
阅读短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Ashley was outspoken, fashionable, and the "Queen Bee" in my school.

I looked up to her and idolized her. I listened to the music she listened to, wore the clothes she wore. I even took art class though I had really wanted to take theatre. I finally fitted in ______ group.

One day, I skipped out of my last class a few minutes early to

______ seats for our group at the dining hall. Concentrating on my homework, I didn't notice they had sat down behind me. Before I could say a word, I realized what they were ______.

I listened silently. "She's such a loser," one girl said.

Another girl added, "Ashley, she ______ follows you, trying to copy you."

"I wish she would leave us alone. We were in the same summer school and now she thinks we're best friends." The once familiar voice sounded so ______ and strange.

I was mortified. My hands were shaking. I couldn't help crying ______. I felt heart-broken

for the very first time. How did this happen? I ______ we were friends.

I ran home. My mother just held me while I sobbed for hours. The advice she gave was so ________, and I had heard it a million times. "Just be yourself and people will like you for ________you are. " This time it became so profound. Then and there I ______ to find myself back. That was exactly-what I did.

Over the next month, I went through a lot of ______. I bought new clothes that I wanted to wear. I no longer went to art class ______ them, and took theatre. I began making new friends. I developed my own ______ and never again followed the crowd.

I had an amazing school year. ______ I look back, I think it was the year when I discovered the person I was going to be. Despite the pain I felt that day, it was a ______ they had given me.

1.A.my B.her C.his D.our

2.A.get B.buy C.rent D.move

3.A.thinking about B.talking about C.waiting for D.asking for

4.A.once B.always C.hardly D.never

5.A.serious B.special C.weak D.cold

6.A.sadly B.shyly C.excitedly D.nervously

7.A.found B.admitted C.realized D.thought

8.A.funny B.simple C.useful D.different

9.A.where B.what C.how D.who

10.A.failed B.forgot C.decided D.continued

11.A.pains B.doubts C.changes D.troubles

12.A.with B.about C.against D.without

13.A.skills B.habits C.projects D.opinions

14.A.Before B.Unless C.When D.If

15.A.gift B.choice C.promise D.surprise


When we exercise hard, we burn fat. But have you ever wondered where exactly the fat goes?

Some doctors think that fat is changed into heat and released in the air. Others think the body burns it. Some even joke that the fat fairy comes and takes it. That is why you always weigh less in the morning.

Now a new study from the University of New South Wales in Australia reveals the mystery. “the correct answer is that most of the mass is breathed out as carbon dioxide(二氧化碳). It goes into thin air,” says the study’s lead author, Ruben Meerman, to Science Daily. Scientists followed the atoms(原子) in 10 kilograms of fat as they are lost. They found that 8.4 of those kilograms are breathed out as carbon dioxide through the lungs. The rest of the weight —1.6 kilograms— becomes water that leaves the body in the form of fluids(液体) such as urine(尿), sweat, breath and tears. “None of this is obvious to people because we can’t see the carbon dioxide gas we breathe out,” said Meerman.

Does that mean you can lose more weight by breathing more? It is not as easy as you think. Breathing more than the body’s metabolic rate(新陈代谢) can make you uncomfortable. You may feel dizzy and become unconscious(无意识的), according the study. So how to lose weight healthily? The key is to eat less and move more. You many have heard this many times.

During a day, a 70kg person breathes out about 200g of carbon dioxide. So if the same person wants to lose weight, he or she can do some light exercise, for example, jogging. This can help lose 240g of carbon dioxide.

1.According to the new study, where does our fat go when we exercise a lot?

A.It is changed into heat and given off in the air. B.The body burns it.

C.The fat fairy comes and takes it. D.Most of it is breathed out as carbon dioxide.

2.What will happen to people if they breathe more than the body’s metabolic rate?

A.They will put on more weight. B.They will feel comfortable.

C.They may become unconscious. D.They may not lose weight at all.

3.Which of the following is a better way to lose weight?

A.Sitting still and breathing more. B.Sleeping a lot and breathing a lot.

C.Eating less and exercising more. D.Eating more and doing some light exercise.

4.Which is true according to the study from University of New South Wales?

A.The fat is changed into heat and released in the air.

B.Most of the kilograms of fat as they are lost are breathed out as carbon dioxide.

C.People can see the carbon dioxide gas we breathe out.

D.If we breathe more than the body’s metabolic rate, we will feel good.

5.During a week , how much carbon dioxide does a 70kg person breathes out?

A.240g B.200g C.1400g D.1680g

Different countries have different ideas about how to be polite. In Britain, table manners are important. But how do you show good table manners in Britain? Here is some advice:

How to sit: You should sit up straight in your chair. When you eat, don’t pick up the bowl. This is called very bad manners.

Noises at the table: It is never a good idea to make a noise at the table.

Using your fingers: 62Usually we don’t pick food up with our fingers when we are eating main dishes. But there are some foods such as pizza, sandwiches, chips and fruit we can eat with fingers.

Passing things: If someone asks you to pass something like the salt, only get it if you are the closest person to it. Never lean (倾斜, 倾倒) across someone else’s food. It’s more polite not to use it yourself first --- pass it directly to the person who asked, and then use it later. It’s best to taste your food before you put salt in it.

Your mouth: 63 It is not polite to talk with your mouth full of food, nor to eat with your mouth open.

How much to eat: It is polite to eat up the food that you have been offered, so a clear plate is a good plate. It shows that you enjoy the food. If you can’t finish everything and you can leave a little, that is okay. You could say something like “That was very nice, thank you.”


How should you sit when you eat in Britain?


What shows that you like the food?







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