
6.How to Relieve Exam Stress
Exam time is here and stress levels are up.You're stuck indoors hitting the books,writing papers,and preparing projects.With the importance of exams,it is understandable that you feel stressed.When faced with something stressful,your body reacts.(36)G.
Yes.You Can!
Believe in yourself that you can pass the exam.Don't focus on how bad it would be for you if you performed poorly.Instead,focus on how good it would be when you did well.
(37)E.Don't let it get into a panic,though.Just c1ose your eyes and take long slow breaths.Doing so will calm your nerves and help you get back your focus.
Don't Cram for Exams
Research has shown that cramming(临时突击)at the last minute for exerts is not efficient.It only adds more stress to your body and mind for lack of sleep and poor nutrition.
Instead of cramming,review your notes,read or do what you would normally do for a test.You have already mastered all the knowledge you need.(38)B.A rested body and a sharp mind will put you in a good state.
Keep a Normal Life
One of the best ways you can relieve the stress of exams is to keep a normal life.After studying you should reward yourself.(39)F.It will do wonders to relieve your stress,but be sure to get back in time and get a good night's sleep.
Eat Well and Exercise
Food is energy for the brain,so be sure to eat well.Energy drinks are NOT food.Try brain foods such as bananas,other fruits and foods high in carbon.
Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress.Shooting basketball with friends or working out at the gym will help raise your energy and reduce stress.(40)C

A.They will be over soon!
B.So try to get a good night's sleep.
C.Even a walk around campus will raise your energy level.
D.You can build your body in various ways.
E.It's normal to feel nervous before and during an exam.
F.Go out with friends to get a good meal.
G.You just need to understand this is a normal reaction and take steps to deal with it.

分析 本文主要讲述了如何缓解考试压力.当面对压力时,你的身体会做出反应,这是正常的现象.文章中作者主要提了四点建议:1、相信你可以;2、考前不要做临时突击;3、保持正常的生活;4、吃好并运动.

解答 36.G 细节理解题.前一句说When faced with something stressful,your body reacts.当面对压力时,你的身体会做出反应.可知选项G最符合语境,"你只需要知道这是一种正常的反应,采取措施应对就行".故选G.
37.E 细节推理题.后一句说Don't let it get into a panic,though.不要让它陷入恐慌之中.可知此处指的是面临某种情境时,选项E最符合语境,"在考前和考试中感到紧张是正常的".故选E.
38.B 细节理解题.前文讲到不要做考前临时突击,下文讲的是休息所带来的好处.可知选项B最符合语境,"尝试晚上睡一个好觉".故选B.
39.F 细节理解题.前一句说After studying you should reward yourself.在学习之后你应该犒赏自己一下.可知此处指的是进行某种身心愉悦的活动,选项F最符合语境,"和朋友一起出去好好吃一顿".故选F.
40.C 逻辑推理题.前文讲述了运动对于缓解压力的作用,选项C"甚至在校园散散步也能改善你的精神状态."进一步补充说明运动对于缓解压力的作用.故选C.

点评 七选五是一类完成性阅读.在题型上与完型填空很类似.解题时,要在理解文章整体的情况下,充分考虑语境和空格前后的句子,注意句子之间的逻辑关系,尤其要学会把握信息词(选项中出现的与文章中相同或相近的词),快速准确的选出最符合文章原意的答案.

1.Big cats have existed on the earth for millions of years,though scientists aren't sure exactly how long.But a new study indicates that a skull(颅骨) of a snow leopard(豹) relative that was recently unearthed is 4.4million years old.That makes it the oldest big cat fossil(化石) ever found.
A team of US and Chinese scientists unearthed the skull in Tibet.This creature is not a direct ancestor to big cats,but it is closely related to the snow leopard,study leader Jack Tseng told the Associated Press.The fossil lends evidence to the belief that big cats existed in Asia and spread out from there.
Big cats are at the top of the food chain and have few predators of their own.Big cats include snow leopards,clouded leopards,tigers and lions.Based on genetic judgements,most scientists believe they first existed in Central Asia.But previously,the oldest known big cat fossil was 3.6million years old and found in Africa.
The new fossil findings were published in the November 13 issue of the science journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B:Biological Sciences.Tseng and his team were fossil hunting in the Himalayas in 2010when they discovered some bones,including the buried cat skull.The researchers were able to determine its age by studying the surrounding rocks and soil.The skull indicates that the animal was about the size of a clouded leopard,which can grow up to 50pounds.In 2012,the team returned to unearth more cat bones.
David Polly from Indiana University told the Associated Press that the fossil is"convincingly older than the current record holder".He added that there could be even older big cat fossils in the Tibetan plateau to uncover.

24.What does the newly unearthed skull proveA?
A.Big cats might have their origins in Asia.
B.The oldest fossil is 4.4million years old.
C.The snow leopard is the oldest big cat.
D.The skull is of big cats'direct ancestor.
25.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 meanB?
26.How do the researchers know the skull's ageD?
A.By measuring its size and forehead.
B.By examining other bones around it.
C.By studying its chemical composition.
D.By exploring the rocks and soil around it.
27.Where was"the current record holder"in the last paragraph foundB?
11.A new study links heavy air pollution from coal burning to shorter lives in northern China.Researchers estimate that the half-billion people alive there in the 1990s will live an average of 5 years less than their southern counterparts because they breathed dirtier air.
China itself made the comparison possible:for decades,a now-discontinued government policy provided free coal for heating,but only in the colder north.Researchers found significant differences in both particulate pollution of the air and life expectancy in the two regions.
While previous studies have found that pollution affects human health,"the deeper and
ultimately more important question is the impact on life expectancy,"said one of the researchers,Michael Greenstone,a professor of environmental economics at Massachusetts Institute of一Technology.
"This study provides a unique setting to answer the life expectancy question because the
(heating) policy dramatically changes pollution concentrations(含量),Greenstone said in an email."Further,due to the low rates of migration in China in this period,we can know people's exposure over long time periods,"he said.
The policy gave free coal for fuel boilers to heat homes and offices to cities north of the Huai Riv饥which divides China into north and south.It was in effect for much of the 1950-198,0 period of central planning,and,though discontinued after 1980,it has left a legacy(遗留Pl in the north of heavy coal burning,which releases particulate pollutants into the air that can harm human health.Researchers found no other government policies that treated China's north differently from the south.
The researchers collected data for 90cities,from 1981to 2000,on the annual daily average
concentration of total suspended(悬浮的)particulates.In China,those are considered to be particulates that are 100micrometers or less in diameter,sent out from sources including power stations,construction sites and vehicles.Among them,PM2.5is of especially great health concern because it can go deep into the lungs.
The researchers estimated the impact on life expectancies using death data from 1991-2000.They found that in the north,the concentration of particulates was 184micrograms per cubic meter一or 55percent higher than in the south,and life expectancies were 5.5years lower on average across all age ranges.

62.The main idea of this passage is thatA.
A.research in China finds air pollution shortened life expectancy
B.the government provided free coal for heating in North China
C.coal burning causes bad air quality across China
D.a new study finds different particulates in South China
63.According to Greenstone,Cgreatly contributed to the high pollution concentrations in North China.
A.power stations 
B.construction sites
C.the free heating policy 
D.gases from vehicles
64.It is implied in the passage thatB•
A.coal is no longer used for heating in North China
B.air quality was comparatively better in South China
C.southerners burned coals for heating in the 1980s
D.people preferred to live in South China after 1980
65.The underlined word"particulates"most probably meansC.
A.dirty clouds
B.particular smoke
C.harmful dust 
D.dangerous bacteria.
18.Nowadays women appear to have a positive image of themselves as safer drivers than men.
In a survey done for insurer MetLife,51% of women said they drive more safely.The evidence is on their side:Men are 3.4 times more likely than women to get a ticket for careless driving and 3.1 times as likely to be punished for drunk driving."Women are on average less aggressive and more law abiding (守法的) drivers,which leads to fewer accidents,"the report says.However,not all male drivers share the same opinion.Of the men surveyed by MetLife,39% claimed male drivers were safer.The findings did back them up on one point:automotive knowledge.The report showed that more men are familiar with current safety equipment such as electronic stability control,which helps prevent rollover accidents.
Auto safety unavoidably matters to Money.Insurance companies focus on what classes of drivers have the lowest dollar amounts of claims,and for now,that mainly includes women.In general,women pay about 9% less for auto insurance than men.A study by the website Insweb also showed that auto insurance rates are lower for women in most states.Among individual states,women get the greatest advantage in Wyoming (where they pay 20% less),South Dakota and Washington,D.C.,where their insurance costs are 16% lower.
"More than 11,900 male drivers died in U.S.traffic accidents in 2009,compared with just under 4,900 women drivers,"according to the study."Based on miles traveled,men died at a rate of 2.5 deaths per 100 million miles traveled,vs.1.7 deaths for women."
64.According to the study,female driversC
A.are more aggressive while driving         
B.are more interested in auto knowledge
C.are more likely to stick to driving laws 
D.are more familiar with safety equipment
65.Insurance companies focus on female driver clients probably because theyDA.cause more accidents on the road
B.pay more money to the insurance companies
C.take the most part of the insurance clients
D.have the lowest amount of money on insurance claims
66.We can infer from the passage thatD
A.men are 3.1 times more likely to get tickets than women
B.all women in the USA pay the same for their auto insurance
C.more female drivers die every year than male drivers
D.women are generally safer drivers than the opposite gender
67.The writer mainly develops paragraphs byB.
A.giving examples                      
B.making comparisons
C.drawing a conclusion                  
D.presenting an argument.

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