
【题目】假如你叫李华,你和父母在英国旅游期间于1月28日至30日入住Forest Hotel酒店,但对其提供的服务不满意,请发电子邮件给酒店的管理者进行投诉,要求其道歉并改进服务质量。1.搬运工送到房间的皮箱破损;2.卫生间漏水;3.楼下酒吧有噪音,并持续到很晚,影响休息。



3.参考词汇:搬运工porter n; 皮箱suitcase n; 漏水leak vi.

Dear Manager,

My name is Li Hua.I stayed at your hotel__________________________






Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【答案】Dear Manager,

My name is Li Hua.I stayed at your hotel,Forest Hotel,during my visit to the UK from Jan 28 to 30 with my parents.However,the service in your hotel left much to be desired.I’m writing this email to express my opinion. First,we found our suitcases broken after they were carried to our room by one of your porters.Second,water was leaking out of the toilet in the bathroom.Third,the noise from the bar downstairs went on so late into the night each night that we couldn’t get good rest. For the above reasons,I have to say that the service in your hotel is of poor quality.Therefore,I would like to receive a written apology from you.Meanwhile,I hope you can improve your service in the future so that none of the above happens again.

Yours sincerely,





Here are some tips that will help you get rid of anxiety over being phoneless or reduce your risk of phone addiction.

Disable the Internet connection. Take up your courage to disable the Internet connection on your smartphone. 【1 Needless to say, you will save o lot of cash on it.

Find your passion. 2 Find your dream job and you will leave your “best friend” at least for a while. If you have nothing to do at home, try a new hobby that will distract you from all those apps and social media.

Purchase an ordinary phone. No smartphones. No iphones. Remember those times when we used phones in emergency situations only or when we wanted to invite someone to a party. 3

Don’t let the fear control you. 4 Claim your joy. I can only speak for myself here, but I think that a smartphone is one of the worst inventions. It’s useful and helpful at times, but it has ruined many happy lives and relationships. That’s because we allow our phones to control us.

5 The fear of being phoneless is a serious problem. It’s like drug or cigarette addiction. If you want to change your life, sell your expensive smartphone, buy an ordinary one, and become a sociable person. There are so many wonderful people that can bring joy into our life. Chatting online is great, but chatting in real life is best.

A. Free your mind.

B. Choose other electronic devices.

C. Keep your mind sharp and alert.

D.Beat your social butterfly wings.

E. Those who love their jobs never feel exhausted and bored.

F. Thus, you’ll spend less time with your phone and more time in real life.

G. I bet some of you remember times when few people had a phone at home.

【题目】To whom it may concern,

My husband Jim and I got married in 1965. For the first ten years of our marriage, I was very happy to stay home and raise our three children. Then about four years ago, our youngest child went to school, and I thought I might go back to work.

Jim was very supportive and helped me to make my decision. He started to do all the things I used to do around the house, and said he thought I could be a great success in business.

After several weeks of job hunting, I found my present job, which is working for a small public relation firm. At first, my husband was proud of me and would tell his friends, “My clever little wife can run that company she’s working for.”

But, as his joking words were becoming reality, Jim stopped talking to me about my job. I have received several promotions and pay increases, and I am now making more money than he is. I can buy my own clothes and a new car. Because of our combined incomes, Jim can do things that we had always dreamed of doing, but we don’t do these things because he is unhappy.

We fought about little things, and Jim is very critical of me in front of our friends. For the first time in our marriage, I think there is a possibility that our marriage may come to an end.

I love Jim very much, and I don’t want him to feel inferior(较差的), but I also love my job. I think I can be a good wife and a working woman, but I don’t know how. Can you give me some advice? Will I have to choose one or the other or can I keep both my husband and my new career?

Please help.



1When was the letter most probably written?

A. In 1975. B. Around 1980.

C. Four years ago. D. In 1965.

2What shows her husband was supportive?

A. He helped look after babies.

B. He told her his experience.

C. He worked much harder.

D. He encouraged her a lot.

3How did her husband feel when she first found her job?

A. Nervous. B. Disappointed.

C. Proud. D. Curious.

4Jim stopped talking about her job when ___________.

A. Jim failed to do what he liked

B. she made more money than he

C. she received her boss’ praise

D. Jim had to do housework

5What happened as her income increased?

A. She found a gap(分歧) between Jim and her.

B. She did what she had dreamed of.

C. She felt proud of herself.

D. She bought a house.


How to Be Happy in Your Life

Newborn babies are the happiest in the world. Unfortunately, as we grow up, worries start working up their way upon our minds. 【1】 However, we can achieve happiness again with just some small changes.

Make a choice. Happiness is a matter of choice. A person who knows how to be happy will always be happy, no matter what situation we put him into. On the other hand, a person who always finds faults with everyone and everything around him cannot be happy, no matter how hard he tries.

Laugh a lot. When we smile or laugh, the muscles in our face excite the brain to produce “happy chemicals”. These chemicals make us feel happy. 2 Laugh at ourselves, laugh at our problems, laugh at our little worries and then see what difference it makes to our life.

3 Being angry with others at their mistakes will earn us nothing. Instead it will make us even more unhappy. Just letting go of others’ mistakes every once in a while helps us to be happy.

Live out of the past. Often, the dark shadows from our past ruin every single second of our life and turn it into a bad memory. 4

Learn to give. Giving is a satisfying experience and the joy of giving cannot be expressed in words. One who gives all his life ends up leading a happier life than the one who concentrates only on receiving.

One must understand that happiness is a state ofmind. 5 Thus, the answer to the question “how to be happy in life” only lies within us.

A. Forget others’ mistakes.

B. Sounds silly, but it does work.

C. Finally, we forget what happiness is.

D. So, find humor in everything around us.

E. Start with little things and work up to bigger ones.

F. Nothing in the world can make us happy or unhappy, unless we allow it.

G. Let go of all bad memories preventing us from leading a happy life at present.

【题目】阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中 ,选出最佳选项。

What is time? Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control over, like the weather? Is time the same all over the world?

That's an easy question, you say. Wherever you go, a minute is 60 seconds, an hour is 60 minutes, a day is 24 hours, and so forth. But in America, time is more than that. Americans see time as a valuable resource. Maybe that's why they are fond of the expression, "Time is money."

Because Americans believe time is a limited resource, they try to conserve and manage it. People in the U.S. often attend seminars or read books on time management. It seems they all want to organize their time better. Professionals carry around pocket planners some in electronic form to keep track of appointments and deadlines. People do all they can to squeeze more time out of their time. The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed this view best: "Do you love life? Then do not waste time, for that is the stuff life is made of."

To Americans, punctuality is a way of showing respect for other people's time. Being more than 10 minutes late to an appointment usually calls for an apology and an explanation. People who are running late often call ahead to let others know of the delay. Of course, the less formal the situation is, the less important it is to be exactly on time. At informal get-togethers, for example, people often arrive as much as 30 minutes past the appointed time.

To outsiders, Americans seem tied to the clock. People in other cultures value relationships more than schedules. In these societies, people don't try to control time, but to experience it. Even Americans would admit that no one can master time. Time like money slips all too easily through our fingers. And time like the weather is very hard to predict. Nevertheless, time is one of life's most precious gifts. And unwrapping it is half the fun.

【1】What’s the main topic of this passage?

A. What is time? B. Time among Americans.

C. Make good use of time. D. How to control time?

2】What’s the meaning of the underlined word “conserve”?

A. protect B. develop

C. produce D. assist

3】The sentence "Americans seem tied to the clock" in paragraph 5 probably means ________.

A. Americans often carry a clock with them.

B. Americans can take control over time.

C. Americans often make full use of time.

D. Americans can not predict the time.

4】We can safely draw a conclusion from this passage that _________.

A. Americans have more time than others

B. by using pocket planners, people can have more time

C. for informal meeting, Americans often arrive 30 minutes earlier

D. Americans often attend seminars, because they want to use time better

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