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Dear friends,
Li Hua
¡¾´ð°¸¡¿Dear friends,
I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union, from Chenguang High School. I am very happy to tell you that we¡¯re going to organize a series of English Club activities in the coming summer holidays. We need ten students from your school to work as volunteers to help us organize and carry out these activities, through which we can promote our friendship and the development of academic and cultural exchanges between our two schools.
If you¡¯re interested in the position, please apply for it. In your application, you¡¯d better make a self introduction first. Then the reason why you want the job should be included too.
Please email your application to: friendship@163.com. If you have any more questions, contact us at 0736-3267839.
Li Hua