
17.Everybody loves to play board games sometimes,but it is surprising to know how long this pastime has been in existence.Some of the earliest board games are over 5,000 years old.The oldest is probably Senet,an American Egyptian game which has been found in burials from before 3000 BC.The game involves an element of luck,and so it was thought by the Ancient Egyptians that those who won the game were protected by God.For this reason,games of Senet were often buried alongside the dead body,to be used on the dangerous game board is set out as a grid of three by ten rows,and uses two sets of at least five pawns.The actual rules are unknown,although some historians have proposed rules which were used in the Senet sets available today.
The Royal Game of Ur,also known as the Game of Twenty Squares,is another ancient game which dates back to the First Dynasty of Ur,in 2600 BC Mesopotamia.It was played with two sets of seven counters,one black and one white,and three four-sided dice (骰子).Although the ancient rules are unknown,a stone tablet has been found which describes a reliable record of how the game was played in 177-176 BC.
Both Senet and The Royal Game of Ur probably came into existence long before the game backgammon (西洋双陆棋),which itself has a long history.The game of Nard,which existed in Iran in around 3000 BC,used two sets of fifteen counters,four dice and same board as the one used in backgammon today,although the initial starting positions and rules are different.Similar games were played in Ancient Rome and India.
51.The text is meant to introduceB.
A.a common origin of board games              
B.the unknown rules of board games
C.several kinds of earliest board games               
D.the newly discovered board games
52.What do we know about the game of Senet IN paragraph 1?C
A.Its actual rules are still in use
B.It used to be played in tombs.
C.It is probably the oldest board game
D.Its design is closely related to God.
53.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?A
A.A brief introduction to the Royal Game of Ur
B.A reliable account of the First Dynasty of Ur.
C.The recent discovery of an ancient board game
D.The original rules found in a stone tablet.
54.What can be inferred from the text?B
A.There were some similarities between the games.
B.The earliest board game was found in Europe.
C.All the games used the same number of dice.
D.We haven't got any record of the board games.
55.What does the underlined word"itself"in the last paragraph refer to?C
A.The game of Senet
B.The Royal Game of Ur
C.The game backgammon
D.The game of Nard.

分析 文章介绍了最早的棋盘游戏.文章分别介绍了两款最早的棋盘游戏"Senet"和"Royal Game of Ur"以及西洋双陆棋的时间和游戏规则.

解答 51.B 第一段中的"games of Senet were often buried alongside the dead body…two sets of at least five pawns."和第二段中的"It was played with two sets of seven counters,one black and one white,and three four-sided dice (骰子)"都介绍了游戏规则,所以文章主旨在介绍棋盘游戏的游戏规则,故选B.
52.C 从第一段中的"Some of the earliest board games are over 5,000 years old.The oldest is probably Senet"可以看出Senet是最古老的棋盘游戏,故选C.
53.A 第二段中的"The Royal Game of Ur,also known as the Game of Twenty Squares,is another ancient game which dates back to the First Dynasty of Ur,in 2600 BC Mesopotamia."介绍了另一款游戏即"The Royal Game of Ur",与选项A 对应,故选A.
54.B 从第一段中的"The oldest is probably Senet,an American Egyptian game which has been found in burials from before 3000 BC"和最后一段中的"Similar games were played in Ancient Rome and India."可以看出棋盘游戏最早被发现在欧洲,故选B.
55.C 最后一段中的"Both Senet and The Royal Game of Ur probably came into existence long before the game backgammon (西洋双陆棋),which itself has a long history"说了在两款游戏之前的游戏西洋双陆棋,所以itslef指的是西洋双陆棋.故选C.

点评 要求学生仔细阅读文章,找到相关信息并回答问题,选出正确答案.

8.Forget Twitter and Facebook,Google and the Kindle.Television is still the most influential medium around.Indeed,for many of the poorest regions(地区)of the world,it remains the next big thing--finally becomes globally available.And that is a good thing,because the TV revolution is changing lives for the better.
Across the developing world,around 45% of families had a TV in 1995; by 2005 the number had climbed above 60%.That is some way behind the U.S.,where are more TVs than people,and where people now easily get access to the Internet.Five million more families in sub-Saharan Africa will get a TV over the next five years.In 2005,after the fall of the Taliban(塔利班),which had outlawed TV,1 in 5 Afghans had one.The global total is another 150 million by 2013--pushing the numbers to well beyond two thirds of families.
Television's most powerful effect will be on the lives of women.In India,researchers Robert Jensen and Emily Oster found that when TVs reached village s,women were more likely to go to the market without their husbands'approval and less likely to want a boy rather than a girl.They were more likely to make decisions over child health care.TV is also a powerful medium for adult education.In the Indian state of Gujarat,Chitrageet is a popular show that plays Bollywood songs with words in Gujarati on the screen.Within six months,viewers had made a small but significant(有意义的) improvement in their reading skills.
Too much TV has been associated with violence,overweight and loneliness.However,TV is having a positive influence on the lives of billions worldwide.

40.The underlined word"outlawed"in paragraph 2 probably means"B".
   A.allowed          B.banned          C.offered            D.refused
41.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.Americans used to get access to the Internet easily.
B.The world's TV sets will total 150 million by 2013.
C.45% of families in the de veloping countries had a TV in 2005.
D.Over two thirds of families in the world will have a TV by 2013.
42.The author intends toA.
A.stress the advantages of TV to people's lives 
B.persuade women to become more independent 
C.encourage people to improve their reading skills 
D.introduce the readers some websites such as Google
43.What would be the best title for the passage?C
A.TV Will Rule the World                 
B.TV Will Disturb the World 
C.TV Will Better the World                
D.TV Will Remain in World.
2.What Is Today's American Dream
They may not have called it the American Dream,but for centuries people have gone to America in search of freer,happier,and richer lives.But is today's American Dream a mythical concept or still a reality?
Isabel Belarsky's tiny Brooklyn apartment fills with the sound of her father's voice.Sidor Belarsky sings an Aria in Russian and 90-year-old Isabel,her lips painted an elegant red,sways gently to the song coming from her stereo.
Isabel speaks with pride about her father's talent and his success as an opera singer:Albert Einstein was such a fan she says that he invited Sidor to accompany him on his speaking engagements and would ask him to sing to the audience.
How the Belarskys came to be in America is an extraordinary tale that Isabel loves to tell.It was the offer of a six-month job by a Mormon college president,who had seen Sidor singing in Leningrad,that enabled the Belarskys to escape from Stalin's Russia in 1930."Our dream was being in America,"Isabel says."They loved it.My mother could never think of Russia,it was her enemy and my father,he made such a wonderful career here."
Like generations of immigrants before them,the Belarskys came to America in search of freedom-to them the American Dream meant liberty.But Isabel says it promised even more."The dream is to work,to have a home and to get ahead.You can start as a janitor and become the owner of the building."
The American Dream is not written into the constitution but it is so ingrained in the national psyche that it might as well be.Many point to the second sentence in the Declaration of Independence-the"certain unalienable rights"that include"life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness"as the"official"version of the phrase.But it was actually in 1931that the term was popularized,when historian James Truslow Adams wrote in The Epic of America that the Dream means"a better,richer,and happier life for all our citizens of every rank".
The concept of the American Dream has not stayed static.For European immigrants,like Isabel,fleeing persecution in the first half of the last century,the Dream was about a life without persecution.
But somewhere in the middle of the last century the dream changed.As America's post war economy boomed,the new arrivals wanted more than freedom-they wanted a share of the prosperity as well.
In the 1950s,TV commercials featured housewives proudly showing off kitchens filled with gleaming appliances.The quest for liberation became a quest for Coca Cola.As the century wore on,the materialistic slant of the dream overtook the political side.Dallas and Dynasty suggested this was a country where it was possible to become not just rich,but filthily rich.
Cheyanne Smith was shocked at the deprivation that greeted her in America.She arrived in New York from the Caribbean seven years ago.Having watched endless American TV shows as a child,she thought she knew what to expect when her family moved to Brooklyn.Instead,the deprivation of one of New York's poorest neighbourhoods shocked her.
"I thought this is not America because this is not what I see on television,"she says.Like Cheyanne,18-year-old Franscisco Curiel is also ambitious.He came from Mexico City three years ago to go to college here but he's worried that Brooklyn's schools aren't going to give him a good enough education."The system is broken; we can't get the superior education that they supposedly want to give us,"he says.
Through the centuries America's immigrants have endured terrible hardship and sacrifice so that they and their children can get ahead.Perhaps it's not surprising to hear the members of the Bushwick youth group lament the multiple,low paid jobs that their parents must do simply to get the rent paid and put food on the table.What is startling is that these bright,ambitious youngsters just don't believe that talent and hard work are enough to ensure they will ever have a shot at that mythical American Dream.

66.Why did the Belarskys come to the US according to the passage?A
A.To seek freedom.
B.To seek wealth.
C.To seek good education.
D.To seek a good job.
67.What is the meaning of"the materialistic slant of the dream overtook the political side"in Paragraph 9?C
A.The American Dream means both material success and political freedom.
B.The American Dream means material success rather than political freedom.
C.The American Dream means more material success than political freedom.
D.The American Dream means more political freedom than material success.
68.What is Cheyanne Smith and Franscisco Curiel's attitude toward American Dream?B
A.Hopeful.  B.Disappointed.  C.Optimistic.  D.Neutral.
69.What can we know about the Bushwick youth group according to the last paragraph?B
A.They feel grateful that their parents did low paid jobs to raise the family.
B.They doubt that talent and hard work will make them realize their American Dream.
C.They have endured great hardship and sacrifice.
D.They are willing to do the low paid jobs to help pay their education.
70.What can be inferred from the passage?B
A.The American Dream is deeply-rooted in the national psyche.
B.The concept of the American Dream has gone through changes throughout the time.
C.American Dream is still firmly believed by the majority of the immigrants.
D.The concept of American Dream will remain unchanged in the next two decades.
Mr.Hill was a chicken farmer where had hundreds of chickens.76.where→who
He sold eggs and got quite a lot of money,so he lived in a very hot        77.so→but
part of the country.He found his hen laid hardly any eggs in   summer,78.hen→hens
and then he decided to put his air conditioner into his chicken house        79.√
so that his hens would lay well all through year.The boss of   the air        80.在year前面加the
conditioning company came to see her one day.He thought that he            81.her→him
might be able to persuade him to buy for an air conditioner when he             82.去掉for
saw Mr.Hill's house,"Your wife would be more happier and more              83.happy→happier
comfortable then,"he said to Mr.Hill.But Mr.Hill was not interesting.84.interesting→interested
"My wife didn't lay eggs,"Mr.Hill said.85.didn't→doesn't.
7.Best Places to Visit in Iceland
Welcome to Iceland,a land that comes across as being a unique and beautiful destination.It is open to visitors who like to study an unknown course,and everything about Iceland waits to be explored.Here are just a lot of places you can take on…
Dettifoss waterfalls,located 90km from the town Húsavík,is the most powerful waterfall in Europe.You can access the waterfall either by hiking or driving down along the road leading to the falls.The access roads,however,remain closed during the winter months.That is from January to April.
Landmannalaugar or the people's pools,is a major tourist attraction in Iceland.Known as the heart for hikers,the area is popular for hot springs.Open only during summers,it is accessible from Thorsmork Biking in this area.However,it is relatively difficult,and is recommended only for trained mountain bikers.
Reykjavik,which actually means"Steamy Bay",got its name from the sight of steam rising from the geothermal hot springs,which attracted the Vikings when they landed at the bay.You can relax by hiking,or go fishing in the Elliea River.Don't forget to go skinny-dipping in the famous Blue Lagoon,a geothermal(地热的) pool in the area.
Gotafoss,also known as the waterfall of the gods,is one of the most impressive attractions in Iceland.Located on the Skjalfandafljot river flowing south of road 1or the Ring road,it is easily accessible,thus attracting tourists and divers alike.As the story goes,it was these falls that the Lawspeaker Thorgeir Ljosvetningagoti threw the statues of his Norse gods into,hence giving it the name Gotafoss.
Known to be a museum of ice sculptures,J?kulsárlón is a large glacier lake on the South Eastern border.The lake which is around 200meters deep is home to some of the big icebergs.During the summer months,you can use boat rides that will take you face to face with the ice sculptures that melt away splendidly.In the winters,you will spot a number of seals and the great Skua at the lake.

51.The writer's purpose in writing the passage is toB.
A.praise the beauty of nature in Iceland
B.persuade more people to visit the places in Iceland
C.tell people the culture and history of Iceland
D.attract more people to explore the fields in Iceland online
52.When you travel in Iceland,you will enjoy the natural attractions exceptC.
A.splendid waterfall   B.ice sculpture
C.stone beaches        D.hot springs
53.The name of Gotafoss is givenD.
A.because of its surroundings      B.because of the people there
C.because of its location          D.because of a story
54.Which two places have the same attraction?A
A.Dettifoss and Gotafoss             B.J?kulsárlón and Dettifoss
C.Gotafoss and Landmannalaugar       D.Landmannalaugar and J?kulsárlón
55.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
A.we can enjoy swimming in Reykjavik
B.Iceland now is totally powered by the sun
C.we can see some attractions only in summer
D.in winter we can drive down the road to visit waterfall.

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