
【题目】“Well done, your father used to do that”, she says with a smile. Throughout our childhood, my mother has always been ________ to point out whenever she sees my father’s ________ appear in my elder brother or me. I was born two and a half months ________ my father was killed on September 11.

Yet, despite the sad way he died, I did know that my story wasn’t that ________ from those of other kids. And the way my mother ________ the challenge of raising two kids by herself was similar to the ways of mothers around the world.

Still, it was devastating(毁灭性的)for my mother to ________ the death of my father, with a one-year-old child and another child on the way. She ________ she’d have to raise both of us on her own; in spite of the great loss, she didn’t make any ________ and made it look easy

She was very ________ to offer us a good life. She ________ the role of two parents by always being ________ and supportive in all aspects of our lives. She always kept her promise and made us keep every ________ we had made. She allowed us to ________ new ideas and cultures. She also asked us to join Tuesday’s Children to make sure we met other families who shared the common ________ with us of having lost a loved one on that day. and last but not least, she taught us not to blame others for our misfortune and to heal through ________.

My brother is in college now, ________ my dad’s footsteps. He and my mom talk ________ just like my father who used to call his mom every other day. when I go to college, I know I’ll do he same. I feel like there’s no way I’ll be able to thank her ________ for being the mom she has been and the mom she is today. And my love for her ________ more and more each day as she ________ to help me become the best person I can be.

1A. stubborn B. delighted C. uneasy D. strict

2A. behavior B. expression C. spirit D. smile

3A. before B. when C. after D. until

4A. away B. important C. necessary D. different

5A. came across B. gave up C. broke down D. reacted to

6A. face B. avoid C. overlook D. meet

7A. ignored B. admitted C. realized D. guessed

8A. appointments B. complaints C. mistakes D. decisions

9A. anxious B. scared C. satisfied D. determined

10A. made B. found C. performed D. acknowledged

11A. busy B. involved C. stressful D. sensitive

12A. commitment B. achievement C. accomplishment D. opportunity

13A. refuse B. abandon C. experience D. create

14A. interest B. sense C. knowledge D. bond

15A. learning B. forgiveness C. challenge D. recognition

16A. following B. trying C. observing D. achieving

17A. impatiently B. occasionally C. secretly D. regularly

18A. probably B. just C. enough D. merely

19A. grows B. improves C. disappears D. changes

20A. begins B. continues C. plans D. agrees
























1考查形容词。根据前文well done 可知妈妈对作者满意,所以是高兴的。A. stubborn 固执的 B. delighted 高兴的 C. uneasy 不安的 D. strict 严格的,故选B。

2考查名词。根据语境此处表示妈妈在我身上看到了类似爸爸的行为。A. behavior 行为 B. expression 表达 C. spirit 精神 D. smile 笑,故选A。

3考查连词。根据后文the death of my father, with a one-year-old child and another child on the way. 可知爸爸去世时作者还没出生,所以是after,故选C。

4考查形容词。根据后文the challenge of raising two kids by herself was similar to the ways of mothers around the world.可知我知道我的故事跟其他的孩子没有什么不同。A. away 远离 B. important 重要 C. necessary 必要 D. different 不同,故选D。

5考查动词短语。根据语境表示妈妈面对挑战的反应跟其他妈妈是一样的。A. came across 偶遇 B. gave up 放弃 C. broke down 垮掉,抛锚 D. reacted to 对。。。做出反应,故选D。

6考查动词。根据语境可知让妈妈接受面对爸爸去世的事实是毁灭性的。A. face 面对 B. avoid 避免 C. overlook 忽视 D. meet 遇到,故选A。

7考查动词。此处表示妈妈意识到她不许自己独立抚养两个孩子。A. ignored 忽视 B. admitted 准去进入,承认 C. realized 意识到 D. guessed 猜,故选C。

8考查名词。根据后文内容可知妈妈没有任何抱怨,让一切看上去轻松。A. appointments 约会,任命 B. complaints 抱怨 C. mistakes 错误 D. decisions 决定,故选B。

9考查形容词。根据语境可知此处表示妈妈下定决心要给我们提供好的生活。A. anxious 焦虑的 B. scared 害怕的 C. satisfied 满意的 D. determined 下定决心的,坚定的,故选D。

10考查动词。此处表示她既当爸又当妈。Perform the role 扮演。。。角色,故选C。

11考查形容词。根据后文in all aspects of our lives 可知妈妈全程参与我们的成长。A. busy B. involved 参与 C. stressful 有压力的 D. sensitive 敏感的,故选B。

12考查名词。根据前文She always kept her promise 可知她信守诺言,也要求我们信守诺言。A. commitment 承诺 B. achievement 成就 C. accomplishment 完成,实现 D. opportunity 机会,故选A。

13考查动词。根据后文new ideas and culture 可知是允许我们体验不同的观点和文化。A. refuse拒绝 B. abandon放弃 C. experience 体验 D. create 创造,故选C。

14考查名词。根据语境可知是与跟我们同一天同一件事失去心爱的人的家庭接触,所以这些家庭因为这件事联系在一起,所以bond 合适。A. interest利益 B. sense 感觉 C. knowledge 知识 D. bond 联系,故选D。

15考查名词。根据前文不要责备不行,所以是要学会原谅,所以B正确。A. learning 学习 B. forgiveness 原谅 C. challenge 挑战 D. recognition 认可,故选B。

16考查动词。此处表示追寻父亲的脚步。A. following 跟随 B. trying 尝试 C. observing 遵守,观察 D. achieving 实现,达到,故选A。

17考查副词。根据every other day 可知是定期打电话,所以D正确。A. impatiently 不耐心地 B. occasionally 偶尔地 C. secretly 秘密地 D. regularly 定期地,故选D。

18考查副词。此处表示无法足够表达感激之情,因此用enough。A. probably 很可能 B. just 仅仅 C. enough 足够 D. merely 仅仅,故选C。

19考查动词。此处表示我对她的爱与日俱增。A. grows 成长 B. improves 改善 C. disappears 消失 D. changes 改变,故选A。

20考查动词。此处表示妈妈不断地帮助我。A. begins 开始 B. continues 持续不断 C. plans 计划 D. agrees同意,故选B


【题目】 A knitting factory in Bangladesh brings together the past, present, and the future. On one floor, workers knit by hand. On another, people and machines do the work together. And on a third floor, there are only robots.

This building might seem outdated, given the accepted wisdom that robots will replace humans in textiles and many other industries. But it is actually a wise response to how the Fourth Industrial Revolution will likely play out in Asia. As is the case elsewhere, technological progress is rapidly changing industries and economies across the world.

However, much of Asia isn’t ready for robots, for reasons that go beyond fears of mass unemployment. Poorer countries face great barriers to adopting new technologies. Moreover, the region’s lower wages encourage companies to keep human workers. At the factory in Bangladesh, human workers can step in if power or equipment failures knock the machines offline. At the same time, having a fully automated section allows production to continue if workers go on strike.

Conventional wisdom believes that this dual-track(双轨的)approach isn’t sustainable, and that low-to middle-skilled workers will eventually make way for robots. However, these pessimistic predictions ignore the fact that most jobs consist of lots of tasks, some of which cannot be automated.

Still, robots are gaining foothold in the region, particularly in economies such as China and the Republic of Korea. In 2015, robot sales in Asia increased by 19 percentthe fourth record-breaking year in a row. When less-developed Asian countries eventually join the technology trend, layoffs will inevitably follow. To soften the blow, governments urgently need to pursue labor-market reforms and examine their education systems, starting with technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Although TVET is becoming increasingly popular in Asia’s developing economies, its quality is often poor. Governments should ensure that TVET courses focus on more relevant skills, while remaining flexible so that students can study without sacrificing income.

1What does the author think of the knitting factory?


2Why did robots fail to be widely applied in Asia?

A.Power failures often occur in factories.

B.Some countries are not fully prepared.

C.Unemployment has caused many problems.

D.Some countries are too poor to adopt the new technology.

3What is the reason behind governments’ reforms?

A.To make robots more popular.

B.To raise the quality of education.

C.To reduce the influence of robots.

D.To improve the income of students.

4What might be talked about in the following paragraph?

A.Measures to resist robots.

B.Ways to improve TVET courses.

C.Some policies to support workers.

D.The future of the dual-track approach.

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