
【题目】Passage 2











The Taj Mahal(泰姬陵) is a love story, a sad and beautiful one. If it didn’t exist, we would easily imagine that the story of its construction was simply a fairy tale. Three hundred years ago, there lived an Indian emperor called Shah Jahan. His wife was a beautiful and bright woman whom he loved greatly. Her title was Mumtaz Mahal: its shortened form Taj Mahal, means "pride of the palace". In the year 1630 this beloved wife of the emperor died. He was so broken-hearted that he thought of giving up his throne. He decided out of his love for his wife to build her the most beautiful tomb that had ever been seen.

He invited the best artists and architects from India, Turkey, Persia and Arabia and finally, the design was completed. It took more than twenty thousand men working over a period of 18 years to build the Taj Mahal, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

The building itself stands on a marble platform, 29 metres square and 67 metres high. Towers rise from each of the four corners. The Taj itself soars another 61 metres into the air. It is an eight-sided building made of white marble.

The emperor planned to build an identical tomb of black marble for himself on the other side of the river connected by a silver bridge. However his son put him into a prison in the palace before he could finish, and for the rest of his life, he could only gaze across river at the tomb of his beloved wife.

【1】 The whole passage tells us about_____________.

A. a beautiful fairy tale

B. the story of the Taj Mahal

C. white and black marble tombs made for two emperors

D. the love story of emperor Shah Jahan and his wife

【2】We know from the text that _____________.

A. the Taj Mahal was completed quickly

B. only experts took part in the building work

C. the Taj Mahal is a magnificent building for a king

D. the Taj Mahal is a tomb for the emperor’s beloved wife

【3】 The emperor’s own tomb was designed to be ____________.

A. 61 metres high B. eight-sided

C. black-coloured D. white-coloured

【4】The text tells us that the emperor ____________.

A. died soon after Taj Mahal died B. was killed by his son

C. was beloved by his people D. died after 1648















Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) has been used for many years as a painkiller. It also has an anti-inflammatory (消炎) action and can be used to reduce fever. Aspirin is already recommended for people to prevent stroke and heart attack because it improves one's blood circulation. So many people already take daily aspirin as a heart drug. Although aspirin can cause deadly internal bleeding, which is relatively rare, its benefits for people are great, not only to help increase the length of people's lives, but to prevent and treat cancer, or to stop cancer spread according to the latest research.

Taking a low dose (剂量) of aspirin every day can prevent and Rothwell, from Oxford University, and his colleagues, who carried out the latest work, had already linked aspirin with a lower risk of certain cancers, particularly bowel(肠) cancer. But their previous work suggested people needed to take the drug for about 10 years to get any protection. Now the protective effect occurs much soonerwithin three to five yearsbased on a new analysis of data from 51 trials involving more than 77,000 patients. And aspirin appears not only to reduce the risk of developing many different cancers in the first place, but may also stop cancers spreading around the body.

Taking a low (75 300mg) daily dose of aspirin appeared to cut the total number of cancer cases by 25 % after only three yearsthere were nine cancer cases per 1,000 each year in the aspirin-taking group, compared with 12 per 1,000 for those taking dummy pills. It also reduced the risk of a cancer death by 15% within five years (and sooner if the dose was higher than 300mg). And if patients stayed on aspirin for longer, their cancer death risk went down even furtherby 37% after five years.

Low-dose aspirin also appeared to reduce the probability that cancers, particularly bowel, would spread to other parts of the body, and by as much as half in some instances. However, Prof. Rothwell says for most fit and healthy people, the most important things they can do to reduce their lifetime cancer risk is to give up smoking, take exercise and have a healthy diet.

But experts warn that there is still not enough proof to recommend it to prevent cancer cases and deaths and warn that the drug can cause dangerous side effects like stomach bleeding. Prof. Peter Johnson of Cancer Research UK, along with other experts, said it was still a good idea that people thinking of taking aspirin should first consult their doctors because of the possible side effect. And people should get some decisive advice from the government as to whether aspirin should be recommended more widely and the government should also advise the public about the benefits and risks of aspirin.



To reduce fever

To 【1】 Pains

To prevent stroke and 【2】 attack

【3】 effect

To cause cause deadly internal 【4】



To cut the total number of cancer cases by 【5】

To 【6】 the risk of certain cancers within five years and of a cancer death by 15% within five years and by 37% after five years.

To make it 【7】 to prevent the spread of cancer

【8】 opinion

People should discuss with their doctors 【9】 taking aspirin.

The public should be 【10】 about the benefits and risks of aspirin.

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