


Joan and Natty were two young mothers living opposite each other. From their living room windows, each woman could ____ the activities of the other woman’s family.

One day, Joan said that she’d been watching what ___ on in Natty’s front garden and that she envied (羡慕) her. “I don’t know what you ____,” Natty said with a ____ look on her face.

“Well, I often see your husband in the front garden mowing the lawn (修剪草坪), and I ____ my husband would do the ____ thing, ” Joan said.“Your garden is beautiful!”

Natty ___ and then made her confession (坦白). “I have been doing the same thing, Joan,” she said. “I watch your ___ in your front garden—and I have envied you!” Joan ____ her head with disbelief. “What ___ do you mean?” she asked.

Natty replied, “I see your husband playing ball with your son so ____. How I wish my husband would do the same thing!He ____ wants our boys in the ___ when he mows. Be honest, Joan. Would you rather have your husband ____ with your son than have a beautiful lawn?

“I had not ____ that before, Natty. ____ you’re right Natty. I may have tall grass, but Eric, my husband, is ____ about playing with little Johnny,” Joan concluded.

Very often we are blind to our own blessings that are so ____ to others. Let us ____ the habit of concentrating on our several blessings rather than ____ about what we have.

【1】A. affect B. notice C. control D. observe

【2】A. took B. focus C. kept D. went

【3】A. mean B. deserve C. need D. express

【4】A. excited B. puzzled C. satisfied D. disappointed

【5】A. forget B. want C. wish D. promise

【6】A. same B. terrible C. big D. small

【7】A. refused B. laughed C. apologized D. ignored

【8】A. son B. daughter C. husband D. father

【9】A. raised B. frightened C. trusted D. shook

【10】A. in fact B. on earth C. in all D. on purpose

【11】A. gently B. happily C. formally D. quietly

【12】A. always B. just C. never D. again

【13】A. way B. road C. yard D. house

【14】A. work B. talk C. play D. study

【15】A. looked over B. looked after C. thought out D. thought of

【16】A. But B. And C. So D. Or

【17】A. wrong B. right C. careful D. serious

【18】A. obvious B. ordinary C. familiar D. strange

【19】A. make B. remove C. form D. keep

【20】A. bringing B. worrying C. questioning D. complaining
























【1】D 由于Joan和Natty住在彼此的对面,所以她们每天都能观察 (observe)到对方家里的一些活动。

【2】D Joan向Natty坦白,她最近一直在观察对方家花园里发生的一切。go on进行,发生,符合语境。

【3】A Natty不明白Joan说她嫉妒自己这话是什么意思 (mean)。

【4】B Natty不明白Joan的意思,所以脸上的表情是困惑的 (puzzled)。

【5】C Joan夸Natty家的草坪很漂亮,所以她对Natty说,希望(wish)自己的丈夫也能精心修剪草坪。

【6】A 根据上下文可知,Joan对Natty的丈夫修剪草坪很羡慕,所以她希望自己的丈夫也能做同样的 (same)事。

【7】B 联系下文Natty开始坦白她对Joan的羡慕可推知,听了Joan的话后,Natty笑 (laugh)了。

【8】C 根据下一段Natty说她看到Joan的丈夫跟孩子在玩耍可知,她在观察Joan的丈夫(husband)在花园里的活动。

【9】D 联系下文with disbelief可知,Joan不同意Natty说的话,故选D。shake ones head摇头。

【10】B Joan不敢相信地问Natty究竟 (on earth)是什么意思。

【11】B 既然Natty也很羡慕Joan,这说明Joan的丈夫跟孩子在草坪上快乐地 (happily)玩耍。

【12】C 联系上文Natty羡慕Joan的丈夫陪着孩子在草坪上玩耍可知,她自己的丈夫从来不会 (never)这样做。

【13】A Natty接着抱怨,自己的丈夫在修剪草坪时从来不让孩子们妨碍他。in the way,固定短语,表示挡道,妨碍

【14】C Natty问Joan,比起一块漂亮的草坪来,是否更喜欢看到丈夫跟孩子一起玩 (play)。

【15】D 听了Natty的问话,Joan说自己以前没有想到 (think of) 这个问题。look over迅速检查;look after照看;think out (做决定或计划前将各方面) 仔细考虑,均不符合语境。

【16】A 联系下一句可知,Joan说,虽然她没有想过这个问题,但(but)她觉得Natty说得对。

【17】B Joan觉得自己的丈夫跟孩子一起玩,这一做法是正确的 (right)。

【18】A 最后一段是作者对本文主题的概括。我们经常对自己的幸福熟视无睹,而这幸福在别人看来却是非常明显的 (obvious)。

【19】C 作者最后告诫我们,应该养成 (form)一个多想想我们自己的幸福的习惯。form a habit (养成习惯),固定搭配,也可以说develop a habit。

【20】D 作者劝我们要珍惜自己的幸福,而不是抱怨 (complain)自己所拥有的。



Ongoing conflicts across the Middle East have prevented more than 13 million children from attending school, according to a report published by UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund.

The report states that 40% of all children across the region are currently not receiving an education, which is a result of two consequences of violence: structural damage to schools and the displacement (转移) of populations, also called “forced migration.” Both issues result from the violence that has crossed the region in recent years. The report examines nine countries where a state of war has become the ordinary state. Across these countries, violence has made 8,500 schools unusable. In certain cases, communities have relied on school buildings to function as shelters for the displaced, with up to nine families living in a single classroom in former schools across Iraq.

The report pays particularly close attention to Syria, where a bloody civil war has displaced at least nine million people since the war began in 2011. With the crisis (危机) now in its fifth year, basic public services, including education, inside Syria have been stretched (竭尽所能) to breaking point. Within the country, the quality and availability of education depends on whether a particular region is suffering violence.

The report concludes with an earnest request to international policymakers to offer money and other resources to help ease the regional crisis. With more than 13 million children already driven from classrooms by conflict, the educational future of a generation of children are in the balance. This is destroying the future for an entire region.

【1】What is this article mainly about?

A. Why people are moving away from their own countries.

B. Why there are civil wars and violence in the Middle East.

C. Why many schools have become shelters for displaced families.

D. Why many children in the Middle East are not attending school.

2Why is “Iraq” mentioned in the second paragraph?

A. To convince people that temporary housing can be easily found.

B. To prove that class rooms there are big enough to host many families.

C. To give an example of why schools are not usable for children’s learning.

D. To show how structural damages of school can affect the quality of education.

3What does the phrase “in the balance” in the last paragraph most likely mean?

A. Being well taken care of.

B. In an uncertain situation.

C. Under control by the authority.

D. Moving in the wrong direction.

4According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. The war in Syria has been going on since 2011.

B. More than nine thousand schools have been destroyed by wars.

C. Thirteen million people have been forced to leave their homes in the Middle East.

D. Forty percent of all children in the world are not attending schools due to ongoing conflict.

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