
【题目】 How fit are your teeth? Are you lazy about brushing them? Never fear: An inventor is on the case. An electric toothbrush senses how long and how well you brush, and it lets you track your performance on your phone.

The Kolibree toothbrush was exhibited at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week. It senses how it is moved and can send the information to an Android phone or iPhone via a Bluetooth wireless connection.

The toothbrush will be able to teach you to brush right (dont forget the insides of the teeth!) and make sure youre brushing long enough. Its kind of like having a dentist actually watch your brushing on a day-to-day basis, says Thomas Serval, the French inventor.

The toothbrush will also be able to talk to other applications on your phone, so developers could, for instance, create a game controlled by your toothbrush. You could score points for beating monsters among your teeth. We try to make it smart but also fun, Several says.

Serval says he was inspired by his experience as a father. He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth. They said yes, but Serval would find their toothbrush heads dry. He decided he needed a brush that really told him how well his children brushed.

The company says the Kolibree will go on sale this summer, for $99 to $199, developing on features. The U.S. is the first target market.

Serval says that one day, itll be possible to replace the brush on the handle with a brushing unit that also has a camera. The camera can even examine holes in your teeth while you brush.

【1】Which is one of the feature of the Kolibree toothbrush?

A. It can sense how users brush their teeth.

B. It can track users school performance.

C. It can detect users fear of seeing a dentist.

D. It can help users find their phones.

【2】 What can we learn from Servals words in Paragraph 3?

A. You will find it enjoyable to see a dentist.

B. You should see your dentist on a day-to day basis.

C. You can brush with the Kolibree as if guided by a dentist.

D. Youd like a dentist to watch you brush your teeth every day.

【3】Which of the following might make the Kolibree toothbrush fun?

A. It can be used to update mobile phones.

B. It can be used to play mobile phone games

C. It can send messages to other users

D. It can talk to its developers.

【4】 What can we infer about Servals children?

A. They were unwilling to brush their teeth

B. They often failed to clean their toothbrushes.

C. They preferred to use a toothbrush with a dry head.

D. They liked brushing their teeth after Serval came home.

【5】 What can we learn about the future development of the Kolibree?

A. The brush handle will be removed.

B. A mobile phone will be built into it.

C. It will be used to fill holes in teeth

D. It will be able to check users teeth

【答案】【1】 A

【2】 C

【3】 B

【4】 A



【1】 由文章中第一段第二行An electric toothbrush senses how long and how well you brush…”可知答案选A. 其他选项均未涉及。

【2】 由第三段Its kind of like having a dentist actually watch your brushing on a day-to-day basis可知,有了这种牙刷,实际上真有点像医生看着你刷牙一样。故选C. A项:你将发现看牙医很快乐;B:日常情况下你应该去看牙医;D:你想一个牙医每天看着你刷牙。

【3】由第四段so developers could, for instance, create a game controlled by your toothbrush. You could score points for beating monsters among your teeth.可知,答案选B.

【4】 由第五段He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth, They said Yes but Serval would find their toothbrush heads dry.可知,孩子们是不愿意刷牙的。故选A. 其他选项未提及。

【5】 文中最后一段:one day, itll be possible to replace the brush on the handle with a brushing unit that also has a camera. The camera can even examine holes in your teeth while you brush.可知,这种牙刷的前景是非常乐观的,而且还有照相机来检查你的牙洞。所以答案选D(它将会检查使用者的牙齿) A:牙刷把手被清除,曲解文意!---文中说的the brush on the handle 将被一个brushing unit that also has a camera.(带有照相机的刷子组件)所替代。B:手机将被装入牙刷中;C:它将被用于填充牙洞。


【题目】In the mid-1950s, I was a somewhat bored early-adolescent male student who believed that doing any more than necessary was wasted effort. One day, this approach threw me into embarrassment

In Mrs. Totten’s eighth-grade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson, Indiana, we were learning to add and subtract decimals (小数).

Our teacher typically assigned daily homework, which would be recited in class the following day. On most days, our grades were based on our oral answer to homework questions.

Mrs. Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had apeared on our homework sheets. She would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and work toward the other end.

Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students, it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to answer. This particular time, I had completed my usual two or three problems according to my calculations.

What I failed to expect was that several students were absent, which threw off my estimate. As Mrs. Totten made her way from the beginning of the class,I desperately tried to determine which math problem I would get. I tried to work it out before she got to me, but I had brain freeze and couldn’t function.

When Mrs. Totten reached my desk,she asked what answer I’d got for problem No. 14. “I…I didn’t get anything, I answered,and my face felt warm.

“Correct,” she said.

It turned out that the correct answer was zero.

What did I learn that day? First, always do all your homework. Second, in real life it isn’t always what you say but how you say it that matters. Third,I would never make it as a mathematician.

If I could choose one school day that taught me the most, it would be that one.

【1】 What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 indicate?

A. It is wise to value one’s time.

B. It is important to make an effort

C. It is right to stick to one’s belief.

D. It is enough to do the necessary.

【2】 Usually, Mrs. Totten asked her students to _______.

A. recite their homework together

B. grade their homework themselves

C. answer their homework questions orally

D. check the answers to their homework questions

【3】 The author could work out which questions to answer since the teacher always _______.

A. asked questions in a regular way

B. walked up and down when asking questions

C. chose two or three questions for the students

D. requested her students to finish their usual questions

【4】The author failed to get the questions he had expected because _______.

A. the class didn’t begin as usual

B. several students didn’t come to school

C. he didn’t try hard to make his estimate

D. Mrs. Totten didn’t start from the back of the class

【5】Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. An Unforgettable Teacher

B. A Future Mathematician

C. An Effective Approach

D. A Valuable Lesson

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