
Treatment for HIV has become more widespread, especially in poorer countries. It's also become cheaper, as medicine companies have lowered their prices for life-saving anti-retroviral drugs(抗逆转录病毒药物). But these drugs are still expensive and many countries are looking to create the biggest impact with limited resources. That's where World Health Organization guidelines come in, says Rochelle Walensky, a disease researcher from Harvard.
Walensky and her colleagues used computer programs to model the most cost-effective disease interventions(干预), as well as collected data from clinics in Africa and India about what works best. They found that among the choices of what to do first, earlier anti-retroviral therapy (疗法)improved five-year survival dramatically and resulted in the longer life expectancy. But cost-effective doesn't always mean affordable, especially for governments in poor countries. Countries still have to make difficult choices about how much treatment they can afford.
People in Nairobi, Kenya on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010, protest a potential free trade area agreement between the EU and India that could see cheap anti-AIDS drugs phased out(逐步淘汰). However, Walensky notes that first-line anti-retrovirals—those medicine given to newly diagnosed patients that can keep away from symptoms for years - are much cheaper than they were a decade ago. "Second-line therapy have come down quite a bit but not to the level of first-line and countries are having a hard time affording them and increasingly over time, people are going to fail first-line therapy and they're going second-line therapy and then, eventually, they're going to need third-line therapy, some of them."
According to Walensky, history has shown that drug prices can come down when international pressure is applied to drug makers. But for now, she says, countries should focus on treating as many people as they can, as early as possible
Her paper is published in the online journal PLoS Medicine.
小题1: Which is the best title for the passage?
A.HIV Has Spread in Poorer Countries
B.Rochelle Walensky’s Life
C.International Pressure to Drug Makers
D.Early HIV Treatment Saves Lives
小题2: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Anti-retroviral drugs have become cheap now.
B.The cost-effective treatment may be a heavy expense.
C.Cheap anti-AIDS drugs have been phased out .
D.First-line therapy deals with the most severe disease.
小题3: The research is done by         .
A.using computer programs and collecting data from clinics
B.giving medicine to newly diagnosed patients with AIDS
C.urging countries to focus on treating more patients earlier
D.publishing her paper in the online journal PLoS Medicine
小题4: The passage serves as a(n)___________ to Rochelle Walensky 's study.

Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world, having grown by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years. Denmark’s agriculture minister is herself an organic farmer. The UK market for organic food grew by 55 percent in 2000, while the food market as a whole grew by only one percent. Yet only seven percent of British shoppers account for nearly 60 percent of organic sales. However popular the idea of organic farming may be, it is still an interest for only a few people.
So what makes the idea of organic farming popular? Organic farming means farming with natural materials, rather than with man-made fertilizers or pesticides. Organic farmers rely on many  methods — such as crop rotation (农作物的轮作) and the use of resistant(有抵抗力的) varieties, because they are necessary for organic farmers to compensate for the shortage of man-made chemicals.
Organic farming is often supposed to be safer than traditional farming for the environment. Yet after a long research on organic farming worldwide for a number of years, science continues to be against this opinion. The House of Commons committee on agriculture publicized that, even with complete research work, it would fail to find any scientific evidence to prove “that any of claims (宣称) made for organic farming is always true”.
However, the talk about the benefits of organic farming is going on. This is partly because many people depend on their individual farm, the soil, the weather, and so on.
小题1:The first paragraph mainly tells us _____.
A.organic farming has been performed only in Europe over the past 10 years
B.governments of European countries have cared less about organic farming
C.organic farming is far from being as popular as expected
D.European countries need organic food more than the other countries in the world
小题2: The underlined words “compensate for” in the second paragraph probably mean “________”.
A.argue forB.care forC.struggle forD.pay for
小题3: What can we know about organic farming?
A.It refers to farming with natural materials, instead of chemical fertilizers.
B.It refers to farming with chemical fertilizers rather than natural fertilizers.
C.It refers to farming with soil rather than any other thing.
D.It refers to growing crops with man-made fertilizers and pesticides.
小题4:According to the third paragraph, _____.
A.organic farming is safer than traditional farming for the environment
B.the idea that organic farming is safer has not been proven by science
C.organic farming is accepted by the UK’s House of Commons committee
D.organic farming is preferred to traditional farming
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?
A.The UK’s agriculture minister is an organic farmer.
B.Organic farming is popular with young people.
C.Farmers make use of many different kinds of methods to improve the organic sales system.
D.Ninety-three percent of British shoppers don’t buy organic products.
Some people don’t mind being fat. Other people can keep slim (苗条) without any effort. But a lot of people do put on too much weight and don’t like it. The question is, what can thy do about it?
Some believe exercise can be helpful. But the trouble is that it only makes you want to eat more. You might sweat out a couple of pounds playing tennis or climbing a mountain, but you put it all back on again with a big steak or bread and jam.
A helpful way is food choosing. But what sort of food should you choose? Some believe that the less they eat, the slimmer they will be. They don’t eat anything until they become weak with hunger. Some stick to milk and bananas. You’ll find you need a lot of bananas, and unless you live where they grow, they aren’t cheap. Another says that if you eat things like hard-boiled eggs, and apples with their skins on which are hard for your stomach to digest (消化), the more you eat, the thinner you get. This is because you use up the fat in your body to get the energy to digest the food.
For most of us these methods are too extreme (极端的). The simplest way is just to cut down on the carbohydrates (糖类) that means not eating bread, potatoes, cakes, sugar, rice, and so on and eating anything else you like. It’s straight forward and often quite effective.
Still others like to be more scientific. They are calorie countries. They get a table, which tells them that, for example, 100 grams of roast let of lamb gives you 330 calories and a 50 gram helping of Yokshire pudding gives you 130 calories.
. According to the passage, the best way to keep slim is ______.
A.exercising B.hunger C.food-choosing D.eating milk and bananas
There seems nothing wrong with exercise except that ______.
A.it makes you sweatB.it’s hard work
C.it tires you out D.it makes you eat more
. The practical method suggested here means ______.
A.sticking to bananasB.not eating many carbohydrates
C.eating as little as possibleD.eating things that are hard to digest
. Which of the following do you think is the best title for the passage?
A.Don’t Eat Too Much B.Various Ways of Losing Weight
C.Ways to Keep Fit D.Food and Health
As is known, healthy foods can help save your life. Now, here is a list of healthy foods that can save your memory. It is best that every person knows what he eats, as he takes in, can make or break himself, in terms of health.
Fish is helpful in regaining back the kind of memory that a person once has. Eating fish can help you save the trouble of forgetfulness. Vegetables rich in fiber and other dark and green leafy kinds are very suitable for people who want to avoid mental blocks. These foods contain high units of vitamin E.
Another food that is considered having different effects on preventing this brain deficiency (缺陷) is avocado (鳄梨), which is also rich in vitamins E and C. It is really good to know these healthy foods that can save your memory are always at hand so as to help you in your fight against diseases. Sunflower seeds are regarded as Vitamin C-powered seeds and also give you enough energy.
As for red wine, do not over consume it, as it is said to have to be taken in moderate amounts in order to help the body. Over-drinking can cause illness and like anything else. This is considered as one of the healthy foods that can save your memory; alcohol can otherwise lose it.
It is better to consume colored bread, rice and whole grains for you to get the best out of fiber. These foods can lower the body’s risk of being infected with Alzheimer’s disease(老年痴呆病).
Knowing the healthy foods that can save your memory is living the life that you have longed and desired. Among the others, the best, of course, is exercise. Taking in different kind of exercises, physical activities or sports can keep both your body and mind healthy.
小题1: If you suffer from loss of memory, you _______.
A.should eat cucumbers and cabbagesB.can drink as much wine as possible
C.had better take in fish in your mealsD.may as well take more Vitamin C
小题2: To prevent mental disease from happening, _______.
A.people are advised to take avocadosB.it is best to eat vegetables high in fiber
C.it is better to have more sunflower seedsD.red wine is the first and best choice
小题3: Which of the following is the most important for health?
A.Drinking a proper amount of red wine every day.
B.Eating bread made of whole grains.
C.Adding Vitamin C-powered seeds to meals.
D.Taking moderate exercise every day.
小题4: How many means for health does the author mention in the passage?
小题5: Which of the following is most suitable for the passage?
(①="Para.1  " ②="Para.2  " ③="Para.3  " ④="Para.4  " ⑤="Para.5  " ⑥=Para.6)
①                          ①
↙ ↘                     ↙ ↘     
↖ ↗                             ↙↘
⑥                               ④ ⑤

Sixteen years ago, Eileen Doyle's husband, an engineer, took his four children up for an early morning cup of tea, packed a small case and was never seen or heard of again. Eileen was astonished and in a state of despair. They had been a happy family and, as far as she knew, there had been nothing wrong with their marriage.
Every day of the year a small group of men and women quietly pack a few
belongings and without so much as a note or a good--bye close the front door for the last time, leaving their debts, their worries and their confused families behind them.Last year, more than 1,200 men and nearly as many women were reported missing
from home--the highest in 15 years. Many did return home within a year, but others
rejected the past completely and are now living a new life somewhere under a
different identity.
To those left behind, this form of desertion is a terrible blow to their pride and self-confidence. Even the finality of death might be preferable. At least it does not imply rejection or failure. Worse than that, people can be left with an unfinished marriage, not knowing whether they will have to wait seven years before they are free to start a fresh life.
Clinical psychologist Paul Brown believes most departures of this kind to be well
planned rather than impulsive. "It's typical of the kind of personality which seems
able to ignore other people's pain and difficulties. Running away, like killing yourself,is a highly aggressive act. By creating an absence the people left behind feel guilty,upset and empty."
51. When her husband left home, Eileen Doyle________.
A. could not forgive him for taking the children
B. had been expecting it to happen for some time
C. could not understand why
D. blamed herself for what had happened
52. Most people who leave their families behind them___________.
A. do so without warning
B. do so because of their debts
C. come back immediately
D. change their names
53. Some people would even prefer the death to the running away of their spouse
A. their spouse would feel no pain during the death
B. their spouse death would not blow their pride and confidence
C. a desertion would not bring a feeling of rejection or failure
D. their spouse death would make them feel less painful
54. Which might be the best tire of the passage?
A. Broken Marriage      B. New life after Desertion
C. A New Social Problem  D. Desertion and its Influence
55. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Many people choose to leave home quietly because they hate their family.
B. Paul Brown regards leaving home as an act of selfishness.
C. Those who are left behind will lose confidence and won't marry again.
D. Eileen's husband, together with his four kids, were probably killed in an accident.                  
From babies to body builders, we all have muscles. They grow, they bulge(鼓起), they stretch they stretch and sometimes they even painfully pull. But for all the work they do for us, we are still unable to crown one as "the strongest muscle."
Instead, a few muscles could claim the title, depending on how strength is measured.
If the title goes to the muscle that can exert(产生) the most force, the victor would be the soleus(小腿肚肌), according to Gray's Anatomy(解剖学). Without this muscle, we wouldn't be able to stand, walk, run or shake our bodies on the dance floor. If the soleus was not continuously pulling, we would always be falling over ourselves (although some of us tend to do that from time to time anyway).
But perhaps the title should go to the muscle that exerts the most pressure. Pressure is different from force — pressure takes into account the area over which a force is exerted. The muscle that takes the prize for delivering the greatest amount of pressure is the masseter, or the jaw muscle, according to the book "Clinical Oral Science" (Reed Educational and Professional Publishing, 1998).
In 1986, Richard Hofmann of Lake City, Fla., achieved a bite strength of 975 pounds (442 kilograms) for two seconds, setting a Guinness Record. Talk about jaw dropping! The jaw is able to clench(咬紧) and chew because of the masseter muscle.
Others may argue the muscles used in childbirth are the most powerful.
When it comes to versatility, perhaps the tongue is the strongest muscle. Its combination of elasticity(伸缩性) and forcefulness gives us the ability to speak, eat and kiss – all things very desirable on a first date. However dexterous(灵巧的) it may be though, its power does not match that of muscles such as the soleus.
If slow and steady wins the race, the heart is certainly a contender for the title. When it contracts, the muscle pumps about 2 ounces (59 milliliters) of blood, and is constantly working over a lifetime. Beating about 40 million times a year, a person's heart will beat approximately 2.5 billion times by the time of their 70th birthday.
小题1:According the passage, the underlined word “contender” in the last paragraph is closet in meaning to “          ”.
小题2:Which would be t he best title for the passage?
A.What’s the strongest muscle in the human body?
B.who is the strongest person in the world?
C.What are the functions of different muscles?
D.What are the standards of the strongest muscle?
小题3:According to the passage,       .
A.Without the soleus, we could still stand, walk, run or shake our bodies on the dance floor
B.a few muscles could be the winners, according to different measures
C.the muscles used in childbirth are the most powerful
D.tongue is the strongest muscle for delivering the greatest amount of pressure
小题4:What would be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.Another possible strongest muscle.B.the conclusion of the strongest muscle.
C.The functions of different muscles.D.the Guinness record of strongest muscle.
Star hurdler Liu Xiang returned home last night after spending about three months in the United States for foot operation and recovery.
Liu and coach Sun Haiping were followed away by officials after arriving at Shanghai Pudong airport at around 6 : 30 p. m. , and said nothing to the waiting media.
Liu went straight to the Xinzhuang training base in Shanghai, where he will start on the comeback (恢复) through rehabilitation (复职) and training.
Feng Shuyong, vice-director of China's Athletics Administrative Center, said a group of experts is on standby at the training base to help with Liu's recovery.
"The experts will give Liu a full check-up tomorrow or the day after and advise regularly on rehabilitation in the coming months," Feng was quoted by qq. com as saying.
The foot injury forced defending champion Liu to quit from the 2008 Beijing Olympics last August after "he limped out of the Bird's Nest in the first round of the men's 110m hurdles, bitterly disappointing adoring home fans.
The 25-year-old Athens Olympic and world champion had successful foot surgery in December at the Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center in Houston, and had four calcium deposits (钙物质) removed from his right Achilles tendon (跟腱).
He spent the next three months in Houston for rehabilitation and basic training under the guidance of doctors there.
"His recovery is better than we expected. Doctors believe that after three months' rehabilitation and training, he has actually achieved the level of recovery that generally needs four months," Feng said.
Liu will, however, be absent from the ongoing annual Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) meeting due to the recovery process. Feng said Liu is paying close attention to the meeting through the Internet, and closely following issues such as athletes' education and life after retirement.
It is the second time Liu has asked for leave from the annual session after being elected to the CPPCC: He did not attend last year's meeting because he was at a key competition in Spain.
小题1:The best title for the passage is _______.
A.Fate and ChallengeB.Liu Xiang Returns after Operation Success
C.No Desire to Be a Representative of CPPCC
D.Happiness and Hardships behind Success
小题2:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The experts will give Liu a full check-up and advise regularly on recovery in the coming months.
B.Liu and his coach were followed away by officials after arriving at Pudong airport at around 6:30.
C.Liu paid close attention to the meeting through the Internet, caring graduate's further education.
D.His foot operation was successful and four calcium deposits were removed from his right Achilles tendon.
小题3:The underlined word "limped" most probably means _______.
A.walked nervouslyB.walked quicklyC.walked bitterlyD.walked lamely
小题4: Liu Xiang was absent from CPPCC in the first time because of _______.
A.recovery processB.accepting the trainingC.lecture abroadD.a key competition
Did you ever think someone was scary (恐怖的)because they looked different or ate strange food? Well, they might think the same about you! One of the things we all need to do is to celebrate variety.We shouldn’t think badly of people from other cultures because they behave differently from us.
Sometimes we treat people from other countries unfairly, because one person from that culture did something bad.Well, has your class ever been punished just because a few kids were causing trouble? Has your whole family ever been blamed for something your little sister did? It doesn’t seem fair, does it? It’s just equally unfair to blame a whole culture for what two or three people have done.
So here are some things that you can do to help yourself understand other cultures:
①Find common ground!
Just remember that even though some people look different on the outside, that doesn’t change how they are on the inside.They still have the exact same feelings!
Because someone from another culture has been mean to you, you decide to avoid everyone from that culture.Well think about it.Why are you blaming them for something they didn’t have anything to do with? Put yourself in their shoes.How would you feel? Putting yourself inside someone else’s head can be a very powerful way to understand WHY they are acting the way they are.
③Try to make friends with people from other cultures!
You could ask them about their culture, or what it is like in their country, if they can remember, or if they have ever lived there.Try foods from their culture, or ask them about words in their language.You might be surprised at how interesting other cultures can be! You can join great discussion groups, participate in projects, and have lots of fun doing new things.
④Be aware that you’ve judged other people
If you know what you have done, it helps to make things better.Pay attention to what you think about other people.It helps.
小题1:What is mainly discussed in this passage?  
A.Why there are differences between people
B.What to do to understand other cultures
C.How people feel when they meet people from other cultures
D.The differences between people from different cultures
小题2:Which of the following can be put into the blank behind ②?
A.Avoid everyone from that culture!
B.Put all responsibilities on others!
C.Consider oneself first!
D.Don’t blame all because of one!
小题3:The underlined word “celebrate” most probably means “_______”.
A.feel proud ofB.express ideas of
C.praise and enjoyD.pay attention to
小题4:The following can be the better way to treat foreigners except_______.
A.join their discussion groupsB.try foods from their culture
C.avoid meeting themD.find common ground

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