
     These days more and more people read books on iPhones. Do you want to enjoy 1 in the smallest library?

  If you walk on the streets of New York City,you can see the 2 library in the world. It has 3 for just one reader at a time. There are only 40 books in the library. In fact it is not a house 4 a plastic structure. Two architects Marcelo Ertorteguy and Sara Valente 5 such a structure. It looks like an umbrella so that all the books can't be 6 on rainy days. There are also some 7 outside of the structure. The readers can look in 8 they go into the library.

 Since the library was made,a lot of 9 have visited it. The Little Free Library idea came into being three years ago. Now all over the United States,some cities of Europe,Africa and Asia 10 some libraries like this.

The library aims to help people take a rest from the pace of life in the city by relaxing with a good story.

1. A. songs   B. movies

   C. books   D. cartoons

2. A. nicest   B. smallest

   C. biggest   D. dearest

3. A. room   B. time

   C. news   D. information

4. A. for   B. from

   C. but   D. as

5. A. found   B. designed

   C. saw   D. bought

6. A. wet   B. dry

   C. hot   D. cold

7. A. seats   B. boxes

   C. holes   D. tickets

8. A. when   B. before

   C. after   D. until

9. A. readers   B. dancers

   C. policemen   D. cooks

10. A. sell   B. take

   C. borrow   D. have

1. C由本句中的library可知,此处指的是“书籍”,

2. B由第一段的最后一句可知,在纽约的大街上你可以看


3. A由本句中的one reader at a time可知,这个图书馆有每


4. C not. . . but. ..表示“不是 而是 ”。由句意可知,


5. B Marcelo Ertorteguy 和 Sara Valente 是两名建筑师,由此


6. A由like an umbrella和on rainy days可知,这种图书馆里


7. C下一句中的look in表示“向里看”,由此可知,读者可


8. B对比look in和go into的前后顺序可知,对于这种小型

的图书馆,读者会先在外面看看里面是否有可看的书, 然后再决定是否进去,故此处应当是“在……之前”最 恰当。

9. A对于图书馆来说,此处填入“读者”最符合逻辑。

10. D由上一句可知,现在美国、欧洲、非洲及亚洲的一些城



It looks like an umbrella so that all the books in it can't be wet cm rainy days.它看起来像一把伞,这样里面的书不会在 雨天淋湿。

本句是一个含有状语从句的复合句,so that all the books. days是一个表示目的的状语从句。


     Raven was walking along the beach in Haida Gwai. He wanted to find a way to have fun. As he walked along the beach,the blue sea in front of him and the green forest behind him didn't seem interesting. Raven wanted to play,but there was no one to play with.

     Then he heard a strange sound. He looked up and down the beach. Where was it coming from? As he walked he noticed a small white clamshell in the sand. Inside the clamshell was a small animal.

    Raven got a closer look. It was very different from Raven. It had no feathers,no wings,and no beak. Raven thought it was very interesting and said, “Are you in trouble? Do you want to come out? Now let me help you out. ” “No,I don't want to go out. It's dangerous. If you help me out,you may eat me”’ said the animal.

    “I won’t hurt you. I'm only feeling bored. Could you be my friend?”

     “OK,I'm bored here,too. I'm coming”’ said the animal.

1. From the first paragraph we can infer that .

   A. Raven was interested in the forest

   B. Raven liked to stay alone

   C. no one liked to play with Raven

   D. Raven felt very bored

2. Raven looked up and down the beach .

   A. to find where the sound came from

   B. to find something to eat

   C. to find a good place to play

   D. to find his parents

3. Maybe Raven was .

   A. also a clamshell   B. a fish   C. a bird   D. a boy

4. The small animal didn't want to go out because

   A. it was very cold there

   B. she thought it was dangerous outside

   C. she heard a strange sound outside

   D. she hated the green forest

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. Raven saw a small animal while he was flying.

   B. Raven liked the beach very much.

   C. Staying inside the clamshell made the small animal happy.

   D. Raven solved his problem at las

    Gina was the keeper of a small hotel. She was always thinking about 1 One day,a businessman arrived. Gina 2 the guest's fat money belt and she thought, “That's mine!” The business 3 the most expensive room and went upstairs, “Please get my dinner ready,” he told Gina.

   “I'll serve him ginger buds. Many people say that eating ginger buds makes a person 4 When he leaves here,he will forget his money! ” Gina thought.

    Soon,the businessman came downstairs. Gina was very 5 as she served him the dish of ginger buds. “Delicious!” said the rich man. When dinner was finished,he went to bed happily 6 a bag of ginger buds.

    The next morning,Gina 7 the businessman off at the front door. As soon as he was out of 8 ,she ran up to his room. She looked all over the room for the money belt,but she couldn’t find 9 Suddenly,she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. It was the businessman's bill. He had forgotten to 10 it! “Yuck!I'm too silly!” cried Gina.

1. A. work   B. time

   C. weather   D. money

2. A. looked at   B. looked for

   C. looked after   D. looked into

3. A. put away   B. put up

   C. asked for   D. asked about

4. A. healthy   B. lonely

   C. beautiful   D. forgetful

5. A. excited   B. sad

   C. angry   D. tired

6. A. on   B. with

   C. in   D. for

7. A. took   B. put

   C. saw   D. jumped

8. A. window   B. door

   C. mind   D. sight

9. A. it   B. him

   C. her   D. them

10. A. bring   B. clean

   C. take   D. pay

   Last autumn my parents were studying in Canada,and brought me over with them.

It was soon my birthday.

   Then came Halloween. Once I asked Mum why there was Halloween. She told me a lot about ghosts (鬼) .

   “ Sweets are like good words for the dead ,” Mum told me. “The more,the better. They can help the dead go to a better place. ”

   On the day before Halloween,Mum bought me witches’(女巫) clothes. They were black,with a hat.

   The next day,at about 6:30 pm,I went out with my parents. It was dark. Many people got together around a house. They were asking for sweets. Lots of children were dressed in different clothes. I pushed in and stretched (伸) out my hand. I got some.

   “Wow!There's nothing hard about this ,” I thought.

Some kids left the house and started to ask for sweets door to door. I decided to go with them. I wanted more. I was a little afraid at first. But the people at each house were very kind. They gave me lots of sweets.

   When I went home that day,I found that my sweets could fill a whole big box!

  “The sweets could last through the year! ” I thought,and they did.

1. My parents lived in Canada for last year.

   A. studying   B. making money

   C. a tour   D. a visit to me

2. My mother bought me witches’ clothes for .

   A. my birthday   B. Halloween

   C. family party   D. my new semester (学期)

3. I asked for sweets door to door .

   A. on the morning of my birthday

   B. on the evening before Halloween

   C. on the morning of Halloween

   D. on the evening of Halloween

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. I went over to Canada with my parents last autumn.

   B. On Halloween,the more sweets you get,the better it is.

   C. It was not easy for me to ask for sweets door to door.

   D. People were very kind when I asked for sweets.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. Life in Canada

   B. An Unforgettable Halloween

   C. My Special Birthday

   D. My Visit to Canada

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