
 B [2015 .宜昌改编]

        Teaching is one of the most rewarding (有回报 的) jobs. It is also one of the most stressful. If you want to be a teacher,you should have a passion (激情) for young people. If you are thinking about going into teaching for any other reason than this,you need to find another job.

       Teaching is difficult. Students can be difficult. Parents can be difficult. If you do not have a passion for the young people that you teach,you will burn out quickly. Passion is what keeps an excellent teacher going. When students have trouble understanding what is taught,it is what drives him to spend long hours trying to think out how to help them. If you do not have enough passion for your students,you might last a year or two,but not long. Passion is a must-have quality (品质) for every good teacher.

       Teaching can be rewarding,but you shouldn’t expect that reward to come easily. Teachers who search out better and new methods are the ones who will make it. A good teacher needs to be able to work with everyone. All teachers face stress. It is important to be able to deal with everything that is thrown at you when you walk through your claSvSroom doors. There are so many chances for stress within a classroom that an excellent teacher has to be able to bring it in control. If you cannot manage stress quite well,then teaching may not be the right job for you.

() 26. According to the passage,if you want to be a teacher,   .

   A. you d better ask the writer for advice

   B. passion is the most important

   C. you will be best rewarded

() 27. A successful teacher is someone who

   A. burns out quickly and easily

   B. faces the most stress and difficult parents

   C. searches out better and new methods

() 28. The key words for the passage are

   A. passion and stress

   B. difficult and rewarding

   C. deal with and be able to

() 29. Most stress is thrown at the teacher

   A. in the classroom

   B. from the parents

   C. in a year or two

() 30. An excellent teacher knows .

   A. how the reward as a teacher will come

   B. how to manage everything that happens in his work

   C. how long his passion for young people will last

26. B 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. B


B [2015 .孝感改编]

Report Card 

     Name: James Smith Time: January 24th, 2015 

     Subjects Grades Comments (评语) 

     English B + : Your reading and writing are good. But you have a strong accent (口音) ,so you are not good at speaking. And you do not put much effort into this subject. If you work hard,you can get a better grade in this subject.

     Physics A+ : You are good at this subject. You are hard-working. I am glad that you do best in this subject.

     Math C: You like this subject. But you are not good at this wSubject because you are a little lazy. It is disappointing. You can do better if you try your best.

     Music B: It is a happy thing to hear you play the piano. You are crazy about music. Although you like this subject best,your accent has a bad influence on your singing.

() 26. James got the best grade in .

   A. English   B. physics

   C. math

() 27. The underlined word “effort” means“ ” in Chinese.

   A. 分值   B. 计划

   C. 努力

() 28. Why did NOT James get the best grade in music?

   A. He was a little lazy.

   B. He had a strong accent.

   C. He didn't play the piano well.

() 29. Which of the following is TRUE according to thiwS passage?

   A. James studies hard in physics.

   B. James doesn’t like math.

   C. James’ speaking is good.

() 30. From this passage,we know that .

   A. James is a bad student

   B. all the teachers are happy with James

   C. studying hard can make one get good grades


A [2015 •漳州改编]

        Family traditions are special habits or customs that your family have. For example,in the family of Bill Gates,his parents keep the tradition of reading with children. And what's the tradition in your family?

★ Nick,15, England On every family member's birthday,we

give him or her a surprise. Last Sunday,it was my mother's birthday. And I knew that she wanted to see a film. So I bought a ticket without telling her first. This made her really happy.

★ Jack,15  Cuba Every weekend,my parents and I go to

my grandparents’ home. My grandparents cook many delicious foods. I meet all my cousins. We talk about interesting things at school. Sometimes? my parents also join us to play games.

★ Yu Xin,14. China

During every summer or winter holiday,

we have a family trip across the country. I'm always the one who chooses where to go. We have visited Qingdao,Xiamen and Beijing. I enjoy the trips.

() 21. The family of Bill Gates keeps the tradition of with children.

   A. playing   B. reading

   C. singing

() 22. bought a film ticket for his mother.

   A. Bill   B. Jack

   C. Nick

() 23. Sometimes,Jack's parents

when the family get together.

   A. cook food

   B. talk about interesting things

   C. play games with the children

() 24. Yu Xin has visited some places EXCEPT .

   A. Xiamen   B. Hangzhou

   C. Beijing

() 25. The three children are talking about their .

   A. school life

   B. birthday parties

   C. family traditions

   In 1989 an 8. 2 earthquake happened in America. It killed over 30 ,000 people in less than four minutes.

   A father left his wife safely at home and ran to his son's school. When he got there,he found the building was as flat as a pancake. He felt so sad but soon he remembered the words to his son ,“No matter what happens,I'll always be there for you!” And tears began to fill his eyes.

    As he looked at the ruins,he seemed to find where his son was.

  He began to dig. Very soon,other helpless parents arrived,crying ,My son!”“ My daughter! ”

   “It's too late!They’re all dead!You can't help!” someone told the father. “Are you going to help me now?” The father went on digging for his son,stone by stone.

    He dug for 38 hours and heard his son's voice. He called his son's name ,“Amanda!” The boy shouted back ,“Dad!I'm here. I told my classmates that if you were alive,you are sure to come to save us. No matter what happens,I know you’ll always be there for me!You did it,Dad!”

1. The father ran to his son's school because .

   A. his son had a fight

   B. a teacher called him to come to school

   C. his son was in danger

   D. his son was ill in the office

2. When the father got to the school he found .

   A. some students were crying

   B. the students were taking a lesson about earthquakes

   C. the teachers were looking for the students

   D. the school became ruins

3. What were other parents doing when the father was digging?

   A. They were helping the father.

   B. They were doing nothing helpful.

   C. They were calling the police.

   D. They were looking for their children.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. The father gave up looking for his son at last.

   B. It didn't take the father too much time to find his son.

   C. All the students were lucky to leave the building in time.

   D. The son believed his father was sure to come.

5. What's the purpose of the author writing this passage?

   A. To tell us not to give up.

   B. To tell us not to be afraid of earthquakes.

   C. To tell us father's love is great.

   D. To tell us we should help each other.

    Gina was the keeper of a small hotel. She was always thinking about 1 One day,a businessman arrived. Gina 2 the guest's fat money belt and she thought, “That's mine!” The business 3 the most expensive room and went upstairs, “Please get my dinner ready,” he told Gina.

   “I'll serve him ginger buds. Many people say that eating ginger buds makes a person 4 When he leaves here,he will forget his money! ” Gina thought.

    Soon,the businessman came downstairs. Gina was very 5 as she served him the dish of ginger buds. “Delicious!” said the rich man. When dinner was finished,he went to bed happily 6 a bag of ginger buds.

    The next morning,Gina 7 the businessman off at the front door. As soon as he was out of 8 ,she ran up to his room. She looked all over the room for the money belt,but she couldn’t find 9 Suddenly,she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. It was the businessman's bill. He had forgotten to 10 it! “Yuck!I'm too silly!” cried Gina.

1. A. work   B. time

   C. weather   D. money

2. A. looked at   B. looked for

   C. looked after   D. looked into

3. A. put away   B. put up

   C. asked for   D. asked about

4. A. healthy   B. lonely

   C. beautiful   D. forgetful

5. A. excited   B. sad

   C. angry   D. tired

6. A. on   B. with

   C. in   D. for

7. A. took   B. put

   C. saw   D. jumped

8. A. window   B. door

   C. mind   D. sight

9. A. it   B. him

   C. her   D. them

10. A. bring   B. clean

   C. take   D. pay

   A man made a nice talking machine. It could weigh people's weight. The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of machines.

    He put the machine into the waiting room of a station. There were always lots of people in and out.

The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman. She stood on the machine. The machine thought for a few seconds to decide which language to speak. 44Good morning,Madam. ” It said in Indian. uYour weight is 72 kilograms. That's three kilograms more. If you eat more fruit and vegetables,you will be soon all right. Please have a nice day. ”

   The second one to use the machine was a Chinese girl. She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight. “Good morning,Miss. ”The machine said in Chinese. “Your weight is 45 kilograms. It's all right for your age. Keep eating what you eat every day. Please have a nice day. ”

    The third one to use the machine was a very fat American woman. She thought for a long time to stand on the machine. The machine spoke quickly in English, “Good morning. Will one of you get off?”

1. The machine in this passage could .

   A. weigh and talk to people

   B. tell people what they should eat

   C. speak all kinds of languages

   D. make people laugh

2. According to the machine,if the Indian woman weighs,she will be all right.

   A. 72 kilograms   B. 69 kilograms

   C. 75 kilograms   D. 45 kilograms

3. The machine said to a Chinese girl that she .

   A. should eat more

   B. should eat less

   C. had to eat more fruit

   D. kept herself healthy

4. How was the American woman?

   A. She was healthy.

   B. She liked thinking.

   C. She was too heavy.

   D. The machine didn't like her.

     Young people and older people don't always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living,working and playing. But in one special programme in New York State,adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.

    Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not only to keep busy but also to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and build houses. The adults teach them these skills.

There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free,too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photo-taking or painting. Others sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.

    When people live together,rules are necessary. In this programme the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule,the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask,uWhy did it happen? What should we do about it?”

   One of the teenagers says about his experience,uYou stop thinking only about yourself. You learn to think about the group. ”

1. In the special programme in New York State,young and older people .

   A. don't work well together

   B. live together and are friendly to one another

   C. teach one another new ways of building houses

   D. spend eight weeks together,working as farmers

2. All the members work some time every day mainly to .

   A. have a busy life

   B. learn new skills of farming

   C. make more money

   D. find meaning and enjoyment in work

3. Living together, .

   A. the teenagers don't have to obey (遵守) the rules

   B. the teenagers have to obey the rules the adults make

   C. the members have no free time on weekends

   D. the members are not allowed (允许) to break the rules they make together

4. The last paragraph shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the programme is .

   A. unpleasant   B. tiring

   C. helpful      D. boring

5. The best title for the passage is .

   A. Life of Living Together

   B. Life in New York State

   C. Teenagers in the Special Group

   D. Free Hours in the Special Work Group

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