
—_________ the students _________ their English teacher like watching basketball games.

—They often play basketball together after school, too.

A.Neither, nor B.Both, and C.Either, or D.Not only, but also


Marty would turn eleven in just three days.

Marty's parents wanted to give him a surprise. They talked about the list of gifts one night after Marty went to sleep. Dad said, "I think Marty will just get tired of the basketball, and he doesn't like taking pictures." Mom said, "We just bought him a new bicycle last Christmas."

"I think we should get Marty the telescope," said Dad, "he's so interested in space and the planets."

"Sounds good," said Mom.

Dad stopped by a store the next day after work and picked out a telescope. He waited until Marty was asleep and brought the telescope from his car into the house.

"Wow! This is wonderful," said Marty's mom, "now where are we going to hide it until Sunday?"

"Why not put it in the study? Marty won't find it there."

Sunday morning came. Marty was so excited about his birthday, He ran into the kitchen, but didn't see anything special as usual. "Happy birthday!" said his mom and dad from the next room. Marty looked confused. Dad told Marty to follow him to the study. "This is fantastic!" yelled Marty, "I was hoping for the telescope myself, too. Thanks so much for knowing me so well." "You're welcome," said Mom and Dad. That night, Marty saw many beautiful stars and even the planet Mars.

1.How old is Marty now?

A.Ten. B.Nine. C.Twelve. D.Eleven.

2.What gift did Marty really hope to get for his birthday?

A.A telescope. B.A camera. C.A basketball. D.A bicycle.

3.Where did Marty's parents hide the gift?

A.In the sitting room. B.In his father's car.

C.In the kitchen. D.In the study.

4.The underlined words "picked out" probably mean "

A.gave B.chose C.felt D.entered

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Marty really loved playing basketball.

B.Marty's family were all interested in space.

C.Marty wasn't sure what gift to get before his birthday.

D.Marty got a bicycle from his parents on his last birthday.

阅读短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Ashley was outspoken, fashionable, and the "Queen Bee" in my school.

I looked up to her and idolized her. I listened to the music she listened to, wore the clothes she wore. I even took art class though I had really wanted to take theatre. I finally fitted in ______ group.

One day, I skipped out of my last class a few minutes early to

______ seats for our group at the dining hall. Concentrating on my homework, I didn't notice they had sat down behind me. Before I could say a word, I realized what they were ______.

I listened silently. "She's such a loser," one girl said.

Another girl added, "Ashley, she ______ follows you, trying to copy you."

"I wish she would leave us alone. We were in the same summer school and now she thinks we're best friends." The once familiar voice sounded so ______ and strange.

I was mortified. My hands were shaking. I couldn't help crying ______. I felt heart-broken

for the very first time. How did this happen? I ______ we were friends.

I ran home. My mother just held me while I sobbed for hours. The advice she gave was so ________, and I had heard it a million times. "Just be yourself and people will like you for ________you are. " This time it became so profound. Then and there I ______ to find myself back. That was exactly-what I did.

Over the next month, I went through a lot of ______. I bought new clothes that I wanted to wear. I no longer went to art class ______ them, and took theatre. I began making new friends. I developed my own ______ and never again followed the crowd.

I had an amazing school year. ______ I look back, I think it was the year when I discovered the person I was going to be. Despite the pain I felt that day, it was a ______ they had given me.

1.A.my B.her C.his D.our

2.A.get B.buy C.rent D.move

3.A.thinking about B.talking about C.waiting for D.asking for

4.A.once B.always C.hardly D.never

5.A.serious B.special C.weak D.cold

6.A.sadly B.shyly C.excitedly D.nervously

7.A.found B.admitted C.realized D.thought

8.A.funny B.simple C.useful D.different

9.A.where B.what C.how D.who

10.A.failed B.forgot C.decided D.continued

11.A.pains B.doubts C.changes D.troubles

12.A.with B.about C.against D.without

13.A.skills B.habits C.projects D.opinions

14.A.Before B.Unless C.When D.If

15.A.gift B.choice C.promise D.surprise

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