

Nobody can bear at in public places.

A. being laughed

B. laughing

C. to laugh

D. to be laughed


【解析】没人能够忍受在公共场所被嘲笑。bear doing something忍受做某事;逻辑主语nobody是动作laugh的承受者,应用被动形式, 故选A。




Joan and Natty were two young mothers living opposite each other. From their living room windows, each woman could ____ the activities of the other woman’s family.

One day, Joan said that she’d been watching what ___ on in Natty’s front garden and that she envied (羡慕) her. “I don’t know what you ____,” Natty said with a ____ look on her face.

“Well, I often see your husband in the front garden mowing the lawn (修剪草坪), and I ____ my husband would do the ____ thing, ” Joan said.“Your garden is beautiful!”

Natty ___ and then made her confession (坦白). “I have been doing the same thing, Joan,” she said. “I watch your ___ in your front garden—and I have envied you!” Joan ____ her head with disbelief. “What ___ do you mean?” she asked.

Natty replied, “I see your husband playing ball with your son so ____. How I wish my husband would do the same thing!He ____ wants our boys in the ___ when he mows. Be honest, Joan. Would you rather have your husband ____ with your son than have a beautiful lawn?

“I had not ____ that before, Natty. ____ you’re right Natty. I may have tall grass, but Eric, my husband, is ____ about playing with little Johnny,” Joan concluded.

Very often we are blind to our own blessings that are so ____ to others. Let us ____ the habit of concentrating on our several blessings rather than ____ about what we have.

【1】A. affect B. notice C. control D. observe

【2】A. took B. focus C. kept D. went

【3】A. mean B. deserve C. need D. express

【4】A. excited B. puzzled C. satisfied D. disappointed

【5】A. forget B. want C. wish D. promise

【6】A. same B. terrible C. big D. small

【7】A. refused B. laughed C. apologized D. ignored

【8】A. son B. daughter C. husband D. father

【9】A. raised B. frightened C. trusted D. shook

【10】A. in fact B. on earth C. in all D. on purpose

【11】A. gently B. happily C. formally D. quietly

【12】A. always B. just C. never D. again

【13】A. way B. road C. yard D. house

【14】A. work B. talk C. play D. study

【15】A. looked over B. looked after C. thought out D. thought of

【16】A. But B. And C. So D. Or

【17】A. wrong B. right C. careful D. serious

【18】A. obvious B. ordinary C. familiar D. strange

【19】A. make B. remove C. form D. keep

【20】A. bringing B. worrying C. questioning D. complaining

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