
  Do you always understand the directions on a bottle of medicine? Do you know what is meant by "Take only as directed"? Read the following directions and see if you understand them.
  "To reduce pain, take two tablets(药片)with water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For night-time and early morning relief take two tablets at bedtime. Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours.
For children six to twelve years old, give half the amount. For children under six years old, ask for your doctor's advice.
  Reduce the amount if you suffer from restlessness or sleeplessness after taking the medicine.
小题1:How many tablets at most can a person over 12 have in 24 hours?
A.Eight    B.SixC.FourD.Three
小题2:How many tablets should a nine-year-old child normally take in 24 hours?
A.Half a tablet.B.One tablet.
C.Two tablets .D.Four tablets.
小题3:What is the advice for one who cannot sleep well after taking the medicine?
A.Stop taking the medicine at bedtime.
B.Take less than the normal amount.
C.Take more than the normal amount.
D.Continue to take the normal amount.
小题4:It can be inferred from the directions that this medicine      .
A.helps you to fall asleep quickly
B.should not be taken by children under six  
C.cannot be taken if one feels sleepy
D.may be dangerous to small children
H5N1 avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu (流感), has killed at least 15 people across Asia and was proved in China on January 27. No human cases have been found in the main­land, but 13 of the country’s 31 provinces have reported the disease in poultry.
The Chinese government has taken measures to prevent and control the disease. Poultry within 3 km of infected (受感染的) farms is to be killed and those within 5 km vaccinated (接种疫苗). At the same time, there will be continuous monitoring and daily reports on the disease across the country, and in­creased production of bird flu vaccines.
Among the 11 Asian countries and regions having bird flu in animals, only Vietnam and Thailand have reported human cases. The people infected were reported to have caught the disease from poultry.
While the World Health Organization ( WHO) says there is “no proof (证据) of human-to-human infection (传染)” of bird flu, the big fear is that the disease could combine with a human flu virus (病毒) to produce a deadly new disease that will kill millions of people across the world. Many Asian farmers live closely with their animals and sell live chickens in the market. This greatly increases the chance of humans being infected with bird flu.
A spokesman of the WHO said that Asian countries having bird flu should introduce a more healthy way of raising and selling chickens. The people there have to completely change their way of life and manners towards animals. Here are some safety measures for people to stay healthy;
*   Keep fit through usual exercise;
*   Avoid infected poultry and infected people;
*   Avoid eating uncooked or under-done poultry and eggs;
*   Make sure there is always fresh air in your home;
*   Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing;
*   Wash your hands as often as possible.
小题1:What does the underlined word “poultry” mean?
A.Wild birds.
B.Wild animals.
C.Home-raised birds.
D.Home-raised animals.
小题2:From the passage, we learn that __________.
A.infected poultry within 3 km was killed in China
B.the first bird flu case was proved in China on Jan. 27
C.human infected cases were found in 11 Asian countries
D.over two thirds of China have been affected by the bird flu
小题3: What do people fear most?
A.Poultry will infect many people.
B.There will be human-to-human infection.
C.The disease can spread quickly among people.
D.A new disease combining bird flu and a human flu will break out.
If teens could reduce the salt they take in every day by 3,000 milligrams (mg), they would cut their risk of heart disease and stroke(中风) greatly in adulthood, researchers say.
Based on the results of a computer modeling analysis, researchers found that a 3,000 mg reduction in sodium(钠) by teenagers could reduce hypertension by 30 percent to 43 percent when they become adults.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition that may have no symptoms for years, but can eventually cause serious health conditions, including heart attack and stroke.
Other benefits over time as teens hit 50 years of age include a 7-12 percent reduction in coronary heart disease(冠心病), an 8-14 percent reduction in heart attacks, and a 5-8 percent reduction in stroke.
Fast food typically contains too much sodium. One bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos has 310 milligrams. Pizza is one of the biggest problems for teens when it comes to sodium, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics.
“The additional benefit of lower salt intake early is that we can hopefully change the expectations of how food should taste, ideally to something slightly less salty,” says Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, the lead author of the study and associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.
“Most of the salt we eat is not from our salt shaker(盐瓶), but salt that is already added in food that we eat.” she added.
小题1:Which is a benefit of a low sodium diet according to the text?
A.No risk of heart disease.B.Smaller chance of stroke.
C.Low blood pressure.D.Slightly more heart attacks.
小题2:According to the text, 3,000 mg less salt intake daily will reduce hypertension by ________ in adulthood.
A.7%-12% B.8%-14%C.30%-43%D.5%-8%
小题3:What does Dr Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo mean in the last two paragraphs?
A.A lower sodium diet can get teenagers used to less salty food.
B.A good eating habit can help teens have less junk food.
C.Teens should avoid pizzas and other salty foods.
D.We can add more salt from our salt shaker to the food.
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Teens Cutting Salt for Healthier Adulthood
B.Diet and Health
C.Sodium Brings Health Concerns
D.A Cause of Hypertension
Many grown-ups worry that spending too much time playing video games isn’t good for a kid’s health. But some doctors have noticed that kids who bring their game players to the hospital seem less worried about being there. They also seem to feel less pain when they are giving all their attention on a car race or other games.
At a children’s center in Baltimore, Maryland, young kids are finding hospital visits easier to deal with, thanks to a test program called HOPE. Patients in HOPE have a life-threatening condition where their kidneys(肾) no longer get rid of wastes from their blood. To get their blood cleaned, these kids must use the dialysis (透析) machines at the hospital three times a week, for at least three hours each time. HOPE allows kids to play Internet sports, racing, and other games with each other. They will be able to connect with kids in other hospitals who have the same problem. “We want to use the Internet to bring together kids who are ill, and let them know they are not alone,” said Arun Mathews, the doctor of the program. He loved video games himself and got the idea to connect kids all over the country.
Many researchers elsewhere are testing video programs that might help young patients. For example, nine-year-old Ben Duskin of San Francisco, California, who was struggling with cancer helped to design a video game where players got rid of cancer cells.
That’s all great news, because doctors already know that reducing pain and worry helps patients heal(痊愈) faster.
According to the passage, the sick kids may feel less pain when they _________.
A.use the dialysis machinesB.are in a car race
C.are playing video gamesD.stay alone with illness
HOPE allows the sick kids to play Internet games in order to _________.
A.encourage them to fight against the illnessB.get rid of their pain and worry
C.let the kids make more friends D.bring the kids in the country together
Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Grown-ups all think video games are bad for kids’ health.
B.Some doctors think video games may help the sick kids reduce pain.
C.The HOPE is a famous organization all over the world.
D.Arun Mathews is against the testing program.
Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.Video Games Are Bad for HealthB.Video Games May Help Reduce Pain
C.A Famous American OrganizationD.HOPE Allows Kids to Play Online Games
Seven Health Facts about Coffee
When you’re considering your morning coffee, here are some health facts to keep in mind:
1. Coffee Reduces Your Risk of Diabetes (糖尿病)
In a 2005 review of nine studies, researchers found that for those that drank four to six cups of coffee per day, versus only two or fewer, their risk for Type 2 diabetes decreased by almost 30 percent. The number decreased by 35 percent when people drank more than six cups per day. And if you’re picturing yourself running around the office with your eyes bugging out of your head, no worries because caffeinated and decaffeinated coffees provided much the same results.
2. Coffee Fights Free Radicals (自由基)
We often forget that coffee is actually a plant and like all plant foods, the coffee bean contains more than 1,000 naturally occurring substances called phytochemicals, which may help prevent disease. Many of these phytochemicals are antioxidants which protect the cells from damage from free radicals.
3. Coffee Improves Memory and Cognition
Researchers reported that volunteers who drank caffeinated coffee in the morning performed better than nondrinkers on tests that involved learning new information. Coffee can also improve cognitive function as we age. One study found that combining coffee with a sweet treat had an even bigger impact.
4. Coffee Can Increase Osteoporosis (骨质疏松)
It’s true that coffee can cause the body to excrete calcium in urine. We don’t want the body to rid itself of calcium because this can lead to osteoporosis. According to The Diet Channel, about five milligrams of calcium is lost per every six ounces of coffee consumed. But these calcium losses can be counter balanced with two tablespoons of milk or yogurt per cup of coffee.
5. Coffee Causes Wrinkles
Even though coffee has antioxidants, if you drink too much of it, it can cause wrinkling of the skin. This is a result of dehydration (脱水) which is the worst thing for your skin. So when you’re drinking that morning cup or two, make sure that you’re pairing it with water. Even better, add one tablespoon of chia seeds to your water and let them sit for 30 minutes. The chia seeds keep you even more hydrated than regular water.
6. Coffee Can Actually Cause Weight Gain
The blood sugar changes that a caffeine high produces can contribute enormously to a strong desire for it, according to iVillage. Coffee is also socially connected to food. For example, we pair coffee with dessert or that morning powdered doughnut. Additionally, when we crash from our caffeine high that’s when we reach for all sorts of fatty snacks to keep us going.
7. Conventional Coffee Is Laden with Pesticides (杀虫剂)
The coffee plant is one of the most heavily sprayed crops. It’s coated with chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides, nothing you’d want to be swallowing. If you do drink coffee, make sure that it’s the organic variety, free from assorted chemicals that leech into our ground water and can make us sick down the road.
If you switch to decaffeinated coffee, make sure the caffeine (咖啡因) is removed in a natural way without the use of chemicals to do it. Often times, conventional decaffeinated coffee has more chemicals than regular.
小题1:   If you want to decrease the risk of diabetes by 35%, you need to take at least _____ cups of     coffee every day.
A.seven B.six C.fiveD.four
小题2:If you are a heavy drinker of coffee, a far better way to avoid wrinkling of your skin is to drink water _____.
A.less than usualB.regularly C.with sugarD.with chia seeds
小题3:   Which of the following statements is wrong?
A.Adding two spoons of milk to a cup of coffee can prevent calcium losses.
B.Decaffeinated coffee has different effects from caffeinated coffee as to diabetes.
C.Many phytochemicals protect the cells from damage from free radicals.
D.The organic variety of coffee plant is free from assorted chemicals.
小题4:   The author has a/an _____ attitude towards drinking of coffee.
If you don’t have a college degree, you’re at greater risk of developing memory problems or even Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆). Education plays a key role in lifelong memory performance and risk for mental disorder, and it's well documented that those with a college degree possess a cognitive(认知的) advantage over those less educated in middle and old age.
Now, a large national study from Brandeis University published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry shows that those with less schooling can significantly make up for poorer education by frequently engaging in mental exercises such as word games, puzzles, reading, and lectures.
“The lifelong benefits of higher education for memory in later life are quite impressive, but we do not clearly understand how and why these effects last so long,” said lead author Margie Lachman, a psychologist. She suggested that higher education may encourage lifelong interest in cognitive efforts, while those with less education may not engage as frequently in mental exercises that help keep the memory agile (敏捷地).
But education early in adulthood does not appear to be the only route to maintain your memory. The study found that intellectual activities undertaken regularly made a difference. “Among individuals with low education, those who are engaged in reading, writing, attending lectures, doing word games or puzzles once a week or more had memory scores similar to people with more education,” said Lachman.
The study, called Midlife in the United States, assessed 3,343 men and women between the ages of 32 and 84 with an average age of 56 years. Almost 40 percent of the participants had at least a 4-year college degree. The researchers evaluated how the participants performed in two cognitive areas, verbal (言语的)memory and executive function --- brain processes involved in planning, abstract thinking and cognitive flexibility. Participants were given a series of tests, including tests of verbal fluency, word recall, and backward counting.
As expected, those with higher education said they engaged in cognitive activities more often and also did better on the memory tests, but some with lower education also did well, explained Lachman.
“The findings are promising because they suggest there may be ways to level the playing field for those with lower educational achievement, and protect those at greatest risk for memory declines,” said Lachman. “Although we can not rule out the possibility that those who have better memories are the ones who take on more activities, the evidence is consistent with cognitive plasticity (可塑性), and suggests some degree of personal control over cognitive functioning in adulthood by adopting an intellectually active lifestyle.”
小题1: What is the text mainly about?
A.Higher education has a better cognitive advantage.
B.Better memories result from college degree.
C.Cognitive activity does good to one’s mind.
D.Poor education has more risk of memory declines.
小题2:According to the result of Margie Lachman’s study, we can conclude that ________.
A.education is responsible for the lifelong memory performance and risk for mental disorder
B.education early in adulthood can be the only route to maintain your memory
C.those with higher education did better on the memory tests than those with lower education
D.an intellectually active lifestyle does help to maintain your memory
小题3: What do we know about the study called Midlife?
A.Participants each were given a battery to test their memory.
B.The average age of the participants are 56 years old.
C.Participants had to perform in one of the two cognitive areas.
D.One in four of the participants had a 4-year college degree.
小题4:Why are the findings of the Lachman’s study promising?
A.The lower educated may have the same opportunities to keep up memory.
B.We may have ways to cure the people who have memory declines.
C.Adopting a different lifestyle can control cognitive functioning.
D.We can find out the possibility to have better memories.
Treatment for HIV has become more widespread, especially in poorer countries. It's also become cheaper, as medicine companies have lowered their prices for life-saving anti-retroviral drugs(抗逆转录病毒药物). But these drugs are still expensive and many countries are looking to create the biggest impact with limited resources. That's where World Health Organization guidelines come in, says Rochelle Walensky, a disease researcher from Harvard.
Walensky and her colleagues used computer programs to model the most cost-effective disease interventions(干预), as well as collected data from clinics in Africa and India about what works best. They found that among the choices of what to do first, earlier anti-retroviral therapy (疗法)improved five-year survival dramatically and resulted in the longer life expectancy. But cost-effective doesn't always mean affordable, especially for governments in poor countries. Countries still have to make difficult choices about how much treatment they can afford.
People in Nairobi, Kenya on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010, protest a potential free trade area agreement between the EU and India that could see cheap anti-AIDS drugs phased out(逐步淘汰). However, Walensky notes that first-line anti-retrovirals—those medicine given to newly diagnosed patients that can keep away from symptoms for years - are much cheaper than they were a decade ago. "Second-line therapy have come down quite a bit but not to the level of first-line and countries are having a hard time affording them and increasingly over time, people are going to fail first-line therapy and they're going second-line therapy and then, eventually, they're going to need third-line therapy, some of them."
According to Walensky, history has shown that drug prices can come down when international pressure is applied to drug makers. But for now, she says, countries should focus on treating as many people as they can, as early as possible
Her paper is published in the online journal PLoS Medicine.
小题1: Which is the best title for the passage?
A.HIV Has Spread in Poorer Countries
B.Rochelle Walensky’s Life
C.International Pressure to Drug Makers
D.Early HIV Treatment Saves Lives
小题2: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Anti-retroviral drugs have become cheap now.
B.The cost-effective treatment may be a heavy expense.
C.Cheap anti-AIDS drugs have been phased out .
D.First-line therapy deals with the most severe disease.
小题3: The research is done by         .
A.using computer programs and collecting data from clinics
B.giving medicine to newly diagnosed patients with AIDS
C.urging countries to focus on treating more patients earlier
D.publishing her paper in the online journal PLoS Medicine
小题4: The passage serves as a(n)___________ to Rochelle Walensky 's study.
Throw out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house.A new theory suggests that medicine could be bad for your health.This new theory argues that healing (the process of becoming healthy and strong again) is at our fingertips:we can be healthy by doing Reiki on a regular basis.

Supporters of medical treatment argue that medicine should be trusted since it is effective and scientifically proven.They say that there is no need for spiritual methods such as Reiki, Yoga,Tai Chi.These waste our time,something that is quite precious in our material world.There is medicine that can kill our pain and x-rays that show us our broken bones.We must admit that these methods are very effective in the examples that they provide.However, there are some “everyday complaints”such as back pains,headaches,which are treated currently with medicine.When you have a headache,you take an Aspirin;when you cannot sleep,you take Xanax without thinking of the side effects of these.When you use these pills for a long period,you become dependent on them;you cannot sleep without them.We pay huge amounts of money but never get better.How about a safer and more economical way of healing?When doing Reiki to yourself,you do not need anything except your energy so it is very economical.Also,there are no side effects and it is scientifically explained.
They also claim that serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and cancer cannot be treated without drugs.They think so because these patients spend the rest of their lives in the hospital taking medicine.How can Reiki make these people healthy again? It is very unfortunate that these patients have to live in the hospital losing their hair and weight because of the side effects of the medicine they take.Actually,instead of drugs which are expensive and have many side effects,you can use your energy to overcome the hardships of life,find an emotional balance,leave the stress of everyday life and let go of the everyday worries.
Some people may still hold that in our material world,everything depends on time.How
would it be possible to find time to do Reiki?In fact,Reiki does not require more than 15 minutes of our time.It is less time consuming than medicine if we think of all the time we spend taking medicine for some complaints and taking some more for the side effects as well.
小题1:The author's attitude towards Reiki is        
小题2:Which statement does the passage lead you to believe?
A.Reiki will soon become the most popular exercise around the world.
B.Reiki is an effective treatment but not scientifically explained.
C.Reiki can make people less dependent on drugs.
D.Reiki is a kind of cheap drug but works well.
小题3:How many advantages of Reiki are mentioned in the last two paragraphs?
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? 
A.A New Way of Treating Illness.
B.Health and Healing at Your Fingers.
C.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Reiki.
D.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Medicine.

Chemicals used for industrial processes often create dangerous forms of waste. The amount of these chemicals has risen heavily in the past few years, as more areas of the world industrialize and new products are produced. Over 80,000 different chemicals are used in industries world wide. Around the world hundreds of millions of tons of harmful waste are produced each year. Often, it is difficult and expensive to get rid of these chemicals or to store them in a way that does not endanger human life and the environment.
Every year, major health problems result from harmful waste. Sadly, it is often when someone has died or, become seriously ill that governments will take action and reduce levels of dumped harmful waste. In 1989, a school in New Jersey had to be closed because students there had suffered too much exposure to chromium. It was later learned that large amounts of chromium had been dumped nearby and blown over to the school area.
Research has been done to provide information on the effects of every chemical. Because waste chemicals often mix together, it will also be necessary to learn how the combinations of these chemicals affect human health.
Some governments have realized how serious the problem is and are making laws to get rid of harmful waste. They are also trying to limit the amount of waste industries are allowed to produce.
Not only governments but the public as well must form part of the solution. They can choose not to buy those products which require the production of harmful waste, attempt to affect policymakers, and produce less harmful waste themselves. Many scientists think that waste production can be cut. The waste can be reduced by at least one-third using existing technologies and methods.
57.What is mainly discussed in the text?
A The effect of every chemical.          
B.Problems of harmful waste.
C.Chemicals used for industrial processes.
D.Events related to waste chemicals.
58.From the text we know that ______.
A.chromium can poison people when there is a wind
B.chromium pollution makes the local government close the school
C.Some governments don’t realize how serious the problems are until people suffer a lot from harmful waste
D.about two-thirds of the waste can pollute the environment
59.Which of the following least matches the solution the writer refers to?
A.Chemicals used for industrial processes should be banned.
B.People can make use of the existing technologies and methods to reduce the waste
C.Policymakers make laws to limit the production of harmful waste.
D.People choose not to buy products which may produce harmful waste.
60.The writer of the text thinks that ______.
A.governments should have forbidden the production of waste chemicals
B.mixed waste chemicals can always be stored without endangering people
C.industries must not produce waste chemicals which harm people so much
D.everyone can do something to help solve the problem of waste chemicals

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