
    Gina was the keeper of a small hotel. She was always thinking about 1 One day,a businessman arrived. Gina 2 the guest's fat money belt and she thought, “That's mine!” The business 3 the most expensive room and went upstairs, “Please get my dinner ready,” he told Gina.

   “I'll serve him ginger buds. Many people say that eating ginger buds makes a person 4 When he leaves here,he will forget his money! ” Gina thought.

    Soon,the businessman came downstairs. Gina was very 5 as she served him the dish of ginger buds. “Delicious!” said the rich man. When dinner was finished,he went to bed happily 6 a bag of ginger buds.

    The next morning,Gina 7 the businessman off at the front door. As soon as he was out of 8 ,she ran up to his room. She looked all over the room for the money belt,but she couldn’t find 9 Suddenly,she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. It was the businessman's bill. He had forgotten to 10 it! “Yuck!I'm too silly!” cried Gina.

1. A. work   B. time

   C. weather   D. money

2. A. looked at   B. looked for

   C. looked after   D. looked into

3. A. put away   B. put up

   C. asked for   D. asked about

4. A. healthy   B. lonely

   C. beautiful   D. forgetful

5. A. excited   B. sad

   C. angry   D. tired

6. A. on   B. with

   C. in   D. for

7. A. took   B. put

   C. saw   D. jumped

8. A. window   B. door

   C. mind   D. sight

9. A. it   B. him

   C. her   D. them

10. A. bring   B. clean

   C. take   D. pay

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. D


本文讲述了一个害人害己的故事。一个小旅馆的老板 看到客人的钱后便想占为己有,她在听到了人吃了姜芽便会 忘记事情之后,就起了歹心,结果却被客人算计。


1. D由第二段的第二句可知,吉娜很看重钱,她总是想着钱。

2. A由本句中的mine可以判断出,当吉娜看到客人的钱带子,她就惦记上了,故这里是“看”之意。B项表示“寻 找”;C项表示“照顾”;D项表示“向……里看”。

3. C由the most expensive room可知,客人要求住最贵的房

间。A项表示“收起来”;B项表示“举起”;D项表示 “询问……的情况”;C项表示“索要;要求”,故只有C 项最恰当。

4. D由下一句中的forget可知,吉娜认为姜芽会使人健忘。

5. A当吉娜给客人端来姜芽时,她认为她的阴谋快要实现


6. B当客人吃姜芽时,他说“太可口了”,由此可以推测出,他带上了一包姜芽上楼去了。with表示“携带”。

7. C see... off表示“为……送行”。由本段的第二句可知,客人要走了,吉娜将他送出门去。

8. D由上一句和本句的ran up to his room可知,客人在吉娜的眼中消失。

9. A客人走后,吉娜想去找客人的钱带子,故此处用it来代替 money belt。

10. D由下文中的too silly可知,客人忘记了付账单。


[2015 .汕尾改编]完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。

        The weather is closely related (耳关系) to our life. It is all around us all the time. It is an important part of our lives. We cannot control it,but it often controls how and 11 we live,what we do,what we wear and what we eat. Read this passage and learn 12 about the weather.

       What is the weather?

The weather is just the state of the atmosphere 13 any time,such as

temperature,wind,14 ,sun,etc.

        What makes the weather change?

       As we know,not every place on the earth gets the same amount of sunlight. Some places get 15 sunlight. So it's warmer in those places. Some places get little 16 no sunlight in winter. Then those places have colder temperatures. These differences in temperature make the air and water 17 around the earth. The movement helps to take the heat energy from the sun across the earth. So the 18 changes.

        What's the difference between weather and climate?

       Climate is a place's weather over a long time. The weather changes from day to day and 19 from hour to hour. It can be sunny in the morning,cold and wet in the afternoon. But the climate changes very 20 over lots of years.

() 11. A. where   B. which   C. what

() 12. A. anything   B. nothing   C. something

() 13. A. in   B. for   C. at

() 14. A. water   B. rain   C. plant

() 15. A. much   B. more   C. little

() 16. A. and   B. so   C. or

() 17. A. move   B. moves   C. moved

() 18. A. sun   B. earth   C. weather

() 19. A. already   B. almost   C. even

() 20. A. differently   B. slowly   C. carefully

    From an early age,Parker always said that he would be an astronaut. But no matter how much he studied,worked,and took tests,he never passed.

   Year by year,he couldn’t take the successful test. And he was never able to achieve his dream.

   However,Parker went on working hard,and never gave up his dream. He continued training and studying everyday,just like he was studying for the next month's astronaut test.

   He kept on doing it as he got older,and when he was a very old man,he heard that doctors in Space Agency were doing some very important medical (医学 的) experiments (实验) . For those experiments,they needed a very old astronaut. Parker was the only old man in the whole world who was trained to fly in a rocket. He got the chance to fly this time.

   The experiments were very successful. The knowledge from the experiments helped doctors to cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people.

   People all over the world saw the photos of an astronaut with a walking stick and no teeth. They called him a hero. But Parker didn't care about it ,“I am just a real astronaut now. That's enough. ” Parker said to the reporter.

1. What did Parker want to be when he was a child?

   A. A doctor. B. A train driver.

   C. An astronaut. D. An engineer.

2. Why did Space Agency choose Parker?

   A. Because he was old but strong.

   B. Because he had a dream of flying.

   C. Because he was old but was trained to fly.

   D. Because he studied,worked,and took many tests.

3. The underlined word “cure” has the same meaning

” as.

   A. find new food to eat

   B. find a good way to do with

   C. find a nice place to live in

   D. find a new kind of sickness

4. People called him a hero because.

   A. his dream came true

   B. he was the oldest astronaut

   C. he kept on studying and training

   D. he helped do the important medical experiments

5. What does the passage tell us?

   A. We are never too old to learn.

   B. We should keep on with the dream.

   C. We must do sports even if we are old.

   D. We must stop doing something useless.

 B [2015 .宜昌改编]

        Teaching is one of the most rewarding (有回报 的) jobs. It is also one of the most stressful. If you want to be a teacher,you should have a passion (激情) for young people. If you are thinking about going into teaching for any other reason than this,you need to find another job.

       Teaching is difficult. Students can be difficult. Parents can be difficult. If you do not have a passion for the young people that you teach,you will burn out quickly. Passion is what keeps an excellent teacher going. When students have trouble understanding what is taught,it is what drives him to spend long hours trying to think out how to help them. If you do not have enough passion for your students,you might last a year or two,but not long. Passion is a must-have quality (品质) for every good teacher.

       Teaching can be rewarding,but you shouldn’t expect that reward to come easily. Teachers who search out better and new methods are the ones who will make it. A good teacher needs to be able to work with everyone. All teachers face stress. It is important to be able to deal with everything that is thrown at you when you walk through your claSvSroom doors. There are so many chances for stress within a classroom that an excellent teacher has to be able to bring it in control. If you cannot manage stress quite well,then teaching may not be the right job for you.

() 26. According to the passage,if you want to be a teacher,   .

   A. you d better ask the writer for advice

   B. passion is the most important

   C. you will be best rewarded

() 27. A successful teacher is someone who

   A. burns out quickly and easily

   B. faces the most stress and difficult parents

   C. searches out better and new methods

() 28. The key words for the passage are

   A. passion and stress

   B. difficult and rewarding

   C. deal with and be able to

() 29. Most stress is thrown at the teacher

   A. in the classroom

   B. from the parents

   C. in a year or two

() 30. An excellent teacher knows .

   A. how the reward as a teacher will come

   B. how to manage everything that happens in his work

   C. how long his passion for young people will last

 One day,while my friend Jenny and I were traveling through Germany,we were very hungry but we didn't have a lot of money. We decided to stop at a village market to get something to eat. I chose some cookies and went to the front counter (柜台) to pay. Near the counter I saw some packaged (包装好的) cookies in a large box. They looked good and were a lot cheaper than the ones I had in my hand,so I took them instead.

    We left the store and looked for a place where we could eat. We found a quiet place under a tree and we ate our sandwiches first,and then the cookies. We thought they were great.

   “Let's get some cookies again,” I said. “They’re cheap and they really taste good. ”

    Jenny could read some German,but I couldn’t,so I gave her the package. She looked at it and then started to laugh.

    “Why are you laughing?” I asked.

    “Because they’re dog biscuits!” she said.

1. Where did the story take place?

   A. In a small town in Germany.

   B. In a village in Germany.

   C. In a big city in Germany.

   D. In a small village in Paris.

2. Why did the writer buy the packaged cookies?

   A. Because the cookies were delicious.

   B. Because the cookies were very cheap.

   C. Because her friend liked eating cookies.

   D. Because she had no other choices (选择) .

3. Where did they eat their sandwiches and cookies?

   A. In the store.

   B. At home.

   C. In a village's restaurant.

   D. In the open air.

4. Why did Jenny laugh?

   A. Because the brand of the cookies was interesting.

   B. Because the writer didn't know German.

   C. Because she could eat the cookies again.

   D. Because the cookies are for dogs.

5. We can know the ending of the story is .

   A. terrible   B. sad

   C. exciting   D. funny

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