the future. Pictured as part of home-based media and entertainment systems, computer newspapers and magazines would unite printed and broadcast news, offering information and analyzing video images of news events.

The continuing loss of readers will result in a small number of advertisements in newspapers. It makes no sense to spend millions of dollars to print ads.

With the development of technology, more and more electronic medium have been created until now, but replacing the traditional newspapers and magazines has a long way to go, because the resistance to computer newspapers and magazines from journalism(新闻业) may be much stronger. Since it is such a cultural change, it may be not until the present journalists, who aren’t used to it, die off that the newspaper industry is not considered as an industry any longer. Anyway, technology is making the traditional newspapers and magazines disappear gradually.

【1】Computer newspapers and magazines have all the advantages except that ____________.

A. they are more expensive than traditional newspapers

B. you can choose the kind of voice you like to hear

C. you can get more information from them easily

D. you can easily store information for the future use

2The underlined word “resistance” in the fifth paragraph probably means ____________.

A. a thought which directs your action

B. a force that acts to stop something happening

C. a force that helps you do something

D. an idea which is different from others

3We can infer from the passage that _________________.

A. all technological developments are very important

B. traditional newspapers and magazines will disappear soon

C. new things will replace the old ones in the future

D. traditional newspapers and magazines will be more popular

4The author writes the article to __________________.

A. let people know the great development of the journalism

B. tell readers what newspapers and magazines are like in the future

C. prove newspapers and magazines are not welcomed any more

D. say traditional newspapers and magazines are better than before

【题目】Happiness is a feeling that lights up your eyes, makes your steps light and makes you want to sing for no reason. Everyone wants to be happy. But sometimes, a guest comes in without invitation. It’s unhappiness. Don’t let it get you down. Send it away!

When you are happy, the world feels like a better place. As the saying goes: When you smile, the world smiles with you; when you cry, you cry alone. Wearing a smile will make you more charming and help you to win lots of friends. A good mood always gives you hope, which makes troubles and problems easier to handle.

No matte how happy you are, it’s normal to feel angry, sad or gloomy once in a while. Life is full of ups and downs. We can’t change the way life is, but we can do our best to change a bad situation into a good one. To help us do this, it’s good to know some of the factors that influence happiness.

One of the biggest factors is social relationships. People who are close to family and friends are happier than people who don’t have those relationships. Talking and sharing is a good way to relax and build confidence . Knowing someone is there for you will make you braver and more outgoing.

Another factor is work or school. If you enjoy school, even if you have lots of homework or extra classes, you will still feel that your school life is meaningful and happy. But if you hate school, your negative attitude may cause you to feel bored and upset that you have to do so much work.

A third factor is your attitude towards life. How do you feel if you fail in an exam? Maybe you think it’s unfair because you always study hard and should get a good mark. You can’t stop blaming yourself. Or, maybe you accept it. You go through the paper carefully, find our why you made stupid mistakes, and tell yourself, “Take it easy! I’ll do better next time!” Your attitude makes a big difference.

【1】The writer tells us ____ factors that influence happiness.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

2If you fail in an exam you should ____.

A. blame yourself

B. complain about others

C. work harder than before

D. go through the paper again

3Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Life is full of ups and downs.

B. When you cry, the world cries with you.

C. It’s normal if you always feel sad and gloomy.

D. It’s hard to change bad situation into a good one.

4Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?

A. Make Trouble Easy to Handle.

B. Your School Life is happy.

C. The World Smiles with You.

D. You Make Your Own Happiness.


The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet,chat and go where we’ve never been before.But just as in face-to-face communication,there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line. 【1】 Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.

For anything you’re about to send:ask yourself,“Would I say this to the person’s face?”If the answer is no,rewrite and reread. 2

If someone in the chat room is rude to you,your instinct(本能)is to fire back in the same manner.But try not to do so. 3 If it was caused by a disagreement with another member,,try to fix the situation by politely discussing it.Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.

4 Offer advice when asked by newcomers,as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate.When someone makes a mistake,whether it's a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer,be kind about it.If it’s a small mistake, you may not need to say anything.Even if you feel strongly about it,think twice before saying anything.Having good mariners yourself doesn’t give you license to correct everyone else.【5 At the same time, if you find you are wrong.be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.

It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age,sex and marital status.Unless you know the person very well,and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information,don’t ask such questions.

A. It's natural that there are some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online.

B.Repeat the process till you feel sure that you’d feel comfortable saying the words to the person’s face.

C.Everyone was new to the network once.

D.The basic rule is simple:treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.

E. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something beautiful to hear.

F. You should either ignore the person,or use your chat software to block their messages.

G. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake.point it out politely.

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