
18.Nowadays women appear to have a positive image of themselves as safer drivers than men.
In a survey done for insurer MetLife,51% of women said they drive more safely.The evidence is on their side:Men are 3.4 times more likely than women to get a ticket for careless driving and 3.1 times as likely to be punished for drunk driving."Women are on average less aggressive and more law abiding (守法的) drivers,which leads to fewer accidents,"the report says.However,not all male drivers share the same opinion.Of the men surveyed by MetLife,39% claimed male drivers were safer.The findings did back them up on one point:automotive knowledge.The report showed that more men are familiar with current safety equipment such as electronic stability control,which helps prevent rollover accidents.
Auto safety unavoidably matters to Money.Insurance companies focus on what classes of drivers have the lowest dollar amounts of claims,and for now,that mainly includes women.In general,women pay about 9% less for auto insurance than men.A study by the website Insweb also showed that auto insurance rates are lower for women in most states.Among individual states,women get the greatest advantage in Wyoming (where they pay 20% less),South Dakota and Washington,D.C.,where their insurance costs are 16% lower.
"More than 11,900 male drivers died in U.S.traffic accidents in 2009,compared with just under 4,900 women drivers,"according to the study."Based on miles traveled,men died at a rate of 2.5 deaths per 100 million miles traveled,vs.1.7 deaths for women."
64.According to the study,female driversC
A.are more aggressive while driving         
B.are more interested in auto knowledge
C.are more likely to stick to driving laws 
D.are more familiar with safety equipment
65.Insurance companies focus on female driver clients probably because theyDA.cause more accidents on the road
B.pay more money to the insurance companies
C.take the most part of the insurance clients
D.have the lowest amount of money on insurance claims
66.We can infer from the passage thatD
A.men are 3.1 times more likely to get tickets than women
B.all women in the USA pay the same for their auto insurance
C.more female drivers die every year than male drivers
D.women are generally safer drivers than the opposite gender
67.The writer mainly develops paragraphs byB.
A.giving examples                      
B.making comparisons
C.drawing a conclusion                  
D.presenting an argument.

分析 本文是一则报道,文章运用对比的手法,用大量数据写出了男女司机在驾驶安全性上的不同之处.报道也解释了女士做司机比男士更安全的一些原因.

解答 64.C.细节理解题.根据文章第二段的"Women are on average less aggressive and more law abiding  drivers,which leads to fewer accidents"可知,报告研究表明,女性一般是不太积极但却更加守法的司机,女性司机的这种行为使事故更少的发生.因此可推测,女士驾车时更可能的去坚持和遵守驾车法律.故选C.
65.D.细节理解题.根据文章第三段的第二句"Insurance companies focus on what classes of drivers have the lowest dollar amounts of claims,and for now,that mainly includes women"可知,保险公司目前注重的是能以最低美金索赔的客户,而今这样的客服女士居多.因此保险公司更加注重女客户.故选D.
66.D.推理判断题.根据文章第一段"Nowadays women appear to have a positive image of themselves as safer drivers than men"可知,目前,女士开车做司机似乎比男士更加安全,而下文是对此句的更近一步的解释.可推测,女士开车更安全.故选D.

点评 本文为新闻报道类阅读.新闻报道类在英语阅读理解中是一种特点十分鲜明的题材.因为文章往往呈现出"倒金字塔"的特征,此类题的英语阅读理解技巧是重点看导语.导语位于新闻报道的首段,高度概括新闻事实,通过它点出新闻的主题,其次寻找关键词,理解题意,做出解答.

7.Whether we should allow marine (海洋的) parks to stay open has been widely debated in our community recently.A variety of different arguments have been put forward about it.
Smith,a sociologist,argued that dolphin parks provide the only opportunity for much of the public to see marine mammals.As this argument goes,most Australians live in cities and never get to see these animals.Marine parks allow the average Australian to appreciate our marine wildlife.However,in fact,there are many places where they can be seen in the wild.Moreover,these places do not charge an overpriced entry fee-they are free.
Dr.Alison Lane,the director of the Cairns Marine Science Institute,insists that we need marine parks for scientific research.She argues that much of our knowledge of marine mammals comes from studies which were undertaken at marine parks.The knowledge which is obtained at marine parks can be useful for planning for the preservation of marine mammal species.However,Jones,a zoologist,explains that park research is only useful for understanding captive animals and is not useful for learning about animals in the wild.Their diets are different,they have significantly lower life lengths and they are more likely to have a disease.In addition,marine mammals in dolphin parks are trained and this means that their patterns of social behaviour are changed.
The Marine Park Owners Association holds that marine parks attract a lot of foreign tourists.This position goes on to state that these tourists spend a lot of money,increasing our foreign exchange earnings and assisting our national balance of payments.However,foreign tourists would still come to Australia if the parks were closed down.Indeed,surveys of overseas tourists show that they come here for a variety of other reasons and not to visit places like Seaworld.Tourists come here to see our native wildlife in its natural environment and not to see it in cages and concrete pools.They can see animals in those conditions in their own countries.
In a word,perhaps an agreement cannot be reached now.However,a question does deserve our consideration:If we continue with our past crimes against these creatures,how will our future generations view us?

67.Who support(s) the idea of closing marine parks?D
A.Most Australians.       B.Alison Lane.
C.Smith.                  D.Jones.
68.What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 3?B
A.The results from studies are valuable in animal preservation.
B.Scientific research at the marine parks has its limitations.
C.Captive animals have biology changes in marine parks.
D.Human behavior causes harmful effects on the animals.
69.Which is NOT the reason to keep marine parks?D
A.For entertainment purpose.
B.For scientific research purpose.
C.For economic purpose.
D.For political purpose.
70.The author tries to persuade readers to accept his argument mainly byA.
A.pointing out the problems with keeping the marine parks
B.using evidence he has collected at the marine parks
C.discussing the advantages of animals'natural homes
D.questioning the way the animals are studied.
6.How to Relieve Exam Stress
Exam time is here and stress levels are up.You're stuck indoors hitting the books,writing papers,and preparing projects.With the importance of exams,it is understandable that you feel stressed.When faced with something stressful,your body reacts.(36)G.
Yes.You Can!
Believe in yourself that you can pass the exam.Don't focus on how bad it would be for you if you performed poorly.Instead,focus on how good it would be when you did well.
(37)E.Don't let it get into a panic,though.Just c1ose your eyes and take long slow breaths.Doing so will calm your nerves and help you get back your focus.
Don't Cram for Exams
Research has shown that cramming(临时突击)at the last minute for exerts is not efficient.It only adds more stress to your body and mind for lack of sleep and poor nutrition.
Instead of cramming,review your notes,read or do what you would normally do for a test.You have already mastered all the knowledge you need.(38)B.A rested body and a sharp mind will put you in a good state.
Keep a Normal Life
One of the best ways you can relieve the stress of exams is to keep a normal life.After studying you should reward yourself.(39)F.It will do wonders to relieve your stress,but be sure to get back in time and get a good night's sleep.
Eat Well and Exercise
Food is energy for the brain,so be sure to eat well.Energy drinks are NOT food.Try brain foods such as bananas,other fruits and foods high in carbon.
Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress.Shooting basketball with friends or working out at the gym will help raise your energy and reduce stress.(40)C

A.They will be over soon!
B.So try to get a good night's sleep.
C.Even a walk around campus will raise your energy level.
D.You can build your body in various ways.
E.It's normal to feel nervous before and during an exam.
F.Go out with friends to get a good meal.
G.You just need to understand this is a normal reaction and take steps to deal with it.
13.To get a chocolate out of a box requires a lot of unpacking:the box has to be taken out of the paper bag in which it arrived,the cellophane (玻璃纸) wrapper has to be torn off,the lid opened and the paper removed,the chocolate itself then has to be unwrapped from its own piece of paper:But this overuse of wrapping is not limited to luxuries.  It is now becoming increasingly difficult to buy anything that is not done up in beautiful wrapping.
The package itself is of no interest to the shopper,who usually throws it away immediately. Useless wrapping accounts for much of the refuse put out by the average London house-hold each week  So why is it done?Some of it,like the cellophane on meat,is necessary,but most of the rest is simply competitive selling.  This is absurd.Packaging is using up valuable energy and resources and polluting the environment.
Recycling is already happening with milk bottles which are returned to the dairies(牛奶场),washed out,and refilled. But both glass and paper are being threatened by the growing use of plastic. More dairies are experimenting with plastic bottles.
The trouble with plastic is that it does not rot.Some environmentalists argue that the only solution to the problem of ever increasing plastic containers is to throw away plastic altogether in the shops,a suggestion unacceptable to many producers who say there is no alternative (替代品) to their handy plastic packs.
It is evident that more research is needed into the recovery and reuse of various materials  and into the cost of collecting and recycling containers rather than producing new ones.  Unnecessary packaging,intended to be used just once,and make things look better so more people will buy them,is clearly becoming increasingly absurd.But it is.not so much a question of throwing away packaging as using it wisely.What is needed now is a more advanced approach to using scarce resources for what is,after all,a relatively unimportant function.
72. The underlined part"this overuse of wrapping is not limited to luxuries"(in Paragraph l)means.C
    A. more wrapping is needed for ordinary products
    B. more wrapping is used for luxuries than for ordinary products
    C. too much wrapping is used for both luxury and ordinary products
    D. the wrapping used for luxury products is unnecessary
73. Packaging is important to producers becauseB.
    A. it is easy to use it again
    B.they want to attract more shoppers
    C. shoppers are all interested in beautiful packaging
    D. packaged things will not go rotten
74. According to the passage,dairies areC.
    A. experimenting with the use of paper bottles 
    B.giving up the use of glass bottles
    C. increasing the use of plastic bottles        
    D.reusing their paper containers
75. Some environmentalists think thatD.
    A. plastic packaging should be made more convenient
    B. no alternative can be found to plastic packaging
    C. too much plastic is wasted
    D. shops should stop using plastic containers.
1.Children love to play and laugh throughout their days at school or at home.Finding the time to laugh with your children may be the best thing you can do for the relationship.Encourage your children to develop a good humor by laughing at the jokes they make up on the spot.This will help them grow confident and build their self-esteem.If you do not get the joke,you can ask why they think the joke is funny.
Honest feedback will help your children develop funnier jokes.You can take them to your local library and have them pick up a few joke books.Then you can head back home or out to the park and read it together for a good laugh.You can take turns reading jokes to each other from the book or make up a few yourselves.But if they make a joke at the expense of another person,you may want to discuss the difference between making fun of yourself and making fun of others.In turn try not to make jokes at your children's expense,you need to set an example that they can follow.
Learning to laugh at oneself is a great quality to attain.You can set an example by laughing at your own mistakes.This is a great way to help reduce your own stress as well as your children's.Laughing may make the situation seem lighter and easier to work through.By doing this your children will be better prepared to handle any difficulties.
Most importantly laughing will bring you closer together as a family.You can have your family find different ways to laugh.You can play games.You can start a staring contest,arm wrestling contest,thumb wars contest and have a prize for the winners.You can all watch your best funny movies and act out the best parts together after the movies done.You could hold a contest to see who can make the other members of the family laugh more by doing something funny.Kids will be able to enjoy the good time they had with their parents.The family that laughs together stays together!

56.If you often play and laugh with your children,you canD
A.develop a good humor            
B.become proud and confident
C.make up some funny jokes            
D.get along well with each other
57.The underlined word"them"refers toC
A.funny jokes    
B.interesting books      
C.your children       
D.the family
58.We can infer that when your children make mistakes you shouldA.
A.teach them to laugh at the mistakes       
B.blame them seriously
C.punish them at once                   
D.tell them to do better in future
59.The author advises in Para.4that people make their family members laugh byB
A.having a party                         
B.having some kinds of contests
C.doing some housework                  
D.reading joke books
60.What can be the best title for the text?D
A.The More You laugh,the Better You'll Be   
B.Laughing Every Day Is Simple
C.How to Laugh in Everyday Life           
D.Laughter Is Good for Your Family.
8.I have always enjoyed reading.Since I was a child I have wanted to be an author.That is (61)whyI studied Online-Journalism with focus on Online-Public Relations for the last three years.Therefore I had to read a(62)lot.My university had a well-kept digital library.At home I could check if the books I need for class were available on line.Nevertheless actually going to the library and(63)searching(search) in the Media section was more (64)effective(effect).I spent quite a few study hours in the library looking for interesting books for my studies.Additionally,I with my fellow students,(65)spent(spend) a lot of time there sitting on the couch and chatting.
For my studies I had to read books about (66)entertainment(entertain),public relations,journalism,ethics in media and countless (67)othertopics.Sometimes the educational reading could get very exhausting.I remember the(68)classes(class) of Prof.Peter Seeger,which inspired me so much.We discussed the news and topics (69)covered(cover) by the media.I could easily join every conversation and talk with (70)highly(high) educated people about international and regional politics,and social injustices,just because of reading.Until today I have kept reading routine I started at that time.

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