阅读短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Ashley was outspoken, fashionable, and the "Queen Bee" in my school.

I looked up to her and idolized her. I listened to the music she listened to, wore the clothes she wore. I even took art class though I had really wanted to take theatre. I finally fitted in ______ group.

One day, I skipped out of my last class a few minutes early to

______ seats for our group at the dining hall. Concentrating on my homework, I didn't notice they had sat down behind me. Before I could say a word, I realized what they were ______.

I listened silently. "She's such a loser," one girl said.

Another girl added, "Ashley, she ______ follows you, trying to copy you."

"I wish she would leave us alone. We were in the same summer school and now she thinks we're best friends." The once familiar voice sounded so ______ and strange.

I was mortified. My hands were shaking. I couldn't help crying ______. I felt heart-broken

for the very first time. How did this happen? I ______ we were friends.

I ran home. My mother just held me while I sobbed for hours. The advice she gave was so ________, and I had heard it a million times. "Just be yourself and people will like you for ________you are. " This time it became so profound. Then and there I ______ to find myself back. That was exactly-what I did.

Over the next month, I went through a lot of ______. I bought new clothes that I wanted to wear. I no longer went to art class ______ them, and took theatre. I began making new friends. I developed my own ______ and never again followed the crowd.

I had an amazing school year. ______ I look back, I think it was the year when I discovered the person I was going to be. Despite the pain I felt that day, it was a ______ they had given me.

1.A.my B.her C.his D.our

2.A.get B.buy C.rent D.move

3.A.thinking about B.talking about C.waiting for D.asking for

4.A.once B.always C.hardly D.never

5.A.serious B.special C.weak D.cold

6.A.sadly B.shyly C.excitedly D.nervously

7.A.found B.admitted C.realized D.thought

8.A.funny B.simple C.useful D.different

9.A.where B.what C.how D.who

10.A.failed B.forgot C.decided D.continued

11.A.pains B.doubts C.changes D.troubles

12.A.with B.about C.against D.without

13.A.skills B.habits C.projects D.opinions

14.A.Before B.Unless C.When D.If

15.A.gift B.choice C.promise D.surprise

One of the best ways to get around in Japan is by train. Keep the following_____in mind and have a great trip.

While you wait for a train, you should____ behind the yellow line that runs down the edge of the platform(站台边缘). The platforms can be narrow, and going over the yellow line can be____for passengers. Nowadays, many Japanese trains have special women-only cars. Men must not ride in these cars. So make sure you_____the signs.

On the train, there are usually special seats for elderly people.____, even if you are not sitting in one of these seats, it's polite to stand up and give your seat to elderly passengers. In the rush hour(交通高峰期), the train can be very crowded,___ don't put your bag on the floor or on the seat next to you. Sit ___your bag under your seat, or on the rack(架子) .

Japanese trains are usually quiet. Passengers seldom speak on the phone so that____won’t cause trouble to other passengers. For the same reason, you shouldn't talk loudly.

And finally, make sure you have a____of the train lines. There are hundreds of stations in Tokyo, and it's easy to get lost! But don’t____too much. If you have any problems, the workers at the train stations will always be happy to help you.

1.A.suggestions B.decisions C.questions

2.A.stand B.hide C.reach

3.A.famous B.dangerous C.various

4.A.look forward to B.pay attention to C.come back to

5.A.Again B.Instead C.However

6.A.So B.Though C.while

7.A.to B.for C.with

8.A.we B.you C.they

9.A.photo B.ticket C.map

10.A.take B.worry C.spend

Once upon a time,there was an island where all the feelings and senses,including Love,Happiness, Sadness and Wisdom lived. One day they were told that the island would sink(下沉),so they all got on boats and left except Love.

Love was the only one that stayed until the last possible moment. Finally, Love decided to ask for help.

Wealth was passing by Love in a beautiful boat. Love said,"Wealth, can you take me with you?"

Wealth answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no room for you."

Love decided to ask Pride, who was also passing by in a beautiful ship. "Pride,please help me!"

"I can't help you, love. You are all wet and might damage(损坏)my boat," Pride answered.

Sadness was close by,so Love asked," Sadness,let me go with you."

"Oh…Love,I'm so sad. How can I take someone else with me?"

Happiness passed by Love too. But she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called out to her.

Suddenly,there was a voice, "Come, Love,I'll take you." It was an elder. Love was so excited that he forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at the river bank(河岸),the elder went his own way. Love was grateful to the elder, so he asked Wisdom,another elder. " Who helped me?"

"It was Time," Wisdom answered.

"Time?" asked Love.

Wisdom smiled and replied,"Only Time can understand how valuable you are."

1.How many times was Love refused by others when asking for help?


2.Why did Time help Love?


3.If you are in trouble and ask your friends for help, will your friends help you? Why or why



People always have communication with each other. In the past when they couldn't write, they used simple symbols to send their messages. Some groups of North American Indians were good at __________messages. For example, a small stone on top of a large one meant "This is the way." If there was another small stone on the right, it meant "Turn right." Some grass with a knot meant "Danger!" and so on.

In forests of Africa, it was __________to travel between villages. But drum could be heard from many kilometers away. So, some groups of Africans made their drums "__________" like people.

The Incas of South America used to send messages by tying knots with ropes. Messages have been found, but __________can understand what they mean. And the Egyptians used pictures as a kind of __________, but only a few people were __________ to understand them.

Today, we also use a lot of symbols. When we are in a car and we see a red light, we stop the car. When a mother says to her child, "Eat your cake!" the child eats the cake. Sometimes the red light and the words of the mother are symbols. And the __________ of course, is that the __________ way of communication between people is sound.

There are more than 3,000 languages in the world today. And about 13 of them are spoken by large groups of people. Languages of the world are both similar and different. They are similar because we can talk and write about the same things. They are different because we talk and write about these things with different __________.

There is no __________that we learn a second language in order to communicate with people who do not speak our language.

1.A.sending B.spreading C.publishing D.giving

2.A.difficult B.easy C.interesting D.boring

3.A.say B.speak C.tell D.whisper

4.A.anybody B.somebody C.everybody D.nobody

5.A.hearing B.thinking C.writing D.reading

6.A.learned B.taught C.made D.told

7.A.matter B.fact C.condition D.situation

8.A.important B.necessary C.basic D.first

9.A.symbols B.signs C.expressions D.words

10.A.doubt B.discussion C.chance D.choice


Today more and more people like travelling. Travelling has been popular with people for a long time. Many of today's travelers are trying to find an unusual experience or adventure. According to a survey done on the Internet among one thousand people who like travelling, 56% of them think hiking is a good choice.

Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking. However, different people have different opinions about hiking.



You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.

Hiking is easy to do and doesn't have to be expensive.

It's awful that some hikers have gone missing or have died.

Hiking is dangerous if hikers don't have any experience.


Here are some tips for successful hiking.

Tell friends or relatives where and when you will be hiking, and when you expect to return.

Carry your water bottle in your hand and drink small amounts (量)often.

Bring sunscreen (防晒霜)and a raincoat on hot summer days.

Try to find a meadow (草地)or clearing (空地)if you are lost, so that people may see you from the air.

1.How many people like hiking according to the survey done on the Internet?

2.Please translate the underlined (画线的)sentence into Chinese.

3.Why do some people dislike hiking? (One reason is OK.)

4.As a hiker, what should you bring on hot summer days?

5.Please translate the underlined sentence into English.

6.Do you want to go hiking? Why or why not?

One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. He came into the room. But people in the room didn’t look at him. They didn’t ask him to sit at the table. He wasn’t happy. But he said nothing.

Mr. Smith went home quickly and put on (穿上) his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat. Mr. Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, “Eat, coat!” The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?” Mr. Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didn’t look at me. You didn’t ask me to sit down.

Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now I see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.”?

1.One day, Mr. Smith went to__________.

A.a birthday party B.a dinner party C.an English party D.a movie

2.When he came into the room, the people didn’t look at him. Why?

A.Because the people didn’t ask him to come.

B.Because Mr. Smith wore old clothes.

C.Because Mr. Smith didn’t say hello to them first.

D.Because it was night, they didn’t see him.?

3.Why did he go home quickly?

A.Because he didn’t want to stay here.

B.Because he went home for his best clothes.

C.Because the people there asked him to leave.

D.Because he didn’t like the food there.?

4.What’s the meaning of “surprised”in Chinese?

A.高兴的 B.不满的 C.感到奇怪的 D.生气的

5.Which statement is right?

A.A person in good clothes should eat good food.

B.A good coat should eat good food.

C.We can’t judge(判断)a man by his clothes.

D.Mr. Smith is stupid(愚蠢的).

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