
4.Her ______ to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise,because she was just a fresh clerk in the company,working here only for one month.(  )

分析 她晋升为销售经理让每个人都感到惊讶,因为她只是这个公司里的一名新员工,在这里工作了仅一个月.

解答 答案:B
A.adaptation  适应,顺应;B.promotion促进,提升;C.devotion 献身,奉献;D.objection 反对;  分析句意可知,"Her ______ to Sales Manager"在句中作主语,because 引导的从句表达的应是让每个人都感到惊讶的原因即:她作为一名新员工,工作时间又短,却被晋升为销售经理这件事;故选B.

点评 本题考查的是名词词义辨析.做本题时,首先应根据句意,进行逻辑推理,判断出空缺处所在句子的意思;其次应熟练掌握各名词的意思以及用法.

19.Kong Zi,also called Confucius (551-479 B.C),and Socrates (469-399 B.C) lived only a hundred years apart,and during their lifetimes there was no contact between China and Greece,but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great philosophers came from shaped their ideas,and how these ideas in turn,shaped their societies.
Neither philosopher lived in times of peace,though there were more wars in Greece than in China.The Chinese states were very large and feudal,while the Greek city-states were small and urban.The urban environment in which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical than Confucius.Unlike Confucius,Socrates was not asked by rules how to govern effectively.Thus,Socrates was able to be more idealistic,focusing on issues like freedom,and knowledge for its own sake.Confucius,on the other hand,advised those in government service,and many of his students went out to government service.
Confucius suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for the conduct of life:"Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you."He assumed that all men were equal at birth,though some had more potential than others,and that it was knowledge that set men apart.Socrates focused on the individual,and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom.He believed that the superior class should rule the inferior(下层的)classes.
For Socrates,the family was of no importance,and the community of little concern.For Confucius,however,the family was the centre of the society,with family relations considered much more important than political relations.
Both men are respected much more today than they were in their lifetimes.
32.Which of the following is TURE according to the first paragraph?C
A.Socrates and Confucius had much in common,
B.Confucius had much influence on Socrates'ideas.
C.The societies were influenced by the philosophers'ideas.
D.There were cultural exchanges between China and Greece.
33.Socrates shared with Confucius the idea that.B
A.all men were equal when they were born
B.the lower classed should be ruled by the upper class
C.the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom
D.people should not ask others to do what they did not want to
34.What made some people different from others according to Confucius?C
35.This passage is organized in the pattern of,B
A.time and events                       
B.comparison and contrast
C.cause and effect                       
D.definition and classification.
When Should a Leader Apologize and When Not?
Why Difficult?
When we wrong someone we know,even not intentionally,we are generally expected to apologize so as to improve the situation.But when we're acting as leaders,the circumstances are different.The act of apology is carried out not merely at the level of the individual but also at the level of the institution.It is a performance in which every expression matters and every word becomes part of the public record.Refusing to apologize can be smart,or it can be stupid.So,readiness to apologize can be seen as a sign of strong character or as a sign of weakness.A successful apology can turn hate into personal and organizational harmony-while an apology that is too little,too late,or too obviously strategic can bring on individual and institutional ruin.What,then,is to be done?How can leaders decide if and when to apologize publicly?
Why Now?
The question of whether leaders should apologize publicly has never been more urgent.During the last decade or so,the United States in particular has developed an apology culture-apologies of all kinds and for all sorts of wrongdoings are made far more frequently than before.More newspaper writers have written about the growing importance of public apologies.More articles,cartoons,advice columns,and radio and television programs have similarly dealt with the subject of private apologies.
Why Bother?
Why do we apologize?Why do we ever put ourselves in situations likely to be difficult,embarrassing,and even risky?Leaders who apologize publicly could be an easy target.They are expected to appear strong and capable.And whenever they make public statements of any kind,their individual and institutional reputations are in danger.Clearly,then,leaders should not apologize often or lightly.For a leader to express apology,there needs to be a good,strong reason.Leaders will publicly apologize if and when they think the costs of doing so are lower than the costs of not doing so.
Why Refuse?
Why is it that leaders so often refuse to apologize,even when a public apology seems to be in order?Their reasons can be individual or institutional.Because leaders are public figures,their apologies are likely to be personally uncomfortable and even professionally risky.Leaders may also be afraid that admission of a mistake will damage or destroy the organization for which they are responsible.There can be good reasons for hanging tough in tough situations,as we shall see,but it is a high-risk strategy.

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