

假定你是星光中学的高中毕业生李华,母校将为高一新生举办主题为What to learn in senior high school?的英语沙龙活动,特邀请你结合自身经历谈谈自己的体会。请根据以下提示准备一份英语发言稿。






Good morning, everyone! It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.




Thank you!


Good morning, everyone! It is my honour to be here to share with my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.

In the coming three years, our school life will be challenging. First, we should learn to learn efficiently. Personally, I used to try effective method to achieve my academic goals. Developing a good habit is also of importance. It really benefited me a lot to preview lessons, get actively involved in class, and review what had been taught after class.

In addition, we should learn how to get along well with others. In school, I respected teachers and was friendly with classmates. It was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere.

Finally, we should take part in sports and outdoors activities frequently. They were really helpful to build up my body and enrich my school life.

No pains no gains. I am sure that with great efforts, you will enjoy a colorful and fruitful life here.

Thank you!






1. 应使用第一人称。全文以现在以及将来范畴的时态为主,当然不排斥用过去时态。

2. 按提纲提示清晰分段,不能缺少要点(学会学习:方法,习惯等;学会做人:真诚;友善;学会其他)。

3.注意语言逻辑性和思维想象力。多用些语际衔接性词语(first of all ,besides 等)。


首先, 思考出要学会学习,要有符合自己的方法,要养成良好的学习习惯,要有正确的学习态度等;思考出要学会做人,要与人和善,要和睦相处,要正气真诚等;当然还要学会锻炼,学会娱乐,学会自我管理等。

然后,根据要点思考可用哪些表达法:the best way of .../ an acceptable thing is .../get into a habit of .../be active in..../go over.../behave well/it is kind of .../be involved in...等;根据提纲,连成句子,清晰分段。可用firstly.../in addition.../last but not the least等。




Challenging,used to In addition

build up Develop a good habit

get actively involved in No pains no gains.

get along well with



1. Developing a good habit is also of importance. (动名词短语作主语)

2. ...review what had been taught after class. (名词性从句)

3. It was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere. (强调句)

4. I am sure that with great efforts, you will... (名词性从句)




In addition,...





Nowadays a vegetarian (素食的) lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. Keeping a vegetarian diet is one of the best things we can do.

_____【1】___ A well planned vegetarian diet provides us with all the nutrients (营养素) we need and avoids fat, cholesterol (胆固醇) found in animal flesh, eggs, and dairy foods. And it can provide protection against various kinds of diseases, including the three biggest killers: heart disease, cancer, and other serious diseases. The American Dietetic Association states that vegetarians have lower rates of death from heart disease, lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and lower rates of high blood pressure. _____【2】____ Scientists have also found that vegetarians have stronger immune systems than their meat-eating friends. ____【3】___ Vegetarians live, on average, 6 to 10 years longer than meat eaters.

____【4】____ Animals raised for food consume the vast majority of their calories simply in order to live, just as we do. We feed more than 70 percent of the grains to farm animals. So it’s really a huge waste, isnt it? Try your best to find tips on the health benefits of a vegetarian diet. __【5】__

A. Growing all the crops needed to feed animals requires great amounts of water and land.

B. This means that they are less likely to be affected by everyday illnesses like the flu.

C. Vegetarian diets are the only diets that work for long term weight loss.

D. All of these diseases are more likely to happen to meat eaters.

E. Healthy vegetarian diets support a lifetime of good health.

F. It’s never too late to turn over a new page.

G. Living on plants also saves energy.

【题目】 How fit are your teeth? Are you lazy about brushing them? Never fear: An inventor is on the case. An electric toothbrush senses how long and how well you brush, and it lets you track your performance on your phone.

The Kolibree toothbrush was exhibited at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week. It senses how it is moved and can send the information to an Android phone or iPhone via a Bluetooth wireless connection.

The toothbrush will be able to teach you to brush right (dont forget the insides of the teeth!) and make sure youre brushing long enough. Its kind of like having a dentist actually watch your brushing on a day-to-day basis, says Thomas Serval, the French inventor.

The toothbrush will also be able to talk to other applications on your phone, so developers could, for instance, create a game controlled by your toothbrush. You could score points for beating monsters among your teeth. We try to make it smart but also fun, Several says.

Serval says he was inspired by his experience as a father. He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth. They said yes, but Serval would find their toothbrush heads dry. He decided he needed a brush that really told him how well his children brushed.

The company says the Kolibree will go on sale this summer, for $99 to $199, developing on features. The U.S. is the first target market.

Serval says that one day, itll be possible to replace the brush on the handle with a brushing unit that also has a camera. The camera can even examine holes in your teeth while you brush.

【1】Which is one of the feature of the Kolibree toothbrush?

A. It can sense how users brush their teeth.

B. It can track users school performance.

C. It can detect users fear of seeing a dentist.

D. It can help users find their phones.

【2】 What can we learn from Servals words in Paragraph 3?

A. You will find it enjoyable to see a dentist.

B. You should see your dentist on a day-to day basis.

C. You can brush with the Kolibree as if guided by a dentist.

D. Youd like a dentist to watch you brush your teeth every day.

【3】Which of the following might make the Kolibree toothbrush fun?

A. It can be used to update mobile phones.

B. It can be used to play mobile phone games

C. It can send messages to other users

D. It can talk to its developers.

【4】 What can we infer about Servals children?

A. They were unwilling to brush their teeth

B. They often failed to clean their toothbrushes.

C. They preferred to use a toothbrush with a dry head.

D. They liked brushing their teeth after Serval came home.

【5】 What can we learn about the future development of the Kolibree?

A. The brush handle will be removed.

B. A mobile phone will be built into it.

C. It will be used to fill holes in teeth

D. It will be able to check users teeth

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