





1. 扩大词汇量

2. 提高写作水平

3. 了解西方历史和文化

1. 读不懂,没意思

2. 内容与当今生活联系甚少

3. 学习负担重,没有时间


注意:1. 对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

2. 词数120左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。








Recently our class have had a discussion about whether it is necessary for middle school students to read English classics. Different students have different opinions.

80% of the students think it necessary to read English classics. By reading classics we can enlarge our vocabulary and it is also an effective way to improve our writing. What’s more, we can learn a lot about western history and culture through reading great English books.

20% of the students don’t think so. In their opinion, English classics are boring and difficult to understand. As they were written a long time ago, their contents are far different from the life today. Besides, with heavy learning loads, a student can hardly find extra time to read after class.

In my opinion, classics are examples of great writing and wisdom. (或持否定态度) Reading them can help us improve our English as well as enrich our knowledge. So we should try to read some classics whenever possible.



【亮点说明】1. 本文紧扣要求对是否应该读英文经典文学做了论述,并表达了自己的观点。 2. 句式丰富。使用think it necessary to do认为很必要;What’s more 并且;In their opinion在某人看来;以及从句As they were written a long time ago,非谓语Reading them can help us improve our English as well as enrich our knowledge.等,优秀的英语表达。





Bangkok, Thailand’s capital turned the lights out on Wednesday to raise awareness of global warming, with six Bangkok neighborhoods joining into darkness for 15 minutes. Officials ranged two million of the citizens to join in switching off nonessential lights at 7:00 p.m.(12:00 GMT) to warn Thais of the illeffects of climate change.

At Central World Plaza, a downtown shop, Thais put away their credit cards for a moment to consider their energy consumption (消费), as lights dimmed (变暗淡). “I waste a lot of energy at home, for example, I turn my television on while spending two hours on the Internet, said an 18yearold student. “From now on, I will turn off the TV.”

There was only 15 minutes’ darkness in Bangkok’s central shopping district, with some shops and hotels ignoring the request, but it was enough to make business owner Somas Thanyatote think about his energy habits.

“I will turn off the air conditioner and use the electric fan or open the windows instead, the 58yearold told AFP.

“Street lights and other safety related lighting remain on and there will also be more police on duty in case that crimes increase.” Governor Apirak Kosayedhin said.

Bangkok, a city with a population of 12 million, puts more than 26 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air each year, or nearly 20 percent of Thailand’s total CO2 emissions (排放).

Bangkok’s lights out campaign included a public screening in a /span>downtown shopping district of the Oscar winning movie “An Inconvenient Truth” by former US vice president Al Gore.

Australian city Sydney held a similar exercise in April, with a one hour blackout observed by 65,000 homes and 2,000 businesses, which organizers estimated cut normal energy use by 10 percent.

【1】Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. A Power Failure in Bangkok

B. People’s Attitudes toward Global Warming

C. Carbon Dioxide—the Major Factor of Global Warming

D. Bangkok’s Campaign to Remind Its Residents of Global Warming

2How many tons are the total CO2 emissions of Thailand?

A. About 12 million tons. B. About 26 million tons.

C. About 60 million tons. D. About 130 million tons.

3From the passage we can infer that ________.

A. not all the citizens were in favor of the campaign

B. the campaign in Bangkok also raised awareness of Sydney’s citizens

C. there were 6 cities taking part in the campaign that took place in Thailand

D. all the people in Bangkok would use electric fans or open the windows to save energy

4Which action of the following was not taken by Bangkok government?

A. People would be fined if they didn’t switch off their lights.

B. Extra police were on duty for fear that more crimes increased.

C. 2,000,000 of the city’s residents were requested to join in switching off nonessential lights.

D. A film made by former US vice president was shown to the public.



Joan and Natty were two young mothers living opposite each other. From their living room windows, each woman could ____ the activities of the other woman’s family.

One day, Joan said that she’d been watching what ___ on in Natty’s front garden and that she envied (羡慕) her. “I don’t know what you ____,” Natty said with a ____ look on her face.

“Well, I often see your husband in the front garden mowing the lawn (修剪草坪), and I ____ my husband would do the ____ thing, ” Joan said.“Your garden is beautiful!”

Natty ___ and then made her confession (坦白). “I have been doing the same thing, Joan,” she said. “I watch your ___ in your front garden—and I have envied you!” Joan ____ her head with disbelief. “What ___ do you mean?” she asked.

Natty replied, “I see your husband playing ball with your son so ____. How I wish my husband would do the same thing!He ____ wants our boys in the ___ when he mows. Be honest, Joan. Would you rather have your husband ____ with your son than have a beautiful lawn?

“I had not ____ that before, Natty. ____ you’re right Natty. I may have tall grass, but Eric, my husband, is ____ about playing with little Johnny,” Joan concluded.

Very often we are blind to our own blessings that are so ____ to others. Let us ____ the habit of concentrating on our several blessings rather than ____ about what we have.

【1】A. affect B. notice C. control D. observe

【2】A. took B. focus C. kept D. went

【3】A. mean B. deserve C. need D. express

【4】A. excited B. puzzled C. satisfied D. disappointed

【5】A. forget B. want C. wish D. promise

【6】A. same B. terrible C. big D. small

【7】A. refused B. laughed C. apologized D. ignored

【8】A. son B. daughter C. husband D. father

【9】A. raised B. frightened C. trusted D. shook

【10】A. in fact B. on earth C. in all D. on purpose

【11】A. gently B. happily C. formally D. quietly

【12】A. always B. just C. never D. again

【13】A. way B. road C. yard D. house

【14】A. work B. talk C. play D. study

【15】A. looked over B. looked after C. thought out D. thought of

【16】A. But B. And C. So D. Or

【17】A. wrong B. right C. careful D. serious

【18】A. obvious B. ordinary C. familiar D. strange

【19】A. make B. remove C. form D. keep

【20】A. bringing B. worrying C. questioning D. complaining

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