
19.英国某教育机构寒假期间在伦敦举办国际高中生交流活动(international high school students'exchange project),现征集参加人员.假定你是高中生李华,对此很感兴趣,请根据以下写作要点用英语给活动的负责人写一封申请信.

分析 分析可知本文是以书信的格式写一封申请信,可以使用一般现在时.1.表明对此项活动很感兴趣.be interested in sth.2.介绍自己具备的能力.例如:熟知中国和英国的文化;英语口语流利等等.3.表达自己对此次活动的期待和热情.I'm sure…
I'm very excited to know that an international high school students'exchange project will be held in London during this winter vacation.(高分句型)句中带有宾语从句
To be frank,I have an interest in it,so I'm writing to apply to be a member of it.(高分句型)to be frank 为固定表达"坦白的说"

解答 Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am Li Hua,a senior high school student from China.I'm very excited to know that an international high school students'exchange project will be held in London during this winter vacation.(高分句型)To be frank,I have an interest in it,so I'm writing to apply to be a member of it.(高分句型)
    I'm good at English and Chinese culture.On the one hand,I have no difficulty in communicating.On the other hand,it's a good chance to help other foreign students know more about China.(高分句型)In addition,I c an handle my daily life quite well and I'm able to live independently.
    I am sure this program will benefit me a lot.Looking forward to your positive reply.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Li Hua

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

19.Are you truly happy?Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness?(29)C The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.
※Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy.Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value.
※Surround yourself with happy people.It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way.(30)A
※When something goes wrong,try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity.Truly happy people don't allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.
※(31)D These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.
※(32)E Whether you treat yourself to lunch,take a long,relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance,you will be subconsciously (下意识地) putting yourself in a better mood.
※Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness.Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.
※Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness.(33)B
A.On the contrary,if you are around people who are happy,their emotional state will be infectious.
B.Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood.
C.These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.
D.Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.
E.It's also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.
7.The more you give to others,the more you reap yourself.When you share what you know,you will find that you grow according to the number of seeds that you sow.Such is the one secret to be happier in life.
Spread cheer and teach others to do the same.People will gather around you to hear your wisdom,and feel your love.They will come to receive your sharing of what is inside you,all around you,and the messages coming from above.
Life is all about giving back.It is not about heartache or lack.Count your blessings every day.Put them in a stack that grows higher and higher,till it sets your spirit on fire with joy!
Life is good when you stand up for what you believe.When you enrich the world with your truth,then you will receive all that is good and wonderful.All that is grand will come to you,too.All it takes is living from your heart to understand how the cycle of giving and receiving works.Ah yes!You will discover endless perks!
For many people today,especially women who are socialized to give of themselves,and told they are selfish if they want to do something for themselves,the cycle of giving and receiving gets blocked.When a person gives and does not receive,then the energy flow gets cut off.
Every person must receive,as well as give.Nature intended for that balance in creating that particular flow.Now why would that giving and receiving be a natural law?Because all people need to open themselves to receiving.In receiving you tell yourself you are worthy and deserving of what life has to offer.

24.According to this passage,the author wants to tell usD.
A.Giving is more important than receiving
B.Receiving is more important than giving
C.Women need more receiving than giving
D.Giving and receiving is a natural law,and both are important
25.If you want to be popular with the people all around you,what should you do?C
A.Giving them whatever they want to get.
B.Dancing to the music to amuse them.
C.Spreading cheer and teach others to do the same.
D.Sharing whatever you have with them.
26.For the women who are giving,which sentence is right?C
A.They don't need receive or praise.
B.They are selfish if they want to do something for themselves.
C.They need receiving to encourage their energy to continue giving.
D.They can't understand the secret to be  happier in life.
27.The reason why receiving is important is thatA.
A.you are worthy and deserving of what life has to offer.
B.life is all about giving back not receiving from others.
C.the more you give to others,the more you reap yourself.
D.we living together is to receive our possessions.
14.Bea,a fiveyearold girl,was born with a severe illness which means she has to be kept away from other children of her age,because her body is so weak that she would be unable to fight off a common cold.
Bea was diagnosed (诊断) with this disease when she was five months old.Since then,the hospital has become her second home,medicines for food,and all kinds of treatments her friends.Bea received a very special treatment when she was four years old,which would allow her to be like a normal child if successful.After that,she spent two weeks in ICU before living for four months on a separate ward(病房).Bea was allowed home in February but still needed a special tube in her nose to send in medicine every two days.
Her parents clean the house from top to bottom every two days and hoover (用吸尘器清扫) each morning to make sure Bea is free from any possible bacteria.Anna,Bea's mother,said,"She is weak but so strong.We've never seen any child stronger than her.It seems as if nothing in the world could beat her.We really hope to send her to school next year."She used to drive on the local playground,but Bea was only allowed to watch sitting in the car."It was heartbreaking to see Bea staring at the running and laughing children there.She never stopped fighting the disease.I know she's dying for such a normal life."
Hearing of Bea's story,the MakeAWish Foundation has paid for a play park to be built in her back garden."Bea is very brave and she has encouraged many children like her,"said the chairman of the foundation.

21.From the passage we can infer thatD.
A.Bea will need a tube in her nose all the time
B.Bea has to stay in hospital until she is an adult
C.Bea's parents will send her to school next year
D.Bea's mother feels proud when talking about her
22.The MakeAWish Foundation had a play park built for Bea toA.
A.honor her bravery in fighting against her disease
B.call for attention to this immune system deficiency
C.encourage more children like Bea to be optimistic
D.launch a campaign against this serious disease
23.What makes Bea so brave to fight against this serious disease?C
A.Her parents'encouragement and care.
B.Her dreaming of owning a play park.
C.Her wish to become a normal child.
D.Her doctor's skills and experience.
4.A young person is said to have a behavior disorder when his or her behavior is noticeably different from that expected in the school or community.This can also be stated in simpler terms as a child who is not doing what adults want him to do at a particular time.Children with this disorder often seem to be behaving in different and socially unacceptable ways.
    Like learning disabilities,behavior disorders are hard to diagnose.There are no physical symptoms in the body that are observable or measurable.Behavior disorders are therefore identified by observing behavior patterns in the child over a period of time.If a child displays some of the following behaviors,he may be labeled with a behavior disorder:
◆Aggression and cruelty to people and animals.
◆Destruction of property-defacing or damaging things.
◆Little sympathy and concern for others.
◆Takes no responsibility for behavior.Also lies,cheats and steals easily.
◆Disregards rules and regulations.
    In addition to these general symptoms of a behavior disorder,there are other symptoms characteristic of more specific behavior disorders such as ADHD-this is the inattentive,can't-sit-still behavior.The attention can't last long and the behavior is impulsive at times.The child also seems quite distracted and forgetful.
     Behavior disorders come from brain injury,child abuse,and shock,etc.There have also been indications that it could be a genetic disorder.The behavior therefore is an involuntary response to these experiences and the child should not be blamed for his behavior.Since the child has problems controlling his behavior,it stands to reason that his performance in school will be affected.A child with a behavior disorder will feel bad about himself and that low self-esteem will be further worsened by the adults around him who do not treat his condition with understanding and willingness to help.
     Behavior disorders are best dealt with by behavior and psychological treatments.But,as with learning disabilities,accurate diagnosis is important and this must be over a length of time.It is also important in trying to modify the behavior to be clear about what is the behavior you are expecting.Make sure it is a rational expectation.For example,expecting a three-year-old to sit quietly through a long church service may not be reasonable,or demanding that a six-year-old does extra home work after a long day of school and extra curricular activities may be stretching the child's concentration and attention too far.Since some behavior disorders result from shocking and upsetting life experiences or brain injury,treatments should include helping the child to resolve and heal emotionally from the experience.The behavior could be corrected through emotional healing.In other words,when a human being is emotionally healthy,that is,can be aware of his intelligence and enthusiasm for life and his loving connectedness to other human beings,he automatically"behaves"rationally.
                      Title:Behaviour Disorders
Passage outlineSupporting (71)details
Definition of a behaviour disorderA person may be considered to have a behaviour disorder when he  behaves apparently (72)differentlyfrom others.
Symptoms of a behavior disorderBeing (73)aggressiveand showing no mercy to animals and other people
Tending to do damage to things around him
Having little sympathy or concern for others
Failing to (74)answer for what he has done and not being honest
Lacking the awareness of (75)obeying/observing rules and regulations
Having difficulty concentrating on something for long
Factors (76)resulting in behaviour disordersSome outside forces may lead to a behaviour disorder.
A genetic disorde r giving (77)rise/birthto a behaviour disorder has also been found.
Ways to deal with behaviour disordersBehaviour treatment:diagnosing such a disorder (78)accuratelyand modifying the disordered behaviour in a rational way.
Psychological treatment:attaching importance to improving the patient's emotional (79)health,thus,developing a proper self-esteem.
Conclusion   A behaviour disorder isn't nearly (80)easyto diagnose from physical symptoms,but it can be dealt with in behaviour and psychological ways.
To forgive is a virtue,but no one has ever said it is easy.When someone has deeply hurt you,it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate.However,forgiveness is possible,and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health.People who forgive show less sadness,anger and stress and more hopefulness,according to a recent research.
(36)B Try the following steps:
Calm yourself.(37)F You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure:a beautiful scene in nature,or someone you love.
Don't wait for an apology.Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize.They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don't see things the same way.(38)G Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.
Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者).Rethinking about you hurt gives power to the person who causes you pain.Instead of focusing on your mounded feelings,learn to look for the love,beauty and kindness around you.
(39)D If you understand your offender,you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness,fear,and even love.You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view.
Don't forget to forgive yourself.(40)E But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don't do it.

A.Why should you forgive?
B.How should you start to forgive?
C.Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.
D.Try to see things from you offender's angle.
E.For some people,forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.
F.To make your anger die away,try a simple stress-management technique.
G.If you wait for people to apologize,you could be waiting an awfully long time.
8.A child survivor of the Indian Ocean tsunami and a girl from the United States who offered help met for the first time after the disaster.
The 2004Indian Ocean tsunami destroyed Nada Luthfiyyah's small town in Aceh.Her parents and two brothers were among the 160,000people who died in the disaster.Maggie Hamilton's classmates in the state of Michigan decided o make and sell bracelets (手镯) to raise money for the victims.Maggie,who was 9years old at the time,wrote a letter t survivors to offer help.Nada was selected from her class to respond with a letter of thanks.
Three and a half years later,the two girls met for the first time.Their meeting was arranged by the Indonesian government,and was used as a symbol of the two countries'aid relationship.Their letters were quoted by diplomats (外交官)of both countries.
Maggie,visiting the town under reconstruction,said she did not expect that her letter would draw so much attention,but,she said,the experience helped to make her more active in volunteering work."I've been volunteering at a nursing home in Ohio.I just want to help people whenever I can,"Maggie said.
Juanda,the spokesman for Indonesia's tsunami reconstruction agency,says the meeting of the two girls serves as a symbol of their informal relationship.It will represent the international community's role in Aceh's future."I think what we can learn from this experience is that Nada from Aceh and Maggie from the U.S.are able to share their experiences,friendship,knowledge and support,"Juanda says.
Maggie says she wants to learn Indonesian and hopes to have Nada visit her home in Michigan sometime,perhaps next year.
29.Nada and Maggie first made contact with each other throughA.
B.visiting the diplomats
C.arrangements by the government   
D.informal visits
30.From the text we know thatA.
A.Maggie and Nada's friendship is a symbol of the two countries'friendship
B.16,000people lost their lives in the 2004Indian Ocean tsunami
C.Maggie volunteered to work in the reconstruction after the tsunami
D.Maggie is now a volunteer working in Nada's hometown
31.The text mainly tells us thatA.
A.Indonesian and American girls build friendship after a tsunami
B.the Indian Ocean tsunami influenced the USA
C.letters are an advantage in building friendships
D.Indonesia is under construction after a tsunami.
9.Life is full of surprises and events that sometimes change one's daily routine (日常事务).Some of them might be good and pleasant.(36)D.The unexpected events may cause you anxiety and stress.So you need to find some ways to be less affected by them.
(37)B.Even if you live the same kind of life,doing the same things day after day,there could be unexpected events.So you need to realize that such events can't be avoided and you need to be prepared for them.In this way,you'll find it easier to deal with whatever happens in your life.
Have a positive attitude.Not all unexpected events are bad.(38)E.For example,even getting fired for work could finally turn out well,as you might find a more satisfying jib.
Always focus on the present moment,learning from it and making use of new changes that come your way.In other words,make the most of the present moment,instead of thinking about what you lost,or how bad the situation is.(39)A.
Introduce small changes into your life.(40)F.You can try eating a different breakfast or drink tea in the morning instead of coffee,or do things that you usually do,but in a different way.

A.This is useless and is a waste of time.
B.Admit the fact that unexpected events are part of life.
C.Think before speaking when facing unexpected events.
D.However,there are some that are bad and unpleasant.
E.Sometimes what seems like a problem could be a good thing.
F.This will help you deal more easily with unexpected events.
G..It would be much more useful to think about the new situation.

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