
5.They do have  a different          to the  problem of overpopulation.(  )

分析 就人口过多的问题,他们的确有一个不同的解决方法.

解答 答案:A.
solution 解决方案,opinion 观点,decision决定,conclusion 结论,结合句意"他们的确有一个不同的针对人口过多的问题的解决方法."可知,此处应该用solution,构成短语a solution to′′′"′′′′′′的解决办法",所以选A.

点评 本题考查名词的词义辨析.词汇辨析题首先要掌握各个选项的词义、固定搭配、用法,然后再根据句意,结合语境,选出正确答案.

6.How to Relieve Exam Stress
Exam time is here and stress levels are up.You're stuck indoors hitting the books,writing papers,and preparing projects.With the importance of exams,it is understandable that you feel stressed.When faced with something stressful,your body reacts.(36)G.
Yes.You Can!
Believe in yourself that you can pass the exam.Don't focus on how bad it would be for you if you performed poorly.Instead,focus on how good it would be when you did well.
(37)E.Don't let it get into a panic,though.Just c1ose your eyes and take long slow breaths.Doing so will calm your nerves and help you get back your focus.
Don't Cram for Exams
Research has shown that cramming(临时突击)at the last minute for exerts is not efficient.It only adds more stress to your body and mind for lack of sleep and poor nutrition.
Instead of cramming,review your notes,read or do what you would normally do for a test.You have already mastered all the knowledge you need.(38)B.A rested body and a sharp mind will put you in a good state.
Keep a Normal Life
One of the best ways you can relieve the stress of exams is to keep a normal life.After studying you should reward yourself.(39)F.It will do wonders to relieve your stress,but be sure to get back in time and get a good night's sleep.
Eat Well and Exercise
Food is energy for the brain,so be sure to eat well.Energy drinks are NOT food.Try brain foods such as bananas,other fruits and foods high in carbon.
Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress.Shooting basketball with friends or working out at the gym will help raise your energy and reduce stress.(40)C

A.They will be over soon!
B.So try to get a good night's sleep.
C.Even a walk around campus will raise your energy level.
D.You can build your body in various ways.
E.It's normal to feel nervous before and during an exam.
F.Go out with friends to get a good meal.
G.You just need to understand this is a normal reaction and take steps to deal with it.
20.Trip 1 Black Bear Count
There have been several fires in this area in the last few years and the Office of Na-tional Parks is not sure how many black bears have survived.Some bears have been seen since the fires,and the Office has asked for volunteers to help count them.The entire trip will last three hours.Bookings essential.
Cost:free When:May 8
Trip 2  Garland Valley
Bring your binoculars(双筒望远镜)and lunch for this walk in a beautiful area of the Blue Mountains.Garland Valley is close to the town of Garland but is also part of the National Park.A lot of wild animals live in this area,including many rare birds.This is a great walk for bird-lovers.The trip lasts four hours.Bookings essential.
Cost:﹩15     When:May 8,May 15
Trip 3  Flashlight Adventure
Put on some warm clothes,bring a flashlight and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley.A guide will lead the tour.Many of the animals you see on this trip can only be seen at night.The guide will tell you about the habits of the animals you see.Numbers are strictly limited on night trips,so be sure to book early.This walk lasts two and a half hours.
Cost:﹩12   When:May 8,May 15,May 22
Essential Equipment:
●Please bring enough water and food for all walks.
●Wear good walking shoes-no high heels or sandals.
●Wear a hat for day walks.
●Dress warmly for night walks.
●Children must be accompanied by an adult.
●Make sure your flashlight works well and bring extra batteries for night walks.
●Follow all instructions from guides during the walks.The mountains can be danger-ous.
Bookings for the above trips can be made by telephone at 893-4847 or on the Inter-net www.bluemountaintour.com

66.Trip l is free most probably becauseC.
A.there have been several fires in the area
B.it lasts for a very short time
C.you must do some helping job on this trip
D.black bears are not rare animals
67.Trip 2 offers you a great opportunity toB.
A.have lunch in the valley
B.watch rare birds
C.count wild animals
D.work for the National Park
68.Which of the following is NOT necessary for Trip 3?D
A.Good walking shoes.    
B.Food and water.
C.A flashlight.    
D.A hat.
69.If you want to take all the trips but would not tire yourself out,you'd better takeAfirst.
A.Trip l    B.Trip 2    C Trip 3    D.another trip
70.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?D
A.Wild animals in the National Park  
B.Hunting in the Great Mountains
C.Great Tips for Great Trips    
D.Discovery Trips in the Blue Mountains.
10.When a first-time father saw his newborn son,he immediately noticed the baby's ears obviously standing out from his head.He expressed his concern to the nurse that some children might tease his child.A doctor examined the baby and reassured the new dad that his son was healthy-the ears presented only a minor problem with its appearance.
But the nervous father persisted.He wondered if the child might suffer psychological effects of ridicule,or if they should consider plastic surgery(整形手术).The nurse assured him that it was really no problem,and he should just wait to see if the boy grows into his ears.
The father finally felt more optimistic about his child,but now he worried about his wife's reaction to those large ears.She had been delivered by operation,and had not yet seen the child.
"She doesn't take things as easily as I do,"he said to the nurse.
By this time,the new mother was settled in the recovery room and ready to meet her new baby.The nurse went along with the dad to lend some support in case this inexperienced mother became upset about her baby's large ears.
The baby was in a receiving blanket with his head covered for the short trip through the cold air-conditioned corridor.The baby was placed in his mother's arms,who eased the blanket back so that she could look at her child for the first time.
She took one look at her baby's face and looked to her husband and gasped,"Oh,Honey!Look!He has your ears!"
No problem with Mom.She married those ears…and she loves the man to whom they are attached.
The poet Kahlil Gibran said,"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart."It's hard to see the ears when you're looking into the light.

36.When the father first saw his baby,he was worried thatB.
A.The baby might not grow up healthily.
B.The baby might be laughed at by others.
C.The baby might disappoint its mother.
D.the baby might have mental problems.
37.According to the doctor and nurse,the baby's earsC.
A.could not function well.
B.looked the same as others.
C.only caused a small problem.
D.needed to have plastic surgery.
38.What is true about the baby's mother?D
A.She blamed her husband for the baby's big ears.
B.She was the first to discover the baby's large ears.
C.She suggested having an operation on the baby immediately.
D.She found something similar between the baby and its father.
39.What does the underlined word They refer to?A
A.The ears.  B The parents.  C.The doctor and nurse.  D.The problems
40.What's the function of the last paragraph?B
A.To advise readers to listen carefully.
B.To draw a conclusion from the story.
C.To criticize the wrong attitude to physical beauty.
D.To stress the importance of doctor-patient relationship.
14.Are you guilty of throwing away food?Many of us end up binning unwanted,uneaten or out-of-date food while millions of people in the world (51)B.The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization estimates that 33percent of food produced is thrown away.This fills up landfill sites and (52)D greenhouse gases.
Part of the problem seems to lie with the supermarkets that (53)B us to buy more.They offer (54)A such as buy-one-get-one-free (BOGOF) that(55)D us to stock up on food that we'll never be able to consume.In Europe alone,people throw away 100million tons of food every year.
But the problem isn't just us throwing away leftovers in the fridge or cupboard.Although we all love the convenience,price and choice of food that supermarkets offer,a lot of food is discarded(丢弃)before we even see it.Some stores(56)A fruit and vegetables because they're the wrong size or shape.And shoppers are equally to blame because they demand that items like these look(57)C.
BBC reporter,Caroline Hepker,(58)Athe problem in the USA and said"Food waste is a huge issue in America.Forty percent of all food goes uneaten and it's a problem that starts long before you get to the dining room table."
Another issue is the'sell-by'and'use-by'dates printed on food packaging,which(59)B shoppers.Anything older than a'sell-by'date makes us think it is old and the food has gone off.But,in fact,this is just the date until which supermarkets can (60)Aits freshness.
(61)C,in some parts of the world,people are struggling to buy even the most basic food.A report by the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization found that there is enough food for everyone-just a lot of(62)B.So what can be done?
Apps and websites that (63)A excess(多余的) food are becoming more popular.And food banks are being set up too.These are charitable organizations people(64)D food to.It's then distributed to those who have difficulty buying their own food.
Perhaps the best idea is that we all think twice before we fill our baskets up with too many groceries and we put pressure on supermarkets to change some of their wasteful(65)C.How much food do you waste?

56.A.rejectB concealC.crashD.introduce
58.A.looked intoB.coped withC.inquired aboutD.figured out

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