
11."Reduce,reuse,and recycle",this familiar environmentalist slogan tells us how to reduce the amount of rubbish that ends up in landfills and waterways.The concept is being used to deal with one possibly dangerous form of waste-electronic junk (电子垃圾),such as old computers,cell phones,and televisions.But this process for managing e-waste may be used in an unscrupulous(肆无忌惮的) way more often than not used,a recent report suggests.
"A lot of these materials are being sent to developing nations under the excuse of reuse-to bridge the digital divide,"said Richard Gutierrez,a policy researcher.
One of the problems is that no one proves whether these old machines work before they hit the seaways.Because of this,the report says,e-waste is a growing problem in Lagos,Nigeria,and elsewhere in the developing world.Much of the waste ends up being thrown away along rivers and roads.Often it's picked apart by poor people,who may face dangerous exposure to poisonous chemicals in the equipment.
Businessmen also pay workers a little money to get back materials such as gold and copper.This low-tech recovery process could expose workers and the local environment to many dangerous materials used to build electronics.According to Gutierrez,this shadow economy exists because the excuse of recycling and reusing electronics gives businessmen"a green passport"to ship waste around the globe."Developing nations must take upon some of the responsibility themselves,"Gutierrez said.But,he added,"A greater portion of this responsibility should fall on the exporting state."
China,for example,has become a dumping place for large amounts of e-waste.The nation is beginning to take action to stop the flow of dangerous materials across its borders.The Chinese government,after many years of denial is finally beginning to take the lead.

67.The passage mainly tells us thatD.
A.developing countries are making full use of e-waste
B.e-waste is a growing problem in developed countries
C.developing countries are facing serious environmental problems
D.e-waste is sent to developing countries under the excuse of reuse
68.What does the third paragraph mainly discuss?C
A.A lot of e-waste is dumped in developing countries.
B.Old computers and TVs still work before sent abroad.
C.The problem of e-waste is growing in developing countries.
D.Poor people break up e-waste to collect some valuable materials
69.From what Gutierrez said we can learn thatD.
A.poor countries should be blamed for this problem
B.developing countries should be responsible for this problem
C.neither rich nor poor countries should be blamed for this problem
D.exporting countries should be mainly responsible for this problem
70.It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatB.
A.China has hidden a large amount of e-waste in many secret places
B.China has greatly changed her idea about the problem of e-waste
C.China is falling behind other countries in dealing with e-waste
D.China has prevented poisonous materials entering China for a long time.

分析 本文主要是围绕"分解,再利用与再循环"这个中心来说明.环保人士的口号告诉我们怎样以垃圾淹埋法和水处理法来减少垃圾的数量.这种概念同时也被用来处理一种潜在危险性的电子垃圾,例如旧的电脑,电话和电视.但是,一份最近的报道指出,这种处理电子垃圾的程序可能经常以不道德的方式进行.

67  D  主旨大意题. 根据第三段内容可判断答案为D.这些电子垃圾很多都以重新利用的名义运往发展中国家.所以选D项正确.
68   C   主旨大意题.第四段主要是说:在发展中国家许多进口来的电子垃圾被人们沿着河边与公路扔掉,成了越来越棘手的问题了.通常又被穷人捡回,这些穷人可能面临着那些设备发出的有毒化学物质的危险.所以选C项正确.
69   D   判断理解题.根据第五段最后一句But,he added,"A greater portion of this responsibility should fall on the exporting state."译为(但他又补充道"大部分责任应该由出口国担当.")所以选D项正确.
70   B   推理判断题.最后一段的意思是:中国已经成为大量电子垃圾的排放地.这个国家已经开始采取行动来阻止危险物质进入边境.中国政府在否认了很多年后,终于带头开始行动了.所以选B项正确.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

1.Everybody knows how to learn.Learning is  a natural thing.It begins the(41)Bwe are  born.Our first  teachers are our f amilies.At  home  we  learn  to talk and to(42)Dand feed ourselves.We learn these and other skills by (43)C
      Then we go to school.A teacher tells us (44)Ato learn and how to learn.Many teachers teach us, and we pass many tests and exams.Then people say we are 45)B.
Are we really educated?Let's(46)Dthe real meaning of learning.Knowing facts doesn't (47)Abeing  able to solve problems.Solving  problems requires creativity,not just a good(48)C.Some people who don't know many(49)B can also be good at solving problems.
    Henr Ford is a good (50)C.He left school at the age of 15.Later,when his company culd ot build cars(51)Benough,he solved the problem.He (52)Dof the assembly line.Today the answer seems (53)C.Yet,just think of the many university  graduates who (54)Asolve any problems.
    What does a good teacher do?Does he (55)Dstudents factct remember?Well,yes,we must sometimes remember facts.But a good teacher (56)Bhow to find answers.He brings us to the stream of knowledge so we can think for ourselves.When we are (57)A,we know where to go.
  True learning combines intake with output.We take information (58)Dour brains.Then we use it.Think of a (59)B; it stores a lot of information,but it can't think.It only obeys commands.A person who only remembers facts hasn't really learned.Learning takes (60)Conly when a person can use what he knows.

42. A.wearB.put onC.have onD.dress
43. A.askingB.listeningC.followingD.drilling
46.A.pick upB.turn awayC.set outD.think about
2.People in the United States honor their parents with two special days:Mother's Day,on the second Sunday in May,and Father's Day,on the third Sunday in June.
Mother's Day was proclaimed a day for national observance by President Woodrow Wilson in 1915.Ann Jarvis from Grafton,West Virginia,had started the idea to have a day to honor mothers.She was the one who chose the second Sunday in May and also began the custom of wearing a carnation.
In 1909,Mrs.Dodd from Spokane,Washington,thought of the idea of a day to honor fathers.She wanted to honor her own father,William Smart.After her mother died,he had the responsibility of raising a family of five sons and a daughter.In 1910,the first Father's Day was observed in Spokane.Senator Margaret Chase Smith helped to established Father's Day as a national commemorative day,in 1972.
These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents.They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens.They give love and care.
These two special days are celebrated in many different ways.On Mother's Day people wear carnations.A red one symbolizes a living mother.A white one shows that the mother is dead.Many people attend religious services to honor parents.It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery.On these days families get together at home,as well as in restaurants.They often have outdoor barbecues for Father's Day.These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.
59.What's the right time order of the following events?B
a.The first Father's Day was observed.
b.Mother's Day was proclaimed a day for national observance.
c.Father's Day became a day for national observance.
d.The idea of honoring fathers was bought up.
A.a b c d
B.d a b c
C.b a c d
D.d a c b
60.Who plays the most important role in Father's Day becoming a national commemorative day?B
B.Margaret Chase Smith.
C.Ann Jarvis
D.Woodrow Wilson.
61.From the passage,we know in the U.SD.
A.on Mother's Day,families often go out to have barbecues
B.people should wear a red carnation if their mothers pass away
C.on Father's Day,people stay at home to celebrate the special day
D.the purpose to have these two special days is to show love to parents
62.The author's purpose of writing this passage is toA.
A.introduce Mother's Day and Father's Day
B.show how important fathers and mothers are
C.call on people to love and respect their parents
D.tell the difference between Mother's Day and Father's Day.
19.Tanzania Tarangire is a national Park which lies in Tanzania.The park itself covers an area of around 2,850square kilometers,making it the sixth largest park of its kind in the country.I recently visited Tarangire to see what it was like….
One of the first sightings upon entering the park which I found was a huge herd(群)of elephants.Our guide told us that Tagrangire was probably the best place in Tanzania to find large herds of elephants,and that their population in the park was around 2,500.We continued to watch the elephants as they stood under trees and scratched themselves against the trees to hit the spot of an itch(痒处).
To the right of the elephant herd,we noticed a big tree!Our guide informed us that this was a Baobab tree and that they could live for hundreds of years.Compared with this tree,the elephant just looked like dwarfs(侏儒)!We were informed that Tarangire was one of the best National Parks in Africa to see so many Baobab trees.
As we continued our drive through the park,we finally reached a watering hole.Our guide warned us that there were lions all around us.It took us all a while to find them,but there they were!Most of them are resting in the shade under brushes,but there was one that was drinking from the watering hole directly in front of us.We then noticed just to our right,there were a couple of fresh zebra corpses(尸体)-it seemed as if the lions which were resting had killed them!We were unlucky not to have seen the actual kill,as our guide had mentioned that the zebra corpses were fresh and the kill had occurred within the last hour.
Our final big sighting was one that none of us were expecting to see,even our guide!We pulled over to where there was a large gathering of cars,with a sleeping leopard(美洲豹)there!We took photos happily and excitedly and observed its surprising body before returning to our hotel as it was getting late.
So,I hope you enjoyed my description of Tarangire,and that I have inspired you to add this amazing park to your very own Tanzania travel route.

56.How did the writer travel in Tanzania Tarangire?D
A.By car          B.On horseback       C.On foot        D.By bicycle
57.Which statement is correct about the park?B
A.It covers an area of about 2,580square kilometers
B.There are a lot of Baobab trees in it.
C.It is the largest park of its kind in the country
D.Their population in the park was around 2,000
58.What does the writer think of his trip in Tanzania Tarangire?D
A.Boring         B.Challenging         C.Dangerous      D.Enjoyable
59.What did they see when they stopped with some other cars?D
A.A large herd of elephants   B.Some lions      C.Some zebras    D.A leopard
60.What may this passage be probably taken from?A
A.A dairy entry                  B.A travel guide
C.An advertisement               D.A travel agency.
6.English is an important global language,but that doesn't mean it's easy to learn.Many experts have tried to make English easier for students to learn-but they weren't always successful.
In 1930,Professor CK Ogden of Cambridge University invented Basic English.It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours.The problem was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages,but they couldn't understand the answers in"real"English!It was also impossible to explain a word if it wasn't in the Basic English word list.For example,if you wanted a watermelon,you asked for"a large green fruit with the form of an egg,which has a sweet red inside and a good taste"!
RE Zachrisson,a university professor in Sweden,decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling,so he invented a language called Anglic.Anglic was similar to English,but with much simpler spelling."Father"became"faadher","new"became"nue'and"years"became"yeerz".Unfortunately for some students of English,Anglic never became popular.
Even easier is the language which ships'captains use:it's called"Seaspeak".Seaspeak uses a few simple phrases for every possible situation.In Seaspeak,for example,you don't say,"I'm sorry what did you say?"or"I didn't understand,can you repeat that?"It's just"Say again."No more grammar!
In the age of international communication through the Internet who knows?…a new form of English might appear.A large number of the world's e-mails are in English and include examples of"NetLingo"like OIC (Oh,I see) and TTYL (Talk to you later).In another fifty years,English might not exist…we will probably all speak fluent Internetish!
36.The best title for the passage would beD.
A.Seaspeak      B.Basic English       C.Internetish       D.Easy English    
37.It will take a person aboutCweeks to learn Basic English if he spends two hours learning it every day.
A.six           B.four               C.two             D.three
38.According to Professor Zachrisson,what was the biggest problem for learners of English?D
39.Which of the following is likely to be Anglic?B
A.IOU  B.A graet batl.C.Long time no see.D.Two five,no lights.
40.What might happen to English in another fifty years?A
A.It might be replaced by Internetish.
B.It might become a global language.
C.It might take the place of all other languages.
D.It might become more and more difficult.
16.On Saturday,millions of people around the world will celebrate(庆祝) Saint Patrick's Day,which honors Patron Saint(a main religious figure)of Ireland.Communities across the United States will host parades(游行),parties,and other festivities to mark the occasion.
    This year,cities like Boston,New York,and Chicago have organized big events celebrating Saint Patrick's Day.In New York City,hundreds of thousands of people will gather to watch the Saint Patrick's Day parade-the nation's largest.It is one of the most watched parades in the world.Last year,almost 2 million watched it,more than 150,000 took part in it and they filled the streets.The parade,first held in 1776,is also one of the oldest.
    Chicago also throws a big celebration.Every year,the Chicago River,which crosses the city,shines green as event organizers pour about 40 pounds of fluorescence,a powerful dye(染料),into the water.
    Boston keeps its parade rolling for three hours or more.It is the nation's second-largest parade.The city will also show respect to one of its most famous former residents,President John F.Kennedy,by opening the exhibit"A Journey Home:John F.Kennedy and Ireland",at his official library.
    Patron Saint lived in Britain in the early fifth century,when it was still part of the Roman Empire.He was caught and sold into slavery in Ireland when he was only 16.He finally escaped slavery and turned to a life of religious devotion.He trained to become a minister and set out to spread Christianity throughout Ireland.After 30 years as a religious leader,Patrick died on March 17,1461.Saint Patrick's Day is always celebrated on March 17.In Ireland,it is an official holiday.
63.What's the best title of the passage?D
A.Celebrations across the Country       B.An Official Holiday in US
C.The Largest Parade in the World       D.Saint Patrick's Day
64.What do you think is the official color of St.Patrick's Day?A
65.The last paragraph is mainly aboutD.
A.the cruel slave trade                
B.Saint Patrick's childhood
C.activities during Saint Patrick's Day  
D.Patron Saint's life in Ireland
66.Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage?C
A.Parade is a most important event to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.
B.Millions of Americans celebrate Saint Patrick's Day every year.
C.Chicago paints a bridge green for Saint Patrick's Day.
D.The Saint Patrick's Day parade has a history of over two centuries.
3.As the summer time approaches,more and more commercials and advertisements can be seen on the mass media encouraging students to join English study tours abroad.The purpose of these tours is to provide students with an opportunity to learn English in a native speaking environment and use English in real situations.Parents always believe that their children will automatically speak good English after attending these study tours.However,for me,as an English major and former participant of many English study tours,I find these summer tours ineffective.
Parents who send their children abroad for a summer to study English usually believe that the native speaking environment,including the courses,teachers,and host families,can help their children to learn English better.This might be true if the students really study hard and they really get an all-English environment.But the fact is that,most of the time,the tour part is more important than the study part.Although these tours take place in foreign countries,students are rarely exposed in an all-English environment.You will find that,in the morning classes,Taiwanese students would like to stick together and speak Chinese with each other,even though there are some students from other countries.In the afternoon,the students go on a sightseeing excursion with their companions from Taiwan; they speak Chinese of course.In the evening,when students return to the host families,they would stay in their room and share the day with their roommate,another Taiwanese student.People who speak the same language with you is like a log(原木)in the ocean when living in a foreign country where you can not express yourself well,so that you would naturally stick with them.This is especially true with children.
Another unrealistic expectation parents have for these tours is that the experience of living abroad can make their children more independent and mature.However,maturity does not come overnight.It takes time and practice.The most important of all is that they need a good mentor(顾问).None of these exist in the study tours.

30.Which of the following is the most important thing for children who study in an English environment according to the writer?B
A.Host families.    B.Hard work.    
C.Courses.          D.Teachers.
31.The underlined word"mature"in the last paragraph probably meansD.
A.active         B.free        
C.outgoing       D.grown-up
32.What's the author's attitude towards the English study tours abroad?B
A.Doubtful.     B.Negative.   
C.Positive.     D.Neutral.
20."ONE in every 50 Shanghai women has cancer,a total of more than 140,000 women currently living in the city,and cancer statistics are based on citizens with permanent residency(永久居住),"officials from the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention said ahead of International Women's Day on Friday.
   However,they said the city's rate of cancer in women was rising slowly along with its rising number of elderly people.Early screening for breast,colorectal and cervical cancers can help prevent 30 percent of cancer cases.
   Breast,colorectal,lung,gastric and thyroid cancers are the five most common cancer forms among women,with breast cancer accounting for 16 percent of Shanghai's new cases each year and colorectal cancer 13 percent.Cervical cancer,although only the 12th leading cancer in women in Shanghai,is particularly common among women between 25 and 54 years old.Dr Zheng Ying,director of the center's tumor prevention and control department,said,"breast,colorectal and cervical cancers accounted for 32 percent of female cancers".He added,"However,the three types of cancer can be detected and treated properly through early and regular screening.Our main target of women's cancer prevention education this year is breast cancer,cervical cancer and colorectal cancer."The prevention and control of colorectal cancer will be a new public health project this year with the city government promoting a community-based screening program.
   Experts say women over 20 should examine their breasts every month and have annual clinical checks after the age of 35.Women over 50 should have mammograms(乳房X线照片) every two years.For cervical cancer,women over 20 should be checked every three years.Women over 50 years old should have annual medical checks.Zheng said anyone with a family history of the three types of cancer should be aware of the need for more frequent examinations and early screening.
66.What is the best title of the passage?B
A.the women with cancer in Shanghai
B.lots of women in Shanghai have cancer
C.the five most common cancer forms among women in Shanghai
D.The prevention and control of cancer
67.According to the passage,how many Shanghai women have cancer now?A
A.about 2800       B.about 2600       C.about3000        D.about2700
68.The five most common cancer forms among women in Shanghai areC.
A.Breast,colorectal,cervical,gastric and thyroid cancers
B.Breast,cervical,lung,gastric and thyroid cancers
C.Breast,colorectal,lung,gastric and thyroid cancers
D.Breast,colorectal,lung,cervical and thyroid cancers
69.The center's main target of women's cancer prevention education this year isD   
A.breast cancer,lung cancer and colorectal cancer
B.breast cancer,cervical cancer and thyroid cancer
C.breast cancer,cervical cancer and lung cancer
D.breast cancer,cervical cancer and colorectal cancer
70.What is the last paragraph about?A
A.Advice on the frequency of the different physical examinations for women.
B.Anyone should accept more frequent examinations.
C.Women over 20 should examine their breasts every month.
D.Women over 20 should be checked every three years.
1.If you,a man,are looking through this,congratulations:you are a survivor (幸存者).According to a survey,you are more than twice likely to die of skin cancer than a woman,and nine times more likely to die of AIDS.If you make it to the end of your natural term,about 78 years for men in Australia,you will die on average five years before a woman.
   There are many reasons for this.Men take more risks than woman and are more likely to drink and smoke-but perhaps more importantly,men don't go to the doctor.
"Men aren't seeing doctors as often as they should."says Dr.Gullotta,"This is particularly so for the over 40s,when diseases tend to strike."Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two.For those over 45,it should be at least once a year.Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed(延迟) doing anything about his smoker's cough for a year."When I finally saw him it had already spread and he has since died from lung cancer."he says."Earlier finding and treatment may not have cured him,but it would have made him live longer."
   According to a recent survey,95% of women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor once a year,compared to 70% of men in the same age group.
"A lot of men think they are strong enough.While some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know.Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies."Dr.Gullotta says.He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be found out by check-ups.Regular check-ups for men would place strain on the public purse,Gullotta says."But prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to cure the diseases.Besides,the final/highest cost is far greater:it is called premature death(过早死亡)."
49.From the first paragraph,we can know thatB.
A.women are more likely to die of skin cancer
B.men are more likely to get some deadly diseases
C.men can live five years longer than women
D.men who live long are very lucky
50.What is a more important reason for man's death?C
A.Men take more risks than women.
B.Diseases tend to strike men easily
C.Men don't go to doctors for check-ups.
D.Men like drinking and smoking.
51.Why does the author take a 50-old-man as an example?A
A.To realize the importance of disease prevention.
B.To show he could have avoided death.
C.To prove smoking leads to lung cancer.
D.To think highly of the doctor's work.
52.What can be drawn from the last paragraph?D
A.Treatment would cost a lot of money.
B.Cars are more valuable than health.
C.Men are brave to accept the reality.
D.Check-ups are necessary and worthwhile.

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