
19.More and more teachers tend to think that teaching is really a _____ job,so they have to devote a lot to it.(  )

分析 越来越多的老师认为教书是一份高要求的工作,因此他们为这份工作付出了很多.

解答 答案C. rewarding有回报的;blessing祝福,保佑;demanding高要求的;depressing沮丧的.题干中they have to devote a lot to it他们付出了很多,表明这份工作要求很多.故选C.

点评 形容词辨析是常考的知识点,形容词数量众多,用法灵活.学习时,要注意积累.特别是相似或相近的词要注意区分和掌握.

1.The Oxford Mal,England
Most prisons are the kind of place you'd be desperate to escape from,not somewhere you'd possibly conceive of escaping to.
But this former Oxford prison has been converted into a boutique hotel by the fashionable Malmaison chain and offers the kind of luxurious living that former convicts could only have dreamed of.
    Rates:Double room£140 (US﹩233),suite from£195,duplex suite from£250,executive suite£350.Breakfast£12.95 per person
2.Jules'Undersea Lodge,United States
Originally a research laboratory,the world's only underwater hotel sits at the bottom of the Emerald Lagoon in Florida,and can only be reached by scuba diving down six meters.
The lodge can accommodate two couples and is kitted out with showers,a microwave and a fridge.
The real attraction are the fish; the lodge is like a goldfish bowl in reverse,where you sit and watch angelfish,parrotfish,barracuda and snappers peering in at you through the window.
Rates:From US﹩400
3.Das Park Hotel,Austria
Stay overnight in a concrete sewer pipe on the banks of the River Danube.
The drainpipes are two meters in diameter and two and a half meters long,with a porthole to look out of,a front door to close and a cozy nest to snuggle into,which includes a low-slung futon,bedside lamp,woolly blanket and light sleeping bag.
Rates:You pay as much,or as little,as you want.
4.Sant′Angelo Luxury Resort,Italy
"Four-star boutique cave-hotel"is the proud boast of the Sant'Angelo in the city of Matera,which is famous for its sassi--houses dug into the rock.
Matera is the only place in the world where people can boast to be still living in the same houses as their ancestors did 9,000 years ago.The rooms have been fashioned from old sassi stables and workshops.There are two restaurants,a bar and an art gallery.
Rates:A three-night package costs from US﹩560 per person including some meals,a walking tour and car hire,but not flights.
5.La Balade Des Gnomes,Belgium
A truly out-of-this-world experience,this hotel makes you feel like you're on the moon.
You can sleep in a moon buggy,bathe in a lunar capsule,and the walls and ceilings are covered in twinkling stars and planets.
    Other themed rooms include a newly opened Trojan Horse,a Troll Forest,a South Seas sailing ship and a Wine Room.
Rates:From?115 (US﹩170)per double
60.Das Park Hotel is different from the other hotels in thatB.
A.it is underwater                      B.you decide the pay
C.it used to be a prison                 D.it is not in Europe
61.If you want to experience the life on the moon,most probably you will choose to stay inB.
A.Jules'Undersea Lodge,United States        B.La Balade Des Gnomes,Belgium
C.Das Park Hotel,Austria                    D.The Oxford Mal,England
62.If Mr.and Mrs Smith put up at the Oxford Mal for one night and have breakfast there,they will have to pay at leastA.
A.£165.9          B.£152.95          C.£258.9        D.£305.9.
14.The role of women in the entertainment industry is more important today than ever-and we don't need International Women's Day to remind us.Directors have made films that focus on particular female characters.
Albert Nobbs:a damaged woman in an age of men (From film---Albert Nobbs)
It might be politically incorrect to say that"it's a man's world".But in the film Albert Nobbs,you'll see what it means.Based on a short story by George Moore,an Irish novelist,the film tells the story of Albert Nobbs,a woman passing herself as a man in 19th century Ireland.She has short hair,and a voice that rarely rises above a nasal (鼻音的) croak.She lives and works as a waiter in a hotel,where she stands with lips pressed together and only her eyes move.
The character is the personification (化身) of fear-fear of being discovered to be a woman.Because her society is a society that treats all poor people badly,and poor women worse.
Mavis Gary:a perfection of being pretty and mean (From film-Young Adult)
In the comedy Young Adult,Charlize Theron portrays Mavis Gary,a 30-something narcissistic(自恋的) beauty.Mavis was the ball queen when in high school,and now a decade into life on her own,she's still pretty,still mean and hasn't quite as grown up as people around her want her to be.She spends her days writing young adult novels,and her nights making the club scene,drinking,playing around.
The film describes how she knows the idea that she may need to make changes if she ever wants to be happy.
Ah Tao:a role model of lifetime's hard work (From film-A Simple Life)
A Simple Life,the latest work from Hong Kong experienced director Ann Hui,reunites superstar Andy Lau with his real-life godmother Deanie Ip.
The story centers on the bond between the old servant Ah Tao (Ip) and master Roger (Lau).Ah Tao has served Roger's family for 60 years.When Ah Tao's health starts to get worse,it's Roger's turn to do the looking-after.The film is a tender ode(颂歌)to the elderly,their caregivers,and the mutual generosity of spirit that makes their limited time together worthwhile.
Wallis Simpson:a drop-dead gorgeous fairytale heroine (From film-W.E.)
W.E.is pop singer Madonna's second go at directing a film.It's primarily a woman's story-a historical drama built around the romance of Wallis Simpson,for whom King Edward VIII gave up the British throne in 1936,in order to marry.
In the film,the character of Wallis Simpson is an example of a woman who causes"the downfall"of a king.She is a helpless romantic-who thinks all it takes for a woman to feel fulfilled is the love of a good man.
60.Which of the following is NOT the character in the films mentioned?D
B.King Edward VIII
C.Mavis Gary
D.Ann Hui.
61.Which film is based on a short story by an Irish novelist?B
A.Young Adult
B.Albert Nobbs
C.A Simple Life
62.What can be learned from the introduction to the film Young Adult?A
A.Everyone gets old,but not everyone grows up
B. Practice makes perfect.
C.Rome was not built in a day
D.Seeing is believing.
15.It's a typically Snoopy card:cheerful message,bright colors,though a little yellow and faded now.Though I've received fancier,more expensive card over the years,this is the only one I've saved.One summer,it spoke volumes to me.
I received it during the first June I faced as a widow to raise two teen age daughters alone.In all the emotional confusion of this sudden single parenthood,I was overwhelmed with,of all things,the simplest housework:leaky taps,oil changes,even barbecues.Those had always been my husband's jobs.I was embarrassed every time I hit my thumb with a hammer or couldn't get the lawnmower started.My uncertain attempts only fueled the fear inside me:How could I be both a father and mother to my girls?Clearly,I lacked the tools and skills.
On this particular morning,my girls pushed me into the living room to see something.(I prayed it wasn't another repair job.)The"something"turned out to be an envelope and several wrapped bundles on the carpet.My puzzlement must have been plain as I gazed from the colorful packages to my daughter's bright faces.
"Go ahead!Open them!"They urged.As I unwrapped the packages,I discovered a small barbecue grill and all the necessary objects including a green kitchen glove with a frog pattern on it.
"But why?"I asked.
"Happy Father's Day!"they shouted together.
"Moms don't get presents on Father's Day".I protested.
"You forgot to open the card".Jane reminded.I pulled it from the envelope.There sat Snoopy,on top of his dog house,merrily wishing me a Happy Father's Day."Because",the girls said,"you've been a father and mother to us.Why shouldn't you be remembered on Father's Day?"
As I fought back tears,I realized they were right,I wanted to be a"professional"dad,who had the latest tools and knew all the tricks of the trade.The girls only wanted a parent they could count on to be there,day after day,performing repeatedly the maintenance tasks of basic care and love.
The girls are grown now,and they still send me Father's Day cards,but none of those cards means as much to me as that first one.Its simple message told me being a great parent didn't require any special tools at all-just a willing worker.

66、By"it spoke volumes to me",(Para.1)the mother in the story means the cardA.
A.conveyed significant meanings to her
B.aroused great sorrow in her
C.brought her pleasant feelings
D.made her feel important
67、After her husband's death,the mother found it was the hardest toD.
A.handle the emotional shock
B.face the terrible loneliness
C.Keep harmony of the family
D.Fulfill a male role in the house
68、The girls gave their mother a barbecue set probably becauseD.
A.It was what their mother wanted
B.it was a proper Father's Day gift
C.barbecue was their favorite food
D.they wanted their mother to barbecue
69、Which of the following statements is true about the first Father's Day card?D
A.It made the mother eager to get the latest tools
B.It praised the mother as a professional dad
C.Its fancy design impressed the mother most
D.It showed the girl's appreciation for their mother's love.

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